Chapter 1 - Chapter1- The script
Submitted September 4, 2006 Updated September 4, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is what happens when a crazed fangirl makes a FMA script for random FMA characters. What exactly is a 'sex pie'? Why is Roy playing a randome instument? Why is scar having a 2 man party with Al? FIND OUT HERE!!!! *warning, may contain some spoilers*
Anime/Manga » Fullmetal Alchemist |
Chapter 1 - Chapter1- The script
Chapter 1 - Chapter1- The script
My FMA script (With added FMA!!!)
Disclaimer: I do not own FMA, because if I did, me and Ed would be going out :D
In Danielle's house (MY house) some of the FMA characters are having a little get together about a certain script that the host had wrote…………….
Ed: Wait, when did I agree to write a script with you?
Me: *hits him* you didn't agree. I drugged you then tied you up. *Giggles* You look so cute when your drugged XD.
Ed: *gasp*
Al: *Reading script* Wait, I die in the script. Why do I have to die?
Me: Because I want you too. You copied Ed to much in the movie.
Winry: And I die too!
Me: Shut up dog, you die because I hate you. You keep trying to take my Edo away from me!
Winry: He was never with you, slut! *Punches me*
Me: Oh, its on girlfriend! *Cat fight*
Ed: *sighs* Even though this is a bad thing, I like the fact im loved. *Continues reading* Hey, in here, I win the lottery! Yay!
Al: Why does no-one like me? *Sniffle*
Ed: O-O That's just scary!
Roy: I know, that's why I do it. That's what it says in the script I got today. I also have to play a random instrument.*starts playing clarinet*
Envy: *appears* Hallo, my wittle friend! *Hugs Ed* The script said I should do that. *shifty eyes*
Me: *Throws Winry into a wall* DON'T TOUCH MY MAN!!! *drags envy towards me by his hair and beats him up*
Ed: Wow, she can fight! *Scar appears*
Ed: Piss off, scar.
Scar: In the script im evil, so I have to practice my laugh. And I get to beat you up. *Points at Ed*
Ed: In the script you do, but as I recall, I owned you in the series. Now go away, your blocking my light. *Random lamp appears*
Scar: Fine then! Hey Al, need some company?! *Goes over to Al and starts a two man disco with him*
Winry: *Knocked out*
Roy: Hey, im really good at this! Maybe I should have my own concert! Riza, come look! *Keeps playing clarinet*
Riza: Great, sir. *sighs*
Envy: GRRRRRRR!!!! *Bites me*
Me: *Scratches envy*
Lust: *Appears from out of a closet with greed* Mmmmmmmmmmmm, sex-pie.
Greed: What's sex-pie?
Lust: Does it matter? Its got the word ``sex'' in it. It says it here. Im supposed to make one with you. Duh, we just spent a whole half-an-hour in there, trying to find the ingredients for it. Weren't you listening? *holds up script*
Greed: What? Oh right, sorry, I wasn't listening. The pie, you say. *Starts reading* So, where are the ingredients? Maybe we should try in that closet over there. *points*
Lust: *Gets angry* Where is this pie!
Me: God, you guys are sooooooooooo 1914. *Stops beating up Envy* Your supposed make a sex-pie, with each-other.
Greed: I………..still don't get it.
Lust: What, im supposed to turn him into a sex-pie? How? Using alchemy that I can never use because im an artificial human?
Lust: ………..Sex? ok, lets go *puts on blindfold*.
Greed: Sounds cool. Even though, as the living doll's we are, were born without reproductive organs. *Goes back in the closet with lust*
Me: *Nods happily* *Pushes Eds chair over*
Ed: *Lying on the floor* *Gets up* WTF WAS THAT FOR?
Me: I dunno, but it was so cute the way you fell over. Timber! *Cuddles*
Ed: Gah!
Al and Winry: *surrounds me*
Me: *Sigh* What do you want now? And didn't I all ready beat the crap out of you?
Winry: You did, but using my super make-up, I look as good as always. Even though I am internally bleeding at this very moment. *wince* Anyhow we came to talk about the scripts you wrote. I die when I slip over in my house and land on some knives that magically appear on the floor because im wearing ``slutty shoes''. I don't like that.
Me: Well, I always said you should dress properly. You're too careless.
Al: And in my script, I die when I get run over by Roy mustang, who is playing a random instrument while driving. I've only just got my body back, and I already loose it! *Shakes fist*
Ed: I win the lottery, get a yacht, buy a mansion and live happily ever after, but you don't see me complaining. Even if it does say that I have to get married to that.*Points to me*
Me: YAY!!!! HUSBAND!!! Now, let's all join scar, he seems pretty lonely. *Scar's dancing by himself*
Everybody: Ok!
So, in the end, everybody forgot the script ever existed, because they all burned in a mysterious fire that happened late at night, where there were no witnesses. (The scripts burned, not the characters.)
Scar won a dancing contest we all had, and was offered a job at the local roller-disco, which he accepted. The very next morning he was fired, because he wanted to keep dancing through-out the night, even though it had to close. And he couldn't roller skate.
Greed and lust where supposed to be having sex, but when we opened the cupboard door, we found out that they had escaped through a hole in the wall that they made. Doesn't matter, though, because they weren't invited to the party to begin with. They just sort-of appeared.
Winry was sent to hospital, because even though she looked ok, she collapsed while making herself a sandwich in her home. Don't worry though, she's still alive. (Dam, im obviously not doing my job right.)
Roy auditioned for a musical with his clarinet, but wasn't let in, because while everyone else was playing the ``Blue Danube'', he was laying London's burning.
Envy and Al made a hate club for me, where everybody joined and chose ways to kill me. It was very popular. When Envy suggested throwing rocks at me, he was kicked out for being to humane. Even though he was part owner.
And finally, Ed got a contract so I couldn't go within two miles of him. I snuck into his house when he was sleeping, stole his gloves, and tore it up, framing him to look like he had done it (You know, glove fingerprints and all) He finally gave up, and I moved into his motel room (He hasn't got a house, because he burnt it down AGES ago. Every FMA fan knows that) with him. Im content with only being able to live in the same place with him.
For now.
Ps: Sorry all you Winry fans, I just don't like her. Can she not wear normal clothes? She makes good sandwiches though.
Ps: Ps: Sorry to all you Al fans too, I don't hate him. But I do in the movie, look how much he's copying my Edo-san!!! Lol, and if your wondering where Al lives (He's only 13!) he's living with Winry. Great.
Disclaimer: I do not own FMA, because if I did, me and Ed would be going out :D
In Danielle's house (MY house) some of the FMA characters are having a little get together about a certain script that the host had wrote…………….
Ed: Wait, when did I agree to write a script with you?
Me: *hits him* you didn't agree. I drugged you then tied you up. *Giggles* You look so cute when your drugged XD.
Ed: *gasp*
Al: *Reading script* Wait, I die in the script. Why do I have to die?
Me: Because I want you too. You copied Ed to much in the movie.
Winry: And I die too!
Me: Shut up dog, you die because I hate you. You keep trying to take my Edo away from me!
Winry: He was never with you, slut! *Punches me*
Me: Oh, its on girlfriend! *Cat fight*
Ed: *sighs* Even though this is a bad thing, I like the fact im loved. *Continues reading* Hey, in here, I win the lottery! Yay!
Al: Why does no-one like me? *Sniffle*
Ed: O-O That's just scary!
Roy: I know, that's why I do it. That's what it says in the script I got today. I also have to play a random instrument.*starts playing clarinet*
Envy: *appears* Hallo, my wittle friend! *Hugs Ed* The script said I should do that. *shifty eyes*
Me: *Throws Winry into a wall* DON'T TOUCH MY MAN!!! *drags envy towards me by his hair and beats him up*
Ed: Wow, she can fight! *Scar appears*
Ed: Piss off, scar.
Scar: In the script im evil, so I have to practice my laugh. And I get to beat you up. *Points at Ed*
Ed: In the script you do, but as I recall, I owned you in the series. Now go away, your blocking my light. *Random lamp appears*
Scar: Fine then! Hey Al, need some company?! *Goes over to Al and starts a two man disco with him*
Winry: *Knocked out*
Roy: Hey, im really good at this! Maybe I should have my own concert! Riza, come look! *Keeps playing clarinet*
Riza: Great, sir. *sighs*
Envy: GRRRRRRR!!!! *Bites me*
Me: *Scratches envy*
Lust: *Appears from out of a closet with greed* Mmmmmmmmmmmm, sex-pie.
Greed: What's sex-pie?
Lust: Does it matter? Its got the word ``sex'' in it. It says it here. Im supposed to make one with you. Duh, we just spent a whole half-an-hour in there, trying to find the ingredients for it. Weren't you listening? *holds up script*
Greed: What? Oh right, sorry, I wasn't listening. The pie, you say. *Starts reading* So, where are the ingredients? Maybe we should try in that closet over there. *points*
Lust: *Gets angry* Where is this pie!
Me: God, you guys are sooooooooooo 1914. *Stops beating up Envy* Your supposed make a sex-pie, with each-other.
Greed: I………..still don't get it.
Lust: What, im supposed to turn him into a sex-pie? How? Using alchemy that I can never use because im an artificial human?
Lust: ………..Sex? ok, lets go *puts on blindfold*.
Greed: Sounds cool. Even though, as the living doll's we are, were born without reproductive organs. *Goes back in the closet with lust*
Me: *Nods happily* *Pushes Eds chair over*
Ed: *Lying on the floor* *Gets up* WTF WAS THAT FOR?
Me: I dunno, but it was so cute the way you fell over. Timber! *Cuddles*
Ed: Gah!
Al and Winry: *surrounds me*
Me: *Sigh* What do you want now? And didn't I all ready beat the crap out of you?
Winry: You did, but using my super make-up, I look as good as always. Even though I am internally bleeding at this very moment. *wince* Anyhow we came to talk about the scripts you wrote. I die when I slip over in my house and land on some knives that magically appear on the floor because im wearing ``slutty shoes''. I don't like that.
Me: Well, I always said you should dress properly. You're too careless.
Al: And in my script, I die when I get run over by Roy mustang, who is playing a random instrument while driving. I've only just got my body back, and I already loose it! *Shakes fist*
Ed: I win the lottery, get a yacht, buy a mansion and live happily ever after, but you don't see me complaining. Even if it does say that I have to get married to that.*Points to me*
Me: YAY!!!! HUSBAND!!! Now, let's all join scar, he seems pretty lonely. *Scar's dancing by himself*
Everybody: Ok!
So, in the end, everybody forgot the script ever existed, because they all burned in a mysterious fire that happened late at night, where there were no witnesses. (The scripts burned, not the characters.)
Scar won a dancing contest we all had, and was offered a job at the local roller-disco, which he accepted. The very next morning he was fired, because he wanted to keep dancing through-out the night, even though it had to close. And he couldn't roller skate.
Greed and lust where supposed to be having sex, but when we opened the cupboard door, we found out that they had escaped through a hole in the wall that they made. Doesn't matter, though, because they weren't invited to the party to begin with. They just sort-of appeared.
Winry was sent to hospital, because even though she looked ok, she collapsed while making herself a sandwich in her home. Don't worry though, she's still alive. (Dam, im obviously not doing my job right.)
Roy auditioned for a musical with his clarinet, but wasn't let in, because while everyone else was playing the ``Blue Danube'', he was laying London's burning.
Envy and Al made a hate club for me, where everybody joined and chose ways to kill me. It was very popular. When Envy suggested throwing rocks at me, he was kicked out for being to humane. Even though he was part owner.
And finally, Ed got a contract so I couldn't go within two miles of him. I snuck into his house when he was sleeping, stole his gloves, and tore it up, framing him to look like he had done it (You know, glove fingerprints and all) He finally gave up, and I moved into his motel room (He hasn't got a house, because he burnt it down AGES ago. Every FMA fan knows that) with him. Im content with only being able to live in the same place with him.
For now.
Ps: Sorry all you Winry fans, I just don't like her. Can she not wear normal clothes? She makes good sandwiches though.
Ps: Ps: Sorry to all you Al fans too, I don't hate him. But I do in the movie, look how much he's copying my Edo-san!!! Lol, and if your wondering where Al lives (He's only 13!) he's living with Winry. Great.
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thiefchild on September 15, 2006, 12:51:23 PM
thiefchild on