Chapter 1 - Going up?
Submitted November 2, 2006 Updated November 11, 2006 Status Incomplete | If you're a fan of Inu-Yasha and Shel Silverstein...this is the right set of drabbles for you.
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 1 - Going up?
Chapter 1 - Going up?
Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-Yasha or co and any of Shel Silverstein's poems
Summary: Just many little Inu-Yasha themed drabbles that start off with poems from the book "Falling Up" by Shel Silverstein(awesome poet!)
1st chapter: Going up?
For 2 very tiresome weeks, Inu-Yasha had been waiting for Kagome to come back from that strange era of hers. Kagome had ordered him two weeks earlier to not come down the well to get her, or else she would use the osuwari command on him so much that it would take him a month to recover. And Inu-Yasha really did take Kagome serious. Nonetheless, the hanyou was getting very impatient and frusterated. After the first week had gone by, it took Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and about 10 villagers to hold him back from going down the well.
'Feh, stupid girl', Inu-Yasha thought, crossing his arms over his chest.'She knows that we can't wait all this time for her. We have to collect the Shikon Jewel shards before Naraku gets them. And then destroy Naraku.' Just then, his thoughts were interupted by a glow from the well. Inu-Yasha sighed in relief. She was finally back.
"Hello Inu-Yasha," Kagome greeted as she threw her gigantic, yellow bag over the opening and climbing out of the well. The hanyou's amber orbs gazed at her for a second, before looking away quickly. All Kaome got was a 'feh' in reaturn. The school girl sighed at Inu-Yasha's grumpiness.
"C'mon Inu-Yasha, do you even know how to smile?" Kagome asked, trying to lighten up this conversation. "Or are you scared that if you smile your face will crack?" Inu-Yasha just grunted.
"Let's go. Everyone else is probaly really impatient."
'Meaning that you were very impatient,' Kagome thought as Inu-Yasha walked away. She jogged a little to catch up with him.
"Hey," the school girl started, not really expecting an answer from the hanyou. "Sorry I was gone for so long, ok? We were going through loads of tests at school. Can you please forgive me?"
"Feh," was all Inu-Yasha said.
Kagome frowned, but then brightened. She looked up at the boy. "Is 'feh' all you can say?"
"No, no it isn't," Inu-Yasha said, smiling a bit.
"Ha!" Kagome exclaimed, pointing at Inu-Yasha's mouth. "You're smiling! I made you smile! Do I get an award now?"
"No," the hanyou stated, the grin on his face getting wider. He looked away from Kagome so she couldn't see his grin.
"You're smiling!" the school girl shouted, trying to grab Inu-Yasha's head so she could see his face. She grabbed the back of his head, causing Inu-Yasha's head to jerk backwards, making him stumble into Kagome, who fell over on the ground, while Inu-Yasha was stumbling around he fell down too - right onto Kagome! But they were too busy laughing their heads off to notice.
The pair's laughing died down when they heard someone clear their throat. They looked up to see a wide-eyed taijiya, a smirking houshi, and a giggling kistune. Inu-Yasha quickly got off of Kagome, helping the girl up at the same time.
"Were we interupting anything?" Miroku asked slyly. Inu-Yasha and Kagome blushed.
Sango dug her elbow into Miroku's ribs. "Miroku!"
"What?" the houshi replied inoccently. "I was just wondering if we interupting anything?"
"Nothing happened!" Kagome cried in defense, putting her hands in front of her. "We were just fooling around!"
"You guys were playing?" Shippo asked. A moment later, he was carefully rubbing a large bump on his head.
"Inu-Yasha!" Kagome growled. "Sit!"
Shippo smiled as he watched the hanyou plummet to the ground. He then picked up something square from the ground.
"Hey Kagome!" the kistune cried, holding up the square for Kagome to see. "I think this is yours! I found it after you left! I hope it's ok that I read it."
The school girl looked at the square. "Oh! It's my book. Thanks for finding it Shippo." She thanked Shippo when he gave it to her.
"The first poem says that you can fall up!" the young boy exclaimed brightly. Everyone(excluding Kagome) gave Shippo a very strange and confused look.
"And I can do that! I can make people fall up!" Shippo continued on.
Inu-Yasha smirked and narrowed his eyes at the kistune. "You really think that you could do that? It's just a stupid fiction book you know. None of it can actually happen."
Shippo growned, then put a very determinded look on his face. "I can so! And I will proof it to you!" With that he stomped off.
"Inu-Yasha!" Kagome snapped. "Why do you always have to put Shippo down like that?"
"Huh?" the hanyou asked.
Kagome sighed. "Nevermind." She walked off after Shippo, with Miroku and Sango following behind.
Inu-Yasha looked around confused. "Was it something I said?"
About half an hour later, Inu-Yasha was still hanging around that same spot. He had soon lost the scent of everyone, and didn't really want to try to find them right now. They were probaly still mad at him for bringing down Shippo. The hanyou sighed and started walking off towards the village- when something smacked the back of his head!
"Hey, who did that?" The hanyou growled, zipping around and looking in all directions. No one was there. Nothing but the still silence. He growled again before walking on towards the village. Unknown to him, he was going the oppisite way of the village. Inu-Yasha kept on walking, when then a thick fog suddenly settled in.
"Just my luck," Inu-Yasha grumbled, waving his arms at the fog as if it would make is all go away. He kept on walking slowly through the mist, getting more frusterated and going faster every time. The fog just kept getting more thicker and thicker, making it impossible to see or smell anything. Inu-Yasha then gasped as he felt his foot slip over air, sending his body plummeting down. His luck was getting worse and worse, for now he had gone over a cliff. But, he didn't go to far down when all of a sudden he went back up onto the solid ground. Confusion overfilled the hanyou as the fog cleared and now he could hear laughing. Inu-Yasha then growled. It was Shippo's laughter.
"See Inu-Yasha, I proved you wrong!" the young kit sputtered between giggles. Everyone else was standing behind him.
Kagome smiled. "Yeah, he did Inu-Yasha. You fell up."
"But-what-how-?" Inu-Yasha murmured, not knowing what to say. He reached to the back of his head and felt something. Taking it off, he saw it was a little chopper(a/n:you the choppers on hellicopters). The hanyou snarled and shot daggers at Shippo. "It was you that smacked the back of my head!"
"It was," Shippo announced proudly. "And it made you fall up. So now you owe me an apology."
"Feh, what makes you think I'm giving you an apology?"
"Inu-Yasha," Kagome warned.
The hanyou pouted. "Fine...sorry."
Shippo smiled proudly. Falling up was never impossible.
That's the end of that one.
I got the idea of the little chopper thingy from that one episode..I forgot what it was called...But anyway, this was hard to think of! I mean, falling up..It's hard to think of a drabble that ideals with someone that's falling up, since this is supposed to be not random at all. But, anywho, hope you like it. comments are loved!
Summary: Just many little Inu-Yasha themed drabbles that start off with poems from the book "Falling Up" by Shel Silverstein(awesome poet!)
1st chapter: Going up?
I tripped on my shoelace
And I fell up-
Up to the roof tops,
Up over the town,
Up past the tree tops,
Up over the mountains,
Up where the colors
Blends into the sounds
But it got me so dizzy
When I looked around,
I got sick to my stomach
And I threw down
And I fell up-
Up to the roof tops,
Up over the town,
Up past the tree tops,
Up over the mountains,
Up where the colors
Blends into the sounds
But it got me so dizzy
When I looked around,
I got sick to my stomach
And I threw down
For 2 very tiresome weeks, Inu-Yasha had been waiting for Kagome to come back from that strange era of hers. Kagome had ordered him two weeks earlier to not come down the well to get her, or else she would use the osuwari command on him so much that it would take him a month to recover. And Inu-Yasha really did take Kagome serious. Nonetheless, the hanyou was getting very impatient and frusterated. After the first week had gone by, it took Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and about 10 villagers to hold him back from going down the well.
'Feh, stupid girl', Inu-Yasha thought, crossing his arms over his chest.'She knows that we can't wait all this time for her. We have to collect the Shikon Jewel shards before Naraku gets them. And then destroy Naraku.' Just then, his thoughts were interupted by a glow from the well. Inu-Yasha sighed in relief. She was finally back.
"Hello Inu-Yasha," Kagome greeted as she threw her gigantic, yellow bag over the opening and climbing out of the well. The hanyou's amber orbs gazed at her for a second, before looking away quickly. All Kaome got was a 'feh' in reaturn. The school girl sighed at Inu-Yasha's grumpiness.
"C'mon Inu-Yasha, do you even know how to smile?" Kagome asked, trying to lighten up this conversation. "Or are you scared that if you smile your face will crack?" Inu-Yasha just grunted.
"Let's go. Everyone else is probaly really impatient."
'Meaning that you were very impatient,' Kagome thought as Inu-Yasha walked away. She jogged a little to catch up with him.
"Hey," the school girl started, not really expecting an answer from the hanyou. "Sorry I was gone for so long, ok? We were going through loads of tests at school. Can you please forgive me?"
"Feh," was all Inu-Yasha said.
Kagome frowned, but then brightened. She looked up at the boy. "Is 'feh' all you can say?"
"No, no it isn't," Inu-Yasha said, smiling a bit.
"Ha!" Kagome exclaimed, pointing at Inu-Yasha's mouth. "You're smiling! I made you smile! Do I get an award now?"
"No," the hanyou stated, the grin on his face getting wider. He looked away from Kagome so she couldn't see his grin.
"You're smiling!" the school girl shouted, trying to grab Inu-Yasha's head so she could see his face. She grabbed the back of his head, causing Inu-Yasha's head to jerk backwards, making him stumble into Kagome, who fell over on the ground, while Inu-Yasha was stumbling around he fell down too - right onto Kagome! But they were too busy laughing their heads off to notice.
The pair's laughing died down when they heard someone clear their throat. They looked up to see a wide-eyed taijiya, a smirking houshi, and a giggling kistune. Inu-Yasha quickly got off of Kagome, helping the girl up at the same time.
"Were we interupting anything?" Miroku asked slyly. Inu-Yasha and Kagome blushed.
Sango dug her elbow into Miroku's ribs. "Miroku!"
"What?" the houshi replied inoccently. "I was just wondering if we interupting anything?"
"Nothing happened!" Kagome cried in defense, putting her hands in front of her. "We were just fooling around!"
"You guys were playing?" Shippo asked. A moment later, he was carefully rubbing a large bump on his head.
"Inu-Yasha!" Kagome growled. "Sit!"
Shippo smiled as he watched the hanyou plummet to the ground. He then picked up something square from the ground.
"Hey Kagome!" the kistune cried, holding up the square for Kagome to see. "I think this is yours! I found it after you left! I hope it's ok that I read it."
The school girl looked at the square. "Oh! It's my book. Thanks for finding it Shippo." She thanked Shippo when he gave it to her.
"The first poem says that you can fall up!" the young boy exclaimed brightly. Everyone(excluding Kagome) gave Shippo a very strange and confused look.
"And I can do that! I can make people fall up!" Shippo continued on.
Inu-Yasha smirked and narrowed his eyes at the kistune. "You really think that you could do that? It's just a stupid fiction book you know. None of it can actually happen."
Shippo growned, then put a very determinded look on his face. "I can so! And I will proof it to you!" With that he stomped off.
"Inu-Yasha!" Kagome snapped. "Why do you always have to put Shippo down like that?"
"Huh?" the hanyou asked.
Kagome sighed. "Nevermind." She walked off after Shippo, with Miroku and Sango following behind.
Inu-Yasha looked around confused. "Was it something I said?"
About half an hour later, Inu-Yasha was still hanging around that same spot. He had soon lost the scent of everyone, and didn't really want to try to find them right now. They were probaly still mad at him for bringing down Shippo. The hanyou sighed and started walking off towards the village- when something smacked the back of his head!
"Hey, who did that?" The hanyou growled, zipping around and looking in all directions. No one was there. Nothing but the still silence. He growled again before walking on towards the village. Unknown to him, he was going the oppisite way of the village. Inu-Yasha kept on walking, when then a thick fog suddenly settled in.
"Just my luck," Inu-Yasha grumbled, waving his arms at the fog as if it would make is all go away. He kept on walking slowly through the mist, getting more frusterated and going faster every time. The fog just kept getting more thicker and thicker, making it impossible to see or smell anything. Inu-Yasha then gasped as he felt his foot slip over air, sending his body plummeting down. His luck was getting worse and worse, for now he had gone over a cliff. But, he didn't go to far down when all of a sudden he went back up onto the solid ground. Confusion overfilled the hanyou as the fog cleared and now he could hear laughing. Inu-Yasha then growled. It was Shippo's laughter.
"See Inu-Yasha, I proved you wrong!" the young kit sputtered between giggles. Everyone else was standing behind him.
Kagome smiled. "Yeah, he did Inu-Yasha. You fell up."
"But-what-how-?" Inu-Yasha murmured, not knowing what to say. He reached to the back of his head and felt something. Taking it off, he saw it was a little chopper(a/n:you the choppers on hellicopters). The hanyou snarled and shot daggers at Shippo. "It was you that smacked the back of my head!"
"It was," Shippo announced proudly. "And it made you fall up. So now you owe me an apology."
"Feh, what makes you think I'm giving you an apology?"
"Inu-Yasha," Kagome warned.
The hanyou pouted. "Fine...sorry."
Shippo smiled proudly. Falling up was never impossible.
That's the end of that one.
I got the idea of the little chopper thingy from that one episode..I forgot what it was called...But anyway, this was hard to think of! I mean, falling up..It's hard to think of a drabble that ideals with someone that's falling up, since this is supposed to be not random at all. But, anywho, hope you like it. comments are loved!
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KagomeGirl98 on December 4, 2008, 5:05:49 AM
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AmmyK on January 3, 2007, 7:54:50 PM
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homiez502 on December 10, 2006, 4:31:57 AM
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