Chapter 1 - Crazy Sunshine
Submitted January 24, 2005 Updated January 24, 2005 Status Incomplete | This was taken from one of my favorite scenes in this RPG I'm in.
Real People » Singers & Bands » J-pop Bands/Singers » The Pillows |
Chapter 1 - Crazy Sunshine
Chapter 1 - Crazy Sunshine
Lucy Daisuke-Ishikawa meets The Pillows - Chapter 1: Crazy Sunshine
It was a lovely summer day, Thursday, not too hot. I had just gotten home from school a few minutes ago. I walked into the house. My Father was meditating, as usual, in the center of the living room, a candle was lit in front of him. My Dad was watching some old gangster movie on TV. I smiled as I watched my parents…they meant everything to me as I meant everything to them. My backpack slung over my shoulder, I headed upstairs to my room, not wanting to disturb my Father and his meditation. Entering my bedroom and closing the door, I put my backpack down and I began to take out my binder and my textbooks. Sighing at all the homework I had, I put my binder and textbooks on my desk that was near my bed. Going through all my assignments in my head *Japanese History, English, Science* - I had a few chapters to read from my Science textbook. I had to read and review a story in my English textbook. Then, I had to do an online report on my favorite Japanese city for my Japanese History class. I picked out Tokyo. I did my Japanese History report right away. All it took was three little words (copy and paste!) and I was done. Getting that out the way, then my English homework. So I read and typed out my report and review. I checked my e-mail and made a few posts in some RPGs that I was in, then shut off the computer. Tomorrow was going to be Friday…another day of school! *Ugh* I thought as I gave a sigh. Sitting down on my bed, I set my eyes on my bedroom wall - it was covered in posters…but not just any posters. My posters were posters of my favorite J-rock band in the world…The Pillows! Half of them were of the band, but most of them were of the glorious lead singer - Sawao Yamanaka. There was this huge poster of Sawao Yamanaka's face as he screamed out a few lyrics of Hybrid Rainbow (my favorite song). My friend gave it to me from school, before she had left for college. Then there was another huge blow up of Sawao smiling at the crowd - that one I loved the most out of all my others. I sighed. Here I am 16 years old, and a huge Pillows fan. I have all their CDs, singles, imports, t-shirts and everything else I could think of. Except for one thing…I had never met them in person. I looked up at my favorite Sawao poster and sighed. I heard a knock at my door. It was Dad telling me it was time for dinner. I ran downstairs in hopes that it was junk food. It wasn't. It was traditional Japanese food. Should have known from Father's cooking…but I was too wrapped up in my Pillows dream to stop and smell the aroma. “Hey Father! Hey Dad! Alright, Japanese!” I said, pretending to be excited…man, I could kill for a burger and fries! But I brushed it off. As my Father said a Shinto prayer for the meal, I watched him. Man he looked so cool when he spoke Japanese. And I felt bad because I didn't know a word of it, even though I was half Daisuke and half Ishikawa…you could tell just by looking at me that the Daisuke part of myself shone out more. I was exactly like my Dad…well…everything except for the smoking, that is. But I loved them just the same and ate my food. Being a Daisuke-Ishikawa wasn't easy. Around my Dad, I couldn't cry or show any emotion at all, or else I'd be a wuss, for lack of a better term. And around my Father, I could never EVER cuss or wear my black clothes that I wore practically everyday. Around my Father, I had to wear a kimono that I had stashed in my closet, hidden in a sea of black shirts and black jeans. Oh, and if I DID happen to cuss, it was straight to the Shinto shrine for me to beg my Ishikawa ancestors for forgiveness. I got used to it eventually though. My life was crazy in a sense…who else has a gunman and a samurai for parents, and the world's greatest thief as an uncle? No one but me. But it was cool. While I washed dishes, I thought of The Pillows and how their music had helped me out through tough times in my life. *If I could only meet them in person…* I thought to myself. *But how?…*
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artgirl101 on February 23, 2006, 4:09:30 PM
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Luciado on January 31, 2006, 6:01:57 AM
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