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Chapter 7 - A New Start For Rex And A New Firend For Jordan

This is a story how I became a trainer!

Fanfic/OCs/FCS (c) Me
Pokemone (c) Nintendo/pokemon
If you still it then i won't kill you:)

Chapter 7 - A New Start For Rex And A New Firend For Jordan

Chapter 7 - A New Start For Rex And A New Firend For Jordan
Next Moriong our hero's all got up around 6:00am. When they did Rex was back.
"Morning kid's!" Rex grined lazy looked like he either just got up or got up before them. He also had a bag.
"Hey rex" Hailey smiled.
"Yo" Jordan yawn'd dash on top of her head.
"Hey are ya kid's leaveing to day?" rex asked.
"Yep why wanna come?" Jordan asked from seeing the bag.
"Ya mind?" rex smiled nervusely.
The kid's all thought what would happen if they he was a lonney but they had pokemon so he wouldn't be able to they thought he was a prev but if that happen'd hailey jordan and sunny would stick to each other to wacth each other's back's so it might be a good idea.
"Ok but who's going to wacth the gym?" Hailey asked.
"My older brother." Rex smiled then took out his wallet for porve. The photo was of rex and his brother the looked alot like each other but his brother had a pink sleve shirt on with black pants.
"wow you two look alot like each other" sunny smiled.
"thanks anything else you three want to konw?" Rex aske while he put his wallet away.
"yes, why are you trying to come with us?" Jordan asked.
"Well 1: i'm sick of this town" rex stoped smileing he wasn't lieing he looked jordan in the eye's. "So i'd like to move on gym battle's aren't my thing it was good when i was younger but it's just gotten old." Rex said clamly.
"ok then"
"jordan?!" hailey said shocked from what she just herd.
"well we need rex mostly cuse i'm thinking or us and the pokemon." Jordan said.
"What?" Rex asked
"before we got here last night we ment some peopel who tryed to still our pokemon while we where sleeping but i took care of them."
"and we got our pokemon back" sunny smiled.
"so that's a yes?" rex smiled.
"Yeah" jordan smiled. "Now come on!" she smiled then walked off.
"Uh food would be nice jordan" Sunny said smileing with a sweat dorp comeing down his face.
"Good point."

With that they went to the same dinner they went to last night and got some food and stoped by the pokmon mart and store for food and pokemon food and potion's. Now they where all ready to get going they left Starfire Town to WaterStar City. Everything was good they walked for a long time but it didn't really matter until they needed to rest they stoped and sat on some rock's
" do you kid's walk around so much?" Rex asked.
"Thinking about it...dunno" jordan said while looking around.
"Jordan what are you doing?" Hailey asked.
"Looking for pokemon. I'll need alota pokemon for my up comeing battle's right?"
"How much pokemon do you have?" Rex asked.
"oh she has 3 a sturtle and a noctowl and cute little eevee." sunny smiled.
"Nice. No fire type yet huh?" Rex asked.
"Nope i wish i can find some i saw alot back in firestar town"
"There'er easy to find around here to."
"i can't find any though." Jordan sighed then a teddiursa came out of the wood's. "wow talk about speak of the devil." jordan said then took out her pokedux
"Teddiusra concoots it's own honney by blending fruits and pollen collected by beedruill." The pokedux said.
"awesome! now go dash!" dash didn't move it looked like it was naping on a rock. Jordan blinked then grabed anouther pokeball "well get'em 3-D!" Jordan yelled at she through the pokeball and Noctowl came out of it. "Use steelwing!" 3-D noded then used it it his teddiusra perfect then it got up ans used return 3-D got hit badly. "3-D! use steel wing again!" 3-D used it then ko'd teddiusra jordan took out a pokeball then thorugh it at the pokemon then it went in the light on the ball didn't go out it moved for awhile then stoped and the light went out.
"I got it teddiusra!" jordan smiled while she picked the pokeball up then huged 3-D "You did grate 3-D!" she smiled.
"Wow." rex looked a bit amazed and a bit shocked that she did get one she didn't seem like the type to get alot of pokemon to him then again he doesn't look like the type to have alot either.
"Nice job jordan!" sunny smiled.
"Now to anouther town!" Jordan smiled then walked off.
"Wait up!" hailey said trying to run over to her rex and sunny followed.

~Mean while at team rocket base~
"Uh heheh boss we'er sorry" a man with blound hair and pink eye's smiled sweating.
"Fool's! you let one child get the best of you?!!" a man asked angery peting a cat.
"it won't happen again!" a women with black eye's and green hair with black lipsick.
"It better not." the man spoke again then the computer they where talking on ended.
"What do we do sis..?" The one with blound hair.
"The same thing we alway's do still pokemon!" she barked at him "we'll get thouse kid's and that little eevee to!"
"but alexa how are we?!" the blue eye'd man wined.
"Shut up bengermen!" Alexa barked again.

"There's a town up head it's called SoundTown." Rex said.
"Sound town? what it like" jordan asked.
"Well there's alot of weird looking peopel and it's loud packed, there's a gym---" before rex even finished.
"really?? Hailey how far is it?" Jordan asked.
"not far why--"
"we'er going!" jordan smiled then ran up ahead.
"is it alway's like this?"
"yeah" sunny smiled.
"come on you guy's sound town's just over this hill!" Hailey smiled runing after jordan while the other's followed.

Now that our hero's are on there way to jordan's next gym battle and ment two new firend's and ememy's what will lie oever the hill?


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