Chapter 5 - Untitled
Submitted September 20, 2005 Updated December 23, 2005 Status Incomplete |
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 5 - Untitled
Chapter 5 - Untitled
Amy and Sonic Their Love-chapter 5
(A/N I have noticed that on FAC hot_sonic and my story on chapter 4 it hasn't been fitted on the screen. Well if it has YES! But, on my computer it didn't so I'm starting the rest of the story here!! ^^) *FLASHBACK OF THEIR 1ST ROMANTIC MOMENT*
Sonic: Hey Amy!
Amy: Why did you want to bring me here?
Sonic: Sit down!
Amy: Ok (confused)
Sonic: Close your eyes.
TO BE CONTINUED….. (Yah me and hot_sonic left you on a cliff hangar)
That's the end of chapter 4!! This is chapter 5!!
Sonic leaned over to Amy's gorgeous face as her lips shine from her melon flavored lip gloss as he kisses her. (LOL flavored lip gloss!)
Amy: *eyes still closed from the kiss*
Sonic: (in his mind) I knew her eyes would still be closed.
So, Sonic has put the matching earrings, ring, necklace, and bracelet on her so quick and they have opals on them!(I luv opals!!!)
Sonic: You can open your eyes now Amy.
Amy: Sonic I..
Sonic: *puts her finger on her lips* Look.
Amy: *Looks at her and see beautiful jewelry that has nice shaped opals on them.
Amy: Did you buy these?
Sonic: Just for you!
Amy: I love you Sonikku! More than anything!
Sonic: Yeah me too. *lays down in the flower bed*
Amy: *lays down with Sonic*
Sonic: *Hears sirens* Oh CRAP!!! Amy I'm so sorry, but I have to go.
Amy: Sonic wait!
Sonic: Amy I have no time.
Amy: *Didn't listen and kissed his lips softly* Good luck!
Sonic: *Blushed* I love ya Amy!
Amy: I love you too! Now go!
Scarlett: Hello Amy?? You here? Ding dong!
Amy: Uh huh? Oh just daydreaming!
Scarlett: You are such a daydreamer! Did you daydream about Sonic again?
Amy: Yeah! Tomorrow I want to go over to Sonic's house apologize and hang!
Scarlett: Ok what time?
Amy: Probably after breakfast.
Scarlett: Ok.
Amy: Now I don't want to play Twister!
Scarlett: Then let's draw!
Amy: OK!!!
They both love drawing anime with each other and guess what? They put them on FAC!! (LOL!!! HAHAHA)
Scarlett: I put mine on FAC already!
Amy and Scarlett go on FAC!
Amy: I'm just going to scan mine.
*Waits for the scanning to get done!*
Amy: Now I'm frickin' bored!
Scarlett: Dido.
Amy: What should we do now?
Scarlett: Share life problems? Maybe perhaps about Sonic!
Amy: Ok! I love my darling Sonic yet I don't think he loves me anymore!
*~Sonic's House~*
(A/N Sonic is thinking in his head!)
Sonic: Aww man I screwed it up big time!
Sonic: I really don't think Amy likes me anymore! REALLY!
Sonic: I guess this is the end of our relationship.
Sonic: I wish there was some way I can tell her how much I love her. <3
Sonic: Amy, I love you as if you are the only person in life to me that matters!
Little did Sonic know Amy was feeling the same way.
Scarlett: Amy wake up!!!! *Throws a stuff animal at her*
Amy: Uh huh, 5 more minutes Daddy!
Scarlett: I'm not your Dad! *Shakes Amy have to death*
Amy: *Jumps up* AHH I'm late for school!
Scarlett: It's Summer Vacation Amy. Now sit down!
Amy: *Falls on her butt*.
Scarlet: LOL.
Amy: Ok what breakfast time?
Scarlett: My Daddy's making sausage and bacon!
Amy: Yum! Just a reminder I'm going to Sonic's house to hang after breakfast!
Scarlett: Yah I know!
Amy: *eating and says this in a full mouth* Yummy!
Scarlett: Don't eat with your mouth full.
Amy: *Mocks*.
Scarlett: Shut up!
Amy: Ok.
Scarlett: Here's hot coco!
Amy: Yah this is the end of the breakfast?
Scarlett: Yah!
Amy has finished her hot coco, gets dressed and packs up!
Scarlett: I see you're excited! Lemme walk you over to the door!
Amy: Bye Scarlett! Love ya like a sissy!
Scarlett: Me too bye!
Amy runs all the way to Sonic's house.
Amy: Well, here it goes! *knocks*
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