Chapter 1 - Chapter One
Submitted December 9, 2005 Updated December 9, 2005 Status Incomplete | Winry's a bounty hunter, Riza and Izumi are her teachers/bounty hunters and the Elric Brothers just held a convention that was temp. stopped. Will Winry be able to save the brothers from danger or will they all be blown to bits while inside the buil
Anime/Manga » Fullmetal Alchemist |
Chapter 1 - Chapter One
Chapter 1 - Chapter One
Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist
Bounty Hunter FMA style
Chapter One
Three members of the legendary bounty hunting squad are on Winry Rockbell's airship, The Twilight. It is May 29, a day before Winry's birthday, and she is laying down on her king sized bed, still asleep. The light blue sheets cover her whole body, except for a little hole near her head for an airway. She fell asleep the night before in her blue jump suit and black tank top. On her wrist was a black and green watch; and the alarm on the watch was going off. However, no sound was heard, all the alarm was, was pressure against her pulse, telling her that it was time to get up.
“Stop it watch…I'm going to get up…eventually,” Winry muttered to herself, half laughing because of her talking to an inanimate object. She tried to take the watch off with right hand, so she could sleep longer, but with no avail. Winry screamed in pain as the watch shot needles into her wrist, piecing the skin, and drawing blood. “I forgot Izumi installed the latest version of these Techno watches,” Winry pouted.
“Ah, Winry, finally up, eh? Took you long enough, but as soon as I heard the screams, I knew you'd be up,” chuckled Riza Hawkeye. She went to the blonde teenager and reprogrammed the watch so she could take it off for now.
“Why do you and Izumi have to be so mean to me all the time and pull these terrible antics like this?!” Winry asked, half enraged, half laughing at what new tricks the two older women did to her.
“`Cuz I find you amusing when we do things like that,” Izumi announced as she walked into Winry's small room. The black haired woman, about the age of twenty-two walks beside the enraged teenager.
Winry turns away from Izumi, facing the window in her room, her arms crossed. “Well, I won't help you with any more upcoming bounties. I'll just take it all in for me!”
“Well…I guess you won't be getting the pictures of the Elric brothers from the convention I went to last Saturday,” Izumi sighed. She knew that Winry loved the Elrics more than anything in the world, even more than mechanics and bounty hunting.
Winry's head whipped around as fast as it could to see if Izumi was just tricking her, or actually meaning it…this time. As soon as her eyes spotted the pictures of the two brothers, she instantly jumped off her bed and almost fell on top of Izumi just to get those pictures. “Gemme `em! Gemme `em damnit!”
“Oh, not until I hear you say a little something….” Izumi said, while teasing Winry by putting the pictures in front of her, and then snatching them away. Izumi continues the process until Winry finally lets out a surrender and not any more “gemmes”.
While trying to get a hold of the pictures, Winry exclaimed, “Fine, I'll give you some of the bounty!” At that, Izumi instantly gave Winry the pictures she desired so much. “Thanks,” she smiled.
“I'm going to check to see if there are anymore bounties up yet, or if Professor Bradley already found something,” Riza announced, ignoring the silly games the other two were playing. The twenty-year old really thought of the two other girl's ruckus hilarious, but at the moment, she knew she had to keep calm….she knew far too well.
“He already said that there's one out there, but it's far away from here, and the bounty's not really good. About a few hundred, I believe,” Izumi declared, nervously smiling. “I thought you should know before you blow a fuse.”
“I told you earlier, it didn't matter how far away they were, just as long as we get the damn bounty! We're poor! We need the money!” Riza yelled, her eyes flaming with rage.
Izumi retreats over to the couch and plops down. “As long as we have enough to feed us and have enough money for supplies and stuff for our ship, then it'll be fine, don't worry.”
“Well, where'd you get all that money for that convention you went to and got those pictures for Hakura?” Riza asked, suspension rising. She went over to Izumi to get a direct answer, instead of her eyes wondering around the room, looking elsewhere.
“It's called getting a bounty on the way to the convention. I had three hours, so I wasn't going to waste my time. Might as well get some money while I'm waiting,” Izumi shouted, looking straight into Riza's eyes, trying not to spoil the secret they were keeping from Winry.
All Riza could do is blankly stare at the brunette. “Never mind her, Riza. But I'm glad she went. Izumi even got some food too, so I'm happy,” Winry stated, trying to ease the situation down.
“Is that all you think about, Winry? Food?” Riza asked, turning to face the younger girl in disgust.
“Well, besides tools, oil, the sounds of machines and automail, the Elric brothers, and all my bounties, ya,” Winry stated,
“I'm leaving this room! I'm tired of both ya'll! If there's a bounty out there, I'll just go through with it myself!” Riza shouted as she left the room.
“Well, I'll try and knock some sense into that girl. You can just stay here and wait a bit, I'm sure it won't take too long. But if I were you, I'd just take a shower or get ready, `cuz I know there will most likely be an alert for a bounty pretty soon; I can feel it,” Izumi told Winry before she left the room.
(Btw, this story is based off one I had already made, but it was for English class, so, ya know, I made a few changes here and there, but the original is probably going to be posted on my xanga, since all my friends read my stories on there{and most of them don't read manga or watch anime, so they're fine with the original characters^_^}. The three main girl characters were me{Hakura} and my friends, Rei and Amaki originally, but it seems that most people enjoy anime/manga based fan fictions instead of original characters, I changed it for ya'lls' benefit. Hope you enjoy! I'll try to update it as soon as I can! Oh, and if anyone knows Winry's real birthday, let me know, so I can change it!)
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Cowboy-Take-Me-Away on May 5, 2006, 11:36:58 PM