Chapter 7 - Encounter The Pack
Submitted November 21, 2007 Updated August 23, 2009 Status Incomplete | Yesssssssss, Digimon Destiny 2 is here! Join the gang for their next biggest adventure in the Digital World ^^
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Chapter 7 - Encounter The Pack
Chapter 7 - Encounter The Pack
Grizzlymon's Patrol
Grizzlymon led Punkdramon, Beardramon, Honeymon and Taynmon across the leafy forest floor. They all sniffed the ground for clues of the Shadow Pack but none of them found anything.
"Grizzlymon, my feet hurt! Can we take a rest?" Honeymon complained to her older brother.
"Not now Honeymon, we only just started looking!" Grizzlymon replied.
"Ah dad, please! I'm so tired!" Beardramon whined. Grizzlymon rolled his eyes.
"I'm sure we can take short break, just to catch our breath. I mean the forests so far away from the Digimon Destiny Base, especially for the kids!" Punkdramon pointed out.
"Fine, I guess a little break wouldn't hurt." Grizzlymon sighed as everyone smiled and threw themselves onto the floor. Beardramon and Honeymon started throwing leaves at each other and rolled on the floor, pinning each other. "Hey, I thought you two were tired!" Grizzlymon growled at the two Digimon.
"Sorry" they chorused as they sat back down. Grizzlymon rolled his eyes again and lay down on the floor. He rolled to his side and stared into the wide forest. A flicker of black raced from one tree to another. Grizzlymon blinked hard and then shot to his feet.
"Who’s there? Show yourself!" He roared at the trees. Punkdramon, Honeymon and Beardramon pricked their ears up and looked up at Grizzlymon who was growling at the trees. In the blink of an eye, a huge black bird flew out of the trees, claws aiming for Grizzlymon's face. He ducked just in time and snarled upwards as the bird flew above the trees and flew over their heads and up into the sky. It then turned back around and swooped back down towards Honeymon and Beardramon. Just before it could scar either Digimon, Punkdramon jumped in it’s way. The dark bird was taken aback but still slashed it's powerful claws into Punkdramon's face. She rolled over in pain and Grizzlymon ran to her side.
"I'm ok! We have to protect the kids!" Punkdramon squealed as she saw the bird flying towards Honeymon and Beardramon again. Grizzlymon nodded and ran towards them. The bird was just about to slash the kids when Grizzlymon jumped at it and slashed it across the face with his own, sharper claws. The bird screeched in pain and then flew up into the sky.
"Don't interfere!" It screamed from high above and then dissolved into thin air. Stunned, Grizzlymon just stood staring into the sky. Punkdramon ran to his side and rubbed her head against his cheek.
'Wasn't that Gunjeekimon?" Grizzlymon asked, still in shock.
"What?" Punkdramon asked. "Gunjeekimon was red not black, and she was much slower than that thing!" She pointed out.
"I know but it's just, I remember." Grizzlymon replied closing his eyes.
Scorpionmon's Patrol
Scorpionmon raced across the river bank with Aquamon, Metemon and Jamaicamon hard on his heels. He grinned as he felt the wind blowing softly into his face. The feel of life!
"Isn't this fun guys?" Scorpionmon asked but all he got as a reply was the joyous laughs of the three Digimon behind him. Suddenly, Scorpionmon stopped, causing Aquamon, Metemon and Jamaicamon to bash into him. Scorpionmon squinted his eyes to look further across the river bank to what he though were two Digimon. He was right! Two Digimon were drinking from the river.
"What do you see Scorp?" Jamaicamon asked curiously.
"Digimon! Two of them! Maybe they know about The Shadow Pack!" Scorpionmon grinned as he raced towards them. As he got closer, he could just make out the furry brown pelt of one Digimon and the scaly body of the other one. As he got closer, the two Digimon turned their heads towards him. Scorpionmon stopped dead as he realized who the brown Digimon was.
"Zorromon? What are you doing here?" Scorpionmon asked his old friend as the rest of his patrol caught him up.
"Scorpionmon!" Zorromon smiled as he ran up to him. "Long time no see!"
"I'll say! What are you doing here anyway?" Scorpionmon asked.
"Well, I thought really hard when I was back home with my tamer and I decided that I wanted to rejoin the group!" Zorromon grinned.
"Really? That's so awesome! Everyone misses you so much!" Scorpionmon explained.
"Really?" Zorromon asked.
"Really really!" Scorpionmon grinned. Zorromon nodded and then flicked his tail for the other Digimon to come over.
"This is Velocimon, a friend of mine!" Zorromon explained resting his tail on the red dinosaur's shoulder.
"Nice to meet you!" Aquamon smiled.
"Hi!" Veolcimon grinned as he stood on his head.
"Uh, sorry about that! He's, young!" Zorromon blushed and everyone laughed. At that moment, the water started to ripple. The Digimon turned to it and then out jumped a black dragon Digimon!
"Look out!" Metemon screamed as she leapt into the air and flapped her ears to maintain flight. The other five Digimon ran in opposite directions to avoid the heavy body that thumped to the ground.
"Oriangolamon?" Zorromon asked.
"No, It's Stone Oriangolamon now!" The dragon roared as it charged into them all. They all fell backwards except for Metemon who was still in the air.
"Thunder Punch!" She called as lightning built up on her paw and she whammed it into the dragon. The dragon hardly took any damage and then jumped into the sky, flapping her huge wings to gain flight. She flew directly at Metemon and charged into her, knocking her to the floor.
"Lightning Claw!" Zorromon yelled as lightning spewed from his claws.
"Poison Tail!" Scorpionmon cried as he flicked poison from his tail onto the dragon.
"Claw Boomerang!" Velocimon yelped as his claws flew off his fingers and scratched the dragon.
"Shock Ravager!" The dragon roared as lightning built up all over her body and exploded, pushing the Digimon backwards. She was just charging up another one when Aquamon spewed out an Aqua Bomb that hit her. It reacted with the water and exploded right in the dragon's face. She screamed and reared up and then took flight.
"You haven’t seen the last of us!" She cried as she flew into shadows and disappeared in thin air.
"What does she mean, us?” Zorromon asked. Scorpionmon closed his eyes.
"The Shadow Pack." He sighed.
Veramon's Patrol
Veramon swiftly flew around the trees, dodging them as she flew past them. She looked behind her to see Doggymon and Flamelopmon dodging trees behind her and Taynmon gracefully jumping from tree to tree. She smiled as they kept on going but something hit her as she was flying. She screamed in pain and fell to the dusty ground. Doggymon, Taynmon and Flamelopmon floated down to see if she was ok.
"You ok?" Taynmon asked helping her up.
"Yeah, I'm fine thanks!" She replied but her back really hurt.
"You should really watch where your going ya know, you could've got really badly hurt!" Doggymon pointed out.
"I know but I didn't bash into a tree, something attacked me! Something sharp, like a set of razor claws!" Veramon explained.
”You mean like these?" A shadowy voice asked. The patrol turned round to see a black panther Digimon standing in the shadows. Their eyes widened.
"Pantheromon?" Flamelopmon asked curiously. The Digimon grinned and then tore through the forest towards them. He jumped high in the air, knocking down tons of trees with him and then landed on top of Flamelopmon and Doggymon.
"Help!" They screamed. Veramon and Taynmon rushed towards the huge panther.
"Dragon Tornado!" Veramon growled as she spun round and rammed herself into the panther's stomach.
"Scorching Slicer!" Taynmon roared as flames built up on his hands and he scratched right across the panther's face. Rage rose up in the panther and he stood to his feet.
"Dark Shadow!" He cried as a huge black night swept across the Digimon. Flamelopmon started coughing and flopped to the floor.
"Flamelopmon!" Veramon cried and then turned round to see the panther charging towards them. "On the count of three, we all attack together! Understand?" Veramon asked. Doggymon and Taynmon both nodded and stood next to Veramon. “One, two three, go!” She called as they all attacked the panther at once. He roared and thumped to the floor.
"That was a lucky shot, you wont be so lucky next time!" the panther sneered as he dissolved into the shadows. The three Digimon prodded Flamelopmon who woke up to see the panther gone.
"Where is he?" She asked.
"In the shadows." Veramon replied.
Lupinmon's Patrol
Lupinmon was first to enter the sandy cave flanked by Hitsugayamon and Aysunmon. The three of them walked cautiously into the cave and down the main hall. It was like a tomb in there but no one complained. Suddenly, one of the coffins started moving.
"Stand your ground everyone, I think there might be a fight!" Lupinmon snarled as her neck fur bristled but as the coffin opened, it revealed a little black cat with flame patterns on it.
"Who are you?" Hitsugayamon snarled.
"Please don't hurt me!" The little cat quivered.
"Give us one good reason not to!" Aysunmon growled.
"Because I'm a friend! Honeymon asked me to come, she said that you would need my help!" The cat stuttered.
"Honeymon sent for you?" Lupinmon asked curiously.
"Yes, we both have the same tamer!" The cat replied. Lupinmon’s neck fur lay flat again and she stood up from her fighting pose.
"Then forgive me." Lupinmon said as she bowed her head to the cat.
"What's your name?" Aysunmon asked.
"It's Flamermon!" The cat replied. Lupinmon, Hitsugayamon and Aysunmon all nodded.
"Well, come with us then, were looking for unusual happenings in the cave. Seen any?" Hitsugayamon asked. Flamermon looked thoughtful.
"I saw a shadow in the sand waves but I was too scared too see what it was so I ran and hid in this coffin." Flamermon explained as she flicked her tail towards the coffin she had been hiding in.
"Can you take us to the sand waves?" Lupinmon asked.
"Sure!" Flamermon smiled as she walked back the way she had come and into the first doorway. As they entered the room, a pool of sand that thrashed about in huge waves lay beneath them.
"So this is where you saw the shadow?" Aysunmon asked.
That's right, just down by that platform." Flamermon explained flicking her tail towards a small platform that barely missed the sand waves. Lupinmon stared hard at the platform until her eyes were slits when suddenly, a huge black creature jumped out of the sand and landed in front of them all. The creature was in fact a wolf Digimon. Lupinmon's neck fur bristled again.
"Darukumon!" Lupinmon spat as she charged towards him. The wolf just laughed and let Lupinmon charge into him. They both plummeted off the edge of the highest platform and fell into the sand waves.
"Lupinmon!" Hitsugayamon screamed as he leaned over the edge. He stared in horror until he saw her poke her head out from under the sand and climb onto a platform. He smiled with relief and then jumped down to help her up followed closely by Aysunmon and Flamermon. As they got there, the wolf jumped out of the sand, snarling and spitting at them.
"Leave us alone!" Flamermon mewed as she scratched his nose. The wolf laughed and picked the helpless cat up in his huge jaws.
"Let her go! Ice Flames!" Lupinmon screamed as her paws turned blue and she shot icy fire at the wolf. He fell backwards, dropping Flamermon. Lupinmon leapt up and caught her in her jaws and settled her back down on the platform. The wolf screamed in the sand and then eyed Lupinmon.
"You may have defeated me this time, but you can't run forever!" The wolf spat and then dissolved into darkness. Lupinmon stared at the spot where he had left and her eyes turned to slits.
"We'll get you for this Shadow Pack!"
Wolfdramon's Patrol
Wolfdramon scrambled over the huge rocky cliffs as Okamimon and Kuramon followed behind him.
"Not far now!" Wolfdramon shouted from high up to his patrol who were further down. He reached out for a high rock but something pushed him back. He slipped down a bit but managed to cling to another rock for safety. He continued to climb and almost made it to the top of the cliff when a shadow appeared in front of him. It was like a black version of himself.
"Wolfermon!' He screamed.
"No." The wolf grinned. "Killer Wolfermon!" He shouted as he threw himself at Wolfdramon and the two rolled back down the cliff.
"Wolfy!' Okamimon shouted as she let go of the rock and tumbled back down to stop the fight. Kuramon did the same and slid down the side of the cliff all the way to the bottom. Wolfdramon and Wolfermon were right at the bottom, tearing each other apart! Okamimon growled and leapt in the fight, scratching Wolfermon across the eye. He growled and pushed Okamimon backwards. Kuramon rushed to her mother’s side.
"Are you ok mum?" She asked worriedly.
"Yes, I'm fine but we need to help your father!" She replied as she glanced back at Wolfdramon and Wolfermon, tearing each other into shreds. Kuramon nodded and rushed to help Wolfdramon. She snarled at Wolfermon.
"Sun Beam!" Okamimon called as a ray of light shot out of her pendent and blinded Wolfermon temporarily.
"Ice Blast!" Wolfdramon cried as he breathed freezing ice onto Wolfermon who screamed. The snow from the top of the cliff got stronger and started to crumble down from the tops of the cliffs. Blasts of ice and wind tore at Wolfdramon's face but he never stopped fighting Wolfermon. He slashed his claws into the wolf’s flank and Kuramon kicked him into a ball of snow. Okamimon rushed forward and bit down into his ear.
"Not so tough now eh Wolfermon?" Wolfdramon grinned at the lump lying in the snow.
"You'll wish you were never born once we've gotten through with you!" Wolfermon spoke in a cold and bloodthirsty voice and then disintegrated into the shadows.
"Wow dad, you were amazing!" Kuramon yelped as Okamimon nuzzled him.
"Thanks both of you, although I wouldn't have been able to do it without you!" Wolfdramon blushed. Suddenly, an orange and white rabbit Digimon crept out from under a snowy branch. She came up to Wolfdramon and bowed her head to him.
"Thank you for getting rid of that wolf!' She said.
"It was nothing!" Wolfdramon grinned.
"Who are you?" Kuramon asked the rabbit.
"My name is Mindramon and I was wandering if I could join your quest?" The rabbit replied. Wolfdramon looked thoughtful and then nodded.
"Ok, you can come with us, come on." He said as he started walking back up the cliff. "Wolfermon, you and the Shadow Pack will pay!"
Leopardmon’s Patrol
Leopardmon leapt into the icy water that surrounded Destiny Island and kicked hard to get to the other side. Behind him, Vixymon, Sunnydramon and Reelomon paddled quickly to keep up his pace but the current was strong and the four were finding it hard to get to the island.
“Dad, I’m tired! I think I’m gonna drown!” Reelomon spat through mouthfuls of icy water.
“Just a little further!” Leopardmon coughed as he reached a paw out for dry land.
“Dad, help me!” came from behind and Leopardmon turned round to see Reelomon being dragged underneath the icy waves.
“Reelomon!” Vixymon screamed as she dove down into the water.
“Hold on son, I’m coming!” Leopardmon screamed as he too dove down followed closely by Sunnydramon. Reelomon kept falling deeper and deeper into the freezing water but why? He was quite capable of pulling himself up and Leopardmon could see that he was not unconscious. Suddenly Leopardmon saw why. A black shadowy version of himself was pulling Reelomon down. It was Shadowkingmon, his arch enemy! Leopardmon slanted his eyes and swam even faster but he couldn’t hold his breath for much longer, Vixymon and Sunnydramon were already swimming back to the surface but he couldn’t give up. He plunged deeper and caught hold of Reelomon’s paw. He scratched Shadowkingmon across the face and he let go of Reelomon. Leopardmon quickly dragged Reelomon back to the surface and was helped out of the water by Vixymon and Sunnydramon. Reelomon lay on the ground coughing up mouthfuls of water but he was ok. Vixymon nuzzled him affectionately and Sunnydramon smiled. Leopardmon was just about to go over and see him when Shadowkingmon burst out of the water and scratched Leopardmon across the face.
“What do you think this is?” He snarled.
“Leave us alone and go back to where you came from!” Leopardmon snarled and he lunged at Shadowkingmon but he blasted him back with a powerful paw.
”Fools! I am more powerful than you could ever have imagined! I’m Black Shadowkingmon now!” He laughed evilly and stormed into Leopardmon. They both rolled onto the floor snarling and spitting at each other.
“Tail Twister!” Vixymon screamed as she spun her tail around and a tornado blew from it and flew into Black Shadowkingmon’s face. He gasped and shut his eyes to block out the powerful wind. Leopardmon pushed him off him and slashed him with his claws.
“Sun Blast!” Sunnydramon yowled and a burning golden beam flew from her mouth and burnt Black Shadowkingmon. Shadowkingmon snarled at the patrol.
“We won’t fail this time.” He snarled and then lunged back into the water and disappeared. Vixymon nuzzled Reelomon again.
“What does he mean?” She asked in a worried tone.
“I’m not sure.” Leopardmon replied. “But I bet it has something to do with the Shadow Pack.”
Tigsamon’s Patrol
Tigsamon, Bugsmon, Rikumon and Wormmon walked slowly down the hill leading toward the Koromon village. They could already see the tiny little huts of the village.
“Oh I can’t wait to get there! I love Koromons!” Tigsamon giggled.
“Tigsamon, just be careful to look out for anything odd ok?” Rikumon reminded her.
“Sure, don’t sweat it!” Tigsamon grinned. They reached the bottom of the hill and saw cute little pink balls jumping around the place. “Oh my gosh, they are adorable!” Tigsamon cried as she ran towards one and hugged it.
“Help me!” The Koromon yelped.
“Sorry about that, she didn’t mean it.” Wormmon sighed as he prodded Tigsamon in the side and she let go of the Koromon.
“Welcome to the Koromon village!” The Koromon who was being squashed by Tigsamon grinned.
“Thanks!” Tigsamon smiled. “It’s wonderful here! And there’s so many of you!” Tigsamon gasped as she saw that there were over a hundred Koromon bouncing around.
“Hey, you haven’t noticed anything odd lately have you?” Bugsmon asked, kneeling down beside the small pink ball. The Koromon seemed to tighten as a worried expression crawled across it’s face.
“Well, we’ve heard some strange noises lately coming from the river bank down there.” The Koromon replied pointing to a small bank down the hill with it’s antenna. The four Digimon looked at each other and then nodded.
“Let’s go check it out.” Wormmon suggested. The other three nodded, said their goodbyes to the Koromon and walked down the hill to the bank. When they got there, it was quite windy despite it being low down under the hill but the water in the bank was crystal clear and waves seemed to ripple as the wind blew onto the water’s surface.
“Wow, it’s beautiful here!” Tigsamon gasped.
“Your right, it is!” Bugsmon replied as he kneeled down by the bank edge. At that moment, the ripples seemed to quaver and quake as if something was thudding on the ground.
“Look out!” Wormmon screeched as a horrific screech surrounded the Digimon. Out of no where, a huge Praying mantis Digimon flew into Bugsmon, knocking him into the icy water as it jutted across the plains, wings almost alight at the speed they were keeping up and the horrible noise that came from them filled the surprised Digimon with shock.
“Help, I can’t swim!” Bugsmon yelped as he spluttered water out of his mouth and splashed the surface with his frail paws.
“Hang in there Bugsmon!” Wormmon called as he dove in after his best friend. Rikumon and Tigsamon shot each other a concerned glance, Tigsamon, being like Bugsmon was a cat type Digimon meaning she couldn’t swim either and Rikumon had a fire tail making it impossible for him to touch water. Wormmon wasn’t the best swimmer but he was the only one capable of saving Bugsmon so he pushed on with all his might and at the last instance before Bugsmon went under, Wormmon pulled him up and pushed him towards the waters edge. Both spluttering on the bank, the shivering Digimon gasped for breath. Bugsmon rolled over and smiled at his friend.
“Thank you Wormmon, I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t saved me!” Wormmon just smiled in return but before they could talk some more, the praying mantic cut back through the trees. It landed in front of the four Digimon so they could get a good look at it but all that was heard were exasperated gasps.
“Is that…Paramantismon?” Tigsamon questioned.
“I-I think it might be! But he looks somehow…different.” Rikumon pointed out. Before they had a chance to distinguish the features, Paramantismon as tearing towards them again.
“Duck!” Wormmon called as they all collapsed before Paramantismon could swipe them. He hissed and jutted back around at great speed, ramming into the Digimon and knocking them off course.
“Whoa, he’s gotten fast!” Bugsmon gasped. At that moment, Tigsamon leapt up in the air and caught Paramantismon by the wing, slicing a tear in it causing the praying mantic to crash land into the lake.
“He may be fast but he’s not very smart.” Tigsamon grinned but she had spoken too soon. As she said that, Paramantismon burst out of the rippling water and sliced towards the Digimon tearing chunks of fur out of their pelts as he passed.
“Flame Tail!” Rikumon called as he leapt into the sky and lashed his tail against Paramantismon’s protected body causing him to flinch in pain. He turned around and gleamed at the Digimon evilly before letting out a small chortle.
“We wont rest until you’re finished so be warned early.” He laughed before flying off into the sky. The Digimon stared at each other in shock.
“We?” Bugsmon echoed.
Gatamon’s Patrol
Sakumon bounded through the valley, grass tickling his tummy as the soft tufts swayed underneath him. He let out a giggle and purred softly at the fun he was having. His parents slowly strolled behind him. Gatamon shook her head.
“I don’t think he understands that this is serious stuff.” She sighed.
“Do you blame him? He only arrived lately and doesn’t know the full meaning of adventure. He’ll get there in time.” Maneemon replied nuzzling his mate affectionately in the process. Sakumon was busying himself with a butterfly in the long grass but something much more lurked under the soft friendliness of it. As Sakumon sniffed the butterfly, a huge black shape tore out of the grass, Sakumon crashing backwards right on top of Maneemon and Gatamon. The black shape stood staring at them for a minute or two. He was a huge black dragon with purple markings and menacing red eyes which glinted in the light. Gatamon pushed her son behind her to protect him but the curious kitten only wanted to find out what was going on. He rushed underneath her and ran towards the dragon Digimon.
“Sakumon!” Gatamon shrieked as the young green cat leapt right into the dragons huge jaws. The dragon then proceeded into carrying the young kit right up into the sky.
“Mum! Dad! Help me!” Sakumon shrieked.
“Hold on son!” Maneemon called but before he had time to move, the dragon stopped him. Spitting the kitten into his free hand so he could talk, he spoke menacingly to the two worried parents.
“If you want to see your son alive again then I suggest you turn back now. Take your patheric group of Digimon and leave this place, your not wanted here and we’ll take you down slowly and painfully no matter what you do.” The dragon grinned.
“Please, just let our son go!” Gatamon pleaded, tears flowing down her face.
“If you say so.” The dragon grinned before dropping Sakumon form the great height. Gatamon screamed in agony and Maneemon leapt towards his son, catching him just before he fell to the hard floor.
“Oh Sakumon, are you alright?” Gatamon asked as she came rushing up to him and plastering him in licks of affection.
“Mum, I said I was fine!” Sakumon replied shortly.
“Like I said, if you want your son to live then leave here right now, all of you if you want to see daylight again.” The dragon replied before floating into the distance. Once he was out of sight Gatamon and Maneemon looked at each other.
“The Shadow Pack.”
Foxiouskatomon’s Patrol
The group of four gracefully picked their way through the trees of the thick forested woods, wind blowing their fur calmly as the sound of birds filled the fresh air. Foxxiouskatomon breathed in a huge gulf of fresh forest air and smiled, it was a beautiful day to be out for a walk in the woods.
“Hey Foxxiouskatomon, keep your guard up, we don’t know who could pop out of anywhere!” Wolvomon reminded the fox and cat Digimon. He nodded in agreement and kept a sharp eye out for trouble. Vulpusmon and Vulpinmon were chasing each other relentlessly through the trees and weren’t taking notice of the surroundings. Vulpusmon charged into what felt like rock but at a closer look, he realised it was a Digimon. He backed away back to his patrol and the strange Digimon crept slowly out of the shadows, an evil grin spread across his face.
“So you’re the Digimon Destiny group? Pathetic! I bet we can all take you down!” The newcomer grinned.
“Oh yeah! You just wait and see!” Foxxiouskatomon growled in return.
“Who are you anyway?” Wolvomon questioned.
“I am merely a servant of the Shadow Pack and if I am a servant, then you must be something less, much less.” The Digimon replied faintly.
“I meant your name.” Wolvomon growled through gritted teeth.
“My name is Scourge Lombaxmon however, that will soon be of no importance to you.” The Digimon screeched whilst lunging himself towards the Digimon, He raked Vulpinmon down the side and tore through Vulpusmon’s left ear. Wolvomon snatched his sword out of his scabbard and slashed at Lombaxmon whilst Vulpusmon bit down harshly on his tail. Lombaxmon retaliated by kicking back hard into Vulpusmon’s jaw and clawing at Wolvomon’s paw containing his sword but Foxxiouskatomon and Vulpinmon had their backs and threw themselves towards the black cat Digimon. It looked like Lombaxmon was defeated but he somehow managed to reach into his pocket and pull out a smoke grenade, dashing it to the floor and causing the gang to wonder in shock as Lombaxmon made his getaway. The four scanned the area for any signs of the Digimon menace but they couldn’t see him anywhere. But his voice ghostly echoed through the woods.
“Just remember, we will prevail.”
Masheedramon’s Patrol
Paw by paw, Masheedramon’s patrol slowly clambered up the huge mountain.
“Look, there’s a ledge there that we can rest at.” Masheedramon pointed out, pointing to a steep ledge a few inches above them.
“Thank goodness, I’m so tired!” Zashomon wailed. The group pulled the last few inches and reached the ledge eventually. Panting with thirst and hunger taking over, they realised they wouldn’t be able to make it all the way to the top.
“Darn, we should have brought at least one Digimon that could fly with us!” Zoranmon pointed out.
“Your right, sorry about that.” Masheedramon sighed.
“Hey Mashy, it’s not your fault, you did your best and I’m sure we’ll be fine!” Lobodramon smiled at his mate who smiled in return. Kohakumon and Zashomon were tumbling over each other dangerously close to the cliff.
“Kids, be careful, you don’t want to fall!” Lobodramon teased as the two stopped instantly and ran over to snuggle up to Masheedramon’s warm fur. Masheedramon purred proudly and Lobodramon nodded in affection. Zoranmon smiled warmly towards Zashomon, he thought she got more beautiful everyday. Masheedramon poked her nose towards higher up the mountain.
“It’ll be freezing up there, I don’t think the kids can handle that, especially Kohakumon. Maybe we should call it a day Loby.” Masheedramon suggested. Lobodramon peered up to notice that Masheedramon was right, higher up the mountain snow was tufting around the ledges and very high up, a small snowy breeze filled the crystal air. Plus, the higher they went, the thinner air would be, they couldn’t survive air much thicker than this. He nodded slowly towards his mate who was now walking towards him.
“Your right, let’s head back down again, looks like there’s no sign of trouble here.” But as Lobodramon said that, a shadow spread across the whole ledge. The Digimon looked up and gasped at who was looming above them. It was a huge black wolf Digimon but the gang knew him all to well.
“Paranugumimon!” Masheedramon gasped. “But we got rid of you!”
“And where’s your red markings?” Lobodramon added. Paranugumimon merely grinned.
“You’ll see in time, I’ve become more powerful than you can possibly imagine and you will pay dearly for what you did to me before.” He screeched, tightening himself into a ball and bursting out to release a huge black cloud of darkness that shrouded the Digimon. “Now I will rule over you and there’s nothing you can do to stop me, not with my new power of darkness!” Paranugumimon shot shadow balls at all of the Digimon, they all dodged apart from Zashomon who was high sharply causing her to become paralyzed and consumed by a field of electricity any sudden movements would mean a huge electric shock for her. Masheedramon gasped for her daughter’s sake and shot up to unleash a fire dart at him but it merely dissolved into his shadowed fur.
“He’s too strong!” Masheedramon cried to Lobodramon who bowed his head in defeat waiting for Paranugumimon’s best shot. At that moment, Zoranmon leapt onto Paranugumimon causing them both to plummet all the way down the cliff.
“Zoranmon!” Zashomon cried out in fear. Her love for him was so strong that the electricity frazzled away leaving her to leap after Zoranmon followed closely by her family. At the bottom, Paranugumimon had Zoranmon pinned to the ground, fans read to expose to the white wolf’s neck but Zashomon leapt on top of the black wolf causing him to fall backwards.
“Enough of these childish games! Alone we may not be able to defeat you but together we will bring you down!” Paranugumimon cried as he dissolved back into the shadows. Zashomon ran over to Zoranmon and licked his wounds affectionately whilst Masheedramon ran over to her daughter to see if she was aright. Lobodramon stared towards the nearing moon as if he could see blood splattered across it’s perfect circle.
“The prophecy has come.”
Grizzlymon led Punkdramon, Beardramon, Honeymon and Taynmon across the leafy forest floor. They all sniffed the ground for clues of the Shadow Pack but none of them found anything.
"Grizzlymon, my feet hurt! Can we take a rest?" Honeymon complained to her older brother.
"Not now Honeymon, we only just started looking!" Grizzlymon replied.
"Ah dad, please! I'm so tired!" Beardramon whined. Grizzlymon rolled his eyes.
"I'm sure we can take short break, just to catch our breath. I mean the forests so far away from the Digimon Destiny Base, especially for the kids!" Punkdramon pointed out.
"Fine, I guess a little break wouldn't hurt." Grizzlymon sighed as everyone smiled and threw themselves onto the floor. Beardramon and Honeymon started throwing leaves at each other and rolled on the floor, pinning each other. "Hey, I thought you two were tired!" Grizzlymon growled at the two Digimon.
"Sorry" they chorused as they sat back down. Grizzlymon rolled his eyes again and lay down on the floor. He rolled to his side and stared into the wide forest. A flicker of black raced from one tree to another. Grizzlymon blinked hard and then shot to his feet.
"Who’s there? Show yourself!" He roared at the trees. Punkdramon, Honeymon and Beardramon pricked their ears up and looked up at Grizzlymon who was growling at the trees. In the blink of an eye, a huge black bird flew out of the trees, claws aiming for Grizzlymon's face. He ducked just in time and snarled upwards as the bird flew above the trees and flew over their heads and up into the sky. It then turned back around and swooped back down towards Honeymon and Beardramon. Just before it could scar either Digimon, Punkdramon jumped in it’s way. The dark bird was taken aback but still slashed it's powerful claws into Punkdramon's face. She rolled over in pain and Grizzlymon ran to her side.
"I'm ok! We have to protect the kids!" Punkdramon squealed as she saw the bird flying towards Honeymon and Beardramon again. Grizzlymon nodded and ran towards them. The bird was just about to slash the kids when Grizzlymon jumped at it and slashed it across the face with his own, sharper claws. The bird screeched in pain and then flew up into the sky.
"Don't interfere!" It screamed from high above and then dissolved into thin air. Stunned, Grizzlymon just stood staring into the sky. Punkdramon ran to his side and rubbed her head against his cheek.
'Wasn't that Gunjeekimon?" Grizzlymon asked, still in shock.
"What?" Punkdramon asked. "Gunjeekimon was red not black, and she was much slower than that thing!" She pointed out.
"I know but it's just, I remember." Grizzlymon replied closing his eyes.
Scorpionmon's Patrol
Scorpionmon raced across the river bank with Aquamon, Metemon and Jamaicamon hard on his heels. He grinned as he felt the wind blowing softly into his face. The feel of life!
"Isn't this fun guys?" Scorpionmon asked but all he got as a reply was the joyous laughs of the three Digimon behind him. Suddenly, Scorpionmon stopped, causing Aquamon, Metemon and Jamaicamon to bash into him. Scorpionmon squinted his eyes to look further across the river bank to what he though were two Digimon. He was right! Two Digimon were drinking from the river.
"What do you see Scorp?" Jamaicamon asked curiously.
"Digimon! Two of them! Maybe they know about The Shadow Pack!" Scorpionmon grinned as he raced towards them. As he got closer, he could just make out the furry brown pelt of one Digimon and the scaly body of the other one. As he got closer, the two Digimon turned their heads towards him. Scorpionmon stopped dead as he realized who the brown Digimon was.
"Zorromon? What are you doing here?" Scorpionmon asked his old friend as the rest of his patrol caught him up.
"Scorpionmon!" Zorromon smiled as he ran up to him. "Long time no see!"
"I'll say! What are you doing here anyway?" Scorpionmon asked.
"Well, I thought really hard when I was back home with my tamer and I decided that I wanted to rejoin the group!" Zorromon grinned.
"Really? That's so awesome! Everyone misses you so much!" Scorpionmon explained.
"Really?" Zorromon asked.
"Really really!" Scorpionmon grinned. Zorromon nodded and then flicked his tail for the other Digimon to come over.
"This is Velocimon, a friend of mine!" Zorromon explained resting his tail on the red dinosaur's shoulder.
"Nice to meet you!" Aquamon smiled.
"Hi!" Veolcimon grinned as he stood on his head.
"Uh, sorry about that! He's, young!" Zorromon blushed and everyone laughed. At that moment, the water started to ripple. The Digimon turned to it and then out jumped a black dragon Digimon!
"Look out!" Metemon screamed as she leapt into the air and flapped her ears to maintain flight. The other five Digimon ran in opposite directions to avoid the heavy body that thumped to the ground.
"Oriangolamon?" Zorromon asked.
"No, It's Stone Oriangolamon now!" The dragon roared as it charged into them all. They all fell backwards except for Metemon who was still in the air.
"Thunder Punch!" She called as lightning built up on her paw and she whammed it into the dragon. The dragon hardly took any damage and then jumped into the sky, flapping her huge wings to gain flight. She flew directly at Metemon and charged into her, knocking her to the floor.
"Lightning Claw!" Zorromon yelled as lightning spewed from his claws.
"Poison Tail!" Scorpionmon cried as he flicked poison from his tail onto the dragon.
"Claw Boomerang!" Velocimon yelped as his claws flew off his fingers and scratched the dragon.
"Shock Ravager!" The dragon roared as lightning built up all over her body and exploded, pushing the Digimon backwards. She was just charging up another one when Aquamon spewed out an Aqua Bomb that hit her. It reacted with the water and exploded right in the dragon's face. She screamed and reared up and then took flight.
"You haven’t seen the last of us!" She cried as she flew into shadows and disappeared in thin air.
"What does she mean, us?” Zorromon asked. Scorpionmon closed his eyes.
"The Shadow Pack." He sighed.
Veramon's Patrol
Veramon swiftly flew around the trees, dodging them as she flew past them. She looked behind her to see Doggymon and Flamelopmon dodging trees behind her and Taynmon gracefully jumping from tree to tree. She smiled as they kept on going but something hit her as she was flying. She screamed in pain and fell to the dusty ground. Doggymon, Taynmon and Flamelopmon floated down to see if she was ok.
"You ok?" Taynmon asked helping her up.
"Yeah, I'm fine thanks!" She replied but her back really hurt.
"You should really watch where your going ya know, you could've got really badly hurt!" Doggymon pointed out.
"I know but I didn't bash into a tree, something attacked me! Something sharp, like a set of razor claws!" Veramon explained.
”You mean like these?" A shadowy voice asked. The patrol turned round to see a black panther Digimon standing in the shadows. Their eyes widened.
"Pantheromon?" Flamelopmon asked curiously. The Digimon grinned and then tore through the forest towards them. He jumped high in the air, knocking down tons of trees with him and then landed on top of Flamelopmon and Doggymon.
"Help!" They screamed. Veramon and Taynmon rushed towards the huge panther.
"Dragon Tornado!" Veramon growled as she spun round and rammed herself into the panther's stomach.
"Scorching Slicer!" Taynmon roared as flames built up on his hands and he scratched right across the panther's face. Rage rose up in the panther and he stood to his feet.
"Dark Shadow!" He cried as a huge black night swept across the Digimon. Flamelopmon started coughing and flopped to the floor.
"Flamelopmon!" Veramon cried and then turned round to see the panther charging towards them. "On the count of three, we all attack together! Understand?" Veramon asked. Doggymon and Taynmon both nodded and stood next to Veramon. “One, two three, go!” She called as they all attacked the panther at once. He roared and thumped to the floor.
"That was a lucky shot, you wont be so lucky next time!" the panther sneered as he dissolved into the shadows. The three Digimon prodded Flamelopmon who woke up to see the panther gone.
"Where is he?" She asked.
"In the shadows." Veramon replied.
Lupinmon's Patrol
Lupinmon was first to enter the sandy cave flanked by Hitsugayamon and Aysunmon. The three of them walked cautiously into the cave and down the main hall. It was like a tomb in there but no one complained. Suddenly, one of the coffins started moving.
"Stand your ground everyone, I think there might be a fight!" Lupinmon snarled as her neck fur bristled but as the coffin opened, it revealed a little black cat with flame patterns on it.
"Who are you?" Hitsugayamon snarled.
"Please don't hurt me!" The little cat quivered.
"Give us one good reason not to!" Aysunmon growled.
"Because I'm a friend! Honeymon asked me to come, she said that you would need my help!" The cat stuttered.
"Honeymon sent for you?" Lupinmon asked curiously.
"Yes, we both have the same tamer!" The cat replied. Lupinmon’s neck fur lay flat again and she stood up from her fighting pose.
"Then forgive me." Lupinmon said as she bowed her head to the cat.
"What's your name?" Aysunmon asked.
"It's Flamermon!" The cat replied. Lupinmon, Hitsugayamon and Aysunmon all nodded.
"Well, come with us then, were looking for unusual happenings in the cave. Seen any?" Hitsugayamon asked. Flamermon looked thoughtful.
"I saw a shadow in the sand waves but I was too scared too see what it was so I ran and hid in this coffin." Flamermon explained as she flicked her tail towards the coffin she had been hiding in.
"Can you take us to the sand waves?" Lupinmon asked.
"Sure!" Flamermon smiled as she walked back the way she had come and into the first doorway. As they entered the room, a pool of sand that thrashed about in huge waves lay beneath them.
"So this is where you saw the shadow?" Aysunmon asked.
That's right, just down by that platform." Flamermon explained flicking her tail towards a small platform that barely missed the sand waves. Lupinmon stared hard at the platform until her eyes were slits when suddenly, a huge black creature jumped out of the sand and landed in front of them all. The creature was in fact a wolf Digimon. Lupinmon's neck fur bristled again.
"Darukumon!" Lupinmon spat as she charged towards him. The wolf just laughed and let Lupinmon charge into him. They both plummeted off the edge of the highest platform and fell into the sand waves.
"Lupinmon!" Hitsugayamon screamed as he leaned over the edge. He stared in horror until he saw her poke her head out from under the sand and climb onto a platform. He smiled with relief and then jumped down to help her up followed closely by Aysunmon and Flamermon. As they got there, the wolf jumped out of the sand, snarling and spitting at them.
"Leave us alone!" Flamermon mewed as she scratched his nose. The wolf laughed and picked the helpless cat up in his huge jaws.
"Let her go! Ice Flames!" Lupinmon screamed as her paws turned blue and she shot icy fire at the wolf. He fell backwards, dropping Flamermon. Lupinmon leapt up and caught her in her jaws and settled her back down on the platform. The wolf screamed in the sand and then eyed Lupinmon.
"You may have defeated me this time, but you can't run forever!" The wolf spat and then dissolved into darkness. Lupinmon stared at the spot where he had left and her eyes turned to slits.
"We'll get you for this Shadow Pack!"
Wolfdramon's Patrol
Wolfdramon scrambled over the huge rocky cliffs as Okamimon and Kuramon followed behind him.
"Not far now!" Wolfdramon shouted from high up to his patrol who were further down. He reached out for a high rock but something pushed him back. He slipped down a bit but managed to cling to another rock for safety. He continued to climb and almost made it to the top of the cliff when a shadow appeared in front of him. It was like a black version of himself.
"Wolfermon!' He screamed.
"No." The wolf grinned. "Killer Wolfermon!" He shouted as he threw himself at Wolfdramon and the two rolled back down the cliff.
"Wolfy!' Okamimon shouted as she let go of the rock and tumbled back down to stop the fight. Kuramon did the same and slid down the side of the cliff all the way to the bottom. Wolfdramon and Wolfermon were right at the bottom, tearing each other apart! Okamimon growled and leapt in the fight, scratching Wolfermon across the eye. He growled and pushed Okamimon backwards. Kuramon rushed to her mother’s side.
"Are you ok mum?" She asked worriedly.
"Yes, I'm fine but we need to help your father!" She replied as she glanced back at Wolfdramon and Wolfermon, tearing each other into shreds. Kuramon nodded and rushed to help Wolfdramon. She snarled at Wolfermon.
"Sun Beam!" Okamimon called as a ray of light shot out of her pendent and blinded Wolfermon temporarily.
"Ice Blast!" Wolfdramon cried as he breathed freezing ice onto Wolfermon who screamed. The snow from the top of the cliff got stronger and started to crumble down from the tops of the cliffs. Blasts of ice and wind tore at Wolfdramon's face but he never stopped fighting Wolfermon. He slashed his claws into the wolf’s flank and Kuramon kicked him into a ball of snow. Okamimon rushed forward and bit down into his ear.
"Not so tough now eh Wolfermon?" Wolfdramon grinned at the lump lying in the snow.
"You'll wish you were never born once we've gotten through with you!" Wolfermon spoke in a cold and bloodthirsty voice and then disintegrated into the shadows.
"Wow dad, you were amazing!" Kuramon yelped as Okamimon nuzzled him.
"Thanks both of you, although I wouldn't have been able to do it without you!" Wolfdramon blushed. Suddenly, an orange and white rabbit Digimon crept out from under a snowy branch. She came up to Wolfdramon and bowed her head to him.
"Thank you for getting rid of that wolf!' She said.
"It was nothing!" Wolfdramon grinned.
"Who are you?" Kuramon asked the rabbit.
"My name is Mindramon and I was wandering if I could join your quest?" The rabbit replied. Wolfdramon looked thoughtful and then nodded.
"Ok, you can come with us, come on." He said as he started walking back up the cliff. "Wolfermon, you and the Shadow Pack will pay!"
Leopardmon’s Patrol
Leopardmon leapt into the icy water that surrounded Destiny Island and kicked hard to get to the other side. Behind him, Vixymon, Sunnydramon and Reelomon paddled quickly to keep up his pace but the current was strong and the four were finding it hard to get to the island.
“Dad, I’m tired! I think I’m gonna drown!” Reelomon spat through mouthfuls of icy water.
“Just a little further!” Leopardmon coughed as he reached a paw out for dry land.
“Dad, help me!” came from behind and Leopardmon turned round to see Reelomon being dragged underneath the icy waves.
“Reelomon!” Vixymon screamed as she dove down into the water.
“Hold on son, I’m coming!” Leopardmon screamed as he too dove down followed closely by Sunnydramon. Reelomon kept falling deeper and deeper into the freezing water but why? He was quite capable of pulling himself up and Leopardmon could see that he was not unconscious. Suddenly Leopardmon saw why. A black shadowy version of himself was pulling Reelomon down. It was Shadowkingmon, his arch enemy! Leopardmon slanted his eyes and swam even faster but he couldn’t hold his breath for much longer, Vixymon and Sunnydramon were already swimming back to the surface but he couldn’t give up. He plunged deeper and caught hold of Reelomon’s paw. He scratched Shadowkingmon across the face and he let go of Reelomon. Leopardmon quickly dragged Reelomon back to the surface and was helped out of the water by Vixymon and Sunnydramon. Reelomon lay on the ground coughing up mouthfuls of water but he was ok. Vixymon nuzzled him affectionately and Sunnydramon smiled. Leopardmon was just about to go over and see him when Shadowkingmon burst out of the water and scratched Leopardmon across the face.
“What do you think this is?” He snarled.
“Leave us alone and go back to where you came from!” Leopardmon snarled and he lunged at Shadowkingmon but he blasted him back with a powerful paw.
”Fools! I am more powerful than you could ever have imagined! I’m Black Shadowkingmon now!” He laughed evilly and stormed into Leopardmon. They both rolled onto the floor snarling and spitting at each other.
“Tail Twister!” Vixymon screamed as she spun her tail around and a tornado blew from it and flew into Black Shadowkingmon’s face. He gasped and shut his eyes to block out the powerful wind. Leopardmon pushed him off him and slashed him with his claws.
“Sun Blast!” Sunnydramon yowled and a burning golden beam flew from her mouth and burnt Black Shadowkingmon. Shadowkingmon snarled at the patrol.
“We won’t fail this time.” He snarled and then lunged back into the water and disappeared. Vixymon nuzzled Reelomon again.
“What does he mean?” She asked in a worried tone.
“I’m not sure.” Leopardmon replied. “But I bet it has something to do with the Shadow Pack.”
Tigsamon’s Patrol
Tigsamon, Bugsmon, Rikumon and Wormmon walked slowly down the hill leading toward the Koromon village. They could already see the tiny little huts of the village.
“Oh I can’t wait to get there! I love Koromons!” Tigsamon giggled.
“Tigsamon, just be careful to look out for anything odd ok?” Rikumon reminded her.
“Sure, don’t sweat it!” Tigsamon grinned. They reached the bottom of the hill and saw cute little pink balls jumping around the place. “Oh my gosh, they are adorable!” Tigsamon cried as she ran towards one and hugged it.
“Help me!” The Koromon yelped.
“Sorry about that, she didn’t mean it.” Wormmon sighed as he prodded Tigsamon in the side and she let go of the Koromon.
“Welcome to the Koromon village!” The Koromon who was being squashed by Tigsamon grinned.
“Thanks!” Tigsamon smiled. “It’s wonderful here! And there’s so many of you!” Tigsamon gasped as she saw that there were over a hundred Koromon bouncing around.
“Hey, you haven’t noticed anything odd lately have you?” Bugsmon asked, kneeling down beside the small pink ball. The Koromon seemed to tighten as a worried expression crawled across it’s face.
“Well, we’ve heard some strange noises lately coming from the river bank down there.” The Koromon replied pointing to a small bank down the hill with it’s antenna. The four Digimon looked at each other and then nodded.
“Let’s go check it out.” Wormmon suggested. The other three nodded, said their goodbyes to the Koromon and walked down the hill to the bank. When they got there, it was quite windy despite it being low down under the hill but the water in the bank was crystal clear and waves seemed to ripple as the wind blew onto the water’s surface.
“Wow, it’s beautiful here!” Tigsamon gasped.
“Your right, it is!” Bugsmon replied as he kneeled down by the bank edge. At that moment, the ripples seemed to quaver and quake as if something was thudding on the ground.
“Look out!” Wormmon screeched as a horrific screech surrounded the Digimon. Out of no where, a huge Praying mantis Digimon flew into Bugsmon, knocking him into the icy water as it jutted across the plains, wings almost alight at the speed they were keeping up and the horrible noise that came from them filled the surprised Digimon with shock.
“Help, I can’t swim!” Bugsmon yelped as he spluttered water out of his mouth and splashed the surface with his frail paws.
“Hang in there Bugsmon!” Wormmon called as he dove in after his best friend. Rikumon and Tigsamon shot each other a concerned glance, Tigsamon, being like Bugsmon was a cat type Digimon meaning she couldn’t swim either and Rikumon had a fire tail making it impossible for him to touch water. Wormmon wasn’t the best swimmer but he was the only one capable of saving Bugsmon so he pushed on with all his might and at the last instance before Bugsmon went under, Wormmon pulled him up and pushed him towards the waters edge. Both spluttering on the bank, the shivering Digimon gasped for breath. Bugsmon rolled over and smiled at his friend.
“Thank you Wormmon, I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t saved me!” Wormmon just smiled in return but before they could talk some more, the praying mantic cut back through the trees. It landed in front of the four Digimon so they could get a good look at it but all that was heard were exasperated gasps.
“Is that…Paramantismon?” Tigsamon questioned.
“I-I think it might be! But he looks somehow…different.” Rikumon pointed out. Before they had a chance to distinguish the features, Paramantismon as tearing towards them again.
“Duck!” Wormmon called as they all collapsed before Paramantismon could swipe them. He hissed and jutted back around at great speed, ramming into the Digimon and knocking them off course.
“Whoa, he’s gotten fast!” Bugsmon gasped. At that moment, Tigsamon leapt up in the air and caught Paramantismon by the wing, slicing a tear in it causing the praying mantic to crash land into the lake.
“He may be fast but he’s not very smart.” Tigsamon grinned but she had spoken too soon. As she said that, Paramantismon burst out of the rippling water and sliced towards the Digimon tearing chunks of fur out of their pelts as he passed.
“Flame Tail!” Rikumon called as he leapt into the sky and lashed his tail against Paramantismon’s protected body causing him to flinch in pain. He turned around and gleamed at the Digimon evilly before letting out a small chortle.
“We wont rest until you’re finished so be warned early.” He laughed before flying off into the sky. The Digimon stared at each other in shock.
“We?” Bugsmon echoed.
Gatamon’s Patrol
Sakumon bounded through the valley, grass tickling his tummy as the soft tufts swayed underneath him. He let out a giggle and purred softly at the fun he was having. His parents slowly strolled behind him. Gatamon shook her head.
“I don’t think he understands that this is serious stuff.” She sighed.
“Do you blame him? He only arrived lately and doesn’t know the full meaning of adventure. He’ll get there in time.” Maneemon replied nuzzling his mate affectionately in the process. Sakumon was busying himself with a butterfly in the long grass but something much more lurked under the soft friendliness of it. As Sakumon sniffed the butterfly, a huge black shape tore out of the grass, Sakumon crashing backwards right on top of Maneemon and Gatamon. The black shape stood staring at them for a minute or two. He was a huge black dragon with purple markings and menacing red eyes which glinted in the light. Gatamon pushed her son behind her to protect him but the curious kitten only wanted to find out what was going on. He rushed underneath her and ran towards the dragon Digimon.
“Sakumon!” Gatamon shrieked as the young green cat leapt right into the dragons huge jaws. The dragon then proceeded into carrying the young kit right up into the sky.
“Mum! Dad! Help me!” Sakumon shrieked.
“Hold on son!” Maneemon called but before he had time to move, the dragon stopped him. Spitting the kitten into his free hand so he could talk, he spoke menacingly to the two worried parents.
“If you want to see your son alive again then I suggest you turn back now. Take your patheric group of Digimon and leave this place, your not wanted here and we’ll take you down slowly and painfully no matter what you do.” The dragon grinned.
“Please, just let our son go!” Gatamon pleaded, tears flowing down her face.
“If you say so.” The dragon grinned before dropping Sakumon form the great height. Gatamon screamed in agony and Maneemon leapt towards his son, catching him just before he fell to the hard floor.
“Oh Sakumon, are you alright?” Gatamon asked as she came rushing up to him and plastering him in licks of affection.
“Mum, I said I was fine!” Sakumon replied shortly.
“Like I said, if you want your son to live then leave here right now, all of you if you want to see daylight again.” The dragon replied before floating into the distance. Once he was out of sight Gatamon and Maneemon looked at each other.
“The Shadow Pack.”
Foxiouskatomon’s Patrol
The group of four gracefully picked their way through the trees of the thick forested woods, wind blowing their fur calmly as the sound of birds filled the fresh air. Foxxiouskatomon breathed in a huge gulf of fresh forest air and smiled, it was a beautiful day to be out for a walk in the woods.
“Hey Foxxiouskatomon, keep your guard up, we don’t know who could pop out of anywhere!” Wolvomon reminded the fox and cat Digimon. He nodded in agreement and kept a sharp eye out for trouble. Vulpusmon and Vulpinmon were chasing each other relentlessly through the trees and weren’t taking notice of the surroundings. Vulpusmon charged into what felt like rock but at a closer look, he realised it was a Digimon. He backed away back to his patrol and the strange Digimon crept slowly out of the shadows, an evil grin spread across his face.
“So you’re the Digimon Destiny group? Pathetic! I bet we can all take you down!” The newcomer grinned.
“Oh yeah! You just wait and see!” Foxxiouskatomon growled in return.
“Who are you anyway?” Wolvomon questioned.
“I am merely a servant of the Shadow Pack and if I am a servant, then you must be something less, much less.” The Digimon replied faintly.
“I meant your name.” Wolvomon growled through gritted teeth.
“My name is Scourge Lombaxmon however, that will soon be of no importance to you.” The Digimon screeched whilst lunging himself towards the Digimon, He raked Vulpinmon down the side and tore through Vulpusmon’s left ear. Wolvomon snatched his sword out of his scabbard and slashed at Lombaxmon whilst Vulpusmon bit down harshly on his tail. Lombaxmon retaliated by kicking back hard into Vulpusmon’s jaw and clawing at Wolvomon’s paw containing his sword but Foxxiouskatomon and Vulpinmon had their backs and threw themselves towards the black cat Digimon. It looked like Lombaxmon was defeated but he somehow managed to reach into his pocket and pull out a smoke grenade, dashing it to the floor and causing the gang to wonder in shock as Lombaxmon made his getaway. The four scanned the area for any signs of the Digimon menace but they couldn’t see him anywhere. But his voice ghostly echoed through the woods.
“Just remember, we will prevail.”
Masheedramon’s Patrol
Paw by paw, Masheedramon’s patrol slowly clambered up the huge mountain.
“Look, there’s a ledge there that we can rest at.” Masheedramon pointed out, pointing to a steep ledge a few inches above them.
“Thank goodness, I’m so tired!” Zashomon wailed. The group pulled the last few inches and reached the ledge eventually. Panting with thirst and hunger taking over, they realised they wouldn’t be able to make it all the way to the top.
“Darn, we should have brought at least one Digimon that could fly with us!” Zoranmon pointed out.
“Your right, sorry about that.” Masheedramon sighed.
“Hey Mashy, it’s not your fault, you did your best and I’m sure we’ll be fine!” Lobodramon smiled at his mate who smiled in return. Kohakumon and Zashomon were tumbling over each other dangerously close to the cliff.
“Kids, be careful, you don’t want to fall!” Lobodramon teased as the two stopped instantly and ran over to snuggle up to Masheedramon’s warm fur. Masheedramon purred proudly and Lobodramon nodded in affection. Zoranmon smiled warmly towards Zashomon, he thought she got more beautiful everyday. Masheedramon poked her nose towards higher up the mountain.
“It’ll be freezing up there, I don’t think the kids can handle that, especially Kohakumon. Maybe we should call it a day Loby.” Masheedramon suggested. Lobodramon peered up to notice that Masheedramon was right, higher up the mountain snow was tufting around the ledges and very high up, a small snowy breeze filled the crystal air. Plus, the higher they went, the thinner air would be, they couldn’t survive air much thicker than this. He nodded slowly towards his mate who was now walking towards him.
“Your right, let’s head back down again, looks like there’s no sign of trouble here.” But as Lobodramon said that, a shadow spread across the whole ledge. The Digimon looked up and gasped at who was looming above them. It was a huge black wolf Digimon but the gang knew him all to well.
“Paranugumimon!” Masheedramon gasped. “But we got rid of you!”
“And where’s your red markings?” Lobodramon added. Paranugumimon merely grinned.
“You’ll see in time, I’ve become more powerful than you can possibly imagine and you will pay dearly for what you did to me before.” He screeched, tightening himself into a ball and bursting out to release a huge black cloud of darkness that shrouded the Digimon. “Now I will rule over you and there’s nothing you can do to stop me, not with my new power of darkness!” Paranugumimon shot shadow balls at all of the Digimon, they all dodged apart from Zashomon who was high sharply causing her to become paralyzed and consumed by a field of electricity any sudden movements would mean a huge electric shock for her. Masheedramon gasped for her daughter’s sake and shot up to unleash a fire dart at him but it merely dissolved into his shadowed fur.
“He’s too strong!” Masheedramon cried to Lobodramon who bowed his head in defeat waiting for Paranugumimon’s best shot. At that moment, Zoranmon leapt onto Paranugumimon causing them both to plummet all the way down the cliff.
“Zoranmon!” Zashomon cried out in fear. Her love for him was so strong that the electricity frazzled away leaving her to leap after Zoranmon followed closely by her family. At the bottom, Paranugumimon had Zoranmon pinned to the ground, fans read to expose to the white wolf’s neck but Zashomon leapt on top of the black wolf causing him to fall backwards.
“Enough of these childish games! Alone we may not be able to defeat you but together we will bring you down!” Paranugumimon cried as he dissolved back into the shadows. Zashomon ran over to Zoranmon and licked his wounds affectionately whilst Masheedramon ran over to her daughter to see if she was aright. Lobodramon stared towards the nearing moon as if he could see blood splattered across it’s perfect circle.
“The prophecy has come.”
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Sutaru on August 28, 2009, 8:48:36 AM
Sutaru on

ginathehedgehog on August 28, 2009, 10:12:37 AM
Falconlobo on August 28, 2009, 6:13:28 AM
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ginathehedgehog on August 28, 2009, 6:26:24 AM
Falconlobo on August 28, 2009, 7:50:12 AM
Falconlobo on
PunkWolfGirl on August 28, 2009, 5:40:18 AM
PunkWolfGirl on
ginathehedgehog on August 28, 2009, 6:20:15 AM
sparx on August 24, 2009, 4:57:03 AM
sparx on
ginathehedgehog on August 28, 2009, 4:21:38 AM
AlleyCat17 on August 24, 2009, 1:38:27 AM
AlleyCat17 on