Chapter 1 - halloween the story
Submitted April 21, 2008 Updated May 6, 2008 Status Incomplete | enjoy people in story katie erica/meh jack sally lock shock barrel oggy ect.
Real People » Friends, Family members |
Chapter 1 - halloween the story
Chapter 1 - halloween the story
~Halloween Town~
Katie: *bows*
Jack: *Also bows*
erica: hay can u resite shakespeer for us
jack: *pulls off head* to be or not to be
that is the queastion.
Katie: *laughs* so jack, I hear your having a party
tonight. When is that? What time?
Jack: At 8:00. Dont forget the dip. *laughs*
Katie: *laughs*
Erica: Oinion?
Jack: No bug! *laughs*
Zero: Bark bark!! *has bone in mouth*
Katie: *takes bone* Jack, I think this is yours.
*gives bone*
Jacks: Thanks Zero.
erica:hay jack ?
jack: ya*looks*
erica: weres sally ?
jack: *puts hand on head* IDK.
katie:i wonder were she is.
sally: here i am.
jack: oh sally y were u hidding behinde that tomb
Sally: I was not hiding dear Jack, I was looking
for spiders for the cake.
Katie: spider cake? 0.0"
Erica: owww! Spiders!
Katie: X3
Jack: Well, Sally and I have to perpare for the
party. See you two tonight.
Katie and Erica: Bye Jack.
Katie: Lets go see Lock, Shock, and Barrel.
Erica: YA!!
~ lock shock and barrel ~
Katie: LOCK, SHOCK, BARREL!!!!!!
Shock: yes....
Lock: 0.0
Barrel: ...
Katie: Where is Boogy?
Boogy: Who wants to know?
Erica: US!!
Boogy: Owwww. Temper temper
katie: Shut your Trap!!!
erica: oh katie we have company
*points behind katie*
???:*bonks katie on head*
erica: *passes out from grotesk sights*
boogy: well i think thats all the welcom they need
* chuckels*
lock shock barel: teeheeheeteehehetehehehe
~ later ~
katie: uhhhaww man what hit me ???
erica: i see ur awake
katie: hay what time is it
erica:5:30 y
katie: oh no only 2 and a half hours till the party!
*sounds( a faint chuckel)*
erica: well idk what happened i fainted when...
waite u dont remember???
katie : ...?
erica:oh well 1 of oggy`s goules atacked u and ...
i got scaerd and passedout
katie: lol what was it a spider
erica: aaa... look be hinde u
katie: *lookes behined* ... gulp
both: yelll!!!!!!!!!!
???:oggy awating next comand!
oggy:ok sark ... hay lets go parrtty(evily)
sark:yess masster
~ meanwhile ~
@ town hall
*every one is prepairing4 the party*
jack: *sigh* i cant pick wich song to play
bandperson #1: bone daddy i mean jack how about
bandperson #2: the towns song?
bandperson #3: ya how bout it jack
band: ya
jack:ummm ???? ok
jack: waa
sally: oh my what was that all about
jack: its probely those pranxrs
dr.finkelstine:oh my u mean the trick or treaters
clown:*rips of scared face* bwaaahh
mayor:*head spins*oh no theyr allways up 2 a prank
vampiers:vat vill thos nusenses do next
jack : only one way to find out
* jack walks up to town gate and starts to head
for the hitherlands &lookin in the pumpkinpach and
graave yard*
~ oggys dungeon ~
katie: hay i think i can fit though the vent
erica:and if oggys big butt can so can i
katie: lol thats definement
erica: -_-''
katie: ok its open lets go
~ the walking bath tub ~
oggy: hay cant this monstrosety go faster
shock: LOCK!!
lock: BARREL!!
barrel: on it *turns tubs cranck*
oggy: now thats more like it^o^
lock:well oggy thats y u have us ^^
shock:we have skeemish mindes
barrel: and we can con. and fool any one but not u
lock.shock.barrel: MR. OGGYBOGGY !! ^u^
oggy: good and r all the preparations in order
shock:yes sir
lock:right to the ''T''
barrel:no joke we finished early
oggy: good vary good (evily)
~out skerts of town~
katie: ok to town *points up in hero way*
erica: * shrugs sholders* uhhh ok
katie: oh ya first to the wich and hazel shop
erica: oh ya but was he real about the bug dip???
katie: idk lets see the shop keeps and ask
~ waaa a fight ? ~
tub: * thunp thump... screeeeeet*
lock: y did we stop
shock: ya y
barrel:...look thats y look is katie and erica they
escaped. we cant proceed unless the r elimonated
boogy: grrrrrr than get them
lock:lock and
shock: shock and dumb
barrel: barrel .. hay waa
lock and shock: lollol
all: ready for battel
erica: oh no not again
katie: ok i think we have playd enough mortalcombat
to beat thease suckers
barrel: ya but we have some tricks up oour sleves
*lifts arms amd throse cards at erica*
erica: * !!!!! no arm!!!!!*
katie: gasp
erica: lol *pulls arm out of tee shirt*
katie: well so do we * throse off her jacket*
erica: * un ties sweater fromw waste*
katie and erica: its on punks
erica: hay katie
katie: huh
erica: remember the day we played at my house
katie: ya but how is that gonna help
*dogging cards bugs and traps while spiking*
erica: then... atack plan alfa 12667
erica: oh ya well then kimary v.s jazz fight 2
katie: oh ok now lets go
* katie and erica pland a battel in steps*
*1. katie atacks foword and konks out barrel*
*2. shock atacks katie while erica takes out lock*
*3. katie and erica beat shock*
erica: huf huf huf
katie: wow that was kool but it would have ben ezyr
erica: if we were real heros i no ... *exosted*
katie: hay we still have oggyboggy!!!
erica: that pile of bugs!!!
katie:uh oh he got away ....
erica: how can a fat but like him go sooo fast!!!!
katie: idk
erica:oh we should have brought him as bug dip lol
katie: lol ya
~ the whiches hazel shop ~
witch #1: (the tall one)*singing*
witch #2: (the short one)*swepping*
erica:*rings bell*
katie: hay do you guys have any of the bug dip left
erica: we need it for jacks party!
witch #1: oh jack u say * day dreaming about jack*
witch #2: oh jack *huging self* he makes walls fall
katie: umm ook weaird much (whisper to erica)
witch #1: he makes skin crawl !!
both witches: he makes flesh ose... hes wonderful
erica:>.< hay what r u bringin to the party???
witch #1: we r bringing magik brooms
katie: for every body???
witch #2 yes, ... here r urs*hands them to sister*
witch #1: here u go *hands katie and erica brooms*
katie: hay mines blue!
erica: ya mine is black!
both witches: try them there lots of fun
erica: mayb later we whant to make it to the party
katie: the bug dip plz
witch #1:ok made with fresh night crawlrs and roch
erica: -.-'' i am gona puke
katie:^w^ sounds yummy lol jk
both witches: bye bye now say hi to jack 4 us
erica: will do
katie: see ya at the party
erica: jacks in town
~ oggys buggy layer ~
oggy: those nincome poops
lock shock barrel: sorry boss
oggy: sorry sorry thats all u got
shock: nope
lock:we have another plan!!!
oggy: good !!!!!!!^O^
barrel: we will be the hit of the party
lock: if u no what we mean
all: devilish laugh
~ the secret under whater way ~
katie: man oggy is soo anoying
erica: shhhh this is a secret short cut to town hall
katie: -.-'' hmm and y did we take this way???
erica:*rolling eyes* to make an enterance thru the
main fountan for a big fanally we will arive at the
party on time and scare every one by come ing out
of the fountan!!!
katie: man u make every thin boring erica
erica: -_-" i hate u katie
katie: hay look its oggy again
erica: awww man not him
katie: his moreons r here too
oggy: not u again ill leave u to the dice* rolling dice*
morons: hehehe
oggy: *looking at dice* ssssnake eyes waaaa???
*hits wall then looks again* eeleven ... sark
sark: yes
erica: s-ss-ssu-suuu-suuupppi-spider
katie: erica calm down
erica right* nods at katie*
katie: * nods back at erica*
erica:ok time to squash this pest
katie: * slams fist in to hand* haha
sark: pitiful u cant win resistance is futial
oggy: bwaaahahaaa mwaahahaaahmwahahahahha!!!
lock: u got to love this guy
shock: oh if he was not a spider he would be mine!
barrel:*picking nose* uuuhhuu
all: 0.o ''
oggy: u might whant to prepair ur will!! hahahahaha
~ battel of whits ~
erica: duckk!!!!!!!!!
katie: waa *moves just in time*
lock shock barrel: ha ur ded toast
erica: its dead meat and ur toast moron
katie: ha how can we lose to a spider
erica: its squashing time huh i guess i can over come
my spider phobea haha
both:* atak sark and end with a splat!!!*
boogy: wa waa sark but how hes hes inbregnabel?!!
sark:s-s-sssao-o-o-o-r--r--rr-yy m-a-a-st-ter
oggy:??!!??!! omg but but u dident even hve wepons?
erica: we had our shoes dos that count
katie: lets squash a nothe piel of bug ha
erica: in deed ^_^
oggy:0~0 *(twich twich)
oggy:* running away* (0.0)
erica: k nice one
katie: thanx now lets get to the party
~ boo ~
katie and erica: *make way to town
erica: ok here it is
katie: its gona be a tite squezz 'erica'
erica: grr -_-''
katie: what i was kidding ... or was i ??? =3
erica: ok i just .. have tooo * click* done
katie:ok lets scare halloween ! ^^
erica and katie :*climbing and come out of fountan*
all at party: gaaaa
katie: *lol* ha we scard halloween haha
erica: ya that was funny
* they all partyed all night long and had soo much fun*
Katie: *bows*
Jack: *Also bows*
erica: hay can u resite shakespeer for us
jack: *pulls off head* to be or not to be
that is the queastion.
Katie: *laughs* so jack, I hear your having a party
tonight. When is that? What time?
Jack: At 8:00. Dont forget the dip. *laughs*
Katie: *laughs*
Erica: Oinion?
Jack: No bug! *laughs*
Zero: Bark bark!! *has bone in mouth*
Katie: *takes bone* Jack, I think this is yours.
*gives bone*
Jacks: Thanks Zero.
erica:hay jack ?
jack: ya*looks*
erica: weres sally ?
jack: *puts hand on head* IDK.
katie:i wonder were she is.
sally: here i am.
jack: oh sally y were u hidding behinde that tomb
Sally: I was not hiding dear Jack, I was looking
for spiders for the cake.
Katie: spider cake? 0.0"
Erica: owww! Spiders!
Katie: X3
Jack: Well, Sally and I have to perpare for the
party. See you two tonight.
Katie and Erica: Bye Jack.
Katie: Lets go see Lock, Shock, and Barrel.
Erica: YA!!
~ lock shock and barrel ~
Katie: LOCK, SHOCK, BARREL!!!!!!
Shock: yes....
Lock: 0.0
Barrel: ...
Katie: Where is Boogy?
Boogy: Who wants to know?
Erica: US!!
Boogy: Owwww. Temper temper
katie: Shut your Trap!!!
erica: oh katie we have company
*points behind katie*
???:*bonks katie on head*
erica: *passes out from grotesk sights*
boogy: well i think thats all the welcom they need
* chuckels*
lock shock barel: teeheeheeteehehetehehehe
~ later ~
katie: uhhhaww man what hit me ???
erica: i see ur awake
katie: hay what time is it
erica:5:30 y
katie: oh no only 2 and a half hours till the party!
*sounds( a faint chuckel)*
erica: well idk what happened i fainted when...
waite u dont remember???
katie : ...?
erica:oh well 1 of oggy`s goules atacked u and ...
i got scaerd and passedout
katie: lol what was it a spider
erica: aaa... look be hinde u
katie: *lookes behined* ... gulp
both: yelll!!!!!!!!!!
???:oggy awating next comand!
oggy:ok sark ... hay lets go parrtty(evily)
sark:yess masster
~ meanwhile ~
@ town hall
*every one is prepairing4 the party*
jack: *sigh* i cant pick wich song to play
bandperson #1: bone daddy i mean jack how about
bandperson #2: the towns song?
bandperson #3: ya how bout it jack
band: ya
jack:ummm ???? ok
jack: waa
sally: oh my what was that all about
jack: its probely those pranxrs
dr.finkelstine:oh my u mean the trick or treaters
clown:*rips of scared face* bwaaahh
mayor:*head spins*oh no theyr allways up 2 a prank
vampiers:vat vill thos nusenses do next
jack : only one way to find out
* jack walks up to town gate and starts to head
for the hitherlands &lookin in the pumpkinpach and
graave yard*
~ oggys dungeon ~
katie: hay i think i can fit though the vent
erica:and if oggys big butt can so can i
katie: lol thats definement
erica: -_-''
katie: ok its open lets go
~ the walking bath tub ~
oggy: hay cant this monstrosety go faster
shock: LOCK!!
lock: BARREL!!
barrel: on it *turns tubs cranck*
oggy: now thats more like it^o^
lock:well oggy thats y u have us ^^
shock:we have skeemish mindes
barrel: and we can con. and fool any one but not u
lock.shock.barrel: MR. OGGYBOGGY !! ^u^
oggy: good and r all the preparations in order
shock:yes sir
lock:right to the ''T''
barrel:no joke we finished early
oggy: good vary good (evily)
~out skerts of town~
katie: ok to town *points up in hero way*
erica: * shrugs sholders* uhhh ok
katie: oh ya first to the wich and hazel shop
erica: oh ya but was he real about the bug dip???
katie: idk lets see the shop keeps and ask
~ waaa a fight ? ~
tub: * thunp thump... screeeeeet*
lock: y did we stop
shock: ya y
barrel:...look thats y look is katie and erica they
escaped. we cant proceed unless the r elimonated
boogy: grrrrrr than get them
lock:lock and
shock: shock and dumb
barrel: barrel .. hay waa
lock and shock: lollol
all: ready for battel
erica: oh no not again
katie: ok i think we have playd enough mortalcombat
to beat thease suckers
barrel: ya but we have some tricks up oour sleves
*lifts arms amd throse cards at erica*
erica: * !!!!! no arm!!!!!*
katie: gasp
erica: lol *pulls arm out of tee shirt*
katie: well so do we * throse off her jacket*
erica: * un ties sweater fromw waste*
katie and erica: its on punks
erica: hay katie
katie: huh
erica: remember the day we played at my house
katie: ya but how is that gonna help
*dogging cards bugs and traps while spiking*
erica: then... atack plan alfa 12667
erica: oh ya well then kimary v.s jazz fight 2
katie: oh ok now lets go
* katie and erica pland a battel in steps*
*1. katie atacks foword and konks out barrel*
*2. shock atacks katie while erica takes out lock*
*3. katie and erica beat shock*
erica: huf huf huf
katie: wow that was kool but it would have ben ezyr
erica: if we were real heros i no ... *exosted*
katie: hay we still have oggyboggy!!!
erica: that pile of bugs!!!
katie:uh oh he got away ....
erica: how can a fat but like him go sooo fast!!!!
katie: idk
erica:oh we should have brought him as bug dip lol
katie: lol ya
~ the whiches hazel shop ~
witch #1: (the tall one)*singing*
witch #2: (the short one)*swepping*
erica:*rings bell*
katie: hay do you guys have any of the bug dip left
erica: we need it for jacks party!
witch #1: oh jack u say * day dreaming about jack*
witch #2: oh jack *huging self* he makes walls fall
katie: umm ook weaird much (whisper to erica)
witch #1: he makes skin crawl !!
both witches: he makes flesh ose... hes wonderful
erica:>.< hay what r u bringin to the party???
witch #1: we r bringing magik brooms
katie: for every body???
witch #2 yes, ... here r urs*hands them to sister*
witch #1: here u go *hands katie and erica brooms*
katie: hay mines blue!
erica: ya mine is black!
both witches: try them there lots of fun
erica: mayb later we whant to make it to the party
katie: the bug dip plz
witch #1:ok made with fresh night crawlrs and roch
erica: -.-'' i am gona puke
katie:^w^ sounds yummy lol jk
both witches: bye bye now say hi to jack 4 us
erica: will do
katie: see ya at the party
erica: jacks in town
~ oggys buggy layer ~
oggy: those nincome poops
lock shock barrel: sorry boss
oggy: sorry sorry thats all u got
shock: nope
lock:we have another plan!!!
oggy: good !!!!!!!^O^
barrel: we will be the hit of the party
lock: if u no what we mean
all: devilish laugh
~ the secret under whater way ~
katie: man oggy is soo anoying
erica: shhhh this is a secret short cut to town hall
katie: -.-'' hmm and y did we take this way???
erica:*rolling eyes* to make an enterance thru the
main fountan for a big fanally we will arive at the
party on time and scare every one by come ing out
of the fountan!!!
katie: man u make every thin boring erica
erica: -_-" i hate u katie
katie: hay look its oggy again
erica: awww man not him
katie: his moreons r here too
oggy: not u again ill leave u to the dice* rolling dice*
morons: hehehe
oggy: *looking at dice* ssssnake eyes waaaa???
*hits wall then looks again* eeleven ... sark
sark: yes
erica: s-ss-ssu-suuu-suuupppi-spider
katie: erica calm down
erica right* nods at katie*
katie: * nods back at erica*
erica:ok time to squash this pest
katie: * slams fist in to hand* haha
sark: pitiful u cant win resistance is futial
oggy: bwaaahahaaa mwaahahaaahmwahahahahha!!!
lock: u got to love this guy
shock: oh if he was not a spider he would be mine!
barrel:*picking nose* uuuhhuu
all: 0.o ''
oggy: u might whant to prepair ur will!! hahahahaha
~ battel of whits ~
erica: duckk!!!!!!!!!
katie: waa *moves just in time*
lock shock barrel: ha ur ded toast
erica: its dead meat and ur toast moron
katie: ha how can we lose to a spider
erica: its squashing time huh i guess i can over come
my spider phobea haha
both:* atak sark and end with a splat!!!*
boogy: wa waa sark but how hes hes inbregnabel?!!
sark:s-s-sssao-o-o-o-r--r--rr-yy m-a-a-st-ter
oggy:??!!??!! omg but but u dident even hve wepons?
erica: we had our shoes dos that count
katie: lets squash a nothe piel of bug ha
erica: in deed ^_^
oggy:0~0 *(twich twich)
oggy:* running away* (0.0)
erica: k nice one
katie: thanx now lets get to the party
~ boo ~
katie and erica: *make way to town
erica: ok here it is
katie: its gona be a tite squezz 'erica'
erica: grr -_-''
katie: what i was kidding ... or was i ??? =3
erica: ok i just .. have tooo * click* done
katie:ok lets scare halloween ! ^^
erica and katie :*climbing and come out of fountan*
all at party: gaaaa
katie: *lol* ha we scard halloween haha
erica: ya that was funny
* they all partyed all night long and had soo much fun*
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Falconlobo on April 22, 2008, 5:15:43 PM
Falconlobo on