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Chapter 8 - Revenge of a christian

Based on real people in my life, this story is imaginative, creative, and a bit gory too!

Chapter 8 - Revenge of a christian

Chapter 8 - Revenge of a christian
Chapter 8 - Revenge of a christian

Jamie, Kevin and the girl walked out of the ruins of Sandy Village back towards the mountain. Jamie kept quiet, constantly glancing at the girl walking next to Kevin. Confused, he poked Kevin and whispered,"What is she doing with us?"
Kevin smiled,"Shes going to help us. She's not bad at all." They both looked at her. She was looking down to the floor, hands in her pocket, the sound of her boots creating a soft crisp sound on the grass. "By the way," He continued, she now looked up at him, "What is your name?"
"Do you really need to know?" she grunted.
"Well," Jamie laughed, "It's better than calling you Girl."
She looked back towards the floor. "People call me the Gem Hunter..."
"Gem Hunter?" Jamie and Kevin said together.
She nodded as they reached a thin layer of white snow. They started to climb the snow covered mountain again to return to Sunburst City. As they were halfway up the mountain, a cold wind blew as Kevin, Jamie and Gem Hunter looked up. Upon a large rock, black smoke whisped up from it in the shape of a figure. The smoke cleared to reveal a man in black and green stood there.

"Good afternoon people..." He spoke, his deep voice seemed to echo round them.
"Not you..." She said, her face almost in shock as she unsheathed her sword upon her back.
"Oh yes it is," a voice said behind them. Another figure appeared, this time dressed in black and red. She cursed under her breath as Kevin summoned his sword. "Leave."
"Nah. We want to play a little game with you first..." Laughed the green one.
"Luxas!" She shouted, "Leave!" They both laughed. He dissappeared and reappeared behind her, grabbing her neck and pulling her backwards, choking her. He whispered in her ear, "I'll never leave you hot stuff..." He licked her ear slowly and she cringed. Kevin swung his sword at him but he dissappeared in time, the sword swinging straight through where he was standing. Jamie turned to face the red man, carrying a dark book. He muttered words as his left hand- clenched in a fist- glowed blue. Jamie braced himself as he raised his left hand and unclenched his fist, the glowing ball aiming straight for him. Jamie raised both his hands and caught the ball. Spinning round the second he caught it, he let one hand go and slung the ball back at him, a direct hit. It threw him backwards straight onto a rock and knocked him unconcious.
Kevin ran towards Luxas and lunged his sword. With his free hand, Luxas brought out a 4 way blade. The inside ring coated in emeralds yet the metal remained black. It glowed green as he defended himself from Kevins attack.
"Let go of me!" She screamed, struggling to breathe. He smiled.
"Can't you see darling? I'm protecting you from these loosers." He laughed again. Kevin swung the sword above his head and attempted to strike him on the leg. Luxas pushed her away from her, making her land on an icy rock. Luxas span the blade in his hands above his head, up onto one finger, and launched it at Kevin. Kevin braced himself but Jamie threw himself in front of him and stuck his hands out, palms facing towards Luxas. A light blue forcefield appeared, a creating a high pitch sound when the blade hit it. Jamie drew his hands to his chest and quickly extended his arm towards him, his fingers spread wide. A glittery gold smoke came out of his fingers straight at Luxas, freezing him in one place.
"Damn it..."
Kevin walked up to him and put his blade against his neck. "Now..." He said, Luxas gulped wth fear. "Where and what is Fenrir up to?"
"You wont get nothing out of me." He spat in his face. Kevin began to lose patience.
"Tell me now, what is Fenrirs plan?!"
"His plan is to destroy you and the Princess and there is nothing you can do about it!" He laughed and Kevin touched his neck with the blade.
"I'm not afraid to kill you Luxas..."
"Nor am I Kevin..." black smoke appeared and withing seconds he was gone. They turned round to see that the other man had gone too. Kevin ran to the Gem Hunter and helped her up, a drip of blood crept down the side of her mouth. He looked into her eyes, "You ok?"
She smiled and repositioned her hat, "Yes thank you."
"Good." He helped her up and they set off back towards Sunburst city.
"God i hate Luxas and Praxis..."
"Praxis?" Jamie said.
"Yes the other guy in red. Fenrir's special Mage. Expert at the Dark Arts."
"Then Luxas..." Kevin angrily said.
"Pain in the arse is Luxas..."

They entered the city gates and walked through the city to the palace. The guards opened the doors. They found the princess on her throne, leaning on a lush blue pillow. She was fast asleep. They walked up to her and looked down at her. Jamie gently prodded her and she moaned.
"No Mr Poppinfresh I don't want one of your tastey jam spaghetti...."
They sniggered and poked her again. She shivered and woke up, shocked to find 3 faces looking down at her.
"Hello," She yawned and sat up properly. She looked at Jamie, then Kevin, then the girl. She screamed and shouted, "Guards! Guards! Arrest her at once!"
3 Guards charged towards her as she unsheathed her sword and waited.
"No Princess!" Kevin pleaded, "She is with us! She is with god. She will cause no harm."
She stood up and pointed towards her. "She is damned to come into my city. I banished her yet she returns."
"Trust us your majesty," Jamie begged, "She is good, we swear it!"
She turned to face the girl and slowly shook her head, the guards walked off back to where they were standing.
"You were right, your majesty," Continued Kevin, "Fenrir is up to no good."
"Also, Sandy Village is now Sandy ruins..." Added Jamie.
"WHAT!?" The princess stood up off her throne with a burst of anger. What about Roisin?!"
The Gem hunter looked at her and spoke faintly,"Dead..."
"No... NO!" She screamed. "This will NOT happen in my kingdom!" She spun round and raised her hands to her face, wiping several tears away. Kevin approached her cautiously and placed his hand on her shoulder. She turned round towards him, forcing his arms to wrap round her into a comfortable, reassuring hug. Jamie and the Gem Hunter stood there, Jamie shocked but she just watched them. The Princess wiped her eyes again, "I need to be a strong leader, not a coward!" She smiled up at Kevin, who smiled back at her. "Have you any news of Fenrir's army?"
Kevin felt uncomfortable and looked back at his companions. "Erm..." He hesitated, "No clue, but apparently its large."
"Well then," She sniffed, "We will have to find a bigger army."
Kevin and Jamie smiled at her, now showing a lot more confidence. "Guards? order 50,000 men to the city gates. Make sure they are prepared for everything and anything!" She ran down the throne room towards the door, the suddenly stopped, and slowly turned round to face Kevin, Jamie, and the Gem Hunter. "But i need generals for my army...." She looked at them and smiled, then signalled for them to go out the door. "Go join my army at the city gates, and good luck!" They set off past her, first Kevin, then Jamie, and lastly the girl, but the princess stuck her hand out which made her stop. She leaned close to her face and whispered.
"Now's the time to prove yourself..."


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