Chapter 1 - Forgotten
Submitted June 30, 2006 Updated June 30, 2006 Status Incomplete | When Yori became Entei's new owner, she brought Hakudoushi back to life. But, Hakudoushi wanted Entei all for himself. So he erases everybody(except himself and Entei's)'s minds. Now, Yori awakens, not knowing who or what she is. This time, she's on the g
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Fan-characters (OC's) |
Chapter 1 - Forgotten
Chapter 1 - Forgotten
[color=#ffff00" size="5]Disclaimer: I don''t own Inu-Yasha
Claimer: I own Yori, Kira, Katari, and Soshi
I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was a blur to me. It took a while before my new eyes got unfuzzy. I slowly got up. Somehow I got here. But how did I get here? I was somewhere, and someone, but know I had forgotten. I look down at myself. I was wearing some type of red material with blue patterns all over it. I clusily stand up. There''s something beside me. It looks like a stick with a sharp blade at the end.
The word came in my head. Was that object a sithe? I flex my solid fingers uneasily before taking hold of the sithe. It was cold and hard, a feeling that was new to me. But, who was I? What am I? I take careful steps across the sea green grass. The sky was navy blue, and it was infested by clouds. I feel..cold. Suddenly, there was a feeling from my nose. A scent. It smelled awful, like something that was dying. I gaze over to see a wierd looking creature. It was a demon. A demon.. A type of monster. It glared at me with fierce red eyes.
"What are you doing here girl?" it snapped at me. "Leave, or I''ll make you half demon dust."
He had called me a half demon. It that what I was? Yes, a half demon. A creature that was half demon and half human. I looked up at his ugly face.
"Leave, or I''ll make you demon dust."
Did I say that? I did. My voice sounded like a female child''s. I paused and rubbed my throat for a moment, jsut getting used to this new voice. But, I was beginning to know who I was.
The demon didn''t look to happy. "You will die for that!" He took a swing at me, but I jumped without even knowing. Then, without even thinking, I swung my sithe and sliced the demon to pieces. Something wet, hot, and sticky came splashing onto me. I cringed.
"Curse you.." the demon grunted, before it faded into oblivion.
For a moment, I stared at this mess. There was red liquid everywhere. It was something called..blood. A type of sugary liquid that keeps us alive and well. I left, staring at the blood-covered sithe. I walked on until I came to a long stream of water. I sat down and looked into the water. Someone was there. I took my sithe and swiped at the water. When I looked back into the water, the figure was still there. She had browinsh-black hair, black dog ears with yellow earings in them, one purple eye and one blue eye, strange markings on her face, and was wearing a red kimono with blue designs. She was also covered in blood. Wait... I widened my eyes. Was that I waved my hand. The figure in the water waved her hand at the same time. I looked horrible in this blood.
"W-what am I?" I asked to no one in particular. I wiped at the blood on me, but something peirced me and made blood come out of me. I started at my hands. Razor sharp claws were there.
"I-I''m a m-monser," I muttered silently, putting my head carefully into my hands. I fell on the ground and started to weep.
"Oh, stop weeping," came a stern, male child''s voice from beside me. "You are a monster, but you just don''t remeber."
I looked up. The boy had kind of long silverish hair, and pale purple eyes. He was on a great white horse that had flaming red eyes. I crept slowly backwards.
"W-who are you?" I asked. I knew this boy and this horse. But I didn''t remeber who they were. Something bad we did..
The boy grinned an evil grin. "I can''t tell you that. You''ll remember through time." His horse started to walk away.
"WAIT!" I cried. "Stop! Do you know who I am? If you do, can you at least tell me that?"
"Well," the boy started stopping his horse, "I think you at least deserve your name. It''s Yori. Now I leave you. But, we''ll come back when you remember. Just, don''t join with them." He said the last word sternly, as if them were the enemy. But, who were them?
"Yori?" I asked myself. "My name is Yori... But, wait, who are you talking about? Who shouldn''t I join?!" I looked up, but they were gone. The only thing here was the thick grey mist and myself. I looked into the river again. My face had changed. My mouth had spread far apart. I was smiling. Even though I had no idea who that boy was. I didn''t know if he was evil or good. Maybe them was the oppisite of who''s side he is on. I sighed. But I wouln''t know.
"No need to stay here," I said slowly, getting up again. I picked up my sithe and walked on..
A long time later, I had finally come across a village. I walked through it, but everyone avoided me. I stayed there for a couple of days. And every day I went walking through the village, it felt as though someone was following me or watching me. One day, I had the same feeling.
"Aha!" I cried, spinning around quickly and grabbing something. It was so dark that I couldn''t see who the squirming figure was. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I yelped and fell to the ground. A light came on. I looked up to the faces of a young boy villager, a boy demon slayer, and a girl monk. The demon slayer was the one that had hurt me.
"And what the heck was that for?!" I snapped angrily, getting up quickly despite my wounded shoulder. "That hurt, ya know!"
"Who are you?" the villager asked, grabbing onto me before I could leave. "You''ve been lurking around the village for some time, and plus your a demon, right?"
"No," I replied. "I''m a half demon. My name is Yori."
The monk looked at my sithe suspiciously. "Well, half demon or not, you have what looks like a really powerful weapon." She pushed her long ponytail over her shoulder. "You''re not a friend of the devil, are you?"
I blinked at them in confusion. "Who''s the devil?"
The other three reaturned the confused look.
"Nevermind," said the demon slayer, shaking his head. "Well, except for the sithe, you look pretty harmless, Yori. My name is Soshi."
"I''m Katari," the monk said cheerfully.
"I''m Kira," the villager added. They all smiled at me. And, I think, I was smiling too.
For the next couple of hours, they had all told me about their mission. Katari and Soshi wanted to defeat an evil demon named Naraku. I had reconized that name, but I didn''t mention it. Katari wanted to because Naraku had givin their family the curse of the Wind Tunnel. Also, she wanted to find her older brother. Soshi wanted to kill Naraku because the demon wiped out all of Soshi''s home. The demon slayer village. Plus, he wanted to find the survivor of their village; a young girl who was the best demon slayer in the whole village. Kira was with them because his reincarnation''s sister was with the other group who wanted to kill Naraku. Soon, I asked if I could join. I explained to them that I couldn''t remember anything about my past. They all said that that was happening to a lot of people now.
So, we left the village, to set off to find the other group and help them kill Naraku. As we left, I looked one last time at the path that I had came across. An image of that boy and his horse flickered through my mind. What he had said was know buzzing through my mind.
Just don''t join with
I looked over at Kira, Katari, and Soshi.
"Come on Yori!" Kira cried, waving his hand at me.
I smiled and started to run up to them. "Coming!"
As I joined these people, I was sure that they weren''t with them.
Claimer: I own Yori, Kira, Katari, and Soshi
I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was a blur to me. It took a while before my new eyes got unfuzzy. I slowly got up. Somehow I got here. But how did I get here? I was somewhere, and someone, but know I had forgotten. I look down at myself. I was wearing some type of red material with blue patterns all over it. I clusily stand up. There''s something beside me. It looks like a stick with a sharp blade at the end.
The word came in my head. Was that object a sithe? I flex my solid fingers uneasily before taking hold of the sithe. It was cold and hard, a feeling that was new to me. But, who was I? What am I? I take careful steps across the sea green grass. The sky was navy blue, and it was infested by clouds. I feel..cold. Suddenly, there was a feeling from my nose. A scent. It smelled awful, like something that was dying. I gaze over to see a wierd looking creature. It was a demon. A demon.. A type of monster. It glared at me with fierce red eyes.
"What are you doing here girl?" it snapped at me. "Leave, or I''ll make you half demon dust."
He had called me a half demon. It that what I was? Yes, a half demon. A creature that was half demon and half human. I looked up at his ugly face.
"Leave, or I''ll make you demon dust."
Did I say that? I did. My voice sounded like a female child''s. I paused and rubbed my throat for a moment, jsut getting used to this new voice. But, I was beginning to know who I was.
The demon didn''t look to happy. "You will die for that!" He took a swing at me, but I jumped without even knowing. Then, without even thinking, I swung my sithe and sliced the demon to pieces. Something wet, hot, and sticky came splashing onto me. I cringed.
"Curse you.." the demon grunted, before it faded into oblivion.
For a moment, I stared at this mess. There was red liquid everywhere. It was something called..blood. A type of sugary liquid that keeps us alive and well. I left, staring at the blood-covered sithe. I walked on until I came to a long stream of water. I sat down and looked into the water. Someone was there. I took my sithe and swiped at the water. When I looked back into the water, the figure was still there. She had browinsh-black hair, black dog ears with yellow earings in them, one purple eye and one blue eye, strange markings on her face, and was wearing a red kimono with blue designs. She was also covered in blood. Wait... I widened my eyes. Was that I waved my hand. The figure in the water waved her hand at the same time. I looked horrible in this blood.
"W-what am I?" I asked to no one in particular. I wiped at the blood on me, but something peirced me and made blood come out of me. I started at my hands. Razor sharp claws were there.
"I-I''m a m-monser," I muttered silently, putting my head carefully into my hands. I fell on the ground and started to weep.
"Oh, stop weeping," came a stern, male child''s voice from beside me. "You are a monster, but you just don''t remeber."
I looked up. The boy had kind of long silverish hair, and pale purple eyes. He was on a great white horse that had flaming red eyes. I crept slowly backwards.
"W-who are you?" I asked. I knew this boy and this horse. But I didn''t remeber who they were. Something bad we did..
The boy grinned an evil grin. "I can''t tell you that. You''ll remember through time." His horse started to walk away.
"WAIT!" I cried. "Stop! Do you know who I am? If you do, can you at least tell me that?"
"Well," the boy started stopping his horse, "I think you at least deserve your name. It''s Yori. Now I leave you. But, we''ll come back when you remember. Just, don''t join with them." He said the last word sternly, as if them were the enemy. But, who were them?
"Yori?" I asked myself. "My name is Yori... But, wait, who are you talking about? Who shouldn''t I join?!" I looked up, but they were gone. The only thing here was the thick grey mist and myself. I looked into the river again. My face had changed. My mouth had spread far apart. I was smiling. Even though I had no idea who that boy was. I didn''t know if he was evil or good. Maybe them was the oppisite of who''s side he is on. I sighed. But I wouln''t know.
"No need to stay here," I said slowly, getting up again. I picked up my sithe and walked on..
A long time later, I had finally come across a village. I walked through it, but everyone avoided me. I stayed there for a couple of days. And every day I went walking through the village, it felt as though someone was following me or watching me. One day, I had the same feeling.
"Aha!" I cried, spinning around quickly and grabbing something. It was so dark that I couldn''t see who the squirming figure was. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I yelped and fell to the ground. A light came on. I looked up to the faces of a young boy villager, a boy demon slayer, and a girl monk. The demon slayer was the one that had hurt me.
"And what the heck was that for?!" I snapped angrily, getting up quickly despite my wounded shoulder. "That hurt, ya know!"
"Who are you?" the villager asked, grabbing onto me before I could leave. "You''ve been lurking around the village for some time, and plus your a demon, right?"
"No," I replied. "I''m a half demon. My name is Yori."
The monk looked at my sithe suspiciously. "Well, half demon or not, you have what looks like a really powerful weapon." She pushed her long ponytail over her shoulder. "You''re not a friend of the devil, are you?"
I blinked at them in confusion. "Who''s the devil?"
The other three reaturned the confused look.
"Nevermind," said the demon slayer, shaking his head. "Well, except for the sithe, you look pretty harmless, Yori. My name is Soshi."
"I''m Katari," the monk said cheerfully.
"I''m Kira," the villager added. They all smiled at me. And, I think, I was smiling too.
For the next couple of hours, they had all told me about their mission. Katari and Soshi wanted to defeat an evil demon named Naraku. I had reconized that name, but I didn''t mention it. Katari wanted to because Naraku had givin their family the curse of the Wind Tunnel. Also, she wanted to find her older brother. Soshi wanted to kill Naraku because the demon wiped out all of Soshi''s home. The demon slayer village. Plus, he wanted to find the survivor of their village; a young girl who was the best demon slayer in the whole village. Kira was with them because his reincarnation''s sister was with the other group who wanted to kill Naraku. Soon, I asked if I could join. I explained to them that I couldn''t remember anything about my past. They all said that that was happening to a lot of people now.
So, we left the village, to set off to find the other group and help them kill Naraku. As we left, I looked one last time at the path that I had came across. An image of that boy and his horse flickered through my mind. What he had said was know buzzing through my mind.
Just don''t join with
I looked over at Kira, Katari, and Soshi.
"Come on Yori!" Kira cried, waving his hand at me.
I smiled and started to run up to them. "Coming!"
As I joined these people, I was sure that they weren''t with them.
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mandy94t on August 21, 2006, 8:03:42 AM
mandy94t on