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Chapter 4 - New Towns And A New Firend

This is a story how I became a trainer!

Fanfic/OCs/FCS (c) Me
Pokemone (c) Nintendo/pokemon
If you still it then i won't kill you:)

Chapter 4 - New Towns And A New Firend

Chapter 4 - New Towns And A New Firend

(WARNING!: This is going to be a long chapter so if you get sick of it don't read it but if you like and read the frist chapters i think that you should read it now and read it again later it works for me = w = ) [br]
In the foreast Jordan and her new firend Hailey where lost.[br]
"GOD WHY DO WE GET LOST?!" Jordan yelled while eevee jumped off her shoulder[br]
"Uh Jordan---"[br]
"I mean come on!!----"[br]
"Clam down! Look there's a town over there." Hailey said while pointing to a town just a little up ahead.[br]
"Hey look at that your right, sorry I spazzed." Jordan said then rubed the back of her head. [br]
Both ran over to the town, but it seemed empty? They looked around and it was a ghost town everything was boreken and cold and lonley. Jordan looked in one houses and nothing was in it there where thing's but it was dusty and looked like no one had lived there for year's.[br]
"Man where are we?" Jordan asked.[br]
"I don't konw.." Hailey said then took out a map, "'s not on the map?..."[br]
"It's not on the map at all...That can't be..?" Hailey said looking at the map.[br]
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"[br]
"Well it's a bad thing we don't konw where we are for starter's...."[br]
"Then we should look around and find out where we are, maybe we can find some pokemon." Jordan said then tryed to open one of the shop door's but it didn't open. "I think it's locked...!" Jordan said trying to open the door. She put one lag on the door to try to open it better but it didn't work.[br]
"Maybe there are peopel here?" Hailey said looking in the store window.[br]
"Yeah maybe..." Jordan said then looked around the town.[br]
"But we still need to find some where to stay, think we should stay here?"[br]
"Sure no one here so we can stay here. We just need to find a old shop to stay at."[br]
"What if there was something wrong with this place, that's why everyone left?"[br]
"Aw danm your right." Jordan said then took a step back. "Then again, if there was any thing wrong with this town. Then some random parson would come out and tell us so." Jordan giggled then tryed kicking one of the door's open again.[br]
"I guess your right, but we still do need a place to stay" Hailey said but was cut off by the sound of the door falling from jordan kicking it open.[br]
"Well that's done" Jordan said then walked in to the store hailey followed. [br]
The both saw what was in side everything was old and dusty it was truely a forgotten town. They walked around looking around the room's every where was dusty jordan fround a piano she started to play it.[br]
"Wow for a old piano this pure sound's good!" Jordan said then played more.[br]
"Yeah that's weird?" Hailey said then walked up stair's and saw a little girl's room's it was all pink and had stuffed bear's everywhere hailey walked in to the room and sat down on the bed that was there. Jordan came up the stair's and said.[br]
"Whoa this is a cute little room huh?" Jordan said as she peeked in the room, "I'm hungery.." Jordan said again.[br]
"Me to I'll cook us something to eat!" Hailey said then went down stair's and jordan followed they came in to the khiteen and hailey started cooking the food she brught after awhile it was done both sat down at the tabble and ate later it got dark fast they desided to sleep in the house they slept in sleeping beg's though and both couldn't sleep.[br]
"Hailey? I'm not sleeply you?" Jordan wined[br]
"No...I'm bored.." Hailey wined[br]
"Let's tell story's!" Jordan sat up fast[br]
"Sure, you go first"[br]
"Okies...Hmm When I became a pokemon trainer I saw a entie!"[br]
"A Entie? Jordan are you sure it wasn't something else?"[br]
"Naw it was a entie! I know it was eevee saw it to huh eevee?" Jordan asked eevee but he was curled in a little ball warm and fast asleep.[br]
"Okay...Well I don't have any weird story's...well one.." Hailey sighed as she ended[br]
"Really? What kind?"[br]
"Once there was a trainer who beat me in battle"[br]
"Really? Who? Who?" Jordan said geting hyper[br]
"You!" Hailey giggled. "Sorry but your the only one who beat me, so that's my story." Hailey said[br]
"Oh well one time my dad saw a thing that wasn't a pokemon---" [br]
Before Jordan had finshed they both herd some weird noise's they sounded like pokemon? Both looked at each other scared more then anything then they looked at where the sound came from. It was a good thing the moon was out that night but more they sat the sound came closer both wacthed for the sound to show it slfe but it didn't come but sound's geting so close jordan couldn't sit there one more secound but hailey didn't even move jordan got up picked up eevee then grabed hailey shirt trying to wake her from her shock but they wacthed as the sound was right out side the door then a pokemon came from the door and got close to them really close.[br]
"What in the hell is that?" Jordan said then took out her pokedux after puting eevee down.[br]
Pokedux: "Gastly, the ghost pokemon its body is 95% gas, which are blown away by stroung gust's of wind" The pokedux said then jordan put it away[br]
"Wow a gastly!"[br]
"Gastly?.." it said then looked at hailey she bilnked at it then hid in her sleeping bag scared wich made gastly feel bad then hover down on the gorund looking down sad[br]
"Aw gastly she didn't mean it!" Jordan said trying to make gastly feel better but it didn't work as good[br]
"Gastly........" it said then eevee woke up and looked at gastly with a confuess looked then it said[br]
"Eevee?" [br]
"Eevee eve eev!" Eevee said then it seemed to make gastly feel better[br]
"Wow eevee your good" Jordan said then smiled but then more pokemon came in to the room a drowzee, Hoothoot, and two spinarak's came out five zigzangoon's then some rattata and a ditto.[br]
"Dang there's alot of you guy's!" Jordan said looking at all the pokemon[br]
"Wow!" Hailey said looking around to[br]
"Hey if you guy's don't mind why are you all alone?" Jordan asked then gastly looked down again[br]
"Gastly gas gast gasly gastly..." It looked rally sad talking then eevee started noding sadly then looked at jordan and hailey.[br]
"Eve eevvee eev!eve evee eevve eve...." Eevee said then looked down to.[br]
"Hailey?" Jordan said looking confuessed.[br]
"I think they were abaned here....The town died then everyone left?" Hailey said and guessed right the town was a big town that was vary nice but it died like most town's then some pokemon were left behide and some just live there. gastly noded to what hailey said.[br]
"Wow some how" Jordan said with a giggled.[br]
"Hehe yeah" Hailey said back then pokemon looked at them for a bit then gastly said [br]
"Gastly!" [br]
it said then the paino started to play behide jordan and hailey which ment 'let's party!' so that's what they did they partyed until they couldn't stay awake any longer soon it'd be morning jordan layed down for a sec then hailey did to the pokemon relaxed then all where asleep they didn't wake up until the after noon jordan was the last to wake up she let out a big yawn then got up slowly she looked arounf and no one was there she bearly got up then sat up and looked around the room [br]
"Hailey? Eevee? where are ya guy's?" jordan said wipeing her eye's hailey and gastly came in then both smiled at jordan [br]
"We'er going to eat wanna come?" hailey asked[br]
"Sure!" jordan said then jumped up [br]
After eating they where ready to go the pokemon were sad to see them go though[br]
"Do worry guy's will be back no'dout!" Jordan smiled with eevee on her shoulder[br]
"Yeah!" hailey said smileing to, the other pokemon seemed sad but they knew that they had to go so jordan and hailey left. [br]
(if you made this far: Wow o_o if you did thank you!x3 here's a cookie!=D *hands you a cookie. Now one more chapter to go good luck.)[br]
After a while they were still lost even, if they were on a foreast path it didn't really help Jordan and Hailey just sat down on the gorund hard. They looked sad not konwing where to go. Hailey took out the map then said:[br]
"Jordan there's a town up ahead!" Before she finished Jordan had jumped up then ran off up the road hailey looked confussed then ran after her.[br]
"Jordan wait for me!!" Hailey said trying to keep up.[br]
"Sorry but we gotta get to my next gym battle!" The young trainer smiled then as she ran in to someone then fell right down hard eevee jumped off her before she fell down.[br]
"Ow...gadanmit!" She yelled then rubed her head. [br]
"Oh my god I am so sorry!" a boy said in a girly voice he was dressed in a pink shirt and black pants his hair was pink with black highlights to he reached his hand out to jordan she grabed his hand she got on her feet.[br]
"Sorry for cussing at you"[br]
"Yeah sometime's she just dose" Hailey said then bent down to get some air. [br]
"It's ok. My name is Sunny." The boy said then smiled.[br]
"My name's Hailey and this is Jordan" Hailey said then smiled back.[br]
"Oh my gosh what a cute little eevee!" Sunny said then pet eevee on the head gentle "is he your's?" He looked up at jordan[br]
"Yeah, he's my first pokemon." Jordan said with a smile.[br]
"Awesome. So if your a pokemon trainer that must mean you've come to battle the gym ledder right?"[br]
"Yeah ya konw any gym's?"[br]
"Of couse follow me!" Sunny said then walked off. [br]
To a town the town sign said 'Welcome to Garden Town' they passed alot of shop's and store's fast food place's and then they all saw a huge green house it was the gym [br]
"Whoa! This thing is huge!" Jordan said with a huge smile ready to battle[br]
"Let's go in" Sunny said then opend the door for jordan eevee and hailey all went in the inside was huge and had follower's and some tree's and even grass it was like being in a fariy tail it looked like one there was grass pokemon in the green house to[br]
"Come to battle?" A voice said it was a girl she looked like a boy though and she looked like sunny?[br]
"Hey sis!" Sunny said then smiled.[br]
"Sunny? You konw these guy's?" [br]
"Of couse there'er my new firends!" Sunny smiled then huged hailey and jordan.[br]
".......Sunny I think your just geting weirder these day's..." [br]
"...meanie!" Sunny said ready to cry.[br]
"Whatever now let's battle!"[br]
"uh......yeah!.." Jordan said but before was confuessed about the two twin's fighting at each other[br]
"I'll go first! GO TANGELA!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Gym Ledder yelled then threw the pokeball then [br]
a tangela came out.[br]
"Eevee go for it!" Jordan said then pointed and eevee jumped off her shoulder.[br]
"Tangela use stun spore!" [br]
The gym ledder siad then tangela used it on eevee[br]
"Eevee you can do it!!! Hang in there boy" Jordan yelled out to eevee. [br]
Eevee got back up then used a powerful head bite on tangela that ko'd it [br]
"What?!!!!!!!! I LOST?!!!!!??!!!!!????" The gym ledder said then stomped her feet on the ground[br]
"Oh yeah!" Jordan jumped up and huged eevee sunny joined in to he was happy that his sister lost she was alway's mean to him for no resaon.[br]
"I...guess I'll have to give this bage to you then...." The ledder said then handed the badge to Jordan it was shaped as a leaf Jordan grabed it, then looked at it for a awhile then smiled.[br]
"Thank you for the badge!"[br]
"Your welcome.."[br]
"Oh Rosie don't be such a sore loser! Your a gym ledder for peet sake!" Sunny said a bit mad.[br]
"Yeah yeah yeah whatever" Roseie said. [br]
Jordan and hailey stayed at sunny and roseie's house for a night then the next day both desided to leave but while they left outside the gym they herd someone calling out for them it was sunny?[br]
"Jordan, Hailey wait for me!" Sunny said with a smile and a back pack on he looked like he was going some where. "Mind if I go with you?" He said smileing [br]
Hailey and jordan both looked at each other then at sunny. [br]
"Of couse!" Jordan said with a smile "We are firend's"[br]
Sunny noded with a smile.[br]
Now after getting lost in the woods and meeting new firends. They are on there way to Jordan's next Gym Battle.[br]


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Falconlobo on November 7, 2007, 10:12:47 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconloboit's okay