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Chapter 6 - FireStar Town

This is a story how I became a trainer!

Fanfic/OCs/FCS (c) Me
Pokemone (c) Nintendo/pokemon
If you still it then i won't kill you:)

Chapter 6 - FireStar Town

Chapter 6 - FireStar Town

We left our young hero's lost in the forest. Where Jordan got her third pokemon.[br]
"Three pokemon!" Jordan smiled while she looked at 3-D and Tonys pokeballs.[br]
"I remember when I got geodude" Hailey smiled. "My brother and me were playing around some rock's then we found geodude hurt so we took it home. He became my first pokemon." Hailey smiled again.[br]
"That's cool" Jordan smiled as they walked they came to a hill which ended. They all looked down and saw a town.[br]
"What town's this?" Jordan asked.[br]
"Hmmm...FireStar Town?" Hailey said looking up.[br]
"FireStar? Awesome now to the gym!" Jordan smiled.[br]
"But how are we gonna get down this hill?" Sunny said then kicked a small rock down it wich took awhile to hit the ground.[br]
"Ok new plan then." Jordan siad.[br]
"Well we can go over there" Hailey said while pointing to a down hill that wasn't as bad.[br]
"ok then let's go" Jordan smiled then walked over there dash followed while the other's did to. [br]
They walked down the hill then made it to the town it was huge there was food stand's game stand's shop stand's and there was a lota peopel wereing mask's they were haveing there party the street's had pretty light's they looked around everwhere but they couldn't find a gym anywhere.[br]
"Where's the gym?" Jordan said then looked around confuessed.[br]
"We should ask someone" Sunny said.[br]
"Good plan" Jordan said then saw a pokemon center. [br]
They walked over to it and went in they saw alota of trainer's with fire pokemon mostly Jordan Hailey and Sunny walked to the frount dask to nurse joy. [br]
"You three must be new" A boy with black and red hair said standing by the desk.[br]
"yeah I'm Jordan Star I'm from StarLight Town"[br]
"And I'm Hailey RockHeart I'm From StarRock Town"[br]
"I'm Sunny Leafstone And i'm from Graden Town" Sunny smiled.[br]
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Mark Flame." The boy said with a grin. "You must be a trainer." He said looking at Jordan.[br]
"How'd you guess?" Jordan asked Mark.[br]
"Well I just took a shoot in the dark." He said then rubed his head. "Nice eevee by the way."[br]
"Thanks his name's Dash." Jordan smiled. Dash smiled.[br]
"Cute" Mark said then walked off to the door. "well seeya later."[br]
"Yeah later" Jordan said then turned to nurse joy who smiled at Jordan and said.[br]
"Hello do you need you pokemon restored?" Nurse joy smiled.[br]
"Ok then just give your pokeball's for just a secound" Nurse joy said while Jordan handed dash and her two pokeball's to nurse joy. [br]
She took them for just a few secound's put them in these little's hole's and the pokeball's lit up then she took them out and handed them to jordan then gave dash the same thing now the pokemon where rested and ready for battle.[br]
"Thanks nurse joy" She smiled while dash jumped on to Jordan's head then she picked up 3-D and tony's pokeball and put them away. [br]
Later that day they went to the gym it had black floor very shiney floor's I might add, It was warm in the gym they had to walk down some stair's then a huge door it was metal. It opened on it's own they then saw the gym ledder it was a man with black hair and a rose in his mouth he was dressed all in black he looked kinda old maybe mid life? or late 20's.[br]
"Ah! vister's" The man smiled then walked over to them. "Welcome to FireStar gym! I'm Rex the ledder of this fine gym, and who might I be battleing?"[br]
"Me I'm Jordan Star I'm from StarLight Town I'm here to battle!" She grined.[br]
"Ok then. follow me" Rex said then walked to the place he was standing before while Jordan walked where she's sopose to be.[br]
"Now The rule's are three pokemon I'll go first" He said then took out a pokeball then threw it and a ninetales came out.[br]
"Go Dash!" Jordan said then eevee jumped off her head and on to the battle feild.[br]
"So you nick name your pokemon, Very nice." Rex smiled[br]
"Thank you" Jordan said then said "Dash use bite!" Jordan said dash attack ninetale's.[br]
'That eevee's fast..' Rex thought "Ninetale's use ember!" Rex said then ninetale's used it.[br]
"Dash doge it!" Jordan said then dash doged it "Now use tackle!" Dash ran forword toword's ninetale's then ramed right in to ninetale's hard knocking it back.[br]
"Ninetale's use quick attack!" Rex yelled then ninetale's attacked dash hard makeing it fall back.[br]
"Now finish off with one more quick attack!" Rex yelled again then ninetale's attacked once more ko'ing dash.[br]
"Dash!" Jordan cryed out and ran over to dash picking him up "You ok?" She asked but dash noded a bit "you did grate dash" She smiled then picked him up and gave him to Hailey and went back to her stant's. [br]
"Now your turn." Rex said clamy while ninetale's went back in it's pokeball.[br]
"Ok then go 3-D!" Jordan said then thowe 3-D's pokeball then a noctowl came out.[br]
'another nicknamed' Rex Thought then took out a pokeball "Go Skarmory!"[br]
"3-D use fly!" Jordan said then 3-D flowe up while Skarmory followed.[br]
"Use Steelwing!" Rex yelled then skarmory used it but 3-D doged.[br]
"3-D! fly up to the roof and stay there until i tell you to doge!" Jordan yelled out to 3-D.[br]
"Skarmory use steelwing!" Rex yelled. skarmory almost hit 3-D but jordan yelled out.[br]
"Doge it!" 3-D doged then skarmory hit the roof then fell to the floor ko'd. Rex took out the pokeball then skarmory went back in.[br]
"3-D you did it!" She smiled then huged 3-D after it came to the gorund then 3-D went back in his pokeball.[br]
"Nice move kid."[br]
"Thanks" She smiled.[br]
"Go Magcargo!" Rex said then thowe the pokeball.[br]
"Go Tony!" Jordan said then took out the pokeball and squrtle came out. [br]
"Magcoargo use flamethrower!"[br]
"Tony use water gun!"[br]
The two's pokemon blasted and made smoke there were evenly mached.[br]
"Magcargo use ember!" [br]
"Tony use bubble beam!"[br]
The two's pokemon hit each other hard.[br]
"Tony use water gun!" Tony used it then ko'd marcargo. "I won?" Jordan asked her slfe then ran over to Tony while he dove for a cling "Awesome job!" She smiled then huged him then he went back in his pokeball.[br]
"Good mach" Rex smiled then handed jordan a flame gym bage it looked like glass but it was a rock of some sort that can never break burn or melt like the other gym badge's she put in the light it was very pretty. [br]
"Thank you" Jordan smiled.[br]
"Your welcome" He grined. "Keep takeing care of thouse pokemon."[br]
"I will" She noded.[br]
"Let me take you all out to dinner!" Rex smiled, [br]
Then pushed them all out the door. They looked a bit shocked from his action's...But it was free food. Later at the place he picked was just an everyday place but they did have grate food and for the pokemon to they had a grate time talking and among other thing's.[br]
"So your trying to become a pokemon master?" Rex asked Jordan as he took a sip of his drink. "That's gonna be hard."[br]
"I konw but with my firend's help and my pokemon's it'll be a snap." she smiled a bit.[br]
"have you kid's got enough?" Rex smiled.[br]
"Yeah." They all said at the same time.[br]
"Ok then let's go find you a place to stay." With that Rex walked off then payed for the food.[br]
Jordan Hailey and Sunny followed him they came to the pokemon center they thought staying with a man who was going in mid life or something was a bad idea so they desided to stay at the pokemon center. they went in and rex headed out and the other's fell asleep.[br]
While our young hero's sleep for anouther gym battle what will be in store in the morning?[br]


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