Chapter 3 - Kitty Kare and Tails
Submitted December 4, 2006 Updated December 19, 2006 Status Incomplete | Kagome gets turned into a cat, and is banished from her city! She meets Inu-Yasha and his friends who were also fated to being a cat. How will she tend to her new life? (better summary inside) KagInu SanMir
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 3 - Kitty Kare and Tails
Chapter 3 - Kitty Kare and Tails
Disclaimer: smoh.
Thank you so much to SasuSaku01 for reading my story so far. Those comments from you are superly appreciated!
*note: the title of this chapter, with 'kare' in it, is supposed to be 'care', while 'tails' is meant to be 'tales'. They were not mispelled on accident.
italics: Cat youkais talking, or thinking
bold: flashbacks
Hello Kikyo.
I looked over in the direction of where the voice came from. It came from a very stern looking, yellow cat. He had black paws, black ears and a black daimond (that was on his forhead) , black stripes on his neck and two tails, and fierce red eyes that were glowering at me. I frowned.
Huh? I asked in a confused tone. The yellow cat hardened his stare at me.
C'mon, you're not that dumb, Kikyo. Don't you reconize me? It's me, Inu-Yasha, he said.
Inu-Yasha, are you sure this is Kikyo? another one of the cats spoke up. It was a girl cat, who had megenta-ish fur, pink eyes, and blue stripes on her forehead, cheecks, and back. A blue colar with a yellow circle was hanging off her neck.
Of course Sango, Inu-Yasha replied. She looks exactly like Kikyo.
Now it was my turn to speak up.
Kikyo, Kikyo, whoever she is, I'm not her! I'm telling you, my name is- I was suddenly interupted when Inu-Yasha stomped right in front of me, so close until our noses touched, and spoke up.
Well you gotta be! Cause if you're not, there no way you could...! Inu-Yasha suddenly stopped. He sniffed at me a few times before putting a look of confusion on his face.'re not her...
You're such an idiot, the smallest and last cat of them said with a snicker. He was just the size of a newborn kitten with aqua fur and green eyes. Inu-Yasha swiped his paw at the little guy's head.
I stared at them all. What the heck was going on here? But, maybe, just maybe, they could all help me with this little crisis.
Excuse me, I started. They all diverted their attention to me. Thank you. Um, can you guys help me? I was just turned into a cat, for something I didn't do. Could you probaly help me? Oh, and by the way, my name is Kagome.
Well, Kagome, the blue cat said. It's nice to meet you. Everyone else nodded in agreement (except for Inu-Yasha ; he was staring at me like as if I commited a terrible crime). My name is Miroku. You probaly already heard the names of everyone else, except Shippo here. He guestured towards the tiny cat. And, I'm sorry about what happend to you, but we can't help. If we could, we'd all be back to our normal selves.
Oh, I said sadly. I looked up at Inu-Yasha. Who is Kikyo anyway? Why did you mistake me for her?He was completely silent. Shippo looked like he was about to say something but Inu-Yasha stopped him.
It started two years ago...
Somewhere, in some old, deserted city terrible things after another was happening. Massive droplets of rain poured over the city, threatening the coming of a flood. Inu-Yasha was in the corner of a street, on his cellphone, a long black raincoat covering his body and head, also covering his idendity. He waited on his cellphone for his now ex-girlfriend to say something.
"Kikyo?" he managed to murmur into his cellphone, but it was barely over a whisper. "You still there?"
"Yes. I am."
Inu-Yasha gave out a sigh in relief. He could now hear Kikyo's low breathing come across from the other line.
"You don't mean it do you? Maybe you're just feeling unwell, or-"
"No," Inu-Yasha cut her off. "I'm feeling quite well actually. And I do mean it. I'm sorry Kikyo, but it's over."
He heard Kikyo growling. "You'll regret this Inu-Yasha!" A click was heard, and then the dial tone. Inu-Yasha frowned then closed his cellphone and slid it into his pocket.
Kikyo stomped through the muddy streets with a scowl on her face. This may be a cat-free city they lived in, but there were many cats prowling and hiding through it. She scooped one up and ran off to their tiny city hall. She burst through the doors as quickly as possible.
"Quick! I need the mayor! Someone brought a cat into the city! Then he ran off to hide in his house!" Kikyo cried. The mayor ran over to her, not taking his eyes off of the cat.
"Tell me, who did this?"
Kikyo smiled a smug smile before answering. "Inu-Yasha Tashiou."
Meanwhile, Inu-Yasha was walking home, minding his own buisness when he fell to the ground, a sharp pain starting to spread around his body.
"Aowww!" he cried in pain. Inu-Yasha clutched his head with his hands. That's when he saw it. With a complete look of horror spread across his face, he gazed at his hand as it changed, growing smaller and furrier. He knew what was happening as soon as he saw that. Inu-Yasha was turning into a cat. All of a sudden another huge sharp pain went through his body. He started to go numb. Just as Inu-Yasha's eyes started to close, he saw Kikyo's image in front of him, laughing wickidly as she was coming in and out of focus.
Why Kikyo...
Then a few months later I found out that she broke the law and got turned into a cat herself, he said lastly.
I suddenly started to feel a pain of pity for the poor guy. It was wierd though. The starting of his situation started exactly like mine...
So, you never saw her again after that? I asked.
He shook his head.
I looked over at Sango and Miroku. What happened to you guys? You can tell me if you want to.
Sango smiled. We'll be glad to tell you.
Miroku looked at Sango with disbelief on his face. Sango's face, on the other hand, was stricken with tears.
"I'm sorry Miroku," Sango mumbled, looking away from him. "They were going to kill her."
"Sango, I'm not mad at you," Miroku said, taking her and hugging her. He knew he was half-lying, and it was killing him. "It's not your fault." They both tried to ignore the mews of the cat that was on the floor near them.
"Open up this door! We know you're in there!" rough voices were coming from just outside their front door. The people outside were trying to kick their door down, with bad effort, for Miroku had put a barrier on the door.
Miroku cupped Sango's cheecks with his hands and made her look at him. "Sango, I'll say that I was the one who did it. I'll say I was the one who took the cat into the city and tell them that you had nothing to do with it." He started to walk towards the door when Sango stopped him.
"No Miroku! I won't let you take the fall for me!" Sango said in a very serious tone, yet it was clearly shaking. Miroku smiled.
"I'm still saying I did it."
"Well, I will too."
They both slowly walked over to the door and opened it, ready to get punished.
That little story of their's really broke my kitty heart. They both love each other so much that they wouldn't let either one take the blame.
Then I looked over at Shippo. What happened to you?
Well, Shippo began thoughtfully. It started one year ago...
It was a rather sunny, bright day. In a small orphanage in the middle of a quaint little town, everything and everyone were busy. Except for one orphan, who was Shippo. Shippo sat in the corner of one of the rooms, trying to be unseen by all. It wasn't exactly working. One of the orphans, Shippo's friend Souta, came walking over to the little guy.
"Watcha doing Shippo?" Souta asked.
"Look Souta!" Shippo cried, showing his hands to his friend. Souta's smile idmediatley turned into a frown. For in Shippo's hands, was a small little kitten.
"Oh no Shippo, get rid of that thing!" Souta cried, trying to grab the kit out of Shippo's hands.
"What's eating you Souta?"
"Cats are not allowed in this town!" Souta cried in a hushed tone.
"But, this is a kitten, not a cat," Shippo announced a matter-of-factly. Unfortunatley, he said it loud enough for everyone to hear. The orphans in the room stared in him in shock, before running out of the room. Souta frowned.
"We gotta get out of here", he said quickly.
They ran to the door when the mayor unexpectedly stepped right in front of them.
"Who was the one who brought the cat?" he ordered in a stern voice. Souta pointed a shivering finger at Shippo, who was still holding the kitten in his hands. The mayor lifted his hand at Shippo. A string of magic came from his fingers, heading towards Shippo. They directly hit him, making him drop the kitten while screaming in pain.
This story of Shippo's also tugged at my heart strings. He's an orphan. And he's just a little guy.
So, how did you all meet? I asked.
Miroku answered me. Shortly after Shippo got turned into a cat, he met Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha was nice enough to let him join. Then shortly after Sango and I got turned into cats, we met up with Shippo and Inu-Yasha. They agreed to let us into the group.
I looked down at the ground. I see. Then I looked up at them with a hopeful look. Would you, perhaps, have room for another member?
They looked at each other. Sango smiled and nodded. Miroku smiled and nodded. Shippo smiled and nodded. We all gazed over towards Inu-Yasha.
Inu-Yasha, what do you think? Sango asked.
Inu-Yasha stayed silent for a minute or two. He then sighed. Fine, but she better not get in my way. With that, he walked off, the others following behind him. I frowned in confusion, despite of being happy because I found some company. What did he mean by 'she better not get in my way'?
C'mon Kagome! I heard Shippo call to me, which broke me out of my thought. I ran to catch up with them, now getting a bit skeptical about joining the group.
Woot! This story is just flying by! And I think this is my most longest chap yet..yay! Please comment!
Next chap: Running Through Cities
Thank you so much to SasuSaku01 for reading my story so far. Those comments from you are superly appreciated!
*note: the title of this chapter, with 'kare' in it, is supposed to be 'care', while 'tails' is meant to be 'tales'. They were not mispelled on accident.
italics: Cat youkais talking, or thinking
bold: flashbacks
Hello Kikyo.
I looked over in the direction of where the voice came from. It came from a very stern looking, yellow cat. He had black paws, black ears and a black daimond (that was on his forhead) , black stripes on his neck and two tails, and fierce red eyes that were glowering at me. I frowned.
Huh? I asked in a confused tone. The yellow cat hardened his stare at me.
C'mon, you're not that dumb, Kikyo. Don't you reconize me? It's me, Inu-Yasha, he said.
Inu-Yasha, are you sure this is Kikyo? another one of the cats spoke up. It was a girl cat, who had megenta-ish fur, pink eyes, and blue stripes on her forehead, cheecks, and back. A blue colar with a yellow circle was hanging off her neck.
Of course Sango, Inu-Yasha replied. She looks exactly like Kikyo.
Now it was my turn to speak up.
Kikyo, Kikyo, whoever she is, I'm not her! I'm telling you, my name is- I was suddenly interupted when Inu-Yasha stomped right in front of me, so close until our noses touched, and spoke up.
Well you gotta be! Cause if you're not, there no way you could...! Inu-Yasha suddenly stopped. He sniffed at me a few times before putting a look of confusion on his face.'re not her...
You're such an idiot, the smallest and last cat of them said with a snicker. He was just the size of a newborn kitten with aqua fur and green eyes. Inu-Yasha swiped his paw at the little guy's head.
I stared at them all. What the heck was going on here? But, maybe, just maybe, they could all help me with this little crisis.
Excuse me, I started. They all diverted their attention to me. Thank you. Um, can you guys help me? I was just turned into a cat, for something I didn't do. Could you probaly help me? Oh, and by the way, my name is Kagome.
Well, Kagome, the blue cat said. It's nice to meet you. Everyone else nodded in agreement (except for Inu-Yasha ; he was staring at me like as if I commited a terrible crime). My name is Miroku. You probaly already heard the names of everyone else, except Shippo here. He guestured towards the tiny cat. And, I'm sorry about what happend to you, but we can't help. If we could, we'd all be back to our normal selves.
Oh, I said sadly. I looked up at Inu-Yasha. Who is Kikyo anyway? Why did you mistake me for her?He was completely silent. Shippo looked like he was about to say something but Inu-Yasha stopped him.
It started two years ago...
Somewhere, in some old, deserted city terrible things after another was happening. Massive droplets of rain poured over the city, threatening the coming of a flood. Inu-Yasha was in the corner of a street, on his cellphone, a long black raincoat covering his body and head, also covering his idendity. He waited on his cellphone for his now ex-girlfriend to say something.
"Kikyo?" he managed to murmur into his cellphone, but it was barely over a whisper. "You still there?"
"Yes. I am."
Inu-Yasha gave out a sigh in relief. He could now hear Kikyo's low breathing come across from the other line.
"You don't mean it do you? Maybe you're just feeling unwell, or-"
"No," Inu-Yasha cut her off. "I'm feeling quite well actually. And I do mean it. I'm sorry Kikyo, but it's over."
He heard Kikyo growling. "You'll regret this Inu-Yasha!" A click was heard, and then the dial tone. Inu-Yasha frowned then closed his cellphone and slid it into his pocket.
Kikyo stomped through the muddy streets with a scowl on her face. This may be a cat-free city they lived in, but there were many cats prowling and hiding through it. She scooped one up and ran off to their tiny city hall. She burst through the doors as quickly as possible.
"Quick! I need the mayor! Someone brought a cat into the city! Then he ran off to hide in his house!" Kikyo cried. The mayor ran over to her, not taking his eyes off of the cat.
"Tell me, who did this?"
Kikyo smiled a smug smile before answering. "Inu-Yasha Tashiou."
Meanwhile, Inu-Yasha was walking home, minding his own buisness when he fell to the ground, a sharp pain starting to spread around his body.
"Aowww!" he cried in pain. Inu-Yasha clutched his head with his hands. That's when he saw it. With a complete look of horror spread across his face, he gazed at his hand as it changed, growing smaller and furrier. He knew what was happening as soon as he saw that. Inu-Yasha was turning into a cat. All of a sudden another huge sharp pain went through his body. He started to go numb. Just as Inu-Yasha's eyes started to close, he saw Kikyo's image in front of him, laughing wickidly as she was coming in and out of focus.
Why Kikyo...
Then a few months later I found out that she broke the law and got turned into a cat herself, he said lastly.
I suddenly started to feel a pain of pity for the poor guy. It was wierd though. The starting of his situation started exactly like mine...
So, you never saw her again after that? I asked.
He shook his head.
I looked over at Sango and Miroku. What happened to you guys? You can tell me if you want to.
Sango smiled. We'll be glad to tell you.
Miroku looked at Sango with disbelief on his face. Sango's face, on the other hand, was stricken with tears.
"I'm sorry Miroku," Sango mumbled, looking away from him. "They were going to kill her."
"Sango, I'm not mad at you," Miroku said, taking her and hugging her. He knew he was half-lying, and it was killing him. "It's not your fault." They both tried to ignore the mews of the cat that was on the floor near them.
"Open up this door! We know you're in there!" rough voices were coming from just outside their front door. The people outside were trying to kick their door down, with bad effort, for Miroku had put a barrier on the door.
Miroku cupped Sango's cheecks with his hands and made her look at him. "Sango, I'll say that I was the one who did it. I'll say I was the one who took the cat into the city and tell them that you had nothing to do with it." He started to walk towards the door when Sango stopped him.
"No Miroku! I won't let you take the fall for me!" Sango said in a very serious tone, yet it was clearly shaking. Miroku smiled.
"I'm still saying I did it."
"Well, I will too."
They both slowly walked over to the door and opened it, ready to get punished.
That little story of their's really broke my kitty heart. They both love each other so much that they wouldn't let either one take the blame.
Then I looked over at Shippo. What happened to you?
Well, Shippo began thoughtfully. It started one year ago...
It was a rather sunny, bright day. In a small orphanage in the middle of a quaint little town, everything and everyone were busy. Except for one orphan, who was Shippo. Shippo sat in the corner of one of the rooms, trying to be unseen by all. It wasn't exactly working. One of the orphans, Shippo's friend Souta, came walking over to the little guy.
"Watcha doing Shippo?" Souta asked.
"Look Souta!" Shippo cried, showing his hands to his friend. Souta's smile idmediatley turned into a frown. For in Shippo's hands, was a small little kitten.
"Oh no Shippo, get rid of that thing!" Souta cried, trying to grab the kit out of Shippo's hands.
"What's eating you Souta?"
"Cats are not allowed in this town!" Souta cried in a hushed tone.
"But, this is a kitten, not a cat," Shippo announced a matter-of-factly. Unfortunatley, he said it loud enough for everyone to hear. The orphans in the room stared in him in shock, before running out of the room. Souta frowned.
"We gotta get out of here", he said quickly.
They ran to the door when the mayor unexpectedly stepped right in front of them.
"Who was the one who brought the cat?" he ordered in a stern voice. Souta pointed a shivering finger at Shippo, who was still holding the kitten in his hands. The mayor lifted his hand at Shippo. A string of magic came from his fingers, heading towards Shippo. They directly hit him, making him drop the kitten while screaming in pain.
This story of Shippo's also tugged at my heart strings. He's an orphan. And he's just a little guy.
So, how did you all meet? I asked.
Miroku answered me. Shortly after Shippo got turned into a cat, he met Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha was nice enough to let him join. Then shortly after Sango and I got turned into cats, we met up with Shippo and Inu-Yasha. They agreed to let us into the group.
I looked down at the ground. I see. Then I looked up at them with a hopeful look. Would you, perhaps, have room for another member?
They looked at each other. Sango smiled and nodded. Miroku smiled and nodded. Shippo smiled and nodded. We all gazed over towards Inu-Yasha.
Inu-Yasha, what do you think? Sango asked.
Inu-Yasha stayed silent for a minute or two. He then sighed. Fine, but she better not get in my way. With that, he walked off, the others following behind him. I frowned in confusion, despite of being happy because I found some company. What did he mean by 'she better not get in my way'?
C'mon Kagome! I heard Shippo call to me, which broke me out of my thought. I ran to catch up with them, now getting a bit skeptical about joining the group.
Woot! This story is just flying by! And I think this is my most longest chap yet..yay! Please comment!
Next chap: Running Through Cities
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SasuSaku01 on December 11, 2006, 7:19:43 AM
SasuSaku01 on