Chapter 2 - The First Encounter
Submitted November 13, 2005 Updated October 10, 2006 Status Incomplete | Michelle and her best Friend Emily have gotting into trouble before, but noting like this. Secrets, strange elemental powers, demons and masters. Will the two of them remain friends till the end?
Fantasy » Elementals |
Chapter 2 - The First Encounter
Chapter 2 - The First Encounter
Chapter 2
“Well, I guess we are here?” Michelle looked at up at the small brown building they were standng in front of. It was called 'Lincon's Pet Destany'. Emily and Michelle just stared at it for a while.
“How come I never remembered that this place was here?” Emily asked, looking up and down the street.
“I think its new. I heard the old place ran out of money and had to sell.” Michelle shrugged and opened the door. A little bell clanged as the door was pushed open. They both walked into a very dark atmosphere. The place seemed to glow a bit, with this weird dingy animal smell that was expected. They could see a lot of cages lined up against the walls, with little eyes peering through the bars. The strange thing was that none of the animals were making any sounds.
“Michelle, this place is creeping me out, just a little bit.” Emily said, nervously walking behind Michelle. Michelle was a little creeped out by all the silent animals that just watched them walk by.
“May I help you girls?” A cherful voice sounded from behind them. Both of them jumped a little and turned around. A very tall women with pale blue hair was smiling at them. She was wearing a plain white shirt with a pair of faded blue jeans. It also looked like she was wearing dark blue mountain climbing boots on her feet. Michelle and Emily just stared at her for a few seconds, till Michelle snapped out of her trance.
“Um, yeah. I am looking ot adopt a cat. Do you have any?” Michelle asked in a small, trying to hide her fear, voice. The lady looked Michelle over very thouroghly, like she was looking for something specific.
“Ah, I think I have the perfect cat, just for you!” She giggled and led the two frightened girls near the back of the store. There were several smaller cages where they were, about five of them. They approached two of them, where they could see two cats. One was a grayish color, with very unique yellow markings. The other was also gray, but had blue markings on it. They didn't get to see the blue one very weel, because the lady stood infront of them, and opened the cage with the yellow cat. She pulled it out and held it like it was a percious thing.
“This cat should suit you well, what do you think?” The lady handed the cat into Michelle's arms. The cat immetatly started to purr and rub its head on Michelle's arm.
“He's adorable, but why does he have these weird markings?” Michelle said, pointing out the yellow lightning bolt shaped stripes on the cat.
“Its because he's a really rare breed. There are only six who exist in this world.” The lady explained. Michelle and Emily just looked at her funny.
“Follow me to the counter and we'll get you all set up to go home.” She headed towards the front of the store, to the counter. She ducked into a back room behind it, while Michelle, Emily, and the cat slowly made their way there too.
“Right now, you get this free goodie bag with an adoption,” She said cheerfully, placing a small bag on the counter infront of Michelle. Michelle pulled some money out of her pocket while Emily held the cat.
“Thank-you, and I know I will be seeing you again!” The lady winked at Michelle as the girls left. The bell chimed again as the door closed behind them. Michelle was carring her cat again, and it was still purring.
“That was a weird store!” Emily exclaimed. Michelle nodded her head, while patting her cat. They stoped at the intersection and waited for the cars to pass. Just then, the cat started to growel, and fight in Michelle's arms. Michelle let it go, and it sped down the street. Michelle and Emily looked at eachother then took off after it.
They ended up chasing that cat through several back alleys they never though existed. They found it sitting causualy infront of a large old rotten barn. It looked like it was waiting for them to catch up. He sat there staring as the girls ran up to him, and bent over on their knees to catch their breath.
“Michelle, do you know where we are?” Emily asked, leaning against the barn.
“I have no idea, but its creeping me out!” Michelle said as a chill went down her spine. She bent down to pick up the cat, but he got up and walked into the barn by the partialy opened door.
“Oh no! Come on Emily, we have to go after it!” Michelle stodd up and opened the door wider so they could pass through.
“I don't know Michelle, this place is giving me the creeps even more now!” Emily crossed her hands like she was uncomfortable.
“I know, but theres something special about that cat, and I want it back! I paid fifty bucks for him!” Michelle went inside. Emily just sighed and followed her friend inside. She was looking at the ground until she bumped into Michelle, who had randomly stopped.
“Why'd you stop?” Emily asked.
“Shh, there are people in here!” Michelle whispered. She pointed to the celing, where there were four people, just floating there. Two were a greenish color, with vine-like things sticking out of their head where there should have been hair. Their skin was also a blueish-green color, and they had a leaf-like pattern on it also.
The other two were defenatly guys, dressed in weird outfits. They wore white shirts and pants, but one guy had red boots and the lower half of his sleeves were red. Also the bottom of his shirt was red in a design that Michelle couldn't quite make out. The other guy was the same, except that everything that was red was now a deep brown color. The brown guy had blonde hair and the red guy had brown. They also looked like they had matching color masks over just their eyes.
“Who are those guys, and what are those things infront of them?” Emily asked, sortof crouching behind Michelle.
“I don't know, but your nails are digging into my shoulder!” Michelle hissed. Emily let go immetiatly, blushing a bit out of emmbarassment.
“You guys should just go home! You're no match for the Vine Twins!” One of the green things said, pointing to the guys.
“We aren't the ones running away everytime Kaji gets in an attack!” The brown guy laughed. Both green things glared at him.
“Leave them be. If they want to leave let them, as long as they never come back again!” The red guy pointed his finger at them, and the Twins both flinched, grabbing eachother. The red guy laughed and then pointed at the window, where he set part of the barn on fire. Michelle and Emily both gasped really loudly. The twins both looked down, and smiled. The guys just looked confused.
The twins both took of at incredable speed, Michelle and Emily didn't even see them move, but the guys suposivly did. They reappeared behind Emily. Both girls screamed and turned around facing them. They were definatly female, considering their chests. Their eyes were a deep forset green, that matched their vine-hair. The leaf pattern on their skin, they notice, was only on their legs and arms. Their outfits were made completely out of leaves and twigs.
Emily started to back up slowly, pushing Michelle farther into the barn. The guys above them didn't react fast enough, and soon Michelle and Emily were completely wrapped in vines that the Twins had produced from from their hands. They lifted both girls into the air, where they began to scream. The twins placed their hands over Emily and Michelle's mouths to quiet them.
“Now what are you going to do?” The lady holding Michelle asked the red guy. The red guys eyes lit up in fury as he saw who she was holding. The other lady flew up infront of the brown guy, who had the same reaction to Emily.
“Leave them alone! They have nothing to do with you or us!” The red guy yelled. The brown guy let out a growl from deep in his throat.
“I don't think so. They had to have wandered in here for a reason. I think they are involved with you, and you are just hiding it. We are taking them back to Lord Zel for examining.” Emily's lady laughed. “And if you try to follow us, we will kill them instead!” They started to fly out of a broken sky light that they had probably come in in the first place. The girls trid so hard to break free, but the more they struggled, the tighter the vines would become. Emily finaly got fustrated enough that she bit the lady's hand that was keeping her mouth shut.
“You little wench! How dare you bite me!” The lady yelled, letting Emily's mouth go. Emily screamed, very loudly. Michelle noticed the brown and red guy argueing, but when Emily screamed, the brown guy gave up on the red guy and flew after them.
“Give me Emily back, now!” He demanded. The lady had covered Emily's mouth again, but this time with a vine.
“So you do know them.” Michelle's lady said with a sly voice. “That changes everything. Sis, I think we should just kill them here on the spot!” Michelle's lady said, looking over to the other. She nodded her head in agreement. Michelle and Emily's eyes got wide with fear as the vines around them got tighter and tighter. Michelle finally got her mouth free and screamed in pain. This time the red guy reacted with such fury.
“Let her go now!” The red guy yelled. He was sorounded with a fire aura, and his eyes were glowing red. The vine ladies stoped squeezing them for a second, but kept backing up, away from the red guy.
“I said, let! Her! Go!” He screamed, shooting a blast of flames from him hands directly at the vines holding the girls. The vines then erupted in flames, making the girls flip out even more. What was worse was the fact that the vine ladies also became engulfed in flames. They began to scream in a ver high pitched voice. Michelle thought she was going to be deaf after if she lived. Emily noticed it first, but Michelle caught on soon enough, that they weren't getting burnt by the flames. They could feel the heat, but that was it, no burning, no pain, no nothing.
“AHHHH!!!” Michelle screamed as the vines keeping her in the air burnt up and snapped, dropping her from atleast twenty feet in the air. Emily's had snapped too, but the brown guy had caught her right when they snapped.
“Get her Kaji!” The brown guy yelled at the red guy, who seemed to be in a trance. He shook his head and dove after Michelle. Michelle closed her eyes as she fell. Then, she felt something catch her and carry her upwards. She slowly opened her eyes and saw grayish red ones staring right back into them.
“Are you okay?” He asking in a gentil voice. Michelle blushed.
“Yeah, I'm alright I think, thank-you.” Michelle saw that Kaji was blushing just a bit as well.
“I better get you back on the ground. I see you have a friend down there waiting for you.” Kaji smiled, pointing to the ground where Michelle's cat was looking up meowing. He touched down on the ground, next to the brown guy. Then he placed Michelle gentily on the ground next to Emily.
“I'm sorry you two got involved in this. Please, you can't tell anyone else about what happened here. Not that they would belive you anyways.” The brown guy explained. Michelle and Emily were so shocked, all they could do was nod their head.
“Okay, we have to go now. Oh, and I think we saw a couple of your friends coming this way in a hurry, so I'm sure you will be fine getting home.” Kaji explained. They both nodded their heads and flew out the door, leaving the two girls just sitting there, with a cat in Michelle's lap.
“Well, I guess we are here?” Michelle looked at up at the small brown building they were standng in front of. It was called 'Lincon's Pet Destany'. Emily and Michelle just stared at it for a while.
“How come I never remembered that this place was here?” Emily asked, looking up and down the street.
“I think its new. I heard the old place ran out of money and had to sell.” Michelle shrugged and opened the door. A little bell clanged as the door was pushed open. They both walked into a very dark atmosphere. The place seemed to glow a bit, with this weird dingy animal smell that was expected. They could see a lot of cages lined up against the walls, with little eyes peering through the bars. The strange thing was that none of the animals were making any sounds.
“Michelle, this place is creeping me out, just a little bit.” Emily said, nervously walking behind Michelle. Michelle was a little creeped out by all the silent animals that just watched them walk by.
“May I help you girls?” A cherful voice sounded from behind them. Both of them jumped a little and turned around. A very tall women with pale blue hair was smiling at them. She was wearing a plain white shirt with a pair of faded blue jeans. It also looked like she was wearing dark blue mountain climbing boots on her feet. Michelle and Emily just stared at her for a few seconds, till Michelle snapped out of her trance.
“Um, yeah. I am looking ot adopt a cat. Do you have any?” Michelle asked in a small, trying to hide her fear, voice. The lady looked Michelle over very thouroghly, like she was looking for something specific.
“Ah, I think I have the perfect cat, just for you!” She giggled and led the two frightened girls near the back of the store. There were several smaller cages where they were, about five of them. They approached two of them, where they could see two cats. One was a grayish color, with very unique yellow markings. The other was also gray, but had blue markings on it. They didn't get to see the blue one very weel, because the lady stood infront of them, and opened the cage with the yellow cat. She pulled it out and held it like it was a percious thing.
“This cat should suit you well, what do you think?” The lady handed the cat into Michelle's arms. The cat immetatly started to purr and rub its head on Michelle's arm.
“He's adorable, but why does he have these weird markings?” Michelle said, pointing out the yellow lightning bolt shaped stripes on the cat.
“Its because he's a really rare breed. There are only six who exist in this world.” The lady explained. Michelle and Emily just looked at her funny.
“Follow me to the counter and we'll get you all set up to go home.” She headed towards the front of the store, to the counter. She ducked into a back room behind it, while Michelle, Emily, and the cat slowly made their way there too.
“Right now, you get this free goodie bag with an adoption,” She said cheerfully, placing a small bag on the counter infront of Michelle. Michelle pulled some money out of her pocket while Emily held the cat.
“Thank-you, and I know I will be seeing you again!” The lady winked at Michelle as the girls left. The bell chimed again as the door closed behind them. Michelle was carring her cat again, and it was still purring.
“That was a weird store!” Emily exclaimed. Michelle nodded her head, while patting her cat. They stoped at the intersection and waited for the cars to pass. Just then, the cat started to growel, and fight in Michelle's arms. Michelle let it go, and it sped down the street. Michelle and Emily looked at eachother then took off after it.
They ended up chasing that cat through several back alleys they never though existed. They found it sitting causualy infront of a large old rotten barn. It looked like it was waiting for them to catch up. He sat there staring as the girls ran up to him, and bent over on their knees to catch their breath.
“Michelle, do you know where we are?” Emily asked, leaning against the barn.
“I have no idea, but its creeping me out!” Michelle said as a chill went down her spine. She bent down to pick up the cat, but he got up and walked into the barn by the partialy opened door.
“Oh no! Come on Emily, we have to go after it!” Michelle stodd up and opened the door wider so they could pass through.
“I don't know Michelle, this place is giving me the creeps even more now!” Emily crossed her hands like she was uncomfortable.
“I know, but theres something special about that cat, and I want it back! I paid fifty bucks for him!” Michelle went inside. Emily just sighed and followed her friend inside. She was looking at the ground until she bumped into Michelle, who had randomly stopped.
“Why'd you stop?” Emily asked.
“Shh, there are people in here!” Michelle whispered. She pointed to the celing, where there were four people, just floating there. Two were a greenish color, with vine-like things sticking out of their head where there should have been hair. Their skin was also a blueish-green color, and they had a leaf-like pattern on it also.
The other two were defenatly guys, dressed in weird outfits. They wore white shirts and pants, but one guy had red boots and the lower half of his sleeves were red. Also the bottom of his shirt was red in a design that Michelle couldn't quite make out. The other guy was the same, except that everything that was red was now a deep brown color. The brown guy had blonde hair and the red guy had brown. They also looked like they had matching color masks over just their eyes.
“Who are those guys, and what are those things infront of them?” Emily asked, sortof crouching behind Michelle.
“I don't know, but your nails are digging into my shoulder!” Michelle hissed. Emily let go immetiatly, blushing a bit out of emmbarassment.
“You guys should just go home! You're no match for the Vine Twins!” One of the green things said, pointing to the guys.
“We aren't the ones running away everytime Kaji gets in an attack!” The brown guy laughed. Both green things glared at him.
“Leave them be. If they want to leave let them, as long as they never come back again!” The red guy pointed his finger at them, and the Twins both flinched, grabbing eachother. The red guy laughed and then pointed at the window, where he set part of the barn on fire. Michelle and Emily both gasped really loudly. The twins both looked down, and smiled. The guys just looked confused.
The twins both took of at incredable speed, Michelle and Emily didn't even see them move, but the guys suposivly did. They reappeared behind Emily. Both girls screamed and turned around facing them. They were definatly female, considering their chests. Their eyes were a deep forset green, that matched their vine-hair. The leaf pattern on their skin, they notice, was only on their legs and arms. Their outfits were made completely out of leaves and twigs.
Emily started to back up slowly, pushing Michelle farther into the barn. The guys above them didn't react fast enough, and soon Michelle and Emily were completely wrapped in vines that the Twins had produced from from their hands. They lifted both girls into the air, where they began to scream. The twins placed their hands over Emily and Michelle's mouths to quiet them.
“Now what are you going to do?” The lady holding Michelle asked the red guy. The red guys eyes lit up in fury as he saw who she was holding. The other lady flew up infront of the brown guy, who had the same reaction to Emily.
“Leave them alone! They have nothing to do with you or us!” The red guy yelled. The brown guy let out a growl from deep in his throat.
“I don't think so. They had to have wandered in here for a reason. I think they are involved with you, and you are just hiding it. We are taking them back to Lord Zel for examining.” Emily's lady laughed. “And if you try to follow us, we will kill them instead!” They started to fly out of a broken sky light that they had probably come in in the first place. The girls trid so hard to break free, but the more they struggled, the tighter the vines would become. Emily finaly got fustrated enough that she bit the lady's hand that was keeping her mouth shut.
“You little wench! How dare you bite me!” The lady yelled, letting Emily's mouth go. Emily screamed, very loudly. Michelle noticed the brown and red guy argueing, but when Emily screamed, the brown guy gave up on the red guy and flew after them.
“Give me Emily back, now!” He demanded. The lady had covered Emily's mouth again, but this time with a vine.
“So you do know them.” Michelle's lady said with a sly voice. “That changes everything. Sis, I think we should just kill them here on the spot!” Michelle's lady said, looking over to the other. She nodded her head in agreement. Michelle and Emily's eyes got wide with fear as the vines around them got tighter and tighter. Michelle finally got her mouth free and screamed in pain. This time the red guy reacted with such fury.
“Let her go now!” The red guy yelled. He was sorounded with a fire aura, and his eyes were glowing red. The vine ladies stoped squeezing them for a second, but kept backing up, away from the red guy.
“I said, let! Her! Go!” He screamed, shooting a blast of flames from him hands directly at the vines holding the girls. The vines then erupted in flames, making the girls flip out even more. What was worse was the fact that the vine ladies also became engulfed in flames. They began to scream in a ver high pitched voice. Michelle thought she was going to be deaf after if she lived. Emily noticed it first, but Michelle caught on soon enough, that they weren't getting burnt by the flames. They could feel the heat, but that was it, no burning, no pain, no nothing.
“AHHHH!!!” Michelle screamed as the vines keeping her in the air burnt up and snapped, dropping her from atleast twenty feet in the air. Emily's had snapped too, but the brown guy had caught her right when they snapped.
“Get her Kaji!” The brown guy yelled at the red guy, who seemed to be in a trance. He shook his head and dove after Michelle. Michelle closed her eyes as she fell. Then, she felt something catch her and carry her upwards. She slowly opened her eyes and saw grayish red ones staring right back into them.
“Are you okay?” He asking in a gentil voice. Michelle blushed.
“Yeah, I'm alright I think, thank-you.” Michelle saw that Kaji was blushing just a bit as well.
“I better get you back on the ground. I see you have a friend down there waiting for you.” Kaji smiled, pointing to the ground where Michelle's cat was looking up meowing. He touched down on the ground, next to the brown guy. Then he placed Michelle gentily on the ground next to Emily.
“I'm sorry you two got involved in this. Please, you can't tell anyone else about what happened here. Not that they would belive you anyways.” The brown guy explained. Michelle and Emily were so shocked, all they could do was nod their head.
“Okay, we have to go now. Oh, and I think we saw a couple of your friends coming this way in a hurry, so I'm sure you will be fine getting home.” Kaji explained. They both nodded their heads and flew out the door, leaving the two girls just sitting there, with a cat in Michelle's lap.
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mandy94t on March 6, 2006, 5:59:23 AM
mandy94t on