Chapter 6 - Aftermath
Submitted November 13, 2005 Updated October 10, 2006 Status Incomplete | Michelle and her best Friend Emily have gotting into trouble before, but noting like this. Secrets, strange elemental powers, demons and masters. Will the two of them remain friends till the end?
Fantasy » Elementals |
Chapter 6 - Aftermath
Chapter 6 - Aftermath
Chapter 6
The two girls were greeted in the lobby by two cats. One was Shocks, who immetiatly brushed up against Denko's leg. The other cat was a she-cat, gray like Shocks, but had blue spots on her pelt. This cat went straight to Mizuu, who picked her up. Just then, Denko's knees gave out from under her, causeing her to fall forward.
Ow! Denko mumbled, as she laid on the floor. With her right arm still unusable, she wasn't able to catch herself.
Denko! Shocks licked her face, but Denko just didn't have the strength to push herself off the ground.
Miche... Denko! Mizuu yelled. Shocks looked up at Mizuu and glared at her. Denko started to laugh.
I knew it was you! I just knew it from a feeling I had since this fight started. Denko slowly put hersef in a sitting position. Mizuu was smiling, and helped her sit down.
We have a hard time keeping stuff from each other don't we!? Mizuu said, chuckling.
Yeah, we do. Its like we can invade each others minds! Denko smiled. She got to her knees slowly. Michelle Transform! She said with bearly any breath. The bright light sourounded her, then faded, causeing the streams of yellow ribbons to appear again, and then form themselves into Michelle's crystal box. Michelle was now sitting there, in her dress, and her hair was down again.
So, is that how you change back? Mizuu asked. Michelle nodded her head.
Okay, let me try now, Mizuu said, taking a deep breath. Emily transform! The white light appeared around Mizuu this time. As it faded, blue ribbons that looked like streams of water formed around her, and turned into a waterdrop shaped box. The looked at eachother and started to laugh.
Ah, ow! Michelle double over in pain. She also realized she still couldn't use her right arm. It still hurts. And I can't move my arm! I can't go home like this! Michelle panicked. Emily looked around, thinking quickly.
Why don't you stay at my house tonight. My mom should be working tonight, and she loves you so I don't think she would mind? Emily stood up, brushing her own dress off. She picked up her box off the floor. Michelle grabbed her, then looked at Shocks.
Well, since you know eachother, maybe training you would be a lot easier with a sparing partner. He smiled. Oh, Michelle, this is Bubbles. She's Mizuu's protector, like I'm Denko's. Shocks expained. Bubbles nodded her head to Michelle.
Its great to finally meet Denko, She said. Her voice was pure, and very soft like. She rubbed her head against Shocks' muzzle.
Okay, lets get out of here! Michelle smiled, then tried to get up. Emily lent a hand, and finally they were heading back towards Emily's house. When they got there, it was really quiet inside. Emily pushed the door open, and turned on the light, reviling a kitchen.
Lets go up to my room if you can make it, so we can put some band-aids on those bleeding scratches of yours! Emily smiled, closing the door behind her. The cats ran off ahead, using their nose to find Emily's room.
The back of my head really hurts though. Michelle passed her hand over her wound, leaving a lot of blood on her hand. Eww! She wiped it on her dress.
Don't do that! Blood stains! Emily yelled at her. Michelle stuck her tounge out at her, but she stopped. They reached Emily's room, and Emily pushed Michelle on the floor, while she hopped onto the bed.
You still have a set of clothes here from last time. My mom washed them for you. Emily pulled a gym bag out from under her bed. Why don't you take a shower or something, then we'll bandage you up! Emily threw the back at Michelle, who fell over from the impact.
Fine, but please be more gentile, sheesh! Michelle got up and limped a little to the bathroom. After she left, Emily let out a long sigh.
What is going on!? She fell backwards onto her bed. She heard the cats purring on the floor. Okay, you guy's have to tell me what exactly is going on around here! First the green people in that wearhouse, now a mermaid thing in our gym! What is going on!? She yelled at the cats. Bubble jumped up on the bed, and walked onto Emily's chest.
We'll tell you everything later, when you're both more ready, She purred. Emily sighed and hit her head against the pillow.
Thats not really helping. I am so parinoid right now! Can you tell if someone is going to attack me!? She asked, sitting up. Bubbles jumped to the side to avoide getting thrown off.
Yes, we can tell. We can tell when something enters this world that shouln't be here. They all posses different energy signatures than the people of this world, so its easy. You'll be able to do it one day too, cause the original Mizuu had a knack for it. Bubbles smiled. Emily just sighed. They all heard the water shut off in the bathroom. Michelle walked back in the room wearing weekend clothes, a ripped t-shirt, and worn out jeans.
I feel a bit better now, but I'm wicked tired! Michelle yawned, streching her arm out. But I still can't feel my arm. She sighed. Looking down at it.
It will wear off. You just over shocked your nerves in that arm. Give it a few days rest and it'll be as good as new. Shocks said, rubbing up against Michelle's leg.
How about we put it in a sling right now? It'll take some dead weight off your shoulder! Emily grinned. Michelle glared at Emily, but then laughed.
Okay, and maybe a band-aid for the scratch behind my head, I think it might still be bleeding. Michelle smiled. Emily sighed and shook her head. She jumped off the bed and headed for the bathroom, with Bubbles tailing her.
Shock, am I really going to be able to use my arm again? Michelle sighed. The cat nipped her on the fingers. Ow! What was that for? She yelled at him.
You sound hopeless. Of course you'll be able to use your arm again. Once we finish part of your training, this wont happen ever again either. It only happened this time because you were rushed into using your powers without proper instructions. If Emily had used her powers, she would have felt exhausted, and unable to move. Her arm probably would have went numb too, after exahusting the power from her body. Shocks explained. Michelle picked her arm up and placed it in her lap so it was more comfortable. Emily came back in by now, carring a first-aid kit, and a broken arm sling.
Lets fix you up now! She squated down next to Michelle. Michelle put the sling on, and it really did take some weight off her shoulder. Emily started to wrap Michelle's head in gauze, so the cut in the back would stay covered.
Wow, that was a pretty deep cut! What did you do?! Shocks said, as he saw the cut for the first time.
That mermaid had grabbed me around the neck and slammed me against a broken piece of the wall! Well, maybe it wasn't broken before she slammed me against it. Michelle sighed. Shocks twitched a bit at the thought. Michelle just glared at him. Emily was repacking the first-aid kit.
Well, its getting pretty late, why don't we get some sleep! Emily said, leaving the room to put the stuff away. When she came back, closing the door quietly behind her, she saw that Michelle had falled asleep leaning against the footboard of her bed. Emily sighed, grabbed a blanket on her bed and placed it around Michelle's body, then hopped into her own bed. Bubbles jumped up and snuggled next to Emily's head.
Everything is so confusing lately. Thats the second time someone saved my life in two days! I wonder if Michelle is confused as I am? She sighed, petting Bubbles on the head.
You will be fine. You're taking it quiet well for someone who was just thrown into all this chaos. The original Mizuu always seemed calm and collected in times of crisis or confusion too. Maybe its just who you are. Bubbles purred, making herself comfortable.
I guess. I need to hear the whole story, but sleep would be nice right now, Emily yawned, then turned out the light for her room, drifting into sleep herself.
The two girls were greeted in the lobby by two cats. One was Shocks, who immetiatly brushed up against Denko's leg. The other cat was a she-cat, gray like Shocks, but had blue spots on her pelt. This cat went straight to Mizuu, who picked her up. Just then, Denko's knees gave out from under her, causeing her to fall forward.
Ow! Denko mumbled, as she laid on the floor. With her right arm still unusable, she wasn't able to catch herself.
Denko! Shocks licked her face, but Denko just didn't have the strength to push herself off the ground.
Miche... Denko! Mizuu yelled. Shocks looked up at Mizuu and glared at her. Denko started to laugh.
I knew it was you! I just knew it from a feeling I had since this fight started. Denko slowly put hersef in a sitting position. Mizuu was smiling, and helped her sit down.
We have a hard time keeping stuff from each other don't we!? Mizuu said, chuckling.
Yeah, we do. Its like we can invade each others minds! Denko smiled. She got to her knees slowly. Michelle Transform! She said with bearly any breath. The bright light sourounded her, then faded, causeing the streams of yellow ribbons to appear again, and then form themselves into Michelle's crystal box. Michelle was now sitting there, in her dress, and her hair was down again.
So, is that how you change back? Mizuu asked. Michelle nodded her head.
Okay, let me try now, Mizuu said, taking a deep breath. Emily transform! The white light appeared around Mizuu this time. As it faded, blue ribbons that looked like streams of water formed around her, and turned into a waterdrop shaped box. The looked at eachother and started to laugh.
Ah, ow! Michelle double over in pain. She also realized she still couldn't use her right arm. It still hurts. And I can't move my arm! I can't go home like this! Michelle panicked. Emily looked around, thinking quickly.
Why don't you stay at my house tonight. My mom should be working tonight, and she loves you so I don't think she would mind? Emily stood up, brushing her own dress off. She picked up her box off the floor. Michelle grabbed her, then looked at Shocks.
Well, since you know eachother, maybe training you would be a lot easier with a sparing partner. He smiled. Oh, Michelle, this is Bubbles. She's Mizuu's protector, like I'm Denko's. Shocks expained. Bubbles nodded her head to Michelle.
Its great to finally meet Denko, She said. Her voice was pure, and very soft like. She rubbed her head against Shocks' muzzle.
Okay, lets get out of here! Michelle smiled, then tried to get up. Emily lent a hand, and finally they were heading back towards Emily's house. When they got there, it was really quiet inside. Emily pushed the door open, and turned on the light, reviling a kitchen.
Lets go up to my room if you can make it, so we can put some band-aids on those bleeding scratches of yours! Emily smiled, closing the door behind her. The cats ran off ahead, using their nose to find Emily's room.
The back of my head really hurts though. Michelle passed her hand over her wound, leaving a lot of blood on her hand. Eww! She wiped it on her dress.
Don't do that! Blood stains! Emily yelled at her. Michelle stuck her tounge out at her, but she stopped. They reached Emily's room, and Emily pushed Michelle on the floor, while she hopped onto the bed.
You still have a set of clothes here from last time. My mom washed them for you. Emily pulled a gym bag out from under her bed. Why don't you take a shower or something, then we'll bandage you up! Emily threw the back at Michelle, who fell over from the impact.
Fine, but please be more gentile, sheesh! Michelle got up and limped a little to the bathroom. After she left, Emily let out a long sigh.
What is going on!? She fell backwards onto her bed. She heard the cats purring on the floor. Okay, you guy's have to tell me what exactly is going on around here! First the green people in that wearhouse, now a mermaid thing in our gym! What is going on!? She yelled at the cats. Bubble jumped up on the bed, and walked onto Emily's chest.
We'll tell you everything later, when you're both more ready, She purred. Emily sighed and hit her head against the pillow.
Thats not really helping. I am so parinoid right now! Can you tell if someone is going to attack me!? She asked, sitting up. Bubbles jumped to the side to avoide getting thrown off.
Yes, we can tell. We can tell when something enters this world that shouln't be here. They all posses different energy signatures than the people of this world, so its easy. You'll be able to do it one day too, cause the original Mizuu had a knack for it. Bubbles smiled. Emily just sighed. They all heard the water shut off in the bathroom. Michelle walked back in the room wearing weekend clothes, a ripped t-shirt, and worn out jeans.
I feel a bit better now, but I'm wicked tired! Michelle yawned, streching her arm out. But I still can't feel my arm. She sighed. Looking down at it.
It will wear off. You just over shocked your nerves in that arm. Give it a few days rest and it'll be as good as new. Shocks said, rubbing up against Michelle's leg.
How about we put it in a sling right now? It'll take some dead weight off your shoulder! Emily grinned. Michelle glared at Emily, but then laughed.
Okay, and maybe a band-aid for the scratch behind my head, I think it might still be bleeding. Michelle smiled. Emily sighed and shook her head. She jumped off the bed and headed for the bathroom, with Bubbles tailing her.
Shock, am I really going to be able to use my arm again? Michelle sighed. The cat nipped her on the fingers. Ow! What was that for? She yelled at him.
You sound hopeless. Of course you'll be able to use your arm again. Once we finish part of your training, this wont happen ever again either. It only happened this time because you were rushed into using your powers without proper instructions. If Emily had used her powers, she would have felt exhausted, and unable to move. Her arm probably would have went numb too, after exahusting the power from her body. Shocks explained. Michelle picked her arm up and placed it in her lap so it was more comfortable. Emily came back in by now, carring a first-aid kit, and a broken arm sling.
Lets fix you up now! She squated down next to Michelle. Michelle put the sling on, and it really did take some weight off her shoulder. Emily started to wrap Michelle's head in gauze, so the cut in the back would stay covered.
Wow, that was a pretty deep cut! What did you do?! Shocks said, as he saw the cut for the first time.
That mermaid had grabbed me around the neck and slammed me against a broken piece of the wall! Well, maybe it wasn't broken before she slammed me against it. Michelle sighed. Shocks twitched a bit at the thought. Michelle just glared at him. Emily was repacking the first-aid kit.
Well, its getting pretty late, why don't we get some sleep! Emily said, leaving the room to put the stuff away. When she came back, closing the door quietly behind her, she saw that Michelle had falled asleep leaning against the footboard of her bed. Emily sighed, grabbed a blanket on her bed and placed it around Michelle's body, then hopped into her own bed. Bubbles jumped up and snuggled next to Emily's head.
Everything is so confusing lately. Thats the second time someone saved my life in two days! I wonder if Michelle is confused as I am? She sighed, petting Bubbles on the head.
You will be fine. You're taking it quiet well for someone who was just thrown into all this chaos. The original Mizuu always seemed calm and collected in times of crisis or confusion too. Maybe its just who you are. Bubbles purred, making herself comfortable.
I guess. I need to hear the whole story, but sleep would be nice right now, Emily yawned, then turned out the light for her room, drifting into sleep herself.
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mandy94t on August 24, 2006, 8:35:48 AM
mandy94t on