Chapter 1 - kagome tells her story
Submitted November 8, 2004 Updated November 8, 2004 Status Incomplete | Kagome leaves Inuyasha forever... or dose she?
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 1 - kagome tells her story
Chapter 1 - kagome tells her story
Good bye
Present day.
I'll start at the being. I was 16 when I first saw him, saw the one they call Inuyasha. If you are confused it's ok. I am now 20 and very unhappy wit what I choose to so a long time ago well it was not all that long ago but for him he Inuyasha shall never remember me. This I why I know this the thing I did hurt him so badly I know it did but he tired not to show it felt so bad he didn't even stay till I left after I told him told him the news he walked away with out even letting me explain why I did what I did. I never even got to hug him good bye. He no longer would love me the same and so here I sit far away from were he is or is he still alive? I may never find out if he is but I have made a choice a choice that you will soon know. I will tell you of the day the day I broke his heart.
Kagome: Inuyasha were are you taking me?
Inuyasha: You will see just wait.
Kagome: but inuyasha we have to talk it's important.
Inuyasha: it can wait this is something you must do.
Kagome: I can't inuyasha please listen to me inuyasha.
Inuyasha: what kagome is something wrong?
Kagome: yes but I-I-I can't tell you right now, what is it that you need to show me?
Inuyasha: uh, kagome are you ok did I do something wrong?
Kagome: no not at all it's me.
Inuyasha: stop tell me please, what do you need to tell me.
Kagome: inuyasha I have to go home, and after I go home I can't return I have to stay in my area and you can't come to my area.
Inuyasha: you-you are leaving not coming back.
( Inuyasha turned and walked away, I just stood there and watched him walk away I couldn't say anything to him I just reached out my hand trying to grab him so I could hug him and comfort him, before I knew it he was gone and I was back at the well.)
-Kagome thinking- why, why did I tell him why didn't I just say no and keep coming here I feel so bad he is upset. He, he will never want to see me again, and he might become a fall demon now that I can never see him again, I will miss you inuyasha.
(I jump in the well and finally got home to my area it took me awhile to get out of the well because my eyes were filled wit tears could still see, see the look on his face the look of shock the look of a broken heart. As I walked into the house my mother watched me go up to my room she knew I had told him she knew I was crying, I never wanted this to happen but now it is the well is being sealed and I can never go back. I locked my door behind me and fell onto my bed face first into the pillow I cried so much I thought I might soak my pillow. I turned over and opened my eyes I could not close them because every time I did I saw his face the look of hurt.
The next day I went back to school and every one was glad to see me.
It had been a month and I had not even gone any were near the well.
Well now losing track of time then finding how long, how long ago it was since I last saw Inuyasha 4 years, 4 years I'm out of school so why, why have I not tried to see him.)
(-Inuyasha's area- Inuyasha swung his sword but was knocked back. He now he didn't get up this time miroku came running and kill the beast wit a spell.
Inuyasha now hurt badly from battle holds onto life just barely.)
Present day.
(I felt it I felt his pain I knew something was wrong, I ran throw the temple grounds and into the well hose I ripped the boards off the top that ad been covering the well I had only one jewel shard left it had to get me throw to him so I jumped into the well, it felt weird I didn't remember this feeling but now I remember all the times I had came throw the well I finally got to inuyasha's area and I began to run looking, looking every were I could remember.)
Miroku: Kagome is that you?
Kagome: yes, miroku oh gosh miroku.
Miroku: it is a good thing you came back Inuyasha is hurt he almost died in battle; he won though we both won niroku is dead.
Kagome: oh my gosh it's all my fault.
Miroku: no it's not but he misses you, if he sees you he could make it I know it if he sees you he will want to live, he thought you hated him and now he is dyeing as we speak please hurry.
(as we ran I felt so bad even worse than the day I told him because all this time he thought I didn't love him but I do and now I must get to him. We ran for the longest time. I tripped and fell but jumped back up finally we reached Inuyasha I went in alone to see him I kneeled down beside him and placed my hand on his face.)
Kagome: Inuyasha it's me kagome.
Inuyasha: k-kagome i-I have missed you so much.
Kagome; I know I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you like I did.
Inuyasha: you don't hate me?
Kagome: I could never hate you, I love you.
Inuyasha: then don't leave me again stay with me.
Kagome: I could never leave again I will always stay with you I love you inuyasha.
( kagome leaned in and kissed him he kissed me back, I finally felt happy once more, Inuyasha tried to get but he was to weak to. Kagome laid down on the floor beside him she put her arm over him snuggled close.)
Kagome: Inuyasha get better soon so we can leave this place and take you were you will be safe, I know you can take care of yourself but I fear for you, you almost died today.
Inuyasha: yes I know but it was niroku and he had more than half the jewel, we have all the shards but one.
Kagome: oh I have it how did you think I got back.
Inuyasha: uh, you have it but how?
Kagome: I hid it in my bra before I left incase I changed my mind about this place.
Inuyasha: why sis you come back kagome?
Kagome: because I love you.
Inuyasha: why, why do you love me I never was all that nice to you, and I always.
Kagome: you always protected me and I knew even if you got mad it was because I didn't understand hwy you wanted to protect me, but one day I understood and I saw you in new way, I saw how much you really cared ha even though you didn't want to show it I knew I knew how you felt.
Inuyasha: I never could have told you I thought if I did you would have left.
Kagome: if you had told me I would have been confused.
Inuyasha: when I was fighting I, I knew I thought I was going to die and when that thought hit me you raced throw my mind, and I remembered your voice your smell every thing about, I cried because I thought this is it I will never see you again I will never think of you again.
Kagome: I want you to some thing very important Inuyasha I never loved any one else only you I never wanted to be with any one but you.
Inuyasha: kagome you mean you waited all this time for me hoping I would still be here if you came back.
Kagome: Inuyasha if you weren't here and never saw you again I never would have gone with any one else I would have just been alone for the rest of my life, Inuyasha you are the only guy I ever loved and I would never have it any other way.
Inuyasha: why did you come back?
Kagome: because I realized I couldn't live with out you and I missed you so much, I couldn't stand being away from you any longer and I'm sorry I didn't come back for so long I'm sorry I left I wish I could go make into time and fix it all I should never have done what I did but I was young and stupid I wanted a normal life but I soon realized a normal life for me is having you in it.(well crying hysterically)
(Inuyasha puts his hand on kagome and looks up at her.)
Inuyasha: kagome please don't cry.
(5 months later Inuyasha and Kagome got married, Sango and Miroku got married as well. Kagome had 3 kids, Sango had 4 kids.)
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sangofan1 on August 2, 2006, 4:41:25 PM
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inuyasha_hates_kikio on April 6, 2006, 4:09:12 PM
inuyashalover1012 on September 5, 2005, 5:06:58 AM
chibianimegirl22 on June 11, 2005, 11:45:28 PM
vam-girl on February 18, 2005, 11:09:50 PM
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