Chapter 1 - Wierd happenings
Submitted March 30, 2006 Updated March 30, 2006 Status Incomplete | Something wierd is happening.Kagome is thinking about telling InuYasha how she feels, Sesshomaru is coming along saying something about sisters, which InuYasha finds out he has two sisters, Koga comes to tell Kagome that they're 'not meant to be', an
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Fan-characters (OC's) |
Chapter 1 - Wierd happenings
Chapter 1 - Wierd happenings
The bright sunlight gathered it's rays all over Tokyo. Kagome Higarashi was sleeping away peacefully. She was dreaming of Naraku coming to her time. ", not the cheese..." she said as she rolled over in her sleep. Then Kagome sprung up and yelled "NO MORE GRAVY!" as she fell off her bed. "Oh," said the middle-schooler, rubbing her head. "It was just a dream.." She looked outside her window and thought I hope that never really happens.what if InuYasha comes to late? or doesn't come at all? Or Naraku kills him..or-! She stopped her rousing for a moment. Why am i blabbing about what happens to InuYasha?! Kagome sighed as she looked up. Maybe it's about time to tell InuYasha how i feel.. But what about Kikyo?! i keep getting these e-mails from this strange little girl telling me to forget about Kikyo and tell him.. Maybe she's right... Kagome stood up and walked downstairs, where her family was eating.
"Kagome?" asked her grandfather. "Where are you going?"
Kagome picked up her huge bag. "I'm going to the Fudal Era now. bye!" her family waved as she stepped outside walking toward the mini-well shrine.
Remember me? I'm Kagome Higarashi. Recently, i was pulled down the well in our shrine by a demon called Mistress Centipede. There was this boy, InuYasha, pinned to a tree! I somehow set him free; when something called the Shikon Jewel came out of me. It can give any owner of it amazing powers! InuYasha wants it to turn into a full fledge demon like his father. I accidentally broke the jewel, which shattered into many pieces. Now me, InuYasha, a demon slayer named Sango, her faithful companion Kirara, a lecherous monk named Miroku, and a young fox demon named Shippo, have to find all the jewel shards and defeat an evil demon named Naraku. So, my life is anything but ordinary. Kagome sighed heavily as she jumped down the bone-eaters well. She climbed back up to see only InuYasha sitting not very far by. This is my chance. Kagome thought skeptically. My chance to finally tell InuYasha how i feel. "Um....InuYasha.''
InuYasha looked over at Kagome. "Oh hi, what's up?"
Kagome's whole face turned red. "InuYasha i've got something to tell you...''
InuYasha straitened his back. "What?" He noticed Kagome's red face. "Hey, why are you all red? It's not hot here....."
You're wrong... EEEP!? WHAT AM I THINKING?! Kagome calmed down. "InuYasha, we've-"
They heard giggles from the bushes beside them. InuYasha got up and punched the bushes a number of times.
"OW!" the bushes cried out loudly. Shippo poked his head out from the bushes, big bumps planted on his head. "InuYasha!'
InuYasha shrugged and looked over at Kagome. "Eh, it's just the carrot-top brat." For the first time, Kagome giggled at what InuYasha said. "Err, Kagome?"
Kagome stopped idmetitatly as the half demon and young full demon looked at her. " was random.'' She laughed a very fake laugh.
InuYasha walked over to her and slapped her back. "Ok, Kagome is out of commission. What should we do with her now?"
Kagome's whole body turned red and she felt very hot. He's touching me!!!! Kagome felt really dizzy. The world she knew was fading away. She could hear someone repeating "Kagome, what's wrong? kagome!" Then she blacked out.
Moments later, Kagome opened her eyes and everything was blurry for a minute. When her vision worked again, she saw Shippo standing over her. "kagome! You're awake!That's great!"
InuYasha walked over to her. "kagome!"
Sango sat beside Kagome. "What happened?"
InuYasha looked over at Sango and said, "i was just touching her back, and she fainted." Everyone looked at the middle-schooler akwardly. Kagome felt really stupid.
"Um, I was just really tired yesterday from all that stuff i did at school, you know lots of homework!" she said as Miroku walked over to them and raised his eyebrows. He overheard and somehow knew stuff. "Ah, Kagome lo-"
Before the monk could finish, Kagome sprung up and slapped her hand on his mouth. She silently murmured to him, "Be quiet." Everyone was really confused with Kagome. She just gave them her fake-scary smile.
"NO NO GET AWAY!!!" In a forest far away from InuYasha and the others, a human woman was running away from a demon. The demon-er, demons- were running really fast. The first one she saw was taller than the other, with dog ears, long thick silver hair, markings on her face, and a wolf tail. The other one looked quite similliar, except she was shorter. "No, please, don't kill me!" The women cried as she ran. The taller demon ran faster and took a swipe. SPLOOSH! Blood scattered across the ground as the women fell to the ground. The small demon went over to the older one. "Is it InuYasha?"
"No, fool",said the other demon licking blood from her long claws. "InuYasha is a half demon. This is just a pityful human." They ran off looking for InuYasha.
Somewhere, far away from the two demons, InuYasha, Kagome and the others were sitting down still thinking about what Kagome did earlier. Kagome was sitting a bit far away from them. She was feeling really foolish.
Kagome sprung up at InuYasha's very loud voice. "Sesshomaru?"
Indeed, a demon stood in front of them, with long silver hair, pointy ears, a fluffy thing around his shoulder, and two swords. It was Sesshomaru, InuYasha's older half brother. He looked at InuYasha with a cold look in his eyes. "InuYasha,"said Sesshomaru. "Your sisters will be after you. I won't let them kill you.." He started to walk away from a shocked Inu. But before he went out of sight, Sesshomaru turned around to see InuYasha. "Because i will be the one to kill you." The full demon walked away silently and calmly.
InuYasha grolwed, "Feh, sisters? I don't have any sisters." His ears suddenly twitched. The half demon turned around to see a little puppy. Kagome zipped over to it so fast InuYasha couldn't see her.
"Awwww!!!!" cried Kagome as she picked up the puppy and squeezed it. "You're so cuuuuute!!!!!"
Can't....breath....Thought the puppy, who was actually one of those demons earlier, who's name is InuKura. She jumped out of Kagome's arms and went in front of InuYasha, barking. "WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!" InuYasha looked down at her and sighed.
"Stupid muttface."
Everyone looked over to see the owner of the voice, Koga. InuYasha growled and took hold of his Tetsusaiga. "What do you want wolf?"
"Shut up, mutt!" cried the wolf demon walking over to Kagome. "I have to tell Kagome something." He took hold of Kagome's hands and sighed. "Kagome, we've been together for some time, but there is another in my life. We were never meant to be. Bye, my Kagome." And after that, he went in his tornado and zipped away. Everyone was silent. InuYasha silently whispered "yes". The puppy broke the silence when she barked at InuYasha. He growled at it.
Meanwhile, Miroku and Sango were whispering about what Koga just did. "Who do you think Koga dumped Kagome for?" asked Sango
Miroku looked up. "i don't know, but she's got to be a real beauty." Shippo sighed wearliy as Sango made her "death" look at Miroku.
SLAAAAAP!!! Miroku cringed as Sango slammed her hand against his cheeck. He looked at her, shocked. He didn't do anything to her! The demon slayer blew something off her hand as her two-tailed demon cat Kirara purred next to her. Sango pointed to where the thing on her blew away. "It was a misquito." Miroku rubbed his new handprint on his cheeck.
Time later, everyone was walking with the puppy not far behind. InuYasha was really purturbed. Why do we have to drag this dog around... They came to a fork in the road. "It's your cue Miroku,'' said InuYasha. Miroku put his staff down(you see, he does this thing were he spins his staff, or something like that, and then whatever way it's going, he goes that way) and- ''HELP A DEMON!!! DEMONS!!!!"
Everyone turned their heads. There was two humans running toward a village in the right direction. "Run! Two demons are coming!" InuYasha took out his Tetsusaiga. "Now this is what i'm talking about!" He ran in the direction of the villagers.
"InuYasha!!! cried Kagome. The middle schooler was just about to run after him when she noticed the puppy was gone..
InuYasha ran into the village to see a tall demon and a short demon. "Hey!"
The taller one looked at him first with sharp yellow eyes. InuYasha froze at the sight of her. She looked exactly like him! The smaller demon stopped and looked at InuYasha, claws dripping with blood. InuYasha shook his head and said "Look, i don't know who you are, but i'm not letting you two go on with your killing frenzy."
The taller demon chuckled lightly. "InuYasha, I presume?"
"Depends who's asking."
"I'm InuYura," declared the tall demon. "I'm your half sister, InuYasha. And this is-"
Before InuYura could finish, the younger one jumped on InuYasha and cried "INUKURA! HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI!!!!!" She jumped off InuYasha and went over to InuYura.
The older demon sighed. "Yes, and this is InuKura, me and InuKura are younger sisters of you." She took out a sword that looked like Tetsusaiga. "I assume you met Sesshomaru, our older brother. We're like him. Also out to get you."
InuYasha pointed his Tetsusaiga at her. "You talk big, but i don't believe you can back it up! Younger sister." He ran toward her and swung Tetsusaiga. "WIND SCAR!"
InuYura put her Tetsusaiga in front of her, making the Wind Scar go around her and InuKura. "Feh, InuYasha, how weak you are! My Wind Scar is stronger than your Backlash Wave! Huh?" suck suck suck SMACK! The full demon smacked something on her neck. A flattened Myoga was on her hand.
"Myoga?" asked InuYasha. "What are you doing here?"
Myoga jumped over to InuYasha landing on his nose. "Lord InuYasha, you must not fight InuYura! She may be younger but do not forget she is all demon! She is much stronger!"
InuYura sighed where she stood. "Cut this stuff and start fighting InuYasha!"
The half demon growled at her. He ran at her, with Myoga hanging of his hair. "No, please Lord InuYasha!"
"InuYasha!!!" cried Kagome from not very far away.She,Miroku, Sango, and Shippo were riding on Kirara as she flew toward them.
InuYura ran toward InuYasha yelling, "InuKura!! Take care of InuYasha's friends!"
"Ai!" shouted InuKura, running toward Kirara as the cat demon growled and hissed.
InuYura and InuYasha's Tetsusaiga's clashed together.......
"Kagome?" asked her grandfather. "Where are you going?"
Kagome picked up her huge bag. "I'm going to the Fudal Era now. bye!" her family waved as she stepped outside walking toward the mini-well shrine.
Remember me? I'm Kagome Higarashi. Recently, i was pulled down the well in our shrine by a demon called Mistress Centipede. There was this boy, InuYasha, pinned to a tree! I somehow set him free; when something called the Shikon Jewel came out of me. It can give any owner of it amazing powers! InuYasha wants it to turn into a full fledge demon like his father. I accidentally broke the jewel, which shattered into many pieces. Now me, InuYasha, a demon slayer named Sango, her faithful companion Kirara, a lecherous monk named Miroku, and a young fox demon named Shippo, have to find all the jewel shards and defeat an evil demon named Naraku. So, my life is anything but ordinary. Kagome sighed heavily as she jumped down the bone-eaters well. She climbed back up to see only InuYasha sitting not very far by. This is my chance. Kagome thought skeptically. My chance to finally tell InuYasha how i feel. "Um....InuYasha.''
InuYasha looked over at Kagome. "Oh hi, what's up?"
Kagome's whole face turned red. "InuYasha i've got something to tell you...''
InuYasha straitened his back. "What?" He noticed Kagome's red face. "Hey, why are you all red? It's not hot here....."
You're wrong... EEEP!? WHAT AM I THINKING?! Kagome calmed down. "InuYasha, we've-"
They heard giggles from the bushes beside them. InuYasha got up and punched the bushes a number of times.
"OW!" the bushes cried out loudly. Shippo poked his head out from the bushes, big bumps planted on his head. "InuYasha!'
InuYasha shrugged and looked over at Kagome. "Eh, it's just the carrot-top brat." For the first time, Kagome giggled at what InuYasha said. "Err, Kagome?"
Kagome stopped idmetitatly as the half demon and young full demon looked at her. " was random.'' She laughed a very fake laugh.
InuYasha walked over to her and slapped her back. "Ok, Kagome is out of commission. What should we do with her now?"
Kagome's whole body turned red and she felt very hot. He's touching me!!!! Kagome felt really dizzy. The world she knew was fading away. She could hear someone repeating "Kagome, what's wrong? kagome!" Then she blacked out.
Moments later, Kagome opened her eyes and everything was blurry for a minute. When her vision worked again, she saw Shippo standing over her. "kagome! You're awake!That's great!"
InuYasha walked over to her. "kagome!"
Sango sat beside Kagome. "What happened?"
InuYasha looked over at Sango and said, "i was just touching her back, and she fainted." Everyone looked at the middle-schooler akwardly. Kagome felt really stupid.
"Um, I was just really tired yesterday from all that stuff i did at school, you know lots of homework!" she said as Miroku walked over to them and raised his eyebrows. He overheard and somehow knew stuff. "Ah, Kagome lo-"
Before the monk could finish, Kagome sprung up and slapped her hand on his mouth. She silently murmured to him, "Be quiet." Everyone was really confused with Kagome. She just gave them her fake-scary smile.
"NO NO GET AWAY!!!" In a forest far away from InuYasha and the others, a human woman was running away from a demon. The demon-er, demons- were running really fast. The first one she saw was taller than the other, with dog ears, long thick silver hair, markings on her face, and a wolf tail. The other one looked quite similliar, except she was shorter. "No, please, don't kill me!" The women cried as she ran. The taller demon ran faster and took a swipe. SPLOOSH! Blood scattered across the ground as the women fell to the ground. The small demon went over to the older one. "Is it InuYasha?"
"No, fool",said the other demon licking blood from her long claws. "InuYasha is a half demon. This is just a pityful human." They ran off looking for InuYasha.
Somewhere, far away from the two demons, InuYasha, Kagome and the others were sitting down still thinking about what Kagome did earlier. Kagome was sitting a bit far away from them. She was feeling really foolish.
Kagome sprung up at InuYasha's very loud voice. "Sesshomaru?"
Indeed, a demon stood in front of them, with long silver hair, pointy ears, a fluffy thing around his shoulder, and two swords. It was Sesshomaru, InuYasha's older half brother. He looked at InuYasha with a cold look in his eyes. "InuYasha,"said Sesshomaru. "Your sisters will be after you. I won't let them kill you.." He started to walk away from a shocked Inu. But before he went out of sight, Sesshomaru turned around to see InuYasha. "Because i will be the one to kill you." The full demon walked away silently and calmly.
InuYasha grolwed, "Feh, sisters? I don't have any sisters." His ears suddenly twitched. The half demon turned around to see a little puppy. Kagome zipped over to it so fast InuYasha couldn't see her.
"Awwww!!!!" cried Kagome as she picked up the puppy and squeezed it. "You're so cuuuuute!!!!!"
Can't....breath....Thought the puppy, who was actually one of those demons earlier, who's name is InuKura. She jumped out of Kagome's arms and went in front of InuYasha, barking. "WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!" InuYasha looked down at her and sighed.
"Stupid muttface."
Everyone looked over to see the owner of the voice, Koga. InuYasha growled and took hold of his Tetsusaiga. "What do you want wolf?"
"Shut up, mutt!" cried the wolf demon walking over to Kagome. "I have to tell Kagome something." He took hold of Kagome's hands and sighed. "Kagome, we've been together for some time, but there is another in my life. We were never meant to be. Bye, my Kagome." And after that, he went in his tornado and zipped away. Everyone was silent. InuYasha silently whispered "yes". The puppy broke the silence when she barked at InuYasha. He growled at it.
Meanwhile, Miroku and Sango were whispering about what Koga just did. "Who do you think Koga dumped Kagome for?" asked Sango
Miroku looked up. "i don't know, but she's got to be a real beauty." Shippo sighed wearliy as Sango made her "death" look at Miroku.
SLAAAAAP!!! Miroku cringed as Sango slammed her hand against his cheeck. He looked at her, shocked. He didn't do anything to her! The demon slayer blew something off her hand as her two-tailed demon cat Kirara purred next to her. Sango pointed to where the thing on her blew away. "It was a misquito." Miroku rubbed his new handprint on his cheeck.
Time later, everyone was walking with the puppy not far behind. InuYasha was really purturbed. Why do we have to drag this dog around... They came to a fork in the road. "It's your cue Miroku,'' said InuYasha. Miroku put his staff down(you see, he does this thing were he spins his staff, or something like that, and then whatever way it's going, he goes that way) and- ''HELP A DEMON!!! DEMONS!!!!"
Everyone turned their heads. There was two humans running toward a village in the right direction. "Run! Two demons are coming!" InuYasha took out his Tetsusaiga. "Now this is what i'm talking about!" He ran in the direction of the villagers.
"InuYasha!!! cried Kagome. The middle schooler was just about to run after him when she noticed the puppy was gone..
InuYasha ran into the village to see a tall demon and a short demon. "Hey!"
The taller one looked at him first with sharp yellow eyes. InuYasha froze at the sight of her. She looked exactly like him! The smaller demon stopped and looked at InuYasha, claws dripping with blood. InuYasha shook his head and said "Look, i don't know who you are, but i'm not letting you two go on with your killing frenzy."
The taller demon chuckled lightly. "InuYasha, I presume?"
"Depends who's asking."
"I'm InuYura," declared the tall demon. "I'm your half sister, InuYasha. And this is-"
Before InuYura could finish, the younger one jumped on InuYasha and cried "INUKURA! HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI!!!!!" She jumped off InuYasha and went over to InuYura.
The older demon sighed. "Yes, and this is InuKura, me and InuKura are younger sisters of you." She took out a sword that looked like Tetsusaiga. "I assume you met Sesshomaru, our older brother. We're like him. Also out to get you."
InuYasha pointed his Tetsusaiga at her. "You talk big, but i don't believe you can back it up! Younger sister." He ran toward her and swung Tetsusaiga. "WIND SCAR!"
InuYura put her Tetsusaiga in front of her, making the Wind Scar go around her and InuKura. "Feh, InuYasha, how weak you are! My Wind Scar is stronger than your Backlash Wave! Huh?" suck suck suck SMACK! The full demon smacked something on her neck. A flattened Myoga was on her hand.
"Myoga?" asked InuYasha. "What are you doing here?"
Myoga jumped over to InuYasha landing on his nose. "Lord InuYasha, you must not fight InuYura! She may be younger but do not forget she is all demon! She is much stronger!"
InuYura sighed where she stood. "Cut this stuff and start fighting InuYasha!"
The half demon growled at her. He ran at her, with Myoga hanging of his hair. "No, please Lord InuYasha!"
"InuYasha!!!" cried Kagome from not very far away.She,Miroku, Sango, and Shippo were riding on Kirara as she flew toward them.
InuYura ran toward InuYasha yelling, "InuKura!! Take care of InuYasha's friends!"
"Ai!" shouted InuKura, running toward Kirara as the cat demon growled and hissed.
InuYura and InuYasha's Tetsusaiga's clashed together.......
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sango_fan_1 on May 26, 2006, 11:45:24 AM
sango_fan_1 on