Chapter 1 - Prision Break
Submitted June 1, 2006 Updated February 16, 2007 Status Incomplete | Jak gets sent to prison yet again and meets a new character who might make him more trouble than he thought.
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Chapter 1 - Prision Break
Chapter 1 - Prision Break
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Jak's new mission
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<font color="Black"> </font><font color="Black"><u>Jak</u></font><font color="Black"><u>'</u></font><font color="Black"><u>s new mission</u></font><font color="Black"><u></u></font>
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<font color="Black">The moonlight shone on the cold walls of the Haven City prison.</font>
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<font color="Black">A krimson carrier ship had entered through the black iron gates and came to a holt. Jak was pushed out of the ship by one krimson guard and armed guns surrounded him aiming at his head. He knew if he even dared fighting back </font><font color="Black">he'd be</font><font color="Black"> shot. He casually smirked and looked at the guards silently.</font>
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<font color="Black">“Escort him to this cell” said one guard handing a card with co-</font><font color="Black">ordinates written</font><font color="Black"> on the side to another guard holding a gun to Jak's head. “Right, sir” replied the guard and shoved the gun into Jak's spine.</font>
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<font color="Black">Jak was escorted through the dark corridors of the prison until they reached a desk with a sectary sat behind it typing away at the computer in front of her. Jak stared at her trying to make out her features in the darkness. It was only until she lifted her head up and the light of the computer shone on her face that he could see her properly. She had a pale white face and dark bags under her eyes from late shifts, she kept a pencil in her tight chestnut hair and was very thin and pointy almost resembling the pencil in her locks. “We need an officer to take the prisoner to his cell” said the guard his gun retreating </font>
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<font color="Black">To Jak's skull as he passed the card to the woman. She read the card and nodded to the guard. “Zack, we need you escort a prisoner to cell B427” she yelled to one of the shadowy figures sat on the benches behind the desks. A muscular man stood up and walked forward, his pale grey eyes and thick greasy black hair caught the moonlight as he stepped closer. “</font><font color="Black">Ahh</font><font color="Black">, my favourite cell. Looks like you're coming with me blondie” he said his voice smooth and his eyes fixed on Jak like the guns pointed at his head only a few minuets ago.</font>
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<font color="Black">The man gestured to Jak to follow him through yet another dark corridor. `Does it ever end?' Jak thought to himself looking around the same scenery passing him until the officer finally came to a holt at one of the thousands of cells in the prison. He pulled a master key from his pocket and shoved it into the lock. After a rusted turn of the key</font><font color="Black"> the gate swung open with a crea</font><font color="Black">k.</font>
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<font color="Black">“Keenie, we've got another one for ya, and remember if you ever get tired of that cell just give me a call” he said to a figure on the top of a bunk bed in the corner of the dark room. “In you go then”</font><font color="Black"> he muttered to Jak giving him a sharp push into his shoulder. He shut the gate and locked it as the same creaking and rusty turn echoed throughout the prison. Jak and the figure were left alone.</font><font color="Black"></font>
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<font color="Black">“So, whatcha in for?” said the figure. It was obviously a woman by the voice. `Great!' Jak thought to himself `I'm stuck in prison with a woman fatter than Krew, more tattoos than Torn and more hair than Daxter'.</font>
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<font color="Black">“</font><font color="Black">Stole a krimson cru</font><font color="Black">i</font><font color="Black">ser</font><font color="Black">, and took a wrong turn” Jak replied quickly as there was nothing to worry about.</font><font color="Black"> </font><font color="Black">“</font><font color="Black">How long you in for?” she spoke again.</font>
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<font color="Black">“Well they've gave me two months because my associates gave half of the bale.”</font>
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<font color="Black">“The underground?” she asked quietly.</font>
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<font color="Black">“Yeah, but…why don't you come down to talk to me? I'd like to see you before I say anything else” said Jak now curious about the woman he was speaking to</font><font color="Black">o</font><font color="Black">.</font>
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<font color="Black">There was an awkward silence for a few seconds then the figure began to shuffle to the end of the bed. She then swung off one and</font><font color="Black"> stood near the bed one arm resting the bars of the top bunk.</font>
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<font color="Black">Jak finally saw her in the moonlight and realised he had been completely wrong about her image.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">She was tall and had a lovely curvy figure which Jak admired in most women.</font>
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<font color="Black">She wore a tight midnight blue leather suit, the neckline ended just below her large breasts so a little of them showed. There was also three holes below that one either side of her stomach and one that showed her navel. Long blonde hair flowed down</font><font color="Black"> her stopping at her waste. Her deep blue eyes</font><font color="Black"> </font><font color="Black">and big eye lashes stared at Jak and a smile spread on her naturally red lips.</font>
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<font color="Black">“So what can I call you?” she said walking towards him.</font>
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<font color="Black">“Jak, and you?” he replied nervously.</font>
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<font color="Black">“I'm Chloe, and what exactly do you do for the underground?” she asked resting one hand on his shoulder.</font>
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<font color="Black">“</font><font color="Black">Well as my partner would say `we get all the crappy missions” Jak said remembering Daxter's words and wondering if Torn had locked him up yet.</font><font color="Black"></font>
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<font color="Black">She smiled and put her head where her hand was a moment ago, her lips touching Jak's ear.</font>
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<font color="Black">“I like you, unlike some of my other cell mates have come and gone” she whispered gently.</font>
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<font color="Black">“How long have you been here?” Jak asked her.</font>
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<font color="Black">“Well my original sentence was for one month and a half</font><font color="Black"> but that jackass Zack keeps adding time because I won't sleep with him. He says that's all I have to do and my sentence is over. So I'm not answering him anymore so he can't add any more time on, and I'll probably be out next week” she said her head now off Jak's shoulder. </font><font color="Black"> </font>
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<font color="Black"> “What did you do anyw</font><font color="Black">ay?” Jak asked wondering what</font><font color="Black"> such a hot girl could do to get in prison</font><font color="Black">.</font>
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<font color="Black">“I stole food to feed myself because I hadn't eaten in nine days and I had no money” she said in a pissed tone of voice.</font><font color="Black"></font>
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<font color="Black">“Well, I'm not staying here. Stand back” he said looking at the small </font><font color="Black">bared </font><font color="Black">window in the left corner of the room. He felt a powerful serge spread through his body and the dark monster was unleashed. Chloe instead of feeling fear was </font><font color="Black">fascinated by Jak's transformation. Jak ripped the bars of the window with his bare hands and transformed back quickly. He began to climb out the window as Chloe ran over to him. “What was that!” she said looking at Jak as if he was an alien. “I'll tell you later” he said, now both legs were out of the window. “What do you mean later? I'll never see you again” she said </font><font color="Black">quietly.</font><font color="Black"></font>
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<font color="Black">“I'm coming back for you, I promise” he said looking deep into her eyes.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">He was about to drop onto the ledge below him when he heard Chloe shout his name. “Yeah” he said his head poking up again.</font>
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<font color="Black">“Be careful” she said quietly and kissed him on the cheek. </font>
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<font color="Black">Jak smiled and dropped on the ledge below him. All his problems were in the back of his mind. He'd </font><font color="Black">barely kno</font><font color="Black">w</font><font color="Black">n</font><font color="Black"> her for ten minuets and he'd already got a kis</font><font color="Black">s. He walked along the ledge until he reached the prison wall. He summoned all of his light power</font><font color="Black"> </font><font color="Black">and flew towards the underground.</font>
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<font color="Black">What will happen next time? Find out in part two coming soon.</font><font color="Black"> </font>
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Jak's new mission
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<font color="Black"> </font><font color="Black"><u>Jak</u></font><font color="Black"><u>'</u></font><font color="Black"><u>s new mission</u></font><font color="Black"><u></u></font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">The moonlight shone on the cold walls of the Haven City prison.</font>
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<font color="Black">A krimson carrier ship had entered through the black iron gates and came to a holt. Jak was pushed out of the ship by one krimson guard and armed guns surrounded him aiming at his head. He knew if he even dared fighting back </font><font color="Black">he'd be</font><font color="Black"> shot. He casually smirked and looked at the guards silently.</font>
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<font color="Black">“Escort him to this cell” said one guard handing a card with co-</font><font color="Black">ordinates written</font><font color="Black"> on the side to another guard holding a gun to Jak's head. “Right, sir” replied the guard and shoved the gun into Jak's spine.</font>
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<font color="Black">Jak was escorted through the dark corridors of the prison until they reached a desk with a sectary sat behind it typing away at the computer in front of her. Jak stared at her trying to make out her features in the darkness. It was only until she lifted her head up and the light of the computer shone on her face that he could see her properly. She had a pale white face and dark bags under her eyes from late shifts, she kept a pencil in her tight chestnut hair and was very thin and pointy almost resembling the pencil in her locks. “We need an officer to take the prisoner to his cell” said the guard his gun retreating </font>
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<font color="Black">To Jak's skull as he passed the card to the woman. She read the card and nodded to the guard. “Zack, we need you escort a prisoner to cell B427” she yelled to one of the shadowy figures sat on the benches behind the desks. A muscular man stood up and walked forward, his pale grey eyes and thick greasy black hair caught the moonlight as he stepped closer. “</font><font color="Black">Ahh</font><font color="Black">, my favourite cell. Looks like you're coming with me blondie” he said his voice smooth and his eyes fixed on Jak like the guns pointed at his head only a few minuets ago.</font>
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<font color="Black">The man gestured to Jak to follow him through yet another dark corridor. `Does it ever end?' Jak thought to himself looking around the same scenery passing him until the officer finally came to a holt at one of the thousands of cells in the prison. He pulled a master key from his pocket and shoved it into the lock. After a rusted turn of the key</font><font color="Black"> the gate swung open with a crea</font><font color="Black">k.</font>
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<font color="Black">“Keenie, we've got another one for ya, and remember if you ever get tired of that cell just give me a call” he said to a figure on the top of a bunk bed in the corner of the dark room. “In you go then”</font><font color="Black"> he muttered to Jak giving him a sharp push into his shoulder. He shut the gate and locked it as the same creaking and rusty turn echoed throughout the prison. Jak and the figure were left alone.</font><font color="Black"></font>
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<font color="Black">“So, whatcha in for?” said the figure. It was obviously a woman by the voice. `Great!' Jak thought to himself `I'm stuck in prison with a woman fatter than Krew, more tattoos than Torn and more hair than Daxter'.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“</font><font color="Black">Stole a krimson cru</font><font color="Black">i</font><font color="Black">ser</font><font color="Black">, and took a wrong turn” Jak replied quickly as there was nothing to worry about.</font><font color="Black"> </font><font color="Black">“</font><font color="Black">How long you in for?” she spoke again.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“Well they've gave me two months because my associates gave half of the bale.”</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“The underground?” she asked quietly.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“Yeah, but…why don't you come down to talk to me? I'd like to see you before I say anything else” said Jak now curious about the woman he was speaking to</font><font color="Black">o</font><font color="Black">.</font>
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<font color="Black">There was an awkward silence for a few seconds then the figure began to shuffle to the end of the bed. She then swung off one and</font><font color="Black"> stood near the bed one arm resting the bars of the top bunk.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">Jak finally saw her in the moonlight and realised he had been completely wrong about her image.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">She was tall and had a lovely curvy figure which Jak admired in most women.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">She wore a tight midnight blue leather suit, the neckline ended just below her large breasts so a little of them showed. There was also three holes below that one either side of her stomach and one that showed her navel. Long blonde hair flowed down</font><font color="Black"> her stopping at her waste. Her deep blue eyes</font><font color="Black"> </font><font color="Black">and big eye lashes stared at Jak and a smile spread on her naturally red lips.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“So what can I call you?” she said walking towards him.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“Jak, and you?” he replied nervously.</font>
<p><div name="Normal" align="left" style=" padding: 0.00mm 0.00mm 0.00mm 0.00mm; ">
<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“I'm Chloe, and what exactly do you do for the underground?” she asked resting one hand on his shoulder.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“</font><font color="Black">Well as my partner would say `we get all the crappy missions” Jak said remembering Daxter's words and wondering if Torn had locked him up yet.</font><font color="Black"></font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">She smiled and put her head where her hand was a moment ago, her lips touching Jak's ear.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“I like you, unlike some of my other cell mates have come and gone” she whispered gently.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“How long have you been here?” Jak asked her.</font>
<p><div name="Normal" align="left" style=" padding: 0.00mm 0.00mm 0.00mm 0.00mm; ">
<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“Well my original sentence was for one month and a half</font><font color="Black"> but that jackass Zack keeps adding time because I won't sleep with him. He says that's all I have to do and my sentence is over. So I'm not answering him anymore so he can't add any more time on, and I'll probably be out next week” she said her head now off Jak's shoulder. </font><font color="Black"> </font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black"> “What did you do anyw</font><font color="Black">ay?” Jak asked wondering what</font><font color="Black"> such a hot girl could do to get in prison</font><font color="Black">.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“I stole food to feed myself because I hadn't eaten in nine days and I had no money” she said in a pissed tone of voice.</font><font color="Black"></font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“Well, I'm not staying here. Stand back” he said looking at the small </font><font color="Black">bared </font><font color="Black">window in the left corner of the room. He felt a powerful serge spread through his body and the dark monster was unleashed. Chloe instead of feeling fear was </font><font color="Black">fascinated by Jak's transformation. Jak ripped the bars of the window with his bare hands and transformed back quickly. He began to climb out the window as Chloe ran over to him. “What was that!” she said looking at Jak as if he was an alien. “I'll tell you later” he said, now both legs were out of the window. “What do you mean later? I'll never see you again” she said </font><font color="Black">quietly.</font><font color="Black"></font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“I'm coming back for you, I promise” he said looking deep into her eyes.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">He was about to drop onto the ledge below him when he heard Chloe shout his name. “Yeah” he said his head poking up again.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">“Be careful” she said quietly and kissed him on the cheek. </font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">Jak smiled and dropped on the ledge below him. All his problems were in the back of his mind. He'd </font><font color="Black">barely kno</font><font color="Black">w</font><font color="Black">n</font><font color="Black"> her for ten minuets and he'd already got a kis</font><font color="Black">s. He walked along the ledge until he reached the prison wall. He summoned all of his light power</font><font color="Black"> </font><font color="Black">and flew towards the underground.</font>
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<p style="text-indent: 0.00mm; text-align: left; line-height: 4.166667mm; color: Black; background-color: White; ">
<font color="Black">What will happen next time? Find out in part two coming soon.</font><font color="Black"> </font>
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rosethorn on June 1, 2006, 5:28:27 AM
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