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Chapter 2 - A new beginning

Based on real people in my life, this story is imaginative, creative, and a bit gory too!

Chapter 2 - A new beginning

Chapter 2 - A new beginning
Chapter 2 - A new beginning

Kevin awoke with a start. The alarm seemed to scream in his ear, piercing the sacred silence. He sat up in bed and slammed his hand onto the 'snooze' button. He yawned, stretched his arms out as far as he could, ruffled his hair and got out of his bed. He wandered towards the bedroom mirror and gazed at himself. He yawned again and walked out the door downstairs to grab breakfast. As he poured himself a bowl of 'Cheerio’s' the doorbell rang. He went to answer the door.
"Kevin you doofus what you still doing in your PJ's?"
Kevin looked down at his blue WWE pyjamas and smiled at the two boys stood in his doorway. One had dark brown hair, green eyes and wore a pair of baggy jeans and a Metallica T shirt which was way too big for him. The other had short light brown hair, blue eyes and was also wearing a pair of jeans but he wore a John Cena T shirt instead. Both of them were wearing black and white Converse and were holding a Skateboard.
"C'mon Kev were going to go down to Pete's pond to throw rocks at ducks!"
"Yea! I nearly hit a swan on the head last time!"
Kevin yawned and nodded with approval. "Come in guys. Let me get dressed first."
The two boys nodded and stepped inside. Kevin ran upstairs, threw on the clothes he wore yesterday and grabbed his skateboard. He paused by the bathroom to grab deodorant then continued down the stairs back to his eager mates, who were now jumping on the leather sofa and having a pillow fight.
“You took your time Kev…” said one boy.
The other boy nudged him on the arm and said “He was trying to find a pair of clean underwear Marky.”
Kevin blushed as the two boys burst out laughing, and he was the one to break it. “Knock it off guys,” He said, “Can we go now?”
“Yea,” said Marcus, trying so hard not to laugh. “Kallum are you ready?”
Kallum was now on the floor crying with laughter. Marcus threw a couple of pillows at him; one hitting him on the chest, the other on the crotch. He managed to say “Yes,” through all the commotion.

Kevin, Kallum and Marcus sat on the bridge over Pete’s pond, the wind rustling the reeds creating a constant hiss. Each of the boys had a small pile of stones by the side of them, throwing them into the pond making the water ripple, or at ducks which quack deeply back at them. The boys laughed as Kallum threw a stone onto the back of a Canadian Goose so it couldn’t reach it to get it off. Kallum laid back against the wooden boards and gazed into the summer sky. He sighed and stretched his legs. Kevin and Marcus looked back at him and Marcus asked, “What’s wrong Kallum?”
“Oh nothing Marky…” Replied Kallum in a dull lifeless tone. “It’s just that it’s the end of the summer holidays in a few days, and I got a load of homework to do…”
“Well didn’t you do it at the start of the holidays?” asked Kevin.
Kallum sat up and sharply spoke, “If I did then I wouldn’t be sighing now would I? Smartass…”
Marky quickly replied. “Oi! It’s not our fault that you didn’t do your homework! No need to take it out on Kev!”
Kallum looked down to the water below and stared at his reflection. He looked at Kevin, then Marcus, then said “Oh great, first my Mum gets diagnosed with Breast Cancer and now my friends hate me…” He grabbed the largest rock in his little pile and threw it as hard as he could across the water. It skimmed a few times across the surface and hit a swan straight in the head. The mute swan honked loudly then it thrashed around, scaring the other ducks. The three boys watched it in disbelief as the swan now turned a dark blue and started to float above the water. Once it was 12 inches above the water level, the swan exploded into blue smoke and there stood a figure where it once was.

The boys were speechless. Each of them sat there in amazement as the figure flexed its muscles and started to walk over to them. Kallum was the first to react. “Stay the hell away from us you creep!” He held about 5 medium sized stones in his hand. The figure stared at him confused, then just laughed at him. He held out his hand and clicked his fingers.
Kevin turned to his friends who were now frozen stiff. He poked Marcus on the face, then checked his pulse.
“Don’t worry, he’s still alive.”
Kevin turned back to the figure, now standing a few meters away from him.
“What d-did you d-d-do?” Kevin shakily spoke.
The blue figure bent down to his level and smiled. “I thought I recognised you…”
“Huh?” Kevin sat there confused as the figure looked at him from head to toe. He figure came to a conclusion after analysing Kevin.
“Your Kevin aren’t you?” The figure became excited at the thought.
“Yes I am.” Kevin nodded at him as he clapped with enthusiasm.
“Oh my god! I wondered when I was going to meet you!”
“And who are you meant to be?”
“How can you not know?” The figure said with disbelief.
“Well I’ve never seen you before in my life!”
“Ah, well let me introduce myself…” The figure stood back and bowed at Kevin. “I am Jamie, your Guardian Genie.”
“Guardian…. Genie?”
“Yes,” nodded Jamie, ”Now do you remember me?!”
Kevin shook his head and Jamie lowered his head.
“I’m sorry I don’t know you…”
“Never mind that you have to come quick! The world is in grave danger!”
“Go where?”
The genie sighed and quietly said, “The princess said you wouldn’t remember but I didn’t think you would be this bad…”
“Princess? What princess?”
The genie’s jaw dropped. He picked it up and said, “You don’t remember her do you?”
“I’ve never seen or met royalty in my life.”
“Well, There is this giant evil organisation called Chaos Crew 619. They are building some giant secret weapon to overthrow the princess and to release all the darkness in peoples hearts and rule the world with it.”
“And what have I got to do with this?”
The Genie sighed, “Bloody teenagers… Well you wont remember this but about 3 years ago you saved us all from the Chaos Crew 619 by defeating their lord Fenrir, but now he’s back and he wants revenge. He has taken over most of the world apart from the snowy mountain where the princess is. You must come and help us! Please!”
The genie got down on both knees and kissed Kevin’s feet. He looked back up with tear-filled eyes and Kevin was in an awkward position.
“OK, I believe you. I doubt a genie would lie to me…” The genie got up and screamed with excitement.
“OK we got to pack, what do we bring, do you need to change…” The genie skated over the pond, all flustered at the thought of travelling.
“Hang on Jamie, what about my friends?”
“Well ill make sure they don’t remember a thing. Everything will be back to normal when we go.”
“Ok then, lets do it!” Kevin stood up and looked at his two friends. The Genie held out his hand and said “Touch it.” Kevin looked away as he touched the Genies hand and within a flash of light, they were gone.


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