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Chapter 10 - Leafon

This is a story how I became a trainer!

Fanfic/OCs/FCS (c) Me
Pokemone (c) Nintendo/pokemon
If you still it then i won't kill you:)

Chapter 10 - Leafon

Chapter 10 - Leafon
We find out heroes at the end of the wood.
"Hey did you hear that?" Rex asked as he stoped to hear the sound.
"no--" Jordan said as the sound got louder like it was coming towards them.
"It's....." Rex said as he tryed to see up ahead.
"Tauros!!!!" Hailey screamed as she ran off.
"Oh my god!" Sunny cried out then followed hailey.
"shoot!" Jordan yelled while she ran off dash right by her side. She took out her pokedux to see what a tauros was.
"This is not a good time for that Jordan!" Rex yelled as he ran.
"Well I'm tryna lurn!" She yelled.

Pokedux:"Tauros is not satisfied unless it is rampaging at all times. if there are no opponents, it will oharge at trees to clam itslfe." The pokedux said.

"Danm so it's a hot head!" Jordan yelled as she put her pokedux away. Rex stoped as he saw a pokemon in the path of the tauros it looked hurt it was a leafon. He ran to the pokemon to pick it up then ran off back to the other's the tauroses where coming fast they ramed in to anything that came in there way. Rex gave the leafon to hailey while they where runing but rex fell down on the hard ground the tauros came closer raming in to him. The kid's couldn't do anything to help.
"I got a plan!" Jordan yelled. "Go 3-D! Get Rex outta there!" She yelled as she took out the pokeball then throwe it in the air 3-D came out of the pokeball flying down ward's to save rex. As rex layed knocked out. His head bleeding cut's on his face from the tauros roofs his clothes rip'd and torn dirt on him there where still more comeing to 3-D flowe down grabing rex by his riped sleeved shirt, 3-D saved rex at the right time a lot of tauros stomped right where he was laying 3-D set him on the ground where the tauros wouldn't come to. rex opened his eye's slowly his vision blurd.
"Lena...." rex managed to open his eye's but what he saw was just in his mind he saw a women with long blound hair with blue eye's and a white dress with a maching hat his vision faded in to darkness.

"Ok time to do work!" Jordan yelled as she took out a pokeball "Get'em teddiursa!" She yelled as she throwe the pokeball "Use return on the tauros! Dash Use sand attack on'em! 3-D use steel wing!" Jordan pointed at the tauros as she yelled. Her pokemon used the attack's on as many as they could they took out some but there was still some left. "Now Dash use tackle! 3-D use steelwing! teddiursa use return!" She pointed at the tauros again,

While Jordan took care of the tauros hailey and sunny tryed to help rex and the leafon by getting them out of harms way.

Back with Jordan-
"Ok there's only a few left hey dash what da ya think of us makeing a new firend?" Jordan asked dash turned around to look at her then noded with a smile.
"Ok then which ever one's left that'll be our new pokemon firend!" Jordan smiled. "3-D use steelwing! Teddiursa use furry swipe!" After they attacked there was only one tauros left. "Ok dash! your turn! use bite!" Dash used it ko'ing the tauros it was mostly cuse the tauros must have been one of the random tauros dash and the others attacked. Jordan throwe the pokeball at the tauros. The tauros went in the orb the red light was still on then it went off.
"Yes I gotta a tauros even though it almost killed Rex." Jordan blinked then picked up the pokeball. "Oh shoot I forgot about them!" Jordan paniced a bit then looked around to see find them they weren't any where to be found but then form the forest the four of them came out of the bush sunny draging rex, while hailey held the leafon
"Hey are they ok??" Jordan asked looking at there wound's.
"Yeah but we won't be able to go back to the town the path is blocked" Hailey said a bit paniced.
"so we have to keep going?" Jordan asked blinking.
"Yes, it's the only way to a pokemon center..." Hailey sighed.
"so...we have to drag them there?" Jordan asked.
"Yes." Hailey sighed.
".....I am not draging his @$$ all the way up them huge @$$ mountin's!" Jordan yelled as she pointed to it. "I have a better idea." She said then took out her pokeball "Go rollin!." Jordan yelled as she throw the pokeball then a tauros came out looking very sleepy.
"You got some tauros?" Sunny asked.
"Yep well only one..." Jordan smiled nervusely as the other's looked at her with a 'only' look.
"Only one??" Hailey said a bit mad.
"Like I was suppose to get'em all? one's all ya need.." Jordan norwed her eye's then looked at the tauros. "Side's this one's good" she smiled then pet it while it was sleeping.
"But it's asleep." Sunny siad.
"So? I sleep all the time."
"well how is it suppose to cerry rex up that!?" Hailey asked pointing at the mountins.
"I guess we'll have to drag rex half way." Jordan said calmy.
"Easy for you to say!" Hailey said a bit ticked off.
"Don't worry as soon as tauros gets enough reast we'll have him carrie rex" Jordan said again but her plan did make sinse or did it? They made there way to the moutin's but there was some town's on the way but there was only one way out throwe the huge dangeruse mountins.

"Are we there yet?" Sunny wined still helping hailey drag rex.
"Nope sadly..." Hailey sighed.
"What town's are here at the end of the wood's anyway's?" Jordan asked while holding leafon which was still hurt.
"Well there's three way's out of these woods the easy way's blocked and the way back where we came and up where we'er going there's two town's that are up a head." Hailey said a bit tiered from draging rex.
"oh, are there gym's there?" Jordan asked.
"I don't think so but there are gym's over the mountin." Hailey said.
"Danm...well atleast if we get rex and this leafon to a pokemon center it'll be good."
"Yeah." Sunny said.
"Let's have a break" Hailey sighed as she stoped by a tree to lay rex down on his back. She went in her bag and took out a first aid kit they didn't tend to his wounds before so he was still bleeding, she tended to leafon's and rex's as much she could but there was to much blood she needed to clean them off. "Hey jordan ya mind doing me a favor?" Hailey asked.
"Go find a river and get some water here." Hailey said giveing her a bucket.
"ok come dash." Jordan grabed the bucket then walked off while dash followed it was a long time til they could find any river's or anything, Jordan took out a pokeball. "Go 3-D try to find some water!" jordan said after while she throwe the pokeball 3-D came out flying in the air looking for a river. After awhile 3-D came back then jordan followed it to were there was water it was a big lake it was huge jordan blinked at the sight she thought they should just bring rex and the other's here to chil but she rememberd that rex was hurt so was that leafon so she put the bucket in the water then carryed it back to the other's,
"I got the agua" Jordan said putting the bucket down by hailey.
"Thanks jordan what took you so long?" Hailey asked.
"I got lost!" Jordan said a bit ticked then sat down. Then took out her pokeball so 3-D can go back in. While hailey cleaned the blood off which wasn't so hard but on leafon.
"Hey do you think that leafon's that other leafon we saw in evolvion town?" Jordan asked.
"It might be but what happed to the trainer." Hailey asked.
"She did call poor leafon useless..." Sunny said.
"man how lazy can you get? I'm not saying i'm not lazy but leaveing your leafon cuse it's not stroung" Jordan said getting mad still "and leavein it hurt!"
"I know.." Hailey sighed putting some potion on the leafon. "That should help it."
"we should get goin we'er almost to the town." Jordan said then took out a pokeball. "Go Rollin!" jordan yelled as she throw the pokeball then a tauros came out sleeping still
"It's asleep!" Hailey and sunny sighed.
"Don't worry! Rolly get up!" Jordan said pokeing it. "Dash use bite!" Jordan said the pointed to rollins tail. Dash noded then bit rollin's tail. His eye's almost poped out then jumped up, then dash let go. "Ok we just gotta get rex on rollin." Jordan smiled.
"Sounds easy.." Sunny smiled then helped hailey pick up rex they put rex over the rollin, after that hailey took out a rope so they could contal rollin so he wouldn't run off. Then Sunny carryed leafon.
"woo! now to the town!" Jordan smiled as she walked holding the rope.

Along time past it took them awhile to get to the town when they did it was night time. As soon as they got in to the town they went to the pokemon center. Rex and the leafon went in to the ER no qustion's were asked on how they where hurt and the kid's didn't want to say they where tired so where there pokemon.
"God I could just pass out..." Sunny wined.
"I know what ya mean....." Jordan wined. "I'm hungery....." She wined more.
"Me toooo." Sunny wined.
"foooooood...." Jordan wined.
"Both of you are makeing my hungery." Hailey sighed trying to wake her slfe up with the coffe that was there.
"I can't help it." Sunny and Jordan said at the same time, the looked at each and laughed. While they did the red light in the ER went off then nurse joy came out. The kid's looked at her.
"How are they?" Jordan asked.
"There'er both just fine after a good night's reast they'll be up and runing in the morning." Nurse Joy smiled. while the other's gave a sigh of relieve.
"Can we see them?"
"There'er both asleep but you can just for a few secounds." Nurse joy said. Then took the kid's in the room where rex was. He has banage's raped around his head burse's on his face and cut's but some had bandaid's and bandages on the bad cut's.

"Whoa." Jordan said.
"Hey.." Rex said trying to smile but to much in pain. "Is the leafon ok?"
"Yep he's sleeping but he's just fine" Jordan smiled.
"are you ok?" Hailey asked.
"Yeah I'm just fine." He tryed to smiled but his rip's hurt to much.
"We'll leave ya to reast." Jordan said then walked out while dash followed they walked back to the waiting room but saw a room they peeked in to to find leafon it was sleeping. "poor lil dude.." Jordan said softly not wakeing leafon. then walked off back to the waiting room, she waited for her firend's to come out of rex's room, while she waited she looked around the room then got up and walked to the frount desk to the nuse joy there. "Was there a girl with blue hair and blue eye's with a blue dress come here?"
"I think so if she was she'd be in the next town."
"Oh well thanks" Jordan said then walked back to the sitting place. 'I new the girl dumped leafon...' Jordan thought then dash took her out of her thought barking cutely. that can make anyone smile. Hailey and sunny came out of the room after they saw leafon. "hey." Jordan said.
"Leafon's really hurt..." Hailey said looking down.
"Ya know how we thought that girl diched her leafon we were right she did she's in the next town." Jordan said.
"what do we do?" Sunny asked.
"simple kick her @$$ for leaveing leafon."
"For real." Hailey norwed her eye's.
"I dunno what the hell did you think I was gonna say" Jordan rolled her eye's.
"You two don't fight! We'er all sleepy and need rest so let's clam down and talk about this in the morning over pancake's" Sunny smiled.
"I do want pancake's." Jordan said.
"Me to.." Hailey said.
"Ok then let's go sleep and star fresh in the morning!" Sunny smiled again. Afrer that little show they slept at the pokemon center.

But what's in store for them when they wake up?


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