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Chapter 8 - SoundTown

This is a story how I became a trainer!

Fanfic/OCs/FCS (c) Me
Pokemone (c) Nintendo/pokemon
If you still it then i won't kill you:)

Chapter 8 - SoundTown

Chapter 8 - SoundTown
As They came up to the big hill. They all saw a bright city of light's and sound.

"Sound Town" Rex smiled.
"There's a gym there right?"
"Would I lie?" Rex asked then walked down the hill to the city. Jordan and the other looked at bit confuessed but followed anyway.
They went in the city it was huge light everywhere it was load and packed there was pokemon and peopel shop's and shop's everywhere for pokemon and fore peopel fast food place's fancy place's all kind sinse the sun was going down they thought it'd be a better idea to stay the night and head to the gym. They went deeper in to the city soon if you looked up in the sky you couldn't see any star's. They came to a gym with a music note's on it it was huge you can hear music comeing from inside it seemed more like a club then a gym. They all walked in seeing alot of peopel danceing to music and a Dj, light's on the floor where the battle filed should be wich it was...cage's a bar and a disco ball this was not the place for kid's but rex was with them what could happen? Rex smiled as he saw the place, Then the ledder of the gym who was dressed all weird in neon colors she looked young about teen's or late 20's she looked at them and said.
"You kid's aren't sopose to be in here."
"There'er with me." Rex said clamy
"Oh Hey rex didn't see'ya there! Who's the kid's?" She asked him putting her hand's on her hip's
"This is Jordan she's a pokemon trainer. And these two are Hailey Sunny Hailey's trying to be a pokemon breader."
"Oi! Nice to meet you i'm Amber Neon, I'm the gym ledder!" She smiled.
"Nice to meet you to" Jordan smiled.
"Now let's get this over with." Amber sneered you can tell she either got to big headed or was sick of it like Rex and Hailey or that's the way she acked. They both walked on to the dance floor while the peopel backed off in to the side's to wacth. Amber took out a pokeball then smiled and thowe it a Loudred came out.

"Your turn!"
"what the hell is that?" Jordan asked then took out her pokedux.

Pokedux: "Loudred. Become's temporarily deaf after shouting and stamping it's feet." The pokedux said.

"Whoa well then Go! Tony!" Jordan smiled as she thowe the pokeball and a squirtle came out.
"Luodred use Pound!" Amber said she said pointed at Tony. Luodred did what she said then it danced along with the beat of the music while pounding on Tony.
"Tony! break out of it and use head bite!" Jordan yelled Tony used it but ended up hiting the ground sinse luodred was danceing to the beat.
"Now finish'em!" Amber yelled then Luodred used pound again but tony doged it.
"Tony aim and use water gun!" Jordan yelled while tony used it splashing louderd's face with water blinding it for a bit.
"Now use head bite!" Jordan yelled then Tony used it but louderd used Hyper voice makeing tony hurt.
"Good boy! now use pound once more!" Amber smiled while luodred used it ko'ing Tony.
"Tony! you ok?!" Jordan yelled as she ran out to the filed holding ko'd Tony. "You did grate either way" Jordan smiled then Tony went in his pokeball.

"Ok kid you did an ok job now go to another gym where they'll handle peopel like you." Amber said overly big headed but clam then walked off.
"Tek....I'm glad Rex and Hailey stoped being a ledder before there head got bigger then your fat hea---" Before Jordan could even finish Hailey covered her mouth.
"I am so sorry!" Hailey said a bit nervouse.
"That was a bit cold" Rex said calm. Refereing to Ambers actions.
"Well no one asked you! I'll run my gym the way I run it!" Amber glered then walked off. After that little show they left to the pokemon center.
"You konw she's never like that." Rex said clamly
"oh really?" Jordan asked sarcasticly she really didn't care.
"Well you did start it Jordan." Sunny said clam holding Dash.
"I didn't start it! but I'll never let anyone talk down to me like that!" Jordan said mad.
"I konw what you mean....I under stand what you did Jordan it's what Amber did........what about I take you kids out on the town?" Rex smiled.
"Sure!" Jordan smiled while Dash jumped on her head.
"Ok then Hailey Sunny?"

"Sure" they both said at the same time. They all went on the town they went to some club's and store's they where very fun. While they where walking down the street a women with blue hair looked at Rex in disgust and punched his face.
"That's for last week! hi!" she yelled at Rex said at the end of the word's at the kid's.
"What the hell dude?" Jordan asked.
"Ok I did not deserv that!" Rex said holding his face.
"You!" Anouther women said then punched his stomach--Hardly I might add. Then walked away. After that little show they went to a club there was pokemon in it there was danceing pokemon a lot of sound pokemon like luored and other's there was good music on a song called (Pokemon-theme song techno remix)
"Whoa!" Jordan smiled.
"Yep!" Rex grined then got to the place where the other's where danceing and joined them.
"Wow." Hailey said while Jordan giggled.
"Come on!" Rex said grabing both there hand's to the place he was danceing and made them dance to the Song. They danced til the song ended. Anouther women kicked Rex in the place were boys do not want to get kicked.(you no where.), Rex fell to his face ko'd Jordan and the other's just looked down at him and draged him back to the inn to go sleep.

Next Morning they got up and went back to the gym no one was around. The gym was empty but you can see Amber listing to music in the middle of the gym room.
"Hey I wanna re macth!" Jordan yelled then Amber took off her ear plug's.
"You? again?! Fine I'll beat you once again!" Amber said annoyed then took out a pokeball then a luodred came out once again.
"Go Tony!" Jordan smiled then thowe the pokeball.
"Again? sigh" she said as she sighed."Luodred use pound!" Amber yelled then it used it.
"Tony doge and keep a rythem of attacking!" Jordan yelled then each hit tony doged then used head bite on luodred hiting both of them hard.
"Luodred use pound!!" Amber yelled.
"Tony use the same move before but chage it up!" Jordan yelled, While tony used doged the attack's again then this time used water gun "now use head bite!" Jordan yelled then tony used it ko'ing luodred.
"What?!.....I lost....?" Amber said shocked.
"Wooooo!!" Jordan smiled while Tony dove on her "You where awesome!" Jordan said huging Tony.
"Well good job kid sorry I was so hard on ya before." Amber said as luodred went back in it's pokeball.
"It's ok, sorry i called your head big." Jordan said still holding tony.
"eh it's ok here's your badge." Amber said as she handed her the bage.
"sweet thanks!" Jordan smiled as she looked at the badge that looked like a music note.
"I guess it's time to go---" Rex said while trying to leave fast but Amber saw the bruse on his face.
"look's like you've settled" Amber smiled then laughed.
"He got owned last night." Jordan giggled while Tony went back in his pokeball.
"did not!" rex wined while they all laughed. "What!? I did not get ownd!" Rex wined more.
"ok ok you didn't now let's get goin'." Jordan smiled then walked off while the other's followed. They went outside the gym while Amber followed.
"Seeya guy's!" She smiled waveing.
"Seeya!" Jordan smiled waveing.
"Take care of your slfe!" Rex smiled. After awhile they left sound town and headed in to the foreast once again.

"Any other place's?" Jordan asked,
"Nope sorry Jordan it's gonna take awhile to get to the next town---"
"Hey a pokemon!!" Jordan yelled then ran after it while dash followed
"Wait!" Hailey cryed out then ran after jordan.
"Not again." Rex sighed then ran after them while sunny followed.

Now our young hero's are on there way to jordan's next gym battle, but what lie's in the deep dark forest?


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