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Chapter 4 - Day 4: Overview Day

Self-explanitory, but... it's about the Inu group and what they do behind the scenes... Well actually, before they even started the series and how they worked together! Supposed to be funny... There will be swears. You've been warned.

Chapter 4 - Day 4: Overview Day

Chapter 4 - Day 4: Overview Day
Everything in ~*_____*~ means the narrator. So... please enjoy... please?

Day 4

Director: Good morning fans of me! (He has any?)

Gang: Meh...

Kagome: *walks in from other direction*

Director: Kagome! You didn’t sleep in the house! Well good for you. Today is gonna be a good day for a brand new start!

Kagome: Yeah. I slept somewhere else! And it is even better!

Director: I knew you’d like your own comfy bed at your house with your family.

Kagome: What are you talking about? I went to sleep on the tree you made for Yasha. It’s perfect! Yasha, it’s a great place to be stabbed! *smiles wide* (stabbed?)

Yasha: *gulp*

Sango: So what’s the big hype about?

Director: Yes, today is “Over view day�

Naraku: What’s that?

Director: Well... *breaks into song* Duh duh dun dunnn... O is for... um... something and V is for very and E is for everyone and R is for who run from me in terror! V is for... very again and E is for... (wtf?)

Kagome: Don’t you spell view V-I-E-W? (Holy crap! She knows?)

Director; If Kagome says it then it’s wrong, *sings again* And E *Emphasizes on E* is for eggs and W is for well done! D is for Dawg! (...)

Shippou: We get it!

Director: And A is for ate and Y is for Yo-YO!!!!!! *thrashes on invisible guitar* (wth...)

Sango: That doesn’t make any sense! What is it really about?

Kagura: It’s when we ask people what we like about the other person. Pretty much a review on them through the days we’ve been together. (Sounds fun.)

Kagome: Hey has anyone seen Sesshe lately?

Sesshe: *runs to Kagome* I am here and... uh oh... *sees Director* Eep!

Director: *takes knife out* Hehe... I mean, Just sit down! I’ll take each person one by one. (As in...)

Kagura: That’ will take too long, we’ll just go by circle.

Director: You’re the smart one! First question, what do you all think about Kagome.

Yasha: I have nightmares. I haven’t slept the last 3 days... (LOL)

Shippou: You get her near me and I swear I will kill you. Or her... (evilstry...)

Kagome: She’s the best! *smiles so hard* (ouch, my face hurts thinking about it)

Sesshe: Beautiful. (Wasn’t he with Kikyo?)

Naraku: I don’t wanna know her... (damn right you don’t)

Kagura: By the sounds of everyone’s theories, I do not appreciate her hand of friendship. (Why don’t you just say you don’t want to be her friend...)

Kanna: *still unconscious*

Sango: She’s ok, when you aside your anger and hate.

Miroku: I love her... Wait who are we talking about?

Shippou: Kagome...

Miroku: *flashback* THE HORROR! *runs to another corner* *sits* *rocks back and forth sucking thumb singing la, la, la, la, laaaa* (haha)

Director: O-k...

???: *Spanish accent* May I ask who we are talking about?

Director: Everyone, this is Kouga. (With a Spanish accent? What was I thinking!?)

Kouga: A please to meet all of you.

Everyone: *glances* Hey.

Director: Ok, now how about.. Yasha.

Yasha: *pretending to sound like a random person* He is the greatest! Everyone loves him! (Haha, you wish man)

Shippou: *glares* I dunno, anyone who counts their hair sounds like a complete idiot.

Everyone: O_o

Yasha: *pretending not to know anything* Heh heh... What?

Kagome: Yummy hair... He’s great to eat! (that sounds creepy)

Sesshe: I’m scared...

Naraku: I dunno, so I’m like WOAH though. Totally far out dude when I saw him with the Sesh guy. (Hippy much?)

Kagura: *looks at him* *No comment*

Kanna: Uhnn... *starting to regain conscience* (how long has she been like this?)

Sango: He’s a really great person.

Miroku: He’s a guy right? Then don’t know, don’t care.

Kouga: His hair intrigues me... why is it cut like that? But, I do not know what to say.

Director: Shippou? (As in “what about him?�)

Shippou: Yes?

Director: No, yes doesn’t make any sense in my question.

Shippou: But you just called me?

Director: Called who?

Shippou: Me.

Director: Me?

Shippou: No! Me but. Arghh! *pissed off* I’m outta here! *hops away*

Yasha: Little brat. I’m glad I’m gonna treat you like dirt in the series.

Shippou: *sticks out tongue*

Kagome: I love that little fluff ball! (As in Shippou)

Sesshe: Umm... uh...

Naraku: Like totally weirded out...

Kagura: A child should not be judged. That might ruin his up bringing.

Kanna: I see a light... *stares directly at florescent lights* (good job...)

Sango: I don’t talk to him much.

Miroku: Boy... meh.

Kouga: I’m leaving, I don’t even know half these people. I bid you, adeiu.

Naraku: I’m with K.

Kagome: As in me? OH! Someone agrees with me! This is the happiest day of my life! *Oscar background* I’d just like to thank all the little people that made this all happen! I love you all! *blows kisses* (the hell...?)

*no one is paying attention to her*

Director: Sango

Yasha: Meh. Not bad. I think she keeps us from killing Kagome though...

Miroku: Not true... *still in corner rocking*

Kagome: She’s my best friend!

Sango: *cough* You wish...

Kagome: Pardon me?

Sango: Nothing! *sweat drop*

Kagura: ...

Miroku: I wouldn’t like to know her better...

Sango: Well too bad! In the series you gotta love me!

Miroku: I’ll act it, but I won’t mean it! (Bwaha)

Sango: O_O I hate you!

Kagura: Hate is a strong word...

Director: That’s it! This is taking too long. We’ll go through this in a few minutes. COFFEE BREAK!

Miroku: But! My turn! I wanna see what Kagura thinks about me? *winks* (ok you can stop winking now)

Kagura: *groans*

~*around the donut and coffee table*~

Miroku: *slides beside Kagura* So, how do you like your coffee? I like mine with loads of sugar cause I try to make it as sweet as you. (Wtf...)

Kagura: Give it up. I'm already married remember.

Miroku: You can split with that nobody. If you got me, you don't need no one else! *drinks sweet coffee* *spits out cause it is practically just a cup of sugar* *sprays it on Kagura* (lol. Loser)

Kagura: Arghh! That’s it! *storms off*


Shippou: You call this coffee! I call this crap! Go back and make me some orange juice! *throws it at caterer* *he runs off and tries to get a different drink* I'm surrounded by bakas....

Yasha: Hey there Ship. Umm... I'd just like to say I was wrong and I'm sorry about today and yesterday, so I made you a cup of hot chocolate. So, no hard feelings? *hands cup* *smiles sincerely* (not good...)

Shippou: *looks at it* *snatches* Hey! This kinda tastes funny for hot chocolate... *tummy grumbles* Uh oh... *runs to washroom* YASH-A! (Eww...)

Yasha: XD That was hilarious! Filling that coffee up with cream was great! Looked just like Hot choc! (So...)

Sango: What would be so wrong about him drinking cream?

Yasha: Shippou told me when I first came that he was lactose intolerant. XD *extremly happy and laughing so hard* (ouch)

Sango: You're soo mean you know that?

Yasha: What's it to you!


Kagome: Thanks for havin cof and D's with me.

Sesshe: Likewise... *drinking the same coffee cause they "coincidently" like the same kind of way*

Kagome: I love this coffeee. *smiles* (she does that a lot)

Sesshe: Uh... yeah. *turns around and pretends to cough but is really gagging at it* *eats a donut and so is Kagome* *both staring at Yasha and Sango yelling* *moves together like LADY AND THE TRAMP* *kisses* *blushes* Uh... sorry... *looks up* uh... Kag, there's a little glaze on your mouth there

Kagome: Where? Here? *points*

Sesshe: I said mouth, not your nose. Well a little more to the cheek.

Kagome: Here? *points near ear*

Sesshe: No... Like more to the right*

Kagome: Here?

Sesshe: Now more to the left.

Kagome: Here?

Sesshe: O_o That's your foot...

Kagome: Oh sorry, Here?

Sesshe: I said near your mouth, NOT YOUR ELBOW! (lol, wtf)

???: *a young lady with the latest fashions on her walks in towards them* Hello there. Umm... may I ask where my daddy is?

Sesshe: *dreamworld* Who's your daddy? (no puns intended... seriously)

???: Well, he works here. He's the director actually (what are the odds)

Sesshe: Really? Well then, I'll help you look for him. I'll give you a small tour while we're at it. *grins* (*gasp* cheating on Kagome)

???: Well thank you kind knight. I'm Kikyo by the way.

Sesshe: I'm Sesshoumaru. *handsome smile* But you can call my Sesshe. (No... more... SMILING!)

Kikyo: Alright, Sesshe. *walking arms locked*

Kagome: *shocked* *jaw drops* I'm not even allowed to call him Sesshe! WAH! *cries* *runs to washroom* (to get a tissue)


Yasha: You dipshoot! So what is the fracking problem that he got sick cause of me. I don't give a damn so back off! (Enough swears?)

Sango: Well you're the bastard who was a jerk enough to talk smack about everyone, so you shouldn't talk! And you are even stupid enough to pick on a fracking kid you bastard! (Ok that is pretty bad...)

Yasha: Well! *sees Kikyo* Woah... (short attention span once more)

Kikyo: *walking by* Sesshe, I don't like swears and meaness, please never be like that. For me? *gives puppy eyes* (weirded out)

Sesshe: Sure... anything... *shift eyes* (my hero...)

Yasha: I mean, Sango, let's not fight. I'm very sorry. Here, have this cup of coffee I made. *smiles* (is she lactose intolerant?)

Sango: T_T Yeah, right.


~*Everyone is at the round table*~

Director: Has anyone seen Naraku or Kouga?

Sango: I think they left. (Uh... it’s not like they said they were leaving or anything *rolls eyes*)

Director: I knew I should have used the tranquilizer gun on them before they left... (umm) and how about Shippou?

Sango: He got a little sick because of SOMEONE! *glares*

Kagura: I swear I didn't drug anyone this time! I mean I've never! Right Kanna?! (confessed fast enough?)

Kanna: *drowsy* I was awake when missy here, *about to fall off chair* gave me something to drink and then I am feelin all funky-fied... It was... *about to point at Kagura*

Kagura: Night night sweetie *sweat drop*

Kanna: Uhnn... *conks out sleeping* (nice timing)

Kagura: Hehe... sweat Ain't she sweet? *pats her back* (Kanna probably fell off the chair)

Everyone: O_o;;;

Director: Umm O-k... we now talk about... uh... *looks around*

Miroku: *jumping up and down* *gives a look at Kagura*

Kagura: *groans and hit head on table*

Director: Seshourmaru! Who's... with my DAUGHTER!

Kikyo: Hi daddy! *smile* I met this nice man, and he said he's the lead star plus, the best actor and your fav person! (Insert emoticon smiley here. lol)

Sesshe: *sweating* *cough* Just say yes!

Director: Sesshoumaru as in Kagome's boyfriend? (Cat’s outta the bag. The beans are spilled. w/e you wanna call it.)

Kikyo: You already have a GF? Oh, I'm sorry for putting my-self upon you. *un hooks arm* (wah wah wahhhh)

Sesshe: Wait! I wasn't dating her, she was just a friend... that's a girl! *sweat drop* I really love you Kikyo!

Kikyo: Re-really? (Lovey dovey moment...)

Sesshe: Yeah.... *bubbly background* I'll never leave your sight *shining eyes*

Kikyo: Ohh... *dances with him* (with no music)

Sango: Isn't that the same move you used on Kag *Miroku covers her mouth*

Miroku: *whispering* He truly loves her, so you musn't interfere!

Sango: *hissing back* Are you stopping me becasue you want him to marry Kikyo so if you kill Kagome, he won't avenge her!? (smart plan...)

Miroku: Uh... *sweat drop*

Kagome: *walks in* Ok Ses, I'm gonna give you another chance and- *sees them dancing* *jaw drops* Why!?! *cries* (ouch...)

Director: Touch my daughter and I'LL BLAST YOUR frackING HEAD OFF HEAD OFF! (*gasp*)

Kikyo: DADDY! You swore! *turns into the Incredible Hulk) You were never like this when I was with Kouga! (Hulk smash!)

Sesshe and Yasha: Kou-ga! *shocked* Nooo!

Kikyo: Huh? What's wrong?*turns back to normal*

Seshe: You had a former BF!? (oh snap... scratch that, I hate that saying, no offense)

Kikyo: Yes. But I totally dumped him.

Yasha: But your dad hired him for the show...

Kikyo: FATHER! *turns into the Incredible Kikyo with red eyes and flames*

Director: Hehe...

Kikyo: ARGHH! *in mind* *inside thought* DIE FATHER! *smashing him to tiny pieces** (ahh)

Director: uh... now let's talk about Miroku *sweat drop* (side stepping...)

Sesshe: Wait, you can't go scot free from making poor Kikyo sad! You gotta apologize and make Kouga leave! (Aww!)

Kikyo: Sesshe, You're so caring. *eyes shine*

Sango: Ok that's it! I've had enough! Everyone has a loved one except me! *walks out*

Director: I guess Overview Day is over? HAHA! That was a good one, better write that down so when I fire these dusch bags. I'll be able to have great material... (wtf. That was stupid)

Miroku: I guess only Me, kikyo and Ses, is here... *looks towards sneaking out Kagura* No you don't! *runs after and huggles*

Kagura: No matter How hard I try... I'm Spider-man... no more... (sounds totally weird)


Kagura: Just a quote from Spiderman the movie! I mean... YES! I'm a man... Oh dangit, I am gonna make my life expectancy a LOT shorter...

Miroku: *hair splits* EiEE! *runs around screaming: KAGURA IS A MAN! KAGURA IS A MAN!*

Everyone: WHAT! *brings pitchforks and torches* You liar!

Kagura: No! I only said it because I hate him! What I mean is that... well... I... I DON'T WANNA DIE NOW! *covers face*

~*So the entire night, they attacked the gender mixed Kagura while behind the 2 new couple of Kikyo and Sesshe*~

~*What ever happened to Shippou?*~

Shippou: *in washroom* Stupid Yasha! I'll get you back!

~*In da middle of da night*~

Shippou: I think I'm better... *runs into Yasha's house* Hehe...


Ok so in the other place I had this, they thought this was the funniest chapter. (Cause of the Shippou thing) So what do you guys think? Sesshe is what I call and spell it if you haven’t noticed.


Comments (1)

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Chibi-chan on April 10, 2006, 1:54:44 AM

Chibi-chan on
Chibi-chanthat was funny, and weird, but still it make me laugh a lot. u should make another chap