Chapter 1 - pain
Submitted February 12, 2005 Updated February 12, 2005 Status Incomplete | Its Inuyasha and Sango, and Miroku, I will add more.
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 1 - pain
Chapter 1 - pain
Threemonths now
Sango and Miroku were walking from there dormstowards the building off in the snowy distends.
“I’m worried…” Sango said as she gazed sadly up at Miroku. He noticedthe look in her eyes and held her close to him as though to ward away thesadness and the cold.
“Inuyasha right?” He said.
She sighed deeply.
“Oh, I’m sorry…. I didn’t mean to make you sad…”
“No, its all right” she sighed again then smiled warmly at him “I justhope he doesn’t pull another stunt like last month” she shivered as a cold windblew passed and held her books closer to her body, trying to keep warm.
They got closer to the building and saw thefigure of a man standing there with his arms reaching up to the heavens asthough to catch a falling angel. His lips were moving like he was having aconversation with someone. As the two got closer they saw it was Inuyashastanding there, snow on his shoulders and melting through his long white hair.
They saw his eyes were closed.
“I-inuyasha…”said Sango as she shook his shoulder slightly. He didn’t seem to notice anybodywas even there. “Inuyasha?” she said again as she shook his shoulder a littleharder that time.
Hestartled like he was awoken from a deep sleep “Kagome is that you…?” he trailedoff.
“No,Inuyasha I’m sorry it’s just me, Sango” she said softly
“Wehave class… so you coming?” said Miroku
“You’ve missed so many months of classes, and look at you, yourshivering worse than me…” said Sango. She looked at Inuyasha with such sadness.Inuyasha seeing her eyes felt he had done something wrong.
Hesighed than turned on his heal and walked away from the building that they werestanding in front of.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Miroku shouted over at him.
“Tohistory class, so are you coming or what?” he said, like it was the mostobvious thing in the world.
“I’ll be right there!” he shouted back “ really hope he doesn’t do whathe did last month” Miroku said with a sigh.
Sango just sighed, walked up to Miroku and said nothing.
The history teacher was writing notes up on theboard and paying no attention to the class.
Sango had her books out but was to lost in thought to think about theteachers boring lecture.
Inuyasha was looking straight at the teacher but his eyes were empty,Miroku was scribbling down notes furiously, and Sango was looking at Inuyashawith such sadness she was worried she would start crying.
Notthinking she started doodling a picture, small yet she thought it was prettygood. It was a picture of her Miroku Inuyasha and Kagome, all standing theresmiling, all looking so happy. How she longed for that happiness again. Justthen she felt someone tugging on her sleeve.
Shesoon found herself looking up at her teacher “Sango, maybe you should start paying more attention to my notes anddoing less doodling, hmm?” Miroku grinned sheepishly at his attempt to warn herby tugging on her sleeve. Inuyasha with an almost hypnotized look in his eyesgot up and started walking out of the classroom “Inuyasha!” she called.
“Heis not your concern right now, start paying more attention and you might have achance at passing.” The teacher warned.
Helooked at her one more time before turning around, and heading back to theboard to continue his lecture.
Very soon after class Miroku and Sango went to look for Inuyasha on theschool grounds. After an hour of searching Sango started to cry, “I’m s-s-soworried…” “About I-inuyasha” “H-h-he could be hurt…” She said through sobs.
“Its alright, we’ll find him soon” Miroku’s kind and caringwords did not help her in the least “lets go look out by the planetarium,o.k.?” “O.k.” Sango agreed. A cold wind blew into there eyes blinding them witha sheet white snow. Soon when the snowy wind calmed they saw him sitting thereon a bench in front of the planetarium.
“Inuyasha!!” Sango yelled so happily “Inuyasha, are you o.k?”she asked more worried than ever. His lips were blue, he was covered in snow, and he was shiveringall over, yet he looked so calm, happy even. He was looking up to the speckledwhite sky. Sango touched his shoulder gently. “Inuyasha wake up, its us, me and Miroku, your friends…” she bither lip.A small tear trickled down hercheek, “wake up Inuyasha! Wake up!” she yelled at him. He blinked a fewtimes, shook his head, and looked over at Miroku and Sango, “what are you todoing out here? You better get inside before you freeze.”
“Oh,so now you wake up! After an hour of searching for you and now you wake up!!Sango was worried sick about you; for god’s sake she was in tears for you…” heshook his head and continued “ in tears, for you, and now you wake up.”Miroku said with a cold tone.
Sangogave Miroku a look colder than ice. “Come on Inuyasha, let’s get you insidebefore you die of frost bite.” She helped him up and she walked back to thedormitories. She stopped and turned around, “you coming?” she asked.
“Uh,yah I’ll be right there…” I can’t believe he did that to her, he knows thatshe cares about him more than anything, that Idiot! He thought.
Sango and Miroku were walking from there dormstowards the building off in the snowy distends.
“I’m worried…” Sango said as she gazed sadly up at Miroku. He noticedthe look in her eyes and held her close to him as though to ward away thesadness and the cold.
“Inuyasha right?” He said.
She sighed deeply.
“Oh, I’m sorry…. I didn’t mean to make you sad…”
“No, its all right” she sighed again then smiled warmly at him “I justhope he doesn’t pull another stunt like last month” she shivered as a cold windblew passed and held her books closer to her body, trying to keep warm.
They got closer to the building and saw thefigure of a man standing there with his arms reaching up to the heavens asthough to catch a falling angel. His lips were moving like he was having aconversation with someone. As the two got closer they saw it was Inuyashastanding there, snow on his shoulders and melting through his long white hair.
They saw his eyes were closed.
“I-inuyasha…”said Sango as she shook his shoulder slightly. He didn’t seem to notice anybodywas even there. “Inuyasha?” she said again as she shook his shoulder a littleharder that time.
Hestartled like he was awoken from a deep sleep “Kagome is that you…?” he trailedoff.
“No,Inuyasha I’m sorry it’s just me, Sango” she said softly
“Wehave class… so you coming?” said Miroku
“You’ve missed so many months of classes, and look at you, yourshivering worse than me…” said Sango. She looked at Inuyasha with such sadness.Inuyasha seeing her eyes felt he had done something wrong.
Hesighed than turned on his heal and walked away from the building that they werestanding in front of.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Miroku shouted over at him.
“Tohistory class, so are you coming or what?” he said, like it was the mostobvious thing in the world.
“I’ll be right there!” he shouted back “ really hope he doesn’t do whathe did last month” Miroku said with a sigh.
Sango just sighed, walked up to Miroku and said nothing.
The history teacher was writing notes up on theboard and paying no attention to the class.
Sango had her books out but was to lost in thought to think about theteachers boring lecture.
Inuyasha was looking straight at the teacher but his eyes were empty,Miroku was scribbling down notes furiously, and Sango was looking at Inuyashawith such sadness she was worried she would start crying.
Notthinking she started doodling a picture, small yet she thought it was prettygood. It was a picture of her Miroku Inuyasha and Kagome, all standing theresmiling, all looking so happy. How she longed for that happiness again. Justthen she felt someone tugging on her sleeve.
Shesoon found herself looking up at her teacher “Sango, maybe you should start paying more attention to my notes anddoing less doodling, hmm?” Miroku grinned sheepishly at his attempt to warn herby tugging on her sleeve. Inuyasha with an almost hypnotized look in his eyesgot up and started walking out of the classroom “Inuyasha!” she called.
“Heis not your concern right now, start paying more attention and you might have achance at passing.” The teacher warned.
Helooked at her one more time before turning around, and heading back to theboard to continue his lecture.
Very soon after class Miroku and Sango went to look for Inuyasha on theschool grounds. After an hour of searching Sango started to cry, “I’m s-s-soworried…” “About I-inuyasha” “H-h-he could be hurt…” She said through sobs.
“Its alright, we’ll find him soon” Miroku’s kind and caringwords did not help her in the least “lets go look out by the planetarium,o.k.?” “O.k.” Sango agreed. A cold wind blew into there eyes blinding them witha sheet white snow. Soon when the snowy wind calmed they saw him sitting thereon a bench in front of the planetarium.
“Inuyasha!!” Sango yelled so happily “Inuyasha, are you o.k?”she asked more worried than ever. His lips were blue, he was covered in snow, and he was shiveringall over, yet he looked so calm, happy even. He was looking up to the speckledwhite sky. Sango touched his shoulder gently. “Inuyasha wake up, its us, me and Miroku, your friends…” she bither lip.A small tear trickled down hercheek, “wake up Inuyasha! Wake up!” she yelled at him. He blinked a fewtimes, shook his head, and looked over at Miroku and Sango, “what are you todoing out here? You better get inside before you freeze.”
“Oh,so now you wake up! After an hour of searching for you and now you wake up!!Sango was worried sick about you; for god’s sake she was in tears for you…” heshook his head and continued “ in tears, for you, and now you wake up.”Miroku said with a cold tone.
Sangogave Miroku a look colder than ice. “Come on Inuyasha, let’s get you insidebefore you die of frost bite.” She helped him up and she walked back to thedormitories. She stopped and turned around, “you coming?” she asked.
“Uh,yah I’ll be right there…” I can’t believe he did that to her, he knows thatshe cares about him more than anything, that Idiot! He thought.
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Inu_lover1644 on February 25, 2006, 3:56:23 PM