Chapter 1 - True Love
Submitted November 24, 2007 Updated November 24, 2007 Status Complete | A love found that truely was meant to be. No one can ever seperate the couple, for true love has its bonds. |
Chapter 1 - True Love
Chapter 1 - True Love
A Love That Was Meant to Be
His straight blonde hair was ruffled by the wind. He took a step closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist. I was astonished by his actions. I was close to him... but never this close.
I was worried. What was wrong?
He pulled me close to him, arms still around my waist. I lifted my hand up to his face and brushed my fingers from his temple to his chin over and over. He leaned his face closer to mine, nuzzling my cheek with his nose, then he rested his head on my shoulder. I was so confused, what was making him do this. He looked up and must have seen the confusion in my eyes.
He lightly kissed my cheek, his cool lips against my skin, chilling.
"If your wondering why I'm doing this, it's because..." He whispered into my ear, velvety voice, perfect, flawless voice pausing. He seemed to struggle with the last words of his sentence, then it hit me...
Did he love me? But how? Why? Questions swarmed, but what if it's because I'm in some kind of danger? but why? what could hurt me besides another...
"I love you..." His voice and continuation made me flinch.
Questions began to swarm in my head again...
Why? How?
Oh so many questions were being asked in my head... But I wasn't sure which one to ask. But before I could answer his lips were on mine hesitating any chatter. This was a different kind of pressure on my lips though, harder, more wanting than ever. He pulled away, his butterscotch eyes bore into mine. At that point did I realize I loved him too, not because of the moment, but I've been deninying it all the time I've known him.
I saw the real and pure truth in his eyes a they bore into mine.
Then his body stiffened and he smelt the air, werewolves... They were coming and fast. They were surrounding us, damn werewolves, they were filthy mongrels. Why... Now of all the times in this eternity we have, why now? I questioned this. I hated it to be now... It saddened me so much... and I hated it. He barred his teeth and a deep growl emitted from his chest, a deep and menacing growl.
He slightly pushed me away not wanting me to get in a fight, and right as he did so one of the werewolves came out of its hiding place in the trees and threw itself at him. I gasped shocked the werewolves would even have the courage, confidence and stupidity to do such a thing. He then quickly dodged the attack and bit into the werewolves neck making it howl, then it's eyes quickly flashed towards me.
Ignoring the pain it was just put through it jumped at me, ignoring my love. When I tried to move away from the creature I couldn't I was being held down at my sides by two other werewolves, those filthy mutts.
The werewolf’s fierce jaws coming my way... and I couldn't move...
Not one bit... two werewolves... No, not a chance... Then my eyes closed, not knowing of what was coming.
Then suddenly I felt a thumping against my chest, opening my eyes I saw him in front of me, using his body as a protective shield, I could've taken the blow from him, the mangy mutt didn't look like it was too much...
He was facing me though, his eyes again boring into mine. He leaned into me, pressing his chest against mine. His lips against my lips, but this kiss, was quick, a small peck. He smiled a sweet smile at me, then quickly tore the wolves that were pinning me there away.
I wanted to help him, but he insisted that I try to stay away, but I couldn't listen to him... One of the werewolves threw itself at me, but I dodged that and threw myself at it's side, making it fly threw the trees. Then I felt a pain in my shoulder. I didn't need to look to see if it was what I thought, I could smell it. Then arms wrapped around my waist, stil thinking it was my lover I turned around, only to see that it was, in fact, one of the wolves...
He had brown hair, with green eyes, and his skin was a light brownish... His grasp on me was very firm. He leaned his face closer to mine, teasing me, but I was just disgusted. The very fact he was touching made me want to vomit, if I could. I guess he could've been handsome, to a human... But as for me? A werewolf was the mortal enemy of me, a vampire.
I quickly spat at his face, he moved so it missed. Then he suddenly slapped me, so hard, I could actually feel it. After he had slapped me, he picked me up and ran away from my lover, and his mutts. I pounded against his chest, and the only reaction I got was laughter. I began to pound harder not restricting myself from my power. Then I finally got a reasonable answer, he stopped and dropped me then kicked me. I flew up against a tree, and now I was angry.
That mangy mutt, first he even touches me, then he takes me away, now he even has the nerve to kick me, try to hurt me at that! I launched at him, a vampire angry is never a good thing. I clawed at his face and bit him every chance I could, he was finally able to tear me off of him and when I looked at him, he was bleeding every where, with gashes in his arms and legs, scratches every where. He looked at me, with eyes filled with hatred, not just for me but for my whole race.
I gave him an icy glare. His eyes then softened, he stepped towards me, "You do not remember me my love?" what?! I took a step back, faltering my composed face. His love? His love? I was outraged! Such... Such a filthy... creature such as himself calling me his love! He grinned at me, and took steps forward.
How did he know me? How did I know him?
New questions formed in my head, a vampire and a werewolf? impossible! How could he think of such things, I was tearing him apart, yet he said, you do not remember me my love? How outrageous, I bet I probably knocked him a bit too hard, he was losing his mind I bet.
He quickly phased into his wolf form, and pounced onto me, despite him being weak he was still powerful, and powerful enough to hold me down. He pinned me to the ground, and he nuzzled my neck with his nose, which was wet, and yet it tickled, no! What was I doing? Was I giving into him? This mutt?! Why.
Was I really losing my faith with my love that he'll come and save me from this mongrel. Maybe he didn’t' notice I was gone... no! How could I be thinking this?! Impossible... werewolves? vampires?! I was so outraged with myself, I couldn't think clearly, I didn't even notice that he phased back and his face was leaning closer, and closer to mine...
Seconds flew by and I was awakened by something warm on my skin... Looking up at him I noticed... His wounds already were healed! Strange mutt... Stupid, stupid werewolves!
Why did they have to ruin everything, I was perfectly content with who I was with and at the moment... It felt so right, but they just had to interfere. But before I could think of any other ways to hate him, I felt a slight pressure on my lips...
My eyes flew open, and I saw that... that... I was completely outraged! I tried to get him off of me by lunging forward, but when he kept his lips on mine, I opened my mouth and bit down on his bottom lip and he howled in pain, confusion, and pain pulsed through him, I could see it in his eyes, and by the way he howled... Mutt... I grumbled under by breath he stared at me, completely dumbfounded.
Had he forgotten who we were? What our purpose was?
Or... something like that at least... Werewolves and Vampires, were mortal enemies, and what part of that didn’t he understand?
Any ways I had a lover... a mate... you could say even though we didn't... My mind started to wonder and I finally came back to the present... I heard a loud roar coming from the distant, and knew exactly who it was, him. I sighed, and my glare at the wolf turned icy and he got off of me...
Why was he doing this? If he valued his life in any way I wouldn't be here, and his filthy mongrel lips would have never ever touched mine... I'm starting to sound like I was 10 years old again... Such a long time ago...
I felt myself being lifted up and finally felt myself in the arms of the right person... But as soon as I looked up into his eyes... They were filled with absolute fury, He glowered at me, not saying anything...
He knew what had happened, and he probably thought that I let him... I was in such a mess...
His nosed wrinkled, I smelt like dog he set me down now, and made sure that I was within range, but not touching him... He was so angry at me, his eyes a full on black, still glowering at me... I felt so bad, the guilt in me was terrible, like a gaping hole in my chest.
I know that if I were still human that I'd be crying at this very moment, and they would be spilling, nonstop. I gasped as the pain sunk in, and saw the werewolf staring at me, now he was angry with me...
How could he be angry with me? I didn't even know the mutt, how could he have been attracted to me?
Ugh, I sighed, this was so confusing... Suddenly, the werewolf phased and ran away, his body just a blur as he ran through the trees, away from us, far away from us.
Just by the way my lover was looking at me, I could tell he wasn't going to be too easy to convince.
Well I wanted to start with what he already knew, so that's what I asked, "What did you see?" it was only a whisper, but he could hear it
"I saw all of it, why didn't you fight back?" He questioned me, his voice was raising with each word. I brought my knees up to my chest, and wrapped my arms around them, laying my head on top of my knees, not wanting to see his face. He saw me not answering and kept going, "Why? I didn't see you fighting back at all! He... He... You even let him kiss you!" He was accusing me of things that I didn't do.
I did fight back and I didn't let him kiss me. But I never said anything I kept quiet, and let him continue. "I thought... Don't you love me?" His question was quiet, even for me to hear. I finally got the courage and looked up at him, his face full of contorted into a face of pain. Even though I didn't need to breathe, I still took deep breathes trying to settle myself, trying to get absorbed with the scent of the trees and the blooming flowers.
"I'm sorry..." That's all that I was able to say. I'm sorry? Is that all? No... It's not I wanted to say I do love you, and... Oh so many more things... but I was torn, so much I just couldn't stand speaking. I wanted to go toward him, hug him, assure him that I did love him! I felt that urge so bad, but my body was stiff. He had to repeat the question that I couldn't answer,
"Do you love me?" I nodded, not trusting my voice. I gathered the courage and took a step forward, he flinched, but stayed in place. I took another step when I was sure he wasn't going anywhere, and to my surprise he walked towards me, filling the gap between us. I was inches from him, to touch him I felt like he was going to break, he seemed so fragile at the moment... Pain was still etched in his features, and I knew it was all because of me, I hated this. I was so angry with myself for making him go through this pain, and all because I wasn't careful enough, or strong enough to get away from that mutt! Despite all the courage I had just worked up, I looked down, not being able to stand the pain that I was putting him through.
While I was looking at the ground, I saw his feet turn around, I quickly looked up and saw him walking away from the clearing, but not far enough for me not to see him. Immediately I ran after him, I wrapped my arms around his waist, but then released my hold realizing what I had just done. He didn't move, and he stopped breathing, his hands were balled up into fists. Was he mad at me?... Well mad at me even more than he already was? I shut my eyes and hung my head in shame... Then I felt his hand on my chin, lifting it up to look at him probably, but I kept my eyes shut, not wanting to see his face. Then felt his breath on my face, soft, cool, and absolutely intoxicating.
His hand soon dropped from my chin, and felt them creep down my sides, and wrap around me into a hug. Now was it time for me to be confused? First he was mad, then I got him even more mad... Now he's ugh... I mentally sighed in my frustration, then I felt him chuckle under his breathe, was my frustration that noticeable to him... Naw he just knew me too well. I opened my eyes to see an amused expression on his face, why was he so gosh darn confusing?! Seeing my further frustration he started to laugh, I couldn't help but sigh. His laugh comforted me though, it sounded like the most beautifully composed song in the world. I leaned forward resting my head against his chest feeling it rise up and down in his laughter.
"I'm sorry ya know, I over reacted. But you so frustrated is funny I couldn't help but laugh!" We were sitting on the ground, with me on his lap. I slightly turned around and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you." I couldn't help but smile at him, "Is it really that funny?" I inquired, how could someone's frustration be amusing? I mentally sighed. He was the cause of me being so frustrated, but I still love him... Of course! He chuckled under his breath, I was probably making faces while I was thinking again... Darn human habits. But before I asked him anything, his lips were on mine, massaging them with his.
He backed away too soon, but that had left us both breathless. He smiled, showing his perfect teeth. I felt myself start to melt, melt right into him. So this is how love felt... I love it... We soon got up, after a while of staring at each other, and we started to run, and we didn't care where we went. But I soon caught a whiff of some humans and felt the thirst in my throat go wild and a monster inside of me grow... But I immediately felt strong arms around me in a second and the monster fell. I took a deep breathe and filled my nostrils with his scent... He was just so... intoxicating.
I could tell he could smell it too, so we ran opposite of where humans would be. I held his hand the entire time, not wanting to loose him again. But we finally stopped in a small clearing and he slightly pushed me up against a tree, “Now remember before that awful interruption, where were we?” I felt his hand go to my leg and slide up underneath my dress. His head rested on my shoulder his lips pressed up against my throat, where I was bitten, and then his voice was soft and full of love "I want you." My breathe immediately caught in my throat, vision blurry, all of my senses were dulled.
All I could do was nod, I wasn't sure what had just happen? Did he say what I think he said? I started to feel faint. Human habits, to think you'd get over them after you were turned into some "mythical creature". But nooooo whenever I got into something this intimate with him, him especially I always started to feel faint. He chuckled at my reactions and slowly started unbuttoning the back of my dress, and if my heart could still beat it'd be going off the charts at this moment.
"Please? I would wait an eternity for you to feel like this about me, just to make you happy, so I'll stop right now if you want me to... But if you want I will do whatever to make you happy."
I've never felt this much... emotion, it felt like I was going to burst with happiness. I put my hands on both sides of his face and brought his lips to mine with so much force I was afraid I had just hurt him, but I heard his body rock with laughter and his actions became a bit more rough and faster, I quickly started to unbutton his shirt and took that off. While wrapping my arms around his neck making our kiss more deep, his tongue forced my lips open, and our tongues danced together.
I was full of happiness I couldn't explain it in just one word, or a few... because there is no word for how I felt at this moment! Happiness, love... Love... Was that the one word that could describe at the moment? I don't know. Love was the simplest form that could describe how I felt, that and happiness.
We both started to just tear each other’s clothes off and his skin slightly glittered in the moonlight making him all the more spectacular and perfect. He wrapped his arms around me and rolled over till he was on top of me again, smiling down at me, his perfect smile. That night we were lost in our pleasures, finally knowing that we did love each other and could be with each other for the rest of eternity, and no one would be able to separate us. We loved each other, and we had each other until the end of time and that's all that mattered.
Here you go, my first story. One of the few short stories I’ve done out of my free time. I hope all of you that read this enjoyed my story. Thanks you, reviews are greatly appreciated.
His straight blonde hair was ruffled by the wind. He took a step closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist. I was astonished by his actions. I was close to him... but never this close.
I was worried. What was wrong?
He pulled me close to him, arms still around my waist. I lifted my hand up to his face and brushed my fingers from his temple to his chin over and over. He leaned his face closer to mine, nuzzling my cheek with his nose, then he rested his head on my shoulder. I was so confused, what was making him do this. He looked up and must have seen the confusion in my eyes.
He lightly kissed my cheek, his cool lips against my skin, chilling.
"If your wondering why I'm doing this, it's because..." He whispered into my ear, velvety voice, perfect, flawless voice pausing. He seemed to struggle with the last words of his sentence, then it hit me...
Did he love me? But how? Why? Questions swarmed, but what if it's because I'm in some kind of danger? but why? what could hurt me besides another...
"I love you..." His voice and continuation made me flinch.
Questions began to swarm in my head again...
Why? How?
Oh so many questions were being asked in my head... But I wasn't sure which one to ask. But before I could answer his lips were on mine hesitating any chatter. This was a different kind of pressure on my lips though, harder, more wanting than ever. He pulled away, his butterscotch eyes bore into mine. At that point did I realize I loved him too, not because of the moment, but I've been deninying it all the time I've known him.
I saw the real and pure truth in his eyes a they bore into mine.
Then his body stiffened and he smelt the air, werewolves... They were coming and fast. They were surrounding us, damn werewolves, they were filthy mongrels. Why... Now of all the times in this eternity we have, why now? I questioned this. I hated it to be now... It saddened me so much... and I hated it. He barred his teeth and a deep growl emitted from his chest, a deep and menacing growl.
He slightly pushed me away not wanting me to get in a fight, and right as he did so one of the werewolves came out of its hiding place in the trees and threw itself at him. I gasped shocked the werewolves would even have the courage, confidence and stupidity to do such a thing. He then quickly dodged the attack and bit into the werewolves neck making it howl, then it's eyes quickly flashed towards me.
Ignoring the pain it was just put through it jumped at me, ignoring my love. When I tried to move away from the creature I couldn't I was being held down at my sides by two other werewolves, those filthy mutts.
The werewolf’s fierce jaws coming my way... and I couldn't move...
Not one bit... two werewolves... No, not a chance... Then my eyes closed, not knowing of what was coming.
Then suddenly I felt a thumping against my chest, opening my eyes I saw him in front of me, using his body as a protective shield, I could've taken the blow from him, the mangy mutt didn't look like it was too much...
He was facing me though, his eyes again boring into mine. He leaned into me, pressing his chest against mine. His lips against my lips, but this kiss, was quick, a small peck. He smiled a sweet smile at me, then quickly tore the wolves that were pinning me there away.
I wanted to help him, but he insisted that I try to stay away, but I couldn't listen to him... One of the werewolves threw itself at me, but I dodged that and threw myself at it's side, making it fly threw the trees. Then I felt a pain in my shoulder. I didn't need to look to see if it was what I thought, I could smell it. Then arms wrapped around my waist, stil thinking it was my lover I turned around, only to see that it was, in fact, one of the wolves...
He had brown hair, with green eyes, and his skin was a light brownish... His grasp on me was very firm. He leaned his face closer to mine, teasing me, but I was just disgusted. The very fact he was touching made me want to vomit, if I could. I guess he could've been handsome, to a human... But as for me? A werewolf was the mortal enemy of me, a vampire.
I quickly spat at his face, he moved so it missed. Then he suddenly slapped me, so hard, I could actually feel it. After he had slapped me, he picked me up and ran away from my lover, and his mutts. I pounded against his chest, and the only reaction I got was laughter. I began to pound harder not restricting myself from my power. Then I finally got a reasonable answer, he stopped and dropped me then kicked me. I flew up against a tree, and now I was angry.
That mangy mutt, first he even touches me, then he takes me away, now he even has the nerve to kick me, try to hurt me at that! I launched at him, a vampire angry is never a good thing. I clawed at his face and bit him every chance I could, he was finally able to tear me off of him and when I looked at him, he was bleeding every where, with gashes in his arms and legs, scratches every where. He looked at me, with eyes filled with hatred, not just for me but for my whole race.
I gave him an icy glare. His eyes then softened, he stepped towards me, "You do not remember me my love?" what?! I took a step back, faltering my composed face. His love? His love? I was outraged! Such... Such a filthy... creature such as himself calling me his love! He grinned at me, and took steps forward.
How did he know me? How did I know him?
New questions formed in my head, a vampire and a werewolf? impossible! How could he think of such things, I was tearing him apart, yet he said, you do not remember me my love? How outrageous, I bet I probably knocked him a bit too hard, he was losing his mind I bet.
He quickly phased into his wolf form, and pounced onto me, despite him being weak he was still powerful, and powerful enough to hold me down. He pinned me to the ground, and he nuzzled my neck with his nose, which was wet, and yet it tickled, no! What was I doing? Was I giving into him? This mutt?! Why.
Was I really losing my faith with my love that he'll come and save me from this mongrel. Maybe he didn’t' notice I was gone... no! How could I be thinking this?! Impossible... werewolves? vampires?! I was so outraged with myself, I couldn't think clearly, I didn't even notice that he phased back and his face was leaning closer, and closer to mine...
Seconds flew by and I was awakened by something warm on my skin... Looking up at him I noticed... His wounds already were healed! Strange mutt... Stupid, stupid werewolves!
Why did they have to ruin everything, I was perfectly content with who I was with and at the moment... It felt so right, but they just had to interfere. But before I could think of any other ways to hate him, I felt a slight pressure on my lips...
My eyes flew open, and I saw that... that... I was completely outraged! I tried to get him off of me by lunging forward, but when he kept his lips on mine, I opened my mouth and bit down on his bottom lip and he howled in pain, confusion, and pain pulsed through him, I could see it in his eyes, and by the way he howled... Mutt... I grumbled under by breath he stared at me, completely dumbfounded.
Had he forgotten who we were? What our purpose was?
Or... something like that at least... Werewolves and Vampires, were mortal enemies, and what part of that didn’t he understand?
Any ways I had a lover... a mate... you could say even though we didn't... My mind started to wonder and I finally came back to the present... I heard a loud roar coming from the distant, and knew exactly who it was, him. I sighed, and my glare at the wolf turned icy and he got off of me...
Why was he doing this? If he valued his life in any way I wouldn't be here, and his filthy mongrel lips would have never ever touched mine... I'm starting to sound like I was 10 years old again... Such a long time ago...
I felt myself being lifted up and finally felt myself in the arms of the right person... But as soon as I looked up into his eyes... They were filled with absolute fury, He glowered at me, not saying anything...
He knew what had happened, and he probably thought that I let him... I was in such a mess...
His nosed wrinkled, I smelt like dog he set me down now, and made sure that I was within range, but not touching him... He was so angry at me, his eyes a full on black, still glowering at me... I felt so bad, the guilt in me was terrible, like a gaping hole in my chest.
I know that if I were still human that I'd be crying at this very moment, and they would be spilling, nonstop. I gasped as the pain sunk in, and saw the werewolf staring at me, now he was angry with me...
How could he be angry with me? I didn't even know the mutt, how could he have been attracted to me?
Ugh, I sighed, this was so confusing... Suddenly, the werewolf phased and ran away, his body just a blur as he ran through the trees, away from us, far away from us.
Just by the way my lover was looking at me, I could tell he wasn't going to be too easy to convince.
Well I wanted to start with what he already knew, so that's what I asked, "What did you see?" it was only a whisper, but he could hear it
"I saw all of it, why didn't you fight back?" He questioned me, his voice was raising with each word. I brought my knees up to my chest, and wrapped my arms around them, laying my head on top of my knees, not wanting to see his face. He saw me not answering and kept going, "Why? I didn't see you fighting back at all! He... He... You even let him kiss you!" He was accusing me of things that I didn't do.
I did fight back and I didn't let him kiss me. But I never said anything I kept quiet, and let him continue. "I thought... Don't you love me?" His question was quiet, even for me to hear. I finally got the courage and looked up at him, his face full of contorted into a face of pain. Even though I didn't need to breathe, I still took deep breathes trying to settle myself, trying to get absorbed with the scent of the trees and the blooming flowers.
"I'm sorry..." That's all that I was able to say. I'm sorry? Is that all? No... It's not I wanted to say I do love you, and... Oh so many more things... but I was torn, so much I just couldn't stand speaking. I wanted to go toward him, hug him, assure him that I did love him! I felt that urge so bad, but my body was stiff. He had to repeat the question that I couldn't answer,
"Do you love me?" I nodded, not trusting my voice. I gathered the courage and took a step forward, he flinched, but stayed in place. I took another step when I was sure he wasn't going anywhere, and to my surprise he walked towards me, filling the gap between us. I was inches from him, to touch him I felt like he was going to break, he seemed so fragile at the moment... Pain was still etched in his features, and I knew it was all because of me, I hated this. I was so angry with myself for making him go through this pain, and all because I wasn't careful enough, or strong enough to get away from that mutt! Despite all the courage I had just worked up, I looked down, not being able to stand the pain that I was putting him through.
While I was looking at the ground, I saw his feet turn around, I quickly looked up and saw him walking away from the clearing, but not far enough for me not to see him. Immediately I ran after him, I wrapped my arms around his waist, but then released my hold realizing what I had just done. He didn't move, and he stopped breathing, his hands were balled up into fists. Was he mad at me?... Well mad at me even more than he already was? I shut my eyes and hung my head in shame... Then I felt his hand on my chin, lifting it up to look at him probably, but I kept my eyes shut, not wanting to see his face. Then felt his breath on my face, soft, cool, and absolutely intoxicating.
His hand soon dropped from my chin, and felt them creep down my sides, and wrap around me into a hug. Now was it time for me to be confused? First he was mad, then I got him even more mad... Now he's ugh... I mentally sighed in my frustration, then I felt him chuckle under his breathe, was my frustration that noticeable to him... Naw he just knew me too well. I opened my eyes to see an amused expression on his face, why was he so gosh darn confusing?! Seeing my further frustration he started to laugh, I couldn't help but sigh. His laugh comforted me though, it sounded like the most beautifully composed song in the world. I leaned forward resting my head against his chest feeling it rise up and down in his laughter.
"I'm sorry ya know, I over reacted. But you so frustrated is funny I couldn't help but laugh!" We were sitting on the ground, with me on his lap. I slightly turned around and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you." I couldn't help but smile at him, "Is it really that funny?" I inquired, how could someone's frustration be amusing? I mentally sighed. He was the cause of me being so frustrated, but I still love him... Of course! He chuckled under his breath, I was probably making faces while I was thinking again... Darn human habits. But before I asked him anything, his lips were on mine, massaging them with his.
He backed away too soon, but that had left us both breathless. He smiled, showing his perfect teeth. I felt myself start to melt, melt right into him. So this is how love felt... I love it... We soon got up, after a while of staring at each other, and we started to run, and we didn't care where we went. But I soon caught a whiff of some humans and felt the thirst in my throat go wild and a monster inside of me grow... But I immediately felt strong arms around me in a second and the monster fell. I took a deep breathe and filled my nostrils with his scent... He was just so... intoxicating.
I could tell he could smell it too, so we ran opposite of where humans would be. I held his hand the entire time, not wanting to loose him again. But we finally stopped in a small clearing and he slightly pushed me up against a tree, “Now remember before that awful interruption, where were we?” I felt his hand go to my leg and slide up underneath my dress. His head rested on my shoulder his lips pressed up against my throat, where I was bitten, and then his voice was soft and full of love "I want you." My breathe immediately caught in my throat, vision blurry, all of my senses were dulled.
All I could do was nod, I wasn't sure what had just happen? Did he say what I think he said? I started to feel faint. Human habits, to think you'd get over them after you were turned into some "mythical creature". But nooooo whenever I got into something this intimate with him, him especially I always started to feel faint. He chuckled at my reactions and slowly started unbuttoning the back of my dress, and if my heart could still beat it'd be going off the charts at this moment.
"Please? I would wait an eternity for you to feel like this about me, just to make you happy, so I'll stop right now if you want me to... But if you want I will do whatever to make you happy."
I've never felt this much... emotion, it felt like I was going to burst with happiness. I put my hands on both sides of his face and brought his lips to mine with so much force I was afraid I had just hurt him, but I heard his body rock with laughter and his actions became a bit more rough and faster, I quickly started to unbutton his shirt and took that off. While wrapping my arms around his neck making our kiss more deep, his tongue forced my lips open, and our tongues danced together.
I was full of happiness I couldn't explain it in just one word, or a few... because there is no word for how I felt at this moment! Happiness, love... Love... Was that the one word that could describe at the moment? I don't know. Love was the simplest form that could describe how I felt, that and happiness.
We both started to just tear each other’s clothes off and his skin slightly glittered in the moonlight making him all the more spectacular and perfect. He wrapped his arms around me and rolled over till he was on top of me again, smiling down at me, his perfect smile. That night we were lost in our pleasures, finally knowing that we did love each other and could be with each other for the rest of eternity, and no one would be able to separate us. We loved each other, and we had each other until the end of time and that's all that mattered.
Here you go, my first story. One of the few short stories I’ve done out of my free time. I hope all of you that read this enjoyed my story. Thanks you, reviews are greatly appreciated.
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CrystalKitsune357 on December 15, 2007, 3:50:14 AM

hirataitokyo on December 15, 2007, 5:47:50 AM
hirataitokyo on
SpiderMuffin on November 29, 2007, 2:48:34 AM
SpiderMuffin on
hirataitokyo on November 29, 2007, 8:36:24 AM
hirataitokyo on