Chapter 0 - Characters
Submitted October 6, 2007 Updated August 28, 2009 Status Incomplete | This story is based on a Spyro dream I had with my main OC, Sandy the princess dragon! I renamed the story btw! I had to change it to this title, it sounded cooler! XD
Games » - by Genre » - Action (Platforming) games » Spyro the Dragon » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 0 - Characters
Chapter 0 - Characters
These are the characters in the story! Hope you like them! =D
The Raging Dragons Swim Team
Dragon Leader: Zexas- A huge silver dragon with blue and purple spines and huge purple wings.
Dragonfly Leader: Sparx-A male gold dragonfly with blue eyes. He is Spyro's dragonfly and also his brother. He has a crush on Gem.
The Dragons
Spryo-The little purple dragon who saved the world hundreds of times! His best friend is Sparx and he has loads of other friends too! He has a crush on Cynder and Erin. He is a small purple dragon with a yellow underbelly and spines and horns and red wings and purple eyes.
Cheese n' Onion-A huge male blue dragon that stands on bis hind legs all the time. He has sky blue spines and under belly and a teal tail tip. He has navy blue eyes. He has a crush on Cynder.
Cynder-A female black dragon with white spikes on her head and huge red wings. She has a small crush on Spyro and Cheese n' Onion.
Lilly Whitechapel-A female multicoloured dragon that can use magic. The oldest sister of the Whitechapel family.
Lucy Whitechapel-A female pink dragon with red wings, horns and spines. She has brilliant running skills. The second oldest of the Whitechapel family.
Lillandra Whitechapel-A female yellow dragon that stands on her hind legs all the time and she has purple wings, horns and spines. She trains in crash landing. The youngest of the Whitechapel family.
Jeri-A small female green dragon with pink eyes and small pink wings.Marcus-A large male orange dragon with red and black spines, wings and under belly.
Roland-A small male blue dragon with green and red wings and purple spines and tail tip. He is normally grumpy.
The Dragonflies
Margrette-A female purple dragonfly with pink wings and antenna. She is Cheese n' Onions dragonfly.
Sky-A sky blue dragonfly. She is Cynder's dragonfly.
Larry-A male red dragonfly with purple antenne and belly. He was Cheese n' Onions replacement when Margrette broke her wing and then when she recovered he got given to Ember! He is Fire's brother.
Fire-A male red dragonfly with orange antenna and a yellow belly. He is Flame's dragonfly and Larry's brother.
Rainbow-A female multicoloured dragonfly that can use magic. Lilly Whitechapel's dragonfly.
Pinky Dinky Doo-A female purple dragonfly with pink hair and a pink belly and antenna. Lucy Whitechapel's dragonfly.
Crash-A male orange dragonfly with red antenna and a green belly. Lillandra Whitechapel's dragonfly.
Jax-A male yellow dragonfly with blue and green spots and red antenna. Jeri's dragonfly.
Flora-A female lilac dragonfly with flowers on the end of her antenna. Marcus' dragonfly.
Marty-A grumpy male grey dragonfly. Roland's dragonfly.
Max-A small male green dragon with lighter green wings.
Rajita-A small female pink dragon with a long snout and mustard coloured wings and spines and tail tip.
Neon-A male dragonfly that glows a bright red neon colour in the dark and is normally just red.Sally-A small female mint green dragonfly.
The Molten Crater Swim Team
Dragon Leader: Zambi- A huge red dragon with light red eyes and wings and spines
Dragonfly Leader: Gem-A female pink dragonfly with sky blue cuffs. She is Lavender's dragonfly.
The Dragons
Alex-A huge male red dragon with a flame coloured belly and spines.
Ajax-A huge male red dragon with blue spines and black wings and tail tip.
Roman-A huge male red dragon with yellow eyes and wings.
Lavender-A small female pink dragon with huge yellow horns and green spines and tail tip. She also has huge grey wings.
Zion-A small male red dragon with a very short tail with yellow dots on it. He also has huge gold wings
Samber-A giant female pink dragon with orange wings, spines and tailtip and icy blue eyes.
Maria-A tiny pink dragon with small yellow wings and white horns and spines.
Lop-A small female pink dragon with horns that lop down and big green wings.
Jet-A giant male red dragon with green feathers on his head and green wings, spines and tail tip.
Starling-A huge female pink dragon with purple wings, horns and tail tip.
Kat-A small female pink dragon with black and white wings and horns. The Dragonflies
Milo-A male red dragonfly with huge gold wings and green antenna. He is Alex's dragonfly
Sketch-A small male red dragonfly with purple cuffs and antenna. He is Ajax's dragonfly
Mac-A male red dragonfly with brown hair and white cuffs. He is Roman's dragonfly
Jerald-A male red dragonfly with yellow antenna and pink belly. He is Zion's dragonfly.
Skippy-A female pink dragonfly with sky blue antenna and green wings. She is Samber's dragonfly.
Sha-A huge male red dragonfly with green eyes. He is Maria's dragonfly.
Candi-A small female pink dragonfly with magenta antenna and a light pink belly. She is Lop's dragonfly.
Lucky-A small female pink dragonfly with a black patch over her right eye. She is Jet's dragonfly.
Treeby-A male red dragonfly with huge grey wings and mouse ears. He is Starling's dragonfly.
Coral-A small female pink dragonfly with blue patches all over her. She is Kat's dragonfly.
Roary-A male red dragon with a lions mane and red wings.
King Ramond-A huge male green dragon with sabre teeth and huge wings with stripes going down his back. He is the king of the dragon realms and also an alder and the guardian of magic.
Elder Thomas-An anthro cheery blue dragon that is quite old. He is the guardian of the Horn Dive ability.
Elder Magnus-An anthro red dragon with a high pitched voice and he says darling all the time. He is the guardian of the Pole Spin ability.
Elder Titan-An anthro yellow dragon that is almost deaf and the guardian on the Wing Shield ability.
Elder Astor-An anthro green dragon that barely listens to anyone. He is the guardian of the Wall Kick ability.
Elder Ignitus-A huge red dragon who sent Spyro to the dragonfly family when he was just an egg. He is the guardian of fire.
Elder Volteer-A huge yellow dragon who loves the sound of his own voice. He is the electricity guardian.
Elder Cyril-A huge blue dragon that doesn't appreciate anything and is never satisfied. He is the guardian of ice.
Elder Terrador-A huge green dragon with horns that curv down. He is the guardian of earth.
Other Dragons and Dragonflies
Princess Sandy-A female lilac dragon with teal and blue wings and spines and a silver cobra pendant on and small sabre teeth. She is King Ramond's daughter. She has a crush on Grant.
Saffron-A female light pink and yellow dragonfly and she is Sandy's dragonfly. She has a crush on Sparx and later get's one on Storm.
Erin-Sandy's best friend. A female teal dragon with sky blue and green wings, spines, spots and tail tip and a silver under belly and horns. She also has an aqua drop pendant and an aqua drop jewel on her head and a silver moon marking on her front left leg.
Magna-A seriouse female blood red dragonfly. She is Erin's dragonfly.
Nikky-A real ladies man and Erin's younger brother. A male blue dragon with teal and black spines, wings and spots and a grey under belly and horns. He also has a red jewel on his head.
Manx-A male mint green and teal dragonfly that has a huge crush on Magna. He is Nikky's dragonfly and a real goof ball.
Grant-A male grey dragon with purple and black spines and tail tip and red under belly, wings and eyelids. His wings are also purple and he has a skull on his front left leg and a skull pendant and white spikes on the side of his face. He is Nikky's best friend and he has a crush on Sandy.
Storm-A male navy blue dragonfly that is a bit of a goof but will always stick by his friends sides. He is Grant's dragonfly and has a crush on Saffron.
Scorch-A male red dragon with a brown belly, tail tip, horns, wing tops and spines and grey under wings and small fangs. He also has black fire marks on his legs and above his belly and on the side of his face and his horns go down. He has a crush on Elz and Snowbelle
Firelight-A male red and black dragonfly with gold eyes and wings. He is Scorch's dragonfly.
Elz-A female sky blue dragon with blue eyes anddarker blue wing tops and grey horns and spines with a blue and black streak going down her head. She also has an aqua drop pendant like Erin's.
Aarow-A male red and black dragonfly. He is Elz's dragonfly.
Ember-A small pink dragon with pink wings and a yellow under belly and horns. She also has a heart pendant and tailtip. She has a crush on Spyro.
Flame-A small red dragon with yellow wings and horns and underbelly and an unusually long snout. He has a crush on Ember and Pepper.
Sizzle-A light and dark blue female ice dragon with a purple stomach and wings, icicles on her legs, white and silver horns and spines and a red gem around her neck.
Crackle-Sizzle's temporary dragonfly just for the Dragon And Dragonfly Swim Dojo and to keep his health up for the adventure. He is also an understudy for The Raging Dragons' swim team! He's a red and blue male dragonfly with blue cuffs and green and darker red horns.
L-An orange male dragon with blue and brown wings, green spines and horns and green and brown eyes. He has a crush on Snowbelle but later, get's one on Saphy.
Alphonse-L's dragonfly. A grey dragonfly with gold wings.
Snowbelle-An ice blue female dragon with white wings, tail tip and horns and a bell around her neck. She has a crush on Scorch.
Starflare-Snowbelle's dragonfly. A blue dragonfly with red antenna, belly, tail and shoulders, red boes on her antennas, gold bangles and gold wings.
Saphy-A female dragon with blue scales, silver underbelly, wing membranes, horns and claws and horns on her head and back and a spear shaped tail tip. She has a crush on L.
Husky-Saphy's dragonfly. An aquamarine female dragonfly.
Pepper-A white female dragon with pink and orange spines, orange horns and a lightning pendant and marking on her thigh. She has a crush on Flame.
Logan-Pepper's dragonfly. A slightly emo purple and lilac male dragonfly with green eyes.
Fergie-A dark green female punk, diva and crybaby dragon with red and black spines, a skull over her eye, red spots on her thigh and cheek and a moon pendant and a moon mark on her other thigh. She is Erin and Nikky's cousin.
Cotton-Fergie's dragonfly. A shy female light pink dragonfly with gold eyes. She is Magna's little sister.
Well, these are all of the characters! Hope you like them! Spyro and Sparx belong to Insomniac/Sierra and Ember, Flame and Cynder belong to Sierra. All of the dragon elders belong to Sierra except for King Ramond who is my OC! Erin, Magna, Nikky and Manx are Aquaberry15's OC's and Grant and Storm are her friend, Aaron's OC's! Scorch and Firelight are Jordanthehedgehog's OC's and Elz and Aarow are PunkWolfGirl's OC's! Sizzle is Sharp-Fang's OC! Lucy is xxcuteecheeksxx's OC, Lilly is my friend Rebecca's OC and Lillandra is my friend Clio's OC! L is Boykingkilla's OC! Snowbelle and Starflare are Angel_Of_Aquas' OC's and Pepper and Logan are TytheBat9's OC's. Fergie and Cotton are Picklepelt16's OC's and the rest are all my OC's XD
The Raging Dragons Swim Team
Dragon Leader: Zexas- A huge silver dragon with blue and purple spines and huge purple wings.
Dragonfly Leader: Sparx-A male gold dragonfly with blue eyes. He is Spyro's dragonfly and also his brother. He has a crush on Gem.
The Dragons
Spryo-The little purple dragon who saved the world hundreds of times! His best friend is Sparx and he has loads of other friends too! He has a crush on Cynder and Erin. He is a small purple dragon with a yellow underbelly and spines and horns and red wings and purple eyes.
Cheese n' Onion-A huge male blue dragon that stands on bis hind legs all the time. He has sky blue spines and under belly and a teal tail tip. He has navy blue eyes. He has a crush on Cynder.
Cynder-A female black dragon with white spikes on her head and huge red wings. She has a small crush on Spyro and Cheese n' Onion.
Lilly Whitechapel-A female multicoloured dragon that can use magic. The oldest sister of the Whitechapel family.
Lucy Whitechapel-A female pink dragon with red wings, horns and spines. She has brilliant running skills. The second oldest of the Whitechapel family.
Lillandra Whitechapel-A female yellow dragon that stands on her hind legs all the time and she has purple wings, horns and spines. She trains in crash landing. The youngest of the Whitechapel family.
Jeri-A small female green dragon with pink eyes and small pink wings.Marcus-A large male orange dragon with red and black spines, wings and under belly.
Roland-A small male blue dragon with green and red wings and purple spines and tail tip. He is normally grumpy.
The Dragonflies
Margrette-A female purple dragonfly with pink wings and antenna. She is Cheese n' Onions dragonfly.
Sky-A sky blue dragonfly. She is Cynder's dragonfly.
Larry-A male red dragonfly with purple antenne and belly. He was Cheese n' Onions replacement when Margrette broke her wing and then when she recovered he got given to Ember! He is Fire's brother.
Fire-A male red dragonfly with orange antenna and a yellow belly. He is Flame's dragonfly and Larry's brother.
Rainbow-A female multicoloured dragonfly that can use magic. Lilly Whitechapel's dragonfly.
Pinky Dinky Doo-A female purple dragonfly with pink hair and a pink belly and antenna. Lucy Whitechapel's dragonfly.
Crash-A male orange dragonfly with red antenna and a green belly. Lillandra Whitechapel's dragonfly.
Jax-A male yellow dragonfly with blue and green spots and red antenna. Jeri's dragonfly.
Flora-A female lilac dragonfly with flowers on the end of her antenna. Marcus' dragonfly.
Marty-A grumpy male grey dragonfly. Roland's dragonfly.
Max-A small male green dragon with lighter green wings.
Rajita-A small female pink dragon with a long snout and mustard coloured wings and spines and tail tip.
Neon-A male dragonfly that glows a bright red neon colour in the dark and is normally just red.Sally-A small female mint green dragonfly.
The Molten Crater Swim Team
Dragon Leader: Zambi- A huge red dragon with light red eyes and wings and spines
Dragonfly Leader: Gem-A female pink dragonfly with sky blue cuffs. She is Lavender's dragonfly.
The Dragons
Alex-A huge male red dragon with a flame coloured belly and spines.
Ajax-A huge male red dragon with blue spines and black wings and tail tip.
Roman-A huge male red dragon with yellow eyes and wings.
Lavender-A small female pink dragon with huge yellow horns and green spines and tail tip. She also has huge grey wings.
Zion-A small male red dragon with a very short tail with yellow dots on it. He also has huge gold wings
Samber-A giant female pink dragon with orange wings, spines and tailtip and icy blue eyes.
Maria-A tiny pink dragon with small yellow wings and white horns and spines.
Lop-A small female pink dragon with horns that lop down and big green wings.
Jet-A giant male red dragon with green feathers on his head and green wings, spines and tail tip.
Starling-A huge female pink dragon with purple wings, horns and tail tip.
Kat-A small female pink dragon with black and white wings and horns. The Dragonflies
Milo-A male red dragonfly with huge gold wings and green antenna. He is Alex's dragonfly
Sketch-A small male red dragonfly with purple cuffs and antenna. He is Ajax's dragonfly
Mac-A male red dragonfly with brown hair and white cuffs. He is Roman's dragonfly
Jerald-A male red dragonfly with yellow antenna and pink belly. He is Zion's dragonfly.
Skippy-A female pink dragonfly with sky blue antenna and green wings. She is Samber's dragonfly.
Sha-A huge male red dragonfly with green eyes. He is Maria's dragonfly.
Candi-A small female pink dragonfly with magenta antenna and a light pink belly. She is Lop's dragonfly.
Lucky-A small female pink dragonfly with a black patch over her right eye. She is Jet's dragonfly.
Treeby-A male red dragonfly with huge grey wings and mouse ears. He is Starling's dragonfly.
Coral-A small female pink dragonfly with blue patches all over her. She is Kat's dragonfly.
Roary-A male red dragon with a lions mane and red wings.
King Ramond-A huge male green dragon with sabre teeth and huge wings with stripes going down his back. He is the king of the dragon realms and also an alder and the guardian of magic.
Elder Thomas-An anthro cheery blue dragon that is quite old. He is the guardian of the Horn Dive ability.
Elder Magnus-An anthro red dragon with a high pitched voice and he says darling all the time. He is the guardian of the Pole Spin ability.
Elder Titan-An anthro yellow dragon that is almost deaf and the guardian on the Wing Shield ability.
Elder Astor-An anthro green dragon that barely listens to anyone. He is the guardian of the Wall Kick ability.
Elder Ignitus-A huge red dragon who sent Spyro to the dragonfly family when he was just an egg. He is the guardian of fire.
Elder Volteer-A huge yellow dragon who loves the sound of his own voice. He is the electricity guardian.
Elder Cyril-A huge blue dragon that doesn't appreciate anything and is never satisfied. He is the guardian of ice.
Elder Terrador-A huge green dragon with horns that curv down. He is the guardian of earth.
Other Dragons and Dragonflies
Princess Sandy-A female lilac dragon with teal and blue wings and spines and a silver cobra pendant on and small sabre teeth. She is King Ramond's daughter. She has a crush on Grant.
Saffron-A female light pink and yellow dragonfly and she is Sandy's dragonfly. She has a crush on Sparx and later get's one on Storm.
Erin-Sandy's best friend. A female teal dragon with sky blue and green wings, spines, spots and tail tip and a silver under belly and horns. She also has an aqua drop pendant and an aqua drop jewel on her head and a silver moon marking on her front left leg.
Magna-A seriouse female blood red dragonfly. She is Erin's dragonfly.
Nikky-A real ladies man and Erin's younger brother. A male blue dragon with teal and black spines, wings and spots and a grey under belly and horns. He also has a red jewel on his head.
Manx-A male mint green and teal dragonfly that has a huge crush on Magna. He is Nikky's dragonfly and a real goof ball.
Grant-A male grey dragon with purple and black spines and tail tip and red under belly, wings and eyelids. His wings are also purple and he has a skull on his front left leg and a skull pendant and white spikes on the side of his face. He is Nikky's best friend and he has a crush on Sandy.
Storm-A male navy blue dragonfly that is a bit of a goof but will always stick by his friends sides. He is Grant's dragonfly and has a crush on Saffron.
Scorch-A male red dragon with a brown belly, tail tip, horns, wing tops and spines and grey under wings and small fangs. He also has black fire marks on his legs and above his belly and on the side of his face and his horns go down. He has a crush on Elz and Snowbelle
Firelight-A male red and black dragonfly with gold eyes and wings. He is Scorch's dragonfly.
Elz-A female sky blue dragon with blue eyes anddarker blue wing tops and grey horns and spines with a blue and black streak going down her head. She also has an aqua drop pendant like Erin's.
Aarow-A male red and black dragonfly. He is Elz's dragonfly.
Ember-A small pink dragon with pink wings and a yellow under belly and horns. She also has a heart pendant and tailtip. She has a crush on Spyro.
Flame-A small red dragon with yellow wings and horns and underbelly and an unusually long snout. He has a crush on Ember and Pepper.
Sizzle-A light and dark blue female ice dragon with a purple stomach and wings, icicles on her legs, white and silver horns and spines and a red gem around her neck.
Crackle-Sizzle's temporary dragonfly just for the Dragon And Dragonfly Swim Dojo and to keep his health up for the adventure. He is also an understudy for The Raging Dragons' swim team! He's a red and blue male dragonfly with blue cuffs and green and darker red horns.
L-An orange male dragon with blue and brown wings, green spines and horns and green and brown eyes. He has a crush on Snowbelle but later, get's one on Saphy.
Alphonse-L's dragonfly. A grey dragonfly with gold wings.
Snowbelle-An ice blue female dragon with white wings, tail tip and horns and a bell around her neck. She has a crush on Scorch.
Starflare-Snowbelle's dragonfly. A blue dragonfly with red antenna, belly, tail and shoulders, red boes on her antennas, gold bangles and gold wings.
Saphy-A female dragon with blue scales, silver underbelly, wing membranes, horns and claws and horns on her head and back and a spear shaped tail tip. She has a crush on L.
Husky-Saphy's dragonfly. An aquamarine female dragonfly.
Pepper-A white female dragon with pink and orange spines, orange horns and a lightning pendant and marking on her thigh. She has a crush on Flame.
Logan-Pepper's dragonfly. A slightly emo purple and lilac male dragonfly with green eyes.
Fergie-A dark green female punk, diva and crybaby dragon with red and black spines, a skull over her eye, red spots on her thigh and cheek and a moon pendant and a moon mark on her other thigh. She is Erin and Nikky's cousin.
Cotton-Fergie's dragonfly. A shy female light pink dragonfly with gold eyes. She is Magna's little sister.
Well, these are all of the characters! Hope you like them! Spyro and Sparx belong to Insomniac/Sierra and Ember, Flame and Cynder belong to Sierra. All of the dragon elders belong to Sierra except for King Ramond who is my OC! Erin, Magna, Nikky and Manx are Aquaberry15's OC's and Grant and Storm are her friend, Aaron's OC's! Scorch and Firelight are Jordanthehedgehog's OC's and Elz and Aarow are PunkWolfGirl's OC's! Sizzle is Sharp-Fang's OC! Lucy is xxcuteecheeksxx's OC, Lilly is my friend Rebecca's OC and Lillandra is my friend Clio's OC! L is Boykingkilla's OC! Snowbelle and Starflare are Angel_Of_Aquas' OC's and Pepper and Logan are TytheBat9's OC's. Fergie and Cotton are Picklepelt16's OC's and the rest are all my OC's XD
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Aquaberry15 on October 7, 2007, 2:49:14 AM
Aquaberry15 on