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Chapter 2 - Day 2: Costumes

Self-explanitory, but... it's about the Inu group and what they do behind the scenes... Well actually, before they even started the series and how they worked together! Supposed to be funny... There will be swears. You've been warned.

Chapter 2 - Day 2: Costumes

Chapter 2 - Day 2: Costumes
Chapter Two... Yeah... yeah that’s about it...


Day Two

Kagome: *walks outta set house yawning* *opens eyes* Oh hi D!

Directer: Good morning Ka.... wait, WTH!? WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE! *goes insane* (holy, anger management...)

Kagome: Cause I live here silly! *smiles*

Directer: I told you that you CAN'T LIVE HERE!

Kagome: Com'on D! I have no where to go! And... *turns around dramatically* *tears in eyes* I love this place. *turns back* You'll never destroy my dreams and happiness! (O-k...)

Director: First of all, you already have a house, you know, where you lived before you came here. Plus, we already went through this, YOU CAN’T LIVE HERE!

Kagome: When did we talk about this?

Director: THINK!

Kagome: *flashback* *shows a little monkey dancing* *circus music* doot doot doodoodoodoo doot doot doo do, doot doot doodoodoodoo doot do doo doooooo* (umm... o-k. sorry) Tehe, I remember that.

Director: Exactly, so leave RIGHT NOW!

Kagome: Ok... *walks away slowly* *turns around* *gives kitty eyes*

Director: *shows flame aura* (dun dun dunnnn)

Kagome: Eeeeeep! *runs*


Shippou: *on Yasha’s shoulder* *patting his hand* There there Yash, it’s ok, at least you’ll be wearing a white wig with adorable dog ears. *pokes them*

Yasha: *crying* but... but... *sniffle* It’ll never be the same with out that chunk.... I named all my strand of hair! *cries even harder* (each and every? O_o)

Shippou: You named... all the strands? O_o

Yasha: All 99999999999999 *keeps going till about an hour later* strands.... (I don’t think there’s THAT many...)

Shippou: But I doubt you even have that many! (Stop repeating me dammit! >_<)

Yasha: *glares* Did you count yours squirt! *punches him in the head* (there’s the Inu Yasha we know!) *but misses* (... nvm ...)

Shippou: I’m not stupid enough to do that... (who IS)

Yasha: Good bye Jack, sayonara Sally *keeps going on* and adios amigos...

Shippou: You named one “amigos�?

Yasha: Yeah... what’s it to you kid!

Shippou: That is like totally stupid!(like? Girly enough?)

Yasha: Yeah well at least I don’t have a stupid name!

*both keep babbling on and on*

Kagome: *runs by* *stops* *smiles* Hey guys! How are you two?

Yasha and Shippou: *look at each other* RUN! *runs away* (that was lame)

Kagome: *sad* Aww... No one likes me here...

???: That’s not true... *walks out of a shadow* (how the hell did she do that?)

Kagome: S-sango?

???: Neither do I...

Kagome: Mir... well I dunno your name, Sango just finished at Mir...

Miroku: I’m Miroku, And I think you’re great.

Yasha: So do I

Shippou: And I. (What the)

Kagome: All my dreams have come true! *grins* Hug! *runs to all of them* *goes through them* What’s goin’ on! (That’s like Yuna and Tidus) *sees light*

All: Kagome! Kagome!

Kagome: Wait! *flies up* *wakes up* Whoa... What happened! *shakes head* *sees everyone*

Yasha: I told you a hit in the head was good enough but NOO! Someone said hit it with the huge boomerang! *glares at Sango*

Sango: Well how was I supposed to know her head was soo soft that it didn’t need anything more then that feather I hit her with!

Yasha: Great! Now she’s dead!

Shippou: Isn’t that what we all wanted though?

Miroku: Yeah, maybe we won’t get an idiot next time...

Yasha: *sigh* I guess we should say a few words... Miroku?

Miroku: *chokes on a cigarette* (ouch... that’s gotta hurt...) Why me?! I don’t even know her!

Sango: Cause you gotta practice for the actual job stupid monk!

Miroku: *grumbles* Uh... I didn’t even know this bag full of idiocity (now THAT’s a weird word) ... so uh... yadda yadda, great person... uh... helped people, did stuff... ok done.

Everyone: *prays*

Sango: You know... she actually wasn’t that bad...

Everyone: *looks at each other* *says at the same time/synchronized* NAW! She really was that bad! (How’d they do that!?)

Director: Hey ev!(ery one)Props are here! Come and get it!

Everyone: Yay! *runs away*

Kagome: Wh-what’s goin on? *open eyes* Where’s everyone? *looks around* Hello? *touches head* Am I dead? And why are there 7 bumps on my head? (She can count!? *gasp*)


Shippou: I wonder if she’s gonna find out that all of us hit her...

Director: You monsters! You did that to my actor!?

Sango: Actress...

Director: Whatever!

Shippou: Yeah, me, Yash, Sang and Mir hit her in the head for fun. We wanted to make sure she was out

Yasha: *mumbles* Forever...

Miroku: Hehe, I hit her 3 times...

Everyone: O_o;;;

Sango: WAIT! *everyone stops* If only the of us hit her, and Miroku hit her 2 extra times...

Miroku: Damn right I did... (is that something to be proud of?)

Sango: Then who was the 7th... 5th person? (No can Sango count?)

Shippou: Maybe she was stupid enough to hit herself? (Maybe...)

Director: Uh... very good little boy for saying the truth now lets go!

Sango: *grabs* Wait! You hit her? When?

Director: When you guys were... blinking?

Everyone: *glaring* Ok. Good enough for us! *runs to props happily* (short attention span...)

Yasha: *bumps into someone* *looks up* Who are you?

???: I’m... *reads script* Sash so mah roo? Hey isn’t that that guy from Winnie the Pooh? (And he knows... how?) *squints* I mean Sesshoumaru

Yasha: My brother? Yay! *huggles* You’re here! (Doesn’t he care that he knows of someone in Winnie the Pooh!? And how old is he?!)

Sesshe: Brother? But I’m an only child. Not unless... my parents lied to me again! Like about the tooth fairy and Santa Clause! And about how my imaginary friend Bob isn’t real! *shakes fist* I know he is real... (O_o)

Kagome: Santa is real though...

Sesshe: He is? Really? *holds hand* Who are you may I ask? *eyes shining*

Kagome: Me *eyes shining* *both start dancing together with freaky glittery background* (from... where?)

Everyone else: O_O;;;

Director: So uh... this is your clothes Sango

Sango: *stares blankly* Why do I get two?

Director: Cause one is fighting and the other is for like everyday...

Sango: I gotta wear this everyday!?

Director: No only on set but...

Sango: I don’t wanna wear this piece of *BEEP* *BEEP* for every *BEEP* day of my *BEEP* life *keeps on swearing and ranting* (lol)

Yasha: I didn’t even know she had those many words in her vocabulary...

Director: *jaw drops* Ok... Miroku, this is yours *hands over*

Miroku: What the-- am I supposed to wear a sleeping bag or something? (Oh it isn’t that bad...)

Director: It’s your monk clothes. And here’s your staff.

Miroku: Wicked cool! *spins with it and knocks a random person over* Oh I’m so sorry! *sees long hair* My oh my... *helps up* I’m very sorry madam. May I laid you? *wink* I-I mean aid! AID! I SAID AID DAMMIT! (LOL)

*everyone looks at him weird* (I would too)

???: Who are you calling a lady! I’m a guy, guy!

Miroku: Wha!? *lets go* *he falls down again* Ahh! I-I though a guy was... a girl! Ahh! *screams and runs away*

Naraku: Jeez... was I that terrifying? *flips long, wavy hair* *shine appearing in background* *glowing* Hey, I’m Naraku. *teeth shine* (my eyes! Too bright! *hiss)

Shippou: Stupid big shot...

Naraku: *glares*

Shippou: *glares*

Naraku: You’re goin’ down shrimp.

Shippou: Not unless I bring you down first!

Naraku: I’m taller

Shippou: *sticks tongue* Shut up.

Director: Stop arguing and come here! Shippou, this is yours.

Shippou: Orange hair! What do you take me for! With... A YELLOW PONYTAIL WITH A BLACK STRIPE! *eyes fire up*

Director: Whoops! *snatches ponytail* That is actually Kirara. Sango’s pet.

Sango: *stops swearing* (she was swearing the entire time?!) I get a pet! *runs back* *snatches* I’m gonna love it, and hug it, and never let it outta my site! (OMG! She’s got Kagome-ma-fied!) *grins* I mean, uh thanks....

Yasha: For a minute she sounded like Kagome.(stoppit it everyone!)

Sango: I don’t take insults kindly! *tries to hit with boomerang* *misses* uh... *shifty eyes* I didn’t do it! *runs with Kirara* *Kirara turns huge*

Kirara: Bew! *or w/e that sound it makes* ROAR!

Sango: HOLY shoot! *runs away crying*

Shippou: *sees the real pnytail* WAHH! *freaks out*

Director: And your clothes...

Shippou: AHH! I GOTTA WEAR THAT! *repeats everything Sango said but kinda says them wrong*

Yasha: I LOVE the vocabulary you guys learn...

Director: And here’s yours you wittle cutie babwy!

Yasha: *freaks* What the! *sees ears* *sweat drop* I think you’ve mistaken mine fo this one. *takes out Sesshoumaru’s*

Director: Nope, this one is yours, now wear it and I’ll give you a wittle ity bity wollipop!

Yasha: *grumbles* *puts it on* *filled with joy* All of a sudden, I feel so happy! *dances by himself*

???: Told ya those gas drugs I put in his wig would work... (creepy...)

Director: Yeah... you’re right Kag, now I should use it on Kagome now... (oh... almost sounded liek Kagome at first)

Kagura: Well I could get more from my pharmacy... *a woman in a business suit and glasses with hair in a bun comes out*

Miroku: *sitting in corner rocking back and forth because of the Naraku thing* *sees* *runs back* You a girl or guy? *has flower in one hand and a knife in other*

Kagura: Sir, I am a female.

Miroku: Stop using big words! Girl or dude?

Kagura: “dude� Is not of a category Sir. And I am a girl or woman to be precise. (This is lame. It sounded better when I wrote it last year...)

Miroku: *gives flowers* Where have you been all my life? *wink* (hiding from him)

Kagura: Working at my pharmacy.

Miroku: Well I’ll be dropping by more often then. *wink wink* (ok we get the point)

Kagura: Oh you’ll be dropping when I give you this new drug I made. *smirks* (Ok when I say drugs, you know I mean medicine kind, not the evil ones.)

Director: O-k... Here’s your clothes, oh and we’ll be getting you red contacts cause... glasses ain’t gonna do it baby girl, here’s your clothes, get ready for tomorrow.

Kagura: But the book says I don’t come for like 50 episodes in! (Is that right?)

Director: CHOP CHOP! Oh and give this robe to Yasha over there. Love ya. (Omg he’s hitting on Kagura)

Kagura: Leave me alone jerk!

Director: I didn’t do anything though! (Sure...)

Kagura: I meant this thing! *shakes leg*

Miroku: *holding on tight* Smile I love you soo much! I will never leave you ever again. Please stop by my box!

Kagura: O_O You live in a box!? But you have a convertible!

Miroku: I spend all my money on girls and none for my life... (smart... *rolls eyes*)

Kagura: So sad...

Miroku: if I make her feel bad for me, then maybe she’ll bring me to her house, then I can make her like me then we can get married and live together for ever and ever!

Kagura: Well I gotta go back to my husband now, bye!

Miroku: O_o *eye twitches* NO!

Director: umm... Sesshoumaru come here!

Sesshe: *eyes shining dramatically* I’ll be right back, Me... I’ll never forget you...

Kagome: *tears* You’ll come back for me, right? (Didn’t he just say that...)

Sesshe: You know it baby gal. *bubbly background*

Director: Like sometime this century!

Sesshe and Kagome: *glare*

Sesshe: Good-bye my love!

Kagome: NO! Come back! *cries*

Sesshe: *walks 2 feet ahead of Kagome* Ok what do you want?

Director: This might be hard for you but here’s your white wig and clothes.

Sesshe: What’s this huge fluffy thing?

Director: I dunno, gives an effect. People here want it to be a tail or something, but I told them It can’t be a tail cause you can take it off in one of the episodes where you save Rin.... that’ll come later.

Sesshe: *trying to put cloths on* What’s so bad about it then? And... hey! Why can’t how come my right arm can’t get through.

Director: You mean your left. (Does Sesh know the diff?)

Sesshe: Left!? What’s that! You mean it isn’t right and your other right?! That’s not the names?

Director: O_o;;; No...

Sesshe: Then NO WONDER I DIDN’T PASS MY DRIVER’S LICENCE! The instructor said TURN LEFT and I was all like WHA? And he’s all like LEFT! And I’m like what’s that? (And he should know by this age...) So then we ran into a tree(good job) and my parents got mad cause the insurance couldn’t hold it plus the instructor didn’t make it... (that’s so sad..)

Director: That’s so sad.. (wow, that was soo unexpected *sarcastically* )

Sesshe: What? Ya... he didn’t make it in time to deliver the pizza... *shakes head*

Director: Wait... your instructor was a pizza delivery man!? (o-k)

Sesshe: Well mom and dad didn’t wanna pay for lessons, so they sent the guy who got us supper that night.

Director: And you are alive because...

Sesshe: I’m alive? I dunno what to say.

Director: Anyways... That’s cause Inu Yasha cuts off your arm.

Sesshe: *gulp*

Yasha: *evily* Mwahahaha

Sesshe: But how do we hide it?

Director: *gets out knife* I’ll deal with it!

Sesshe: AHH! *runs*

Director: *runs after*

Kagome: *jumps in front of Director* Don’t hurt him! I love him! *turns head and smiles*

Sesshe: *gazes into eyes* I’m glad you do... So that’s why I gotta do this! *pushes her into director*

Kagome: WAHH!

Director: Uff! *pushes her off* Except it Ses! You gotta take one for the team!

Sesshe: No!

Director: Come back!

Narrator: So the entire night the director and Sesshe ran till dawn... (...)


Comments (2)

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Chibi-chan on April 10, 2006, 1:28:43 AM

Chibi-chan on
Chibi-chanOh, god poor sesshy.
Lol that was funny

XxDRAGONPUNK7xX on April 27, 2005, 10:10:43 PM