Chapter 2 - Feline Frenzy
Submitted December 4, 2006 Updated December 19, 2006 Status Incomplete | Kagome gets turned into a cat, and is banished from her city! She meets Inu-Yasha and his friends who were also fated to being a cat. How will she tend to her new life? (better summary inside) KagInu SanMir
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 2 - Feline Frenzy
Chapter 2 - Feline Frenzy
disclaimer: blah blah blah
*Note before you read
In this story, everyone is (originally) a canine demon! Kagome's a wolf demon, Inu-Yasha is a dog demon (duh) , Shippo is a fox demon (double duh) , Sango is a coyote demon, and Miroku is a hyena demon (thank you to my dad for giving me Miroku's demon type XD )
Anything There will be a lemon. ish. At almost the end, where everyone is back to normal! (between Inu and Kag) Also, like I said in the last chapter, it will be 98% Kagome's pov from now on, until, like, the end. think... that's pretty much it. Onto teh story!
Oh my god...oh my god...Don't freak out...don't freak out...
As I laid there on the ground, I stared in horror at my paws. They were purple with red stained claws. I of course did not turn into a wolf; these paws were to small!
Then- oh no! Oh no no no no no...
As I laid there on the ground, my blood freezing in my viens and my heart deathly pounding, I realized something.
I turned into a cat.
I got up onto my four paws as clumsily as a one year old on it's first walk and stumbled around, trying to find something that could reflect my image. Soon a lake came into sight. I ran over to it and dared to look into it. There, I saw a small black cat with gold and black eyes. It's ears and tail was tipped with gold, while purple stripes were on it's cheeks, back, and ends of it's paws. I opened my mouth to gap at it. It opened it's mouth to gap at me.
"Stupid cat, what the heck are you doing here?"
I froze when I heard a gruff voice fill my new cat ears. My eyes led up to see someone who might be able to help. It was Koga. I smiled, or at least, tried to smile.
"Koga! Koga! It's me, Kagome! I somehow turned into a cat! Please help me Koga!" I cried, jumping up around him and pawing at his legs. Unfortunatley, my cries for help only came out as pitiful mews.
"Get away from me you filthy cat!" Koga growled at me, kicking at me. I cried as I fell hard to the ground, a pain now starting to reside at my side. I looked up at Koga. Koga please help me. I'm sorry.
When I thought this, I swear I thought I saw a look of confusion flicker across the wolf youkai's face. He shook his head and glared at me. "Get out of here! Cats are not allowed in this region!" He started to walk away.
No, Koga! Please! I screamed in my head, chasing after him. Help me! Please!
Before I knew it, he had dissapeared.
And before I knew it, I was all alone.
The city of Yokoville somehow looked a bit less brighter today as Koga walked back into the city. Grey clouds scattered through the sky, as little rain droplets fell down from them. Thunder crashed, as if the gods were yelling at him for his terrible deeds, now and then. He walked through the empty streets without a care in the world, heading back to City Hall.
"Ah, Koga," Mayor Takahashi greeted the youkai as he entered through the great doors. "Did everything go well? Is she gone from the city now?"
"Yes Mayor," Koga responded. "She will not be in this city ever again."
"Good, " the mayor said, straightening his tie with a satisfying smile. "We can not have cat-assosiating trouble makers like her in this city, ruining it." He patted Koga's back. "Good job son."
"No prob, mayor," the wolf youkai replied. "Always here to help."
As he walked out through the great doors of City Hall, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt pass through him.
Why- how?! How and why is this happening? I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't bring a cat into the city! I disliked those rules but I never did anything to break them!
And now Koga...the only person I could go to....has no idea what's happened to me. Please somebody help me...
I walked through some deserted path when rain started to poor on me. I saw a flash of lightening flicker across the sky, soon followed by a clasp of thunder. I cringed and started to run. Where I was going, I don't know. Was just running... trying to find anyone else w ho could help me, who could turn me back into a wolf youkai. But, I knew, that out of the three rules, the one that I supposedly commited was the most least commited. I might be the only one who was turned onto this fate in the region. I might be alone forever. Living as a cat and dying as a cat. As the rain poured more heavily, I ran under some rocks in a beach that I had jsut found. Salt water mixed with rain water scent filled through my nose as I walked along the rocks. I had no idea where to go now. Unless I were to find someone.
What's the use, I thought in a rather glum way. I just let my body drop onto the sand. Unless I find a city that allows cats, I'm finished. I'm still in the region right now, and they are many cities that don't allow cats. I can't go into any cities. Sighing, I rolled over onto my side. My eyes started to fell heavy, dispite the thunder and lightening. Finally, my eyes closed, making me drift into sleep.
Do you think she's ok?
Well, she is still breathing.
Yeah, you idiot. She's still breathing so why wouldn't she be alive?
You deserved it.
Come on now, he's just a little guy. Go easy on him.
I was hearing talking. Well, more in my head than outside. There was one girl and three boys... The girl had a soft voice, and two of the boys sounded older than everyone, while the other boy sounded just like a child. I opened my eyes and saw four cats sitting in front of me.
Hello. I see you're awake. Good.
Huh? The voice I heard was coming in the direction of one the cats. He had blue eyes with matching blue fur and a black circle was on his neck. He smiled a wierd cat smile.
Hello Kikyo.
cliffhanger. Cliffhanger..wee! I have to stop it now. I have to go to school..-sighz-. school sucks. comments please!
*Note before you read
In this story, everyone is (originally) a canine demon! Kagome's a wolf demon, Inu-Yasha is a dog demon (duh) , Shippo is a fox demon (double duh) , Sango is a coyote demon, and Miroku is a hyena demon (thank you to my dad for giving me Miroku's demon type XD )
Anything There will be a lemon. ish. At almost the end, where everyone is back to normal! (between Inu and Kag) Also, like I said in the last chapter, it will be 98% Kagome's pov from now on, until, like, the end. think... that's pretty much it. Onto teh story!
Oh my god...oh my god...Don't freak out...don't freak out...
As I laid there on the ground, I stared in horror at my paws. They were purple with red stained claws. I of course did not turn into a wolf; these paws were to small!
Then- oh no! Oh no no no no no...
As I laid there on the ground, my blood freezing in my viens and my heart deathly pounding, I realized something.
I turned into a cat.
I got up onto my four paws as clumsily as a one year old on it's first walk and stumbled around, trying to find something that could reflect my image. Soon a lake came into sight. I ran over to it and dared to look into it. There, I saw a small black cat with gold and black eyes. It's ears and tail was tipped with gold, while purple stripes were on it's cheeks, back, and ends of it's paws. I opened my mouth to gap at it. It opened it's mouth to gap at me.
"Stupid cat, what the heck are you doing here?"
I froze when I heard a gruff voice fill my new cat ears. My eyes led up to see someone who might be able to help. It was Koga. I smiled, or at least, tried to smile.
"Koga! Koga! It's me, Kagome! I somehow turned into a cat! Please help me Koga!" I cried, jumping up around him and pawing at his legs. Unfortunatley, my cries for help only came out as pitiful mews.
"Get away from me you filthy cat!" Koga growled at me, kicking at me. I cried as I fell hard to the ground, a pain now starting to reside at my side. I looked up at Koga. Koga please help me. I'm sorry.
When I thought this, I swear I thought I saw a look of confusion flicker across the wolf youkai's face. He shook his head and glared at me. "Get out of here! Cats are not allowed in this region!" He started to walk away.
No, Koga! Please! I screamed in my head, chasing after him. Help me! Please!
Before I knew it, he had dissapeared.
And before I knew it, I was all alone.
The city of Yokoville somehow looked a bit less brighter today as Koga walked back into the city. Grey clouds scattered through the sky, as little rain droplets fell down from them. Thunder crashed, as if the gods were yelling at him for his terrible deeds, now and then. He walked through the empty streets without a care in the world, heading back to City Hall.
"Ah, Koga," Mayor Takahashi greeted the youkai as he entered through the great doors. "Did everything go well? Is she gone from the city now?"
"Yes Mayor," Koga responded. "She will not be in this city ever again."
"Good, " the mayor said, straightening his tie with a satisfying smile. "We can not have cat-assosiating trouble makers like her in this city, ruining it." He patted Koga's back. "Good job son."
"No prob, mayor," the wolf youkai replied. "Always here to help."
As he walked out through the great doors of City Hall, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt pass through him.
Why- how?! How and why is this happening? I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't bring a cat into the city! I disliked those rules but I never did anything to break them!
And now Koga...the only person I could go to....has no idea what's happened to me. Please somebody help me...
I walked through some deserted path when rain started to poor on me. I saw a flash of lightening flicker across the sky, soon followed by a clasp of thunder. I cringed and started to run. Where I was going, I don't know. Was just running... trying to find anyone else w ho could help me, who could turn me back into a wolf youkai. But, I knew, that out of the three rules, the one that I supposedly commited was the most least commited. I might be the only one who was turned onto this fate in the region. I might be alone forever. Living as a cat and dying as a cat. As the rain poured more heavily, I ran under some rocks in a beach that I had jsut found. Salt water mixed with rain water scent filled through my nose as I walked along the rocks. I had no idea where to go now. Unless I were to find someone.
What's the use, I thought in a rather glum way. I just let my body drop onto the sand. Unless I find a city that allows cats, I'm finished. I'm still in the region right now, and they are many cities that don't allow cats. I can't go into any cities. Sighing, I rolled over onto my side. My eyes started to fell heavy, dispite the thunder and lightening. Finally, my eyes closed, making me drift into sleep.
Do you think she's ok?
Well, she is still breathing.
Yeah, you idiot. She's still breathing so why wouldn't she be alive?
You deserved it.
Come on now, he's just a little guy. Go easy on him.
I was hearing talking. Well, more in my head than outside. There was one girl and three boys... The girl had a soft voice, and two of the boys sounded older than everyone, while the other boy sounded just like a child. I opened my eyes and saw four cats sitting in front of me.
Hello. I see you're awake. Good.
Huh? The voice I heard was coming in the direction of one the cats. He had blue eyes with matching blue fur and a black circle was on his neck. He smiled a wierd cat smile.
Hello Kikyo.
cliffhanger. Cliffhanger..wee! I have to stop it now. I have to go to school..-sighz-. school sucks. comments please!
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SasuSaku01 on December 8, 2006, 5:46:52 AM
SasuSaku01 on