Chapter 2 - Naraku Attacks!
Submitted March 30, 2006 Updated March 30, 2006 Status Incomplete | Something wierd is happening.Kagome is thinking about telling InuYasha how she feels, Sesshomaru is coming along saying something about sisters, which InuYasha finds out he has two sisters, Koga comes to tell Kagome that they're 'not meant to be', an
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Fan-characters (OC's) |
Chapter 2 - Naraku Attacks!
Chapter 2 - Naraku Attacks!
Intro: Last time, Kagome thought of telling InuYasha how she feels, but is interupted by InuYasha's younger half sisters, InuKura and InuYura. Know InuKura is after Kagome,Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kirara,as InuYura fights InuYasha(last sentence: InuYura and InuYasha's Tetsusaiga's clashed together…)
…..InuYura and InuYasha growled at each other menacingly as their Tetsusaiga's repelled off each other's, causing them to go flying. Meanwhile, InuKura wasn't having troubles- but the rest of the group was. Kagome kept shooting arrows at InuKura, who was dodging at the same speed at Sesshomaru. Sango would through her Hirakotsu at the demon, who also dodged, while Miroku and Shippo were wating for their turn. Finally, Sango looked back at Miroku and nodded. Miroku nodded back and ran over to them.
``Everyone stay back!'' Miroku shouted as he started to unravel the beads on his hand. ``WIND TUNNEL!!'' Right then, a big gust of wind-from Miroku's hand- starting sucking up everything in it's path.
``What the-!?'' InuKura was being pulled into the black hole. But, she took something from her sheath- a Tetsusaiga, which in fact was a 100 times bigger then her. She dug it into the ground and held onto it, making the bottom part of her body rise, but the rest was pushing against the Tetsusaiga.
Miroku cringed a bit, starting to walk a little towards her.
InuKura smiled. ``You can't suck me into your…thing!'' The young demon opened her mouth and something came out…something that looked like bees… something like- the Samiyosho!
``What? Samiyosho?!'' Miroku quickly covered his hand from the poisonous insects, while thinking deeply. The samiyosho are Naraku's spawn.
Speaking of Naraku….. Miroku noticed something overhead…a feather.. like Kagura's!
And it was Kagura, who snatched InuKura and her Tetsusaiga.
``Hey!'' screamed InuKura, kicking and shoving. ``LEMME GO LEMME GO!''
Kagura punched her arm. ``Shut up!''
``INUYURA!!!!'' InuKura screamed her lungs out. InuYura's ears twitched as she looked up.
``InuKura!'' Right away the older demon jumped up running after Kagura and InuKura.
``Hey!'' yelled InuYasha, ``We still have a-!'' He was interrupted by Miroku, who said ``InuYasha, when we were battling InuKura, the samiyosho came out of her mouth.'' InuYasha's eyes widened.
``InuYasha are you all right?'' Kagome came running with Sango and Kirara. InuYasha nodded, but Kagome looked worried. ``Shippo is missing InuYasha!''
And so, they all went looking for InuKura, InuYura, and Shippo, confused as ever.
Meanwhile, at Naraku's castle, everything was quiet. Shippo was knocked out, in a hut of some sort, with InuKura beside him. There was no Kagura, no InuYura in sight. InuKura was watching Shippo silently, starting to get impatient. She sat up straight and sighed, tossing and turning. Then she couldn't take it anymore. She stood up right in front of Shippo and…
``WAKE UPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!''
Shippo's eye's popped open. He got up groggily, took one look at InuKura, and screamed, ``Get away from me! You're working with Naraku!''
InuKura looked puzzled. She didn't know who Naraku is. ``Naraku?'' Shippo was just about to say something when InuKura said ``Hey, you're a friend of InuYasha! You're evil too!'
Now Shippo was the one confused. ``Evil? I'm not evil I'm innocent. InuYasha's not evil either. We thought you were evil like Sesshomaru!''
``Uhhhh, Sesshy is not evil!'' InuKura looked at Shippo stearnly. ``And number two, I don't work with this Naraku fellow!''
Shippo sighed and looked beside him at a scroll. What's that? He wondered. He picked it up and it said:
Naraku Narku took me and this Shippo guy as hostage.... This is crazyi mean, i can't do anything with Shippo here. I heard that monk guy saythati can shoot out something called the samioyosho. Is that those bugs that come out of my mouth... i wdoner how this workds... oh well, i'm getting impatient, so...... um.... i;m gonna wake shippi up. And then i'm gonna do something to get myself ouitta here! I I WANNE SEE INUYURA AGAIN!!! I MISS INUYURA! *sniff* I really miss my plder sister. and soon, we're gonna kill inuyasha because he's evil, Sesshomaru told us so......
Shippo just stared at this gibberish, really confused, not knowing what any of is meant. He looked at InuKura, then the paper, and looked back at InuKura. ``Um,' he started, ``What does this say?''
InuKura looked at it and read ``Naraku Narku took me and this Shippo guy as hostage.... This is crazy I mean, i can't do anything with Shippo here. I heard that monk guy say that i can shoot out something called the samioyosho. Is that those bugs that come out of my mouth... i wdoner how this workds... oh well, i'm getting impatient, so...... um.... I'm gonna wake shippo up. And then I'm gonna do something to get myself outta here! I I WANNE SEE INUYURA AGAIN!!! I MISS INUYURA! *sniff* I really miss my plder sister. and soon, we're gonna kill inuyasha because he's evil, Sesshomaru told us so......
Shippo stared at InuKura, nodding lightly. There was a big, unsettling silence. Shippo and InuKura sat beside each other, wondering how do get out of Naraku's castle. Shippo looked around the small hut-and finally found something that seemed like a door. The young fox child sprang up with yelp of glee, running to the door.
InuKura ran after him. "Where are you going Shippo?"
Shippo pointed at the door, saying,"Don't you see it?!It's a door, we can get out!"
InuKura stared at that spot where Shippo was pointing, clearly confused, not able to see the door. But, after a while, she finally saw it. Straightening up, the dog demon blushed, embaressed. Shippo just sighed, starting to open the door. But when he did, all Shippo saw was a bunch of demons looking at him, charging.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" Shippo screamed. InuKura just took out her sword, put it up and-BAM!- fell right over by it's weight. Shippo looked at the sword, thinking that it looks just like the Tetsusaiga.One of the demons flew over at Shippo bellowing,"DIE!!!!!!"
The kitsune demon thought it was all over when- "WIND SCAR!" A big blast hit the demons, sending them away. Shippo opened his eyes to see InuYasha, Kagome, and the others running over. His eyes lit up.
"InuYasha! Kagome!" He ran over to them. InuKura finally managed to put the Tetsusaiga back in the sheath, in time to see InuYasha come over to her and pick her up.
"You're working with Naraku, right?" InuYasha asked sternly. InuKura looked at him with big, curious eyes.
"Hey, InuYasha, I can't believe we're related. You're too ugly to be my half brother,'' she said so plainly and calmly. That was it ! InuYasha was getting really mad! He was just about to whack her when Shippo jumped on him.
"InuYasha, InuKura and InuYura aren't working for Naraku! They're good! They thought WE were evil! That's why they were attacking us!"Shippo explained. InuKura nodded, meaning it was true.
The hanyou blinked at him, and nodded. But he quickly snuck a glare at InuKura, telling her that he was still watching her. Then InuYasha thought for a moment. "If your not with Naraku,"he said, gesturing toward InuKura," Then how can the samiyosho come out of your mouth?"
InuKura shrugged. "I dunno."
InuYasha stared at her for a second, then looked back at Naraku's castle. Suddenly, Kagome yelled out "I sense a sacred jewel shard!"
Everyone turned to the castle to see someone coming out of it. It wasn't Naraku though. It was Kohaku. Sango's eyes widened.
The boy stared at her, took out his chain, and threw it.
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calisatica on November 29, 2006, 7:31:12 AM
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sango_fan_1 on May 26, 2006, 12:02:19 PM
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bigguy on May 21, 2006, 8:52:49 AM
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