Chapter 1 - Awiens Arn't Gween
Submitted May 4, 2006 Updated March 29, 2008 Status Incomplete | Jsut some short storys about when Danny and the gang were itsy bitsy!
Cartoons » Danny Phantom |
Chapter 1 - Awiens Arn't Gween
Chapter 1 - Awiens Arn't Gween
Disclaimer: I wish! No I don't own any thing... I'm pore...
Baby Danny Phantoms!
Awiens Aren't Gween
By: Ghost Ann
It was spring and a warm sun washed over the residents of Amity Park. In a small green park children's laughter filled the air. “Click” The sound of a shuttering camera catching, as young Danny grinning as he's mom tried to get a hug, sounded. Maddie Fenton laughed as her son wiggled free from her grasp, his smile never fading. He spun around arms spread out like a bird. “Whoosh!” He moved his arms diagonally and turned. Laughing, that innocent laugh only children can holed.
“You silly boy.” Maddie laughed. “What are you doing?”
“I'm in space! I'm a space man!” Danny laughed. “Chhhh!” He spun to a stop in front of a 6 year old Jazz who was sitting with Bair Burt reading Green Eggs and Ham “I wand!” He giggled, then scram with mock fright. “Agg! Awien!”
Jazz frowned looking up. “Alien?”
There was a rustling in the bush beside them and a small boy jumped out. He was waring a red shirt and tan shorts, and was tripping over his way to big shoos. “Danny!” The 4 year old Tucker Folly stumbled falling down in front of his friend. He looked up smiling. “I come as soon as I huwd!”
“What's you talkin' `bout?” Jazz said putting her hands on her hips. “You came here with us!”
“Pwaying mined games!” Danny accused.
“Suwwender gween wady!” Tucker pointed a twig at Jazz and Danny began to laugh. “Wha'”
“Gween wady? Tucker! She not gween!”
“Aint awiens gween?” the boy inquired.
Danny frowned. “I don't know... of cores... ghost can be gween too...”
The 6 year old Jazz huffed. “Danny their aren't no such things as ghost!”
Danny looked at her side ways. “There aren't?”
“Yes dere are!” Tucker said. “You know my uncle sawd one! It shook bad- the bed!” Tucker breath. “`Side, if they aint weal dan wha' yow ma' an da' chasin'? Chicken?” Tucker through his hands up in the air to emphasize.
“Our parents are insanity.” Jazz said, crossing her arms.
Danny gasped. “Dat mean Jawz! Why you say dat?”
“What, do you believe in ghost?” Jazz challenged.
“I don' know. I never seen none bafore... but if I do-” Danny swung at the air spinning with a punch. “Whap! Boomb! I'd show dem what dis space man could do!”
“What you wanna be is an asdranaud!”
“No...” Tucker said confused. “He wan's to be space man...”
Jazz sighed. “Silly boys- I'm wight though- deir aren't no such things as ghost.”
“No such thing as ghost?” Jack bellowed. “Ghost are every where kids! Jazz exasperated grabbing her book and wrapping an arm around her bear she left, mumbling something about bad ideas and insane parents. “True!” Jack said suddenly. “I've never actually seen more than a shadow of a ghost, but I know their there!” He preached. “And I will not rest till I tare one apart molecule by molecule!” While he was ranting the two boys wondered off continuing their game of space and aliens.
“Wha's a mowecule?” Tucker asked. Danny shrugged as he continued to run with his out stretched arms. “I'm hungwy.” Tucker said suddenly.
“Kay, mom brogh' Fen'on jerky-
“I wove jerky- and chicken- and turky- barbeque, and `amburger!” Tucker cheered.
The 2 ran back to Maddie who happily surrendered two sticks of Fenton jerky. The 2 sat down and snacked. “Soda?” Maddie asked Danny.
“Yeah!” He grabbed her cup and took two large gulps.
“Don't drink it all hunny!”
Danny giggled setting it down and flopped down on the bench next to Tucker, he yawned making Tucker yawn too. “I heawd yawns were contadious!” Tucker said quickly. Danny blinked at him and laughed. “I sewious!”
“Tucker- you cwazy!”
“Nu-uh! You are!”
The two stopped, grins spreading on there faces, they busted out laughing. “Tucker...” Danny said. “Your my bestessed fwiend!”
“Good I youw best fwiend, `cause you mine!”
“Yeah! We be fwiends for all space and time!” Danny said.
Maddie just smiled watching as the two `great heroes' got into a game of who'd fall asleep first, without even knowing it. The two yawned in unison and giggled a bit before falling against each other as exposition pulled their young eyes shut. She couldn't help but chuckle as she realized it was a draw.
Authors notes!
Tell me what you think! I have some similar stories! Including when they meat Sam, I just wanted to cheer my self up and this was so much fun! I hope you like it! Pleas review!
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shapeshifterwolf on July 19, 2007, 4:52:21 AM

Coolstra on July 21, 2006, 2:03:47 PM
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