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Chapter 5 - Jack's Mum

Kara goes to another world and guess who she meets. A twelve year old Jack Sparrow.

Chapter 5 - Jack's Mum

Chapter 5 - Jack's Mum

A/N: Yay! Another chapter!! Sorry it took so long. My computer had crashed and wouldnt start up again so I had to get another one. And I lost everything on it because I didnt save to some box thingy. Then complications arose.

Disclaimer: I dont own Pirates only my OCs.

Once in the street, Kara looked around for Jack. It was harder to find him because the small town was now crowded. She looked up at the signs, hoping to find one that said Blacksmiths. She was under the one that said in bold letters,

Tailor Shop
Mrs. Sira

She was surprised that she didnt notice it before. She shrugged it off and looked at the sign across the street.

Carpenter Shop
Mr. Dristi

That wasnt it. She then proceeded to look at the one to her left.

Well isnt that nice. She muttered to herself. There wasnt a sign. Looking around she didnt notice anything that said Blacksmiths Shop. She decided to try the building to her left. There was a bunch of boys huddled in front of the window. Apparently they are looking at something. She thought.

No shoot, Captain Obvious. She heard someone that sounded exactly like Jack say from somewhere behind her. She turned around to face the boy.

Did I just say that out loud? Jack nodded his head while grinning.

Is everyone mad where you come from or is it just you? he questioned. He seemed to have lost his so called accent.

No, its just you. Kara teased as she walked over to him.

Jack glared at her for about the third time since they met. Im not from your time.

But were all from the same place originally. Kara said with her hands on her hips.

And that didnt sound right. Jack stated while pushing some hair that had blown into his face out of the way.

Kara laughed loudly and Jack soon joined in. People were staring at them as they walked by as if they had lost it but the two mates didnt care.

A few minutes later Jack was finally able to speak again. We should get going. He slung his arm over her shoulder and steered her through the door.

So I was right. Kara mused as they stepped inside of the hot shop. There was a young man in front of a blazing fire. He didnt look like everyone else. He had black hair, yes, but his eyes were crystal blue, and his skin was only slightly tanned. He was about four inches taller than Jack, standing at what Kara guessed was about 56.

Jared. Jack went up to the blacksmith and they clasped hands and kind of pulled each other in for that weird hug thingy that boys do. (a/n: You know what Im talking about.) Once they pulled away Jack spread his arm as if to signal for Kara to come over to them. She hesitantly walked over and Jack wrapped his arm around her shoulders, again. Too bad the Guinness Book of World Records wasnt around now because Jack would be put in it for sure. She could see it.

Most Times Arm Slung Over Someones Shoulders

Jack Sparrow slung his arm over Kara Veeras shoulders 999,999,001 times in a spand of one month.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Jack say &and Kara, this is Jared LaCharite.

Jared held out his hand, Its a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Veera. Kara gently put her hand in his rough one and he brought it to his lips and kissed it. She could tell that Jack was glaring at them. He was jealous. She loved it.

The pleasure is mine, Mr. LaCharite. And please, call me Kara. She wondered how many times she would have to say that.

He smiled, Then I insist that you call me Jared, Kara. She also wondered how many times she would have to hear that sentence with only a different name. Probably as many times as people she met.

So, what can I do for you, mate? Jared questioned Jack while clasping his hands together.

A cutlass and sheath for myself and one for the lady. He replied gesturing to Kara.

But Jack, I dont have any money. Kara stated looking at him.

But I do, luv. He said, Ill buy you any one you want. Dont even try to argue because youll lose. Kara closed her mouth, shocked that hed be willing to buy her something. Trust me, youll need it.

Are you sure? Kara asked him. He shouldnt have to waste his money on her just because she didnt have any.

Im positive, luv. Whatever one you want. Jack made a sweeping motion with his arm.

Kara smiled at him, Thank you so much. I owe you.

Jack smiled back, You know what youre looking for or do you at least have an idea? She shook her head sheepishly. Jared, is there anything that youd suggest?

Jared walked over to a nearby shelf and grabbed a beautiful cutlass. The blade was perfectly straight and it looked magical as the sun reflected off of it. The handle had what looked like ice blue crystal, spiralled around it. Its perfectly balanced. Jared said as he handed the sword to Kara.

You wanted to know what everyone was looking at. Well, thats it. Jack pointed at the cutlass. It truly was amazing.

I can sell it to you for half the price including the sheath. Jared then handed Jack the matching sheath. It was black with the same ice blue crystal on it only it wasnt wrapped around it. It was in the form of something resembling a gem. Looking closer at it, there looked like there was something else in the crystal.

Can I see it, Jack? He handed it to the girl. His arm was magically removed from her shoulders when Kara gave him the cutlass. Jack rested it on his index and middle fingers where the blade and handle met. Then he slowly let go. It balanced there and after a few seconds, Jack flicked his wrist and the work of art went spinning up into the air and he caught it easily. Kara smiled, he obviously loved to show off and with good reason.

She then remembered the sheath. She held it up and noticed that it wasnt just a trick of the light&or her finally losing it. There were pictures dancing in it. There was a sparrow flying over the ocean in front of the sunset, like Jack Sparrows tattoo in the movies. Then it changed to her little sister Audrey, then her older brother Nick, then her parents and grandparents, then finally to&.Jack.

She looked up to find them both looking at her with curious looks plastered on there faces. It shows your family. Jared said.

Family by blood? she questioned while raising an eyebrow.

Yes and your partner if you have one but I doubt it. Jack answered. No offence. Who did it show?

A picture of a sparrow flying over the ocean in front of the sunset, my sister Audrey, my brother Nick, my parents, my grandparents, and& she didnt know if she should tell him that a hologram, yes, that was what it was like, of him had shown up.

And who? Jack clearly was impatient. So was Kara but right now she just wanted to think things over, to stall.

No one. She said looking at the sheath again where his image still lingered. It looked like he was only seven. He was dancing in the rain in front of what Kara assumed was his house.

Come on, Kara. You can tell me. Jack pestered. He put on the lost puppy dog face and clasped his hands together as if in prayer.

She wanted to but she didnt know how hed react. She shook her head and decided to change the subject, Jared, I didnt see a sign anywhere outside.

He looked thoughtful for a minute then a look of recognization passed over his face, It blew down. The names painted on the window though.

Oh. There was a bunch of people huddled in front of it. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Jack standing next to her, his dark hair dangling in his face again.

Two things, luv. A) You never told me what was in your mouth and 2) Can you please tell me the other person? he looked desperate. She had forgotten about her gold tooth. She supposed that she could tell him that, no harm done.

Well the thing you saw in my mouth was a gold tooth. My other one was knocked out. She grinned showing him it. He smiled triumphantly but it only lasted for a second.

Who else did you see? Kara sighed. He clearly wasnt going to leave her alone until she told him.

You. She mumbled while looking at the dirty floor.

What was that? Didnt hear you. Jack cupped his ear with his hand.

Kara took a deep breath, You. I saw you, ok? she crossed her arms over her chest and looked away from him.

Me? he questioned looking back and forth between Kara and Jared who had gone back to work. He could see that the girls eyes were brimmed with unshed tears. She probably thought that he hated her.

He walked up to her, Kara? Look at me. She slowly turned her head. She let her hair fall into her face, as if she wanted to become invisible. He reached out and put it behind her ear. She looked miserable.

He took her in his arms and hugged her. The dejected girl buried her head in his neck and Jack could tell that now she was crying. He rubbed her back and muttered, Its alright, Kara. I dont hate you. Im not going to just leave you somewhere. She reminded Jack of himself when his father had left him and his mother to fend for themselves. He remembered that day all too clearly.

He shook mentally shook himself and noticed that Jared was watching them uncomfortably. He then looked down at Kara. She seemed to have stopped crying. You alright now? he asked her. She nodded then wiped her eyes.

I know someone in the Caribbean who would be able to help us figure that out. Kara looked puzzled.

How can someone in the Caribbean help us if were in India? Jack sighed then let go of her and backed up to sit on a hay stack. He patted the spot next to him and Kara sat down cautiously.

Kara, next week we, meaning me mum, me, and you if you wanna come with us, are moving to Tortuga. She lives there. You ever been to the Caribbean? Jack blew at his hair to get it out of his face. It only fell back into it for probably the third time since theyd met. He shrugged it off.

Ive heard of it but Ive never been. She answered while watching the boy in front of her intently.

Jack, sorry to but in, mate, but its getting late and your mums gonna worry. Jared said hesitantly.

Jack looked thoughtful for a minute then he got up with Kara in tow.

So, what do you have for me, mate? Jared looked around for a minute. He seemed to be contemplating to ask Jack what was running through his mind, you could clearly tell that something was, or if he should just find something else and forget about it. What is it, Jared?

Jared warily started, Well, I dont know how much money you have on your person, but do you want to get a cutlass like the lasss? Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out some five bronze coins and three silver ones. Looking closer, Kara noticed that the silver ones were shillings and the bronze ones were pence, British coins.

Jack, is India ruled by England? Kara questioned looking into his eyes.

I dont know. was his reply. How could he not even know who ruled his country?

Kara turned to Jared Yeah. How could he not know which country owns his own?

Im still here, if anyone cares. And I should but I dont. Jack handed the money to Jared once he got back with another cutlass and sheath. They were identical with the exception of the crystal. While Karas was ice blue, Jacks was blood red. He examined it quickly and when he was satisfied with Jareds work he said, Thanks, mate. Well see you around. Come on, Kara.

She smiled at Jared, It was nice meeting you.

He smiled back, The pleasure is mine, Kara. The pleasure is mine.

Suddenly Jack butted in, As much as I want to stay around watching you two and trying not to retch, we have to get going. Kara waved goodbye to Jared then walked over to Jack who slung his arm over her shoulders and pulled her close.

Actually, Jack, I need to talk to you for a minute. Jared stated as they headed for the door.

Jack sighed and turned around which meant that Kara turned around too. Can it wait?
Jared shook his head, an apologetic look on his face. Jack turned to the girl that was next to him. Can you wait outside for me? Kara nodded, I wont be long. He told her as she opened the door and stepped outside.

Jared waited until the door was closed to speak. Youre being a little bit protective of her arent you, Jack?

Jack looked puzzled, What does that have to do with anything?

It has everything to do with it. Jared slowly circled Jack, When I want something, I get it. Thats the way it is, thats the way it has always been. And its not about to change. I want Kara so shove off and no one gets hurt. He stopped and shot Jack an icy glare.

Who ever said that I wanted her? Jack challenged the man that he had called his friend just a minute ago.

Ha! Dont make me laugh, Jack shivered at his tone, I can tell. Dont even bother saying that you dont because youd be lying to yourself but more importantly me.

Jack flung his head back and laughed with just as much sarcasm as Jared. Youre more important than me? Yeah, keep dreaming. His eyes were now black and emotionless. Now, if ye dont mind, Im going to go back to MY girl. Au revoir. With that said he turned around and strode to the door, flung it open, then slammed it behind him.


Kara wandered out of the smithy into the now deserted street. The sky was now black with many stars scattered through out it. She wondered what time it was and what Jared wanted to talk to Jack about. And why he had shown up in the sheath. Was she related to him? Was he going to be her partner? She shuddered at the thought but she didnt know why. He was nice enough and he was kind of hot. She sighed, something that she seemed to do a lot. She looked around for a minute then she walked over to a nearby wall, leaned against it, then slid down so she was sitting on the filthy, unpaved street. There was nothing else to do but wait.


Jack found Kara slumped against a wall, half asleep. He had to try and get her away from Jared. He had to make sure that she was safe.

Are you okay, Jack? She asked cautiously. He shouldnt be the one that she was cautious around, it should be Jared. Jack? He shook himself mentally and looked at Kara. She warily took a step towards him. Was he supposed to tell her about Jared? Would he tell her? Could he tell her? She seemed happy when she was around her.

Why the hell am I thinking like this? I never have before. Yeah, Im fine. Come on lets go. He turned to leave when he noticed that Kara hadnt moved.

Youre lying. Come on, Jack. Whats wrong? she walked up to him and rested her hand on his shoulder.

Ill tell you when we are away from here. Okay? Now, lets go. Kara could tell that he was getting frustrated so she decided not to push her luck any further. She noticed that Jack was already a few paces ahead of her. She ran up to him and slipped her hand into his. He looked up at her, shock evident in his eyes then he smiled at her and gave her hand a squeeze. Kara smiled too. She had only been in the time period for a few hours but it felt like she had been here forever.

It felt like she had known Jack forever, like they had grown up together. She was pretty comfortable around him. She loved it. They strode along silently hand in hand.

Once they had been walking for some five minutes Kara spoke up, Jack? Back there, what did Jared tell you?

The boy looked down as he kicked a stone absentmindedly. Kara, you dont get mad all that easily do you?

She shook her head. No. Well it depends on the person. If it was my sister, then yes, but when it comes to you, no. Kara locked eyes with him. She was curious to find out what had made him all out of sorts.

Jack sighed before continuing, Kara, I know that I dont have any say in what you do or who you talk to but, I want you to stay away from Jared.

Kara raised an eyebrow. The two had stopped walking a long time ago. Why? Jack, what did he tell you?

Jack hesitated but when he saw Karas expression he gave in. He told me to stay away from you. Kara, hes a bastard. Hes always gotten what he wants and hes never heard the word no. And, well, he wants you, luv. He may seem nice, believe me I thought that he was too, but he just wants you in his bed. Theres no saying what hes going to do to you and I dont want you to get hurt.

Kara was still as the information sunk in. After what seemed like forever to Jack, she turned to him. Youre serious? she whispered not really needing an answer. She couldnt wait to go to Tortuga, hell she couldnt wait to get away from Jared. She felt tears sting her eyes, she didnt bother to wipe them away though. Jack noticed this and embraced her. He stroked her hair and told the now sobbing girl that everything will be alright.

Once she had stopped crying she looked at him. We should get going now. Are you sure that your mum will like me?

Jack smiled slightly, Aye, and Im positive that she will. He took her hand this time and led her down a road to what seemed to be a descent sized house.

As they grew closer, Kara could see that the house or small mansion was made of solid granite and was probably worth millions. The windows were open but she could see that the shutters were a glossy black and the doorframe had many intricate designs on it. There seemed to be at least three floors with some ten or more rooms on each floor.

Jack Christopher Sparrow! Kara jumped and stared at the door where a woman who was probably in her late twenties had emerged. Where have you been!? I thought that I told you to be home by eight oclock! She was walking towards the tow as Kara edged her way behind Jack who was grimacing at who Kara assumed was his mums tone. She continued scolding him until she finally noticed Kara three minutes later. Whos your friend, Jack? she asked calming down instantly and if Kara hadnt just seen her a minute ago, she would have thought that shed never be the type of person to yell. Jack side stepped to reveal a petrified Kara. She suddenly became rigid as his mother examined her. Jack noticed this and slung his arm over her shoulders to comfort her as he spoke up. Mum, this is me new mate Kara Veera.

A/N: There you go! Please review. It would mean a lot to me.


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