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Chapter 1 - Day 1: Meeting the crew

Self-explanitory, but... it's about the Inu group and what they do behind the scenes... Well actually, before they even started the series and how they worked together! Supposed to be funny... There will be swears. You've been warned.

Chapter 1 - Day 1: Meeting the crew

Chapter 1 - Day 1: Meeting the crew
I’m really sorry if this sucks. The other site I posted this on really liked it, so I hope I get just as many reviews here!

Umm... I don’t own InuYasha an... yeah... that’s about it... Oh and sometiems the things in brackets is my own thoughts in it. Okies? OKIES! Oh and btw, when ever you see this: ’, it’s supposed to br a ‘, but it isn’t working... O_o so yeah...


Day One

Directer: So miss Kagome, do you want a tour of the place?

Kagome: Sure. might as well meet my crew members.

Director: Great! Ok... *walking around* *passes house set*

Kagome: Wow! What's that!?

Director: Your house.

Kagome: Wow! It's that big!

Director: Yes...But it's not even half the size of my house... (must be one big house)

Kagome: Wow! It's so big! I think I'm gonna really live here!

Director: You can't...

Kagome: Why?

Director: Cause it's the set.

Kagome: Why?

Director: Cause that would be an interference.

Kagome: Why? (Wow, aren’t we annoying...)

Director: *hits head* Let's just meet your crew! *walks* (lol, my new word in the dictionary)

Kagome: So... when can I move in?

Shippou: *running* *hits Kagome in the leg* Hey move it woman! *gets up* (oh ho ho, snappy)

Kagome: Aww! What a cute plush toy! *picks up* I love it! I'm gonna hug it, and hold it and bring it to my new house here!

Director: *hits head* That's your friend, Shippou.

Shippou: I gotta be friends with this? *glares* And in this stupid costume too!

Kagome: *hugs even harder*

Shippou: Can't... breath! Ack! *pulls off tail and tickles Kagome* *slips out* *gasps* What you trying to do!? Kill me!? *jumps and slaps* (can he jump that high?)

Kagome: *blinks* Aww! It's trying to hurt me! Isn't it adorable! (It? O_o)

Director: *sweating* Please don't quit kid. Uh let's go miss... *walks with her* *walks back a little* I'll pay you to kill her! Just get to her stop acting stupid! (You could be charged with murder!)

Shippou: Uh uh! I ain't going near her! *runs away*

Kagome: *trips on a cord* *falls and grabs a rope* *pulls down forest set* *tress fall* *breaks the lights on the way down* *snaps into millions of wooden shards* *some random people get splints in their feet* (wow... wounds like something my friend did at her house)

Director: What was that!?

Kagome: *gets up* *brushes self off* Uh... *looks around* I didn't do it?

Director: *Pulls her away from set* You will soon owe me millions...

Kagome: But my mommy and daddy only gives me 2 cents a week! So I can pay you within 5 weeks! (Mommy and daddy? O_o)

Director: O_o that is only 10 cents... (at least he can do math compared to her)

Kagome: 10 is a BIG (Another new word) Then you owe ME back! (Grammer?)

Director: Someone get that huge sword for me! I have an URGE for KILLING! *turns to Kagome*

Kagome: *sees him pointing towards her* *turns around thinking it’s someone else* Man I’d hate to be that person. (*cough* idiot)

???: You mean tetsusaiga?

Director: Yes! Oh, there you are, Yasha! Look, you deal with her! She is driving me crazy! (Sure you weren’t crazy already?)

Yasha: *walking towards them* *wind blowing through his black hair*

Kagome: Wow...

Director: Someone turn off the fan for the windy dramatic scenes please!

Yasha: *someone turns it off* *hair falls* Hello. *takes hand and kisses it* I'm Yasha. On set I will be Inu Yasha. *hair blows again*

Director: Turn that fan off, dammit!

Yasha: Nice to meet you miss...

Kagome: *blushing* Uh... Kagome. Kagome Higurashi. (She can say her name! *gasp*)

Director: Getting too mushy! I'm outta here!

Yasha: Your face is become pinkish-red. May I get you a towel?

Kagome: *steps forward* Here goes nothing... *nears his face* (omg)

Yasha: Miss Kag... *blushes*

Kagome: *bites hair* *munches on it* I love noodles with soy sauce! (Smart...)

Yasha: *freaks out* Ahh! Get it off! Get it off! *runs into a pole* (I know someone who did that too)

Kagome: Wow... this tastes better than I thought! Man I was starving so much I think I was gonna faint! Not to mention the Air Con isn't working! My face is really warm! (That’s what the fan is for. T_T)

???: Stay away from Yasha! Hi ya! *throws huge random object*

Kagome: *screams* NOT IN THE FACE! NOT IN THE FACE! (lol)

???: *moves an inch in front of person then flies up and hits the lights* *breaks the roof* (woah...)

Kagome: Wow! Damage actually done not by me! *smiles* (what are the odds)

Sango: Dammit! ! Why does this always happen to me! (cause your you?)

Yasha:*rubs head* My beautiful hair! *cries uncontrollably* Why!? Anything but the hair! *stomps feet* I hate you all! *sticks out tongue and runs out of room acting like a 2 year old* (baby)

Sango: Why can't I control my Hiraikotsu... *slides onto floor* *pouts* (don’t be an Inu Yasha... please)

Kagome: *walks forward* *tilts head* Are you ok? *sits beside* (probably one of the only smart things she’ll ever do)

Sango: T_T Stay the hell away... *moves away*

Kagome: Here, lemme see your "hair and cuts" (she learns something new everyday...)

Sango: Hiraikotsu...

Kagome: Whateva...*grabs it* *throws it* *goes around a fake tree, slides horizontally through a narrow crack in a cave, splits river, spins around them* *grabs it perfectly* Now you try! *smiles even wider* (that possible?)

Sango: A complete idiot like you can do that? O_o;;;

Kagome: Do wha?

Sango: What you just did!

Kagome: What did I just do?

Sango: That thing you did with Hiraikotsu!

Kagome: The wha?

Sango: The boomerang...

Kagome: What is that?

Sango: Oh my god... T_T

Kagome: Ok I'm just joking. I know what it is silly!

Sango: Oh really? Then explain it to me.

Kagome: It's um... a thing... that we use... in life... and we um... do stuff with it... (sounds like another one of my friends)

Sango: Like?

Kagome: *Sweating* we umm use it for... umm... (exactly like my friend)

Shippou: *walking by* Hey Sango *sees Kagome* *freaks out* AHH! NO! SANGO! HELP! RUN! SAVE YOUR-SELF! *sticks hand out* FOX FIRE! *nothing happens* Fox fire! *nothing* Fox fire? *flame light up* *smiles* *fire dies* >_< GOD DAMMIT (omg, a kid just swore! (Just like the grade 2s in my school)

???: There&apos;s my lighter! *picks it up and lights a cigarette* (*gasp*)

Sango: Mir... not in front of the kids...

Kagome: I&apos;m not a kid.

Sango: Do you wanna to hold Mr.Fuzzy and eat a lollipop? (That’s what I tell my friends)

Kagome: *bouncing* Yay! Wollies! (But they never agree)

Sango: See... T_T

???: *puffs smoke* Fine... *throws it away* *burns down another set* So who is this fine lady? *winks*

Kagome: *looks up*

???: *sees face* Eek! Err... Gotta run! (What a sea bass... (it means bastard... yeah...)

Sango: *grabs leg* Miroku! *plops him down* Sit down! This is Kagome... (as in “what’s her last name?�)

Kagome: *hic cup*

Sango: Kagome Hic (wtf)

Mirkou: *moves beside Sango instead* Umm... yeah... I really gotta run ya know I mean like... my uh wife and kids (he finally got a wife and children!?) need me (doubt it) and ya know, a convertable ain&apos;t gonna go that fast.

Sango: You aren&apos;t married, (oh) you don&apos;t even have any kids, (oh oh, Sango spilled the beans.) convertibles are great, fast cars and you don&apos;t need to smoke that badly. (Or does he?) Now you kids stay together! *pushes Kagome and Miroku close together* While I run away... very far away, practice Hiraikotsu and hope to never see Kagome again until about 20 episodes in. (26 I think) BYE! *grabs Shippou before Kagome does and runs*

Kagome: *falls face first cause she didn’t catch Shippou in time* (ooo... ouch)

Shippou: You... you saved me... Thank you... *about to kiss* (um... you’re a little to young...)

Sango: T_T *hits Hiraikotsu on his head* Don&apos;t even fracking think about it... *keeps running* (profanity! Profanity!)


Ok well I hope this was funny and that my comments were actually funny... (doubt it) so that’s about it. I’m gonna put all the chapters I did before, but if you guys don’t like it, then I wont make more. So please comment. Oh and GIVE IDEAS! Tell me what you like about it or what you didn’t like. (I’ll run out of ideas if you don’t dammit) Thank yous!


Comments (2)

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kagome_and_inu_4_eva on September 5, 2005, 5:54:55 AM

kagome_and_inu_4_eva on
kagome_and_inu_4_evait stands for '

XxDRAGONPUNK7xX on April 27, 2005, 9:49:36 PM

XxDRAGONPUNK7xXI Wuv it!!! Whats with the &ace between words?