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Chapter 11 - Storm Prt1

This is a story how I became a trainer!

Fanfic/OCs/FCS (c) Me
Pokemone (c) Nintendo/pokemon
If you still it then i won't kill you:)

Chapter 11 - Storm Prt1

Chapter 11 - Storm Prt1
Next Morning, we find our hero's still at the pokemon center.
"Morning!" Sunny smiled looked like he got up way to happy.
"Mornin sunny" Jordan smiled a bit but rubed her eye's while dash let out a yawn.
"Think rex is ready to go anywhere?" Hailey asked.
"Should be, he might be really suore to day though." Jordan said.
"Yeah, but I'm sure he's ok." Sunny smiled.
"Yep." Jordan said, After that Rex came from the room his clothes chaged in to a new black sleved shirt his wound's were tended to he came out holding his rib leaning over a bit. The kid's looked at him, The only word jordan said was. "...Danm..."
"Let's go kid's!...." Rex said trying to smile but his acting was very bad,
"You should just reast!" Sunny said.
"Yeah and we can wait."
"But if we don't leave it's gonna take longer to get up the mountin..!" Rex panted holding his rib in pian.
"Dude you got attacked by tauros! you need to reast we'll wait for you." Jordan yelled.
"The mountin's not going anywhere anyway's." Hailey pointed out.

Rex was speachless that they'd wait for him when it'd take day's for him to be ok he blinked then smiled lazy.
"Ok...You guy's win." Rex sighed.
"Sokay now get back in your room before you fall over." Jordan said but rex did look like he was going to pass out or something.
"I'm going I'm going." Rex rolled his eye's from being orderd by a 13 year old then walked back to his room.
"...I'm hungery I thought you said you'll get us pancakes." Jordan said then looked at sunny.
"Yum I could really go for some right now." Sunny said.
"Me to." Hailey said looking at the ground.
"Rex wanna come?" Jordan asked but it looked at rex before he even got to his room he turned around fast.
"Yeah" Rex smiled which didn't look like it hurt that time.
"Okay let's go!" Jordan said then marched off with the other's followed, with dash right by her side. They made there way to the dinner. "yummy." jordan said with her mouth stuffed with pancake's.
"yeah." Sunny smiled.
"You shouldn't stuff your mouth like that.." Hailey said.
"Yeah you might---" Before rex could finish jordan was makeing a weird face then grabed her drink and drank it in a fast then swolded hard.
"What was that?" Jordan said then took anouther huge bite of her pancake's.
"Forget it." Rex and hailey said at the same time, with anime sweat dorp's runing down there head's. After eating a big meal they headed back to the pokemon center.
"you know I have an idea.." Jordan said while the other's looked at her with a 'what?' look.
"Well?" Sunny asked.
"Ok, Ya know Rollin? Well we could tie something on him and he could carry us up the mountin so that way Rex and us could ride in the back." Jordan said.
"That's a good idea but your tauros can't carry all of us." Hailey said.
"Yes but he carryed Rex up there." Jordan said.
"It's a good plan to me" Rex added,
"Me to." Sunny smiled
"...I guess I'm out numbered but what do we do if tauros can't walk any more?" Hailey asked.
"That's easy we camp out then start again in the morning." Jordan said.
"So when do we leave?" Rex asked.
"Well we have to pick up the leafon at the pokemon center then we'll leave." Jordan said.
"Ok then." Rex said.

The picked the Leafon up at the pokemon center it was doing just fine runing about so now they had to find something they can ride in it but it wasn't something tauros can carry they were bike's.
"So you only have bike's?" Jordan asked.
"Yep." the bike man said. "Here take this map there's two town's up ahead you have to return the bike's at the next town after that your on your own." The bike guy said.
"Ok then 4 bike's" Jordan said then they gave her 4 bike's she gave them to her firend's they looked at her confuessed cuse she was suppose to bring back a thing they can ride in while tauros carryed them.
"Jordan why are we hideing bike's?" Sunny asked.
"That's all they had." Jordan said then got on her's while dash jumped in the basket of the bike, then road off, but turned around. "come on." she smiled, while the other's got on there bike's then followed jordan. Leafon road with Hailey. It was a good thing rex's lag's worked good it was just his rib's that hurt.
"How are ya holding up rex?" Jordan asked.
"Good I guess." Rex said.

It seemed so peceful and clam but the cloud's got dark gray then some rain dorp's came down. After awhile the rain got hard they had to stop off at some tree's where it looked like it was gonna be that kind of rain were it rain's all night long.
"My plan was a bust.." Jordan sighed while dash tryed to cheer her up.
"Don't say that atleast you tryed." Sunny smiled.
"Thanks." Jordan said then looked out to the rain. "I do like the rain."
"Me to." Hailey and sunny said at the same time. Rex was just stereing at the rain looking at a tree it looked like he was haveing a flash back but the other kid's didn't pay any mind they where to busy looking at the lighting and thunder. Until a lighting hit pretty close.
"That's not it?.." Jordan asked clamly
"Nope not good." Hailey said clamly back.
"Oh my god." Sunny said looking.
"Whata we do we can't hide our bike's." Jordan said.
"Well." Hailey said then took out a map looking at it while sunny and jordan peeked to look. "We can take this path it's easy and the fastist way to the next town."
"Ok then let's go!" Jordan said then picked up her bike. While the other's followed her. They road to the easy path while the rain got harder and the wind's more intense when they got to the path it looked like someone blocked it off by cuting the rope's of the brugage. The other's couldn't beleave this it's like no one wanted them to get to the other town's up ahead but blocking every easy way.
"First the path now this!" Jordan yelled. "So do they just pay someone to do this!??" Jordan yelled again.
"There's still anouther way out, but its longer then that other one it goes back in to the wood's and there's alot of pokemon there---" Before hailey even finished jordan already road off that way. The other's followed her they stoped off in the hard path which wasn't blocked they road off in to the deep dark wood's the storm got woser they had to stop off at some rock's that looked like they had a cave.
"I can't beleave that path was block!" Jordan said.
"I know." Rex said. "But the block off didn't look like a mud slide now did it?"
"You think someone did that? Why?" Sunny asked.
"Who know's but isn't it weird that two path's just happen to be blocked." Rex said.
"I know what's weird is both path's where to get out of the mountin path...think the other path's are like that?" Jordan asked.
"Might." Rex said.
"Danm..." Jordan said then sighed. "Oh well I suppose."
"Yeah....I'm cold.." Hailey said rubing her arms to get warm.
"Me to" Sunny said.
"This is why I should get a fire pokemon.." Jordan said looking down.
"Well it's gonna be hard to get any pokemon out in that." Rex said with his arm's crossed looking out at the rain.
"Good point" Jordan sighed as she rubed dash's head softly. "So do we have to wait it out?" Jordan asked.
"Not any other way sadly." Rex said calmly.
"That's suck's..." Jordan and sunny said at the same time.


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