Chapter 2 - The Teaching Begins
Submitted August 25, 2006 Updated August 26, 2006 Status Complete | What happens when Foxx's friend, Oni (Kpt14's OC), comes for a mission to Konoha? What weird things comes to mind when she finds out that Foxx has the week off and has nothing to do? OCxSasuke OCxGaara
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Chapter 2 - The Teaching Begins
Chapter 2 - The Teaching Begins
~~~Chapter 2: The Teaching Begins~~~
Oni and Foxx hit the streets to find the raven-haired shinobi, with no luck.
“This is getting no where fast, Foxx. Why are we doing this again?”[/b] Foxx’s demon, Makami asked (ok, from now on, when it’s bold and in “”, Makami’s talking!!)
“I don’t know, Makami-sama! Oni said that she’s going to teach me something so might as well do it. I got nothing to lose, nothing to gain, and nothing better to do.”[/i]
“Well, he’s nowhere in sight!” Oni made known. “Well, then I can tell you, so you’ll memorize, what flirt stands for!”
“Flirt stands for something….?”
“Yep! F, for fun. L, for listen. I, for interest. R, for responsibility. T, for trust. S, smile! I know that last part will be hard for you.”
“And ‘L’ will be too.”
“Now that that’s out of the way, where is that Uchiha?!”
“Maybe we don’t need him? A dummy would do just as fine.”
“No it wouldn’t. We need a mirror.”
“I hate where this is going.”
~~To the junk yard, few minutes later!~~
“Here we are!” the blonde acknowledged, pointed to a mirror with some of it missing.
“Oh, great, something to end my agony, finally.”
“No, silly! For you to practice!”
“Oh, so I can practice throwing weapons at my face, which will—”
“No, practice flirting[/i].”
“Oh right, flirting[/i].”
“First up, the WINK!”
“Woo. Go the wink.”
“It’s easy as…whatever’s easy for you ½ demons!”
“That’s easy. Not math.”
“Ok, it’s easy as not math. You just blink one eye!”
“One eye, let me right that down in the Inviso-notepad I only use for notes on flirting.”
“Now, you try! Stand in front of the mirror and picture Sasuke standing there!”
“What if I don’t feel like?”
“Do it!”
The ½ demon jumped down from the heap of…who knows what, to the mirror, hoping that the real[/i] Sasuke wasn’t around. She blinked one eye casually.
“That’s it, ok, I’m going home to try it on Sasuke.”
“That’s not all the flirting things there are!”
“Next is body position. Yours, folded arms and that, says, ‘STAY AWAY OR I’LL BITE YOUR HEAD OFF.’”
“I don’t see the problem.”
“Just lean a bit[/i] and splay your arms and legs out!”
“Come on or do you wanna be the girl that’s feared and hated by Sasuke?”
Foxx was quiet after what Oni said, when she said ‘feared and hated’, the ½ demon didn’t look up from the heap of broken, unwanted TV’s lying on the whatever. The blonde could tell that something was wrong.
“Err…Foxx? Kiba Foxx!”
Foxx didn’t answer. She was just remembering what someone told her….when she was only 5.
‘Darn it, Foxx! You can remember later!’ Oni thought to herself, hoping that Foxx was just playing around.
“Come on! Do what I told you!”
Foxx looked around to see if anyone was watching…..nobody. She did what the other girl told her to do.
“Err….Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“Good thing!” Foxx moved her hands into her pockets and sighed.
‘What point is this? I have nothing to gain from this. And if I do encounter Iteco…Wait, shut up about him, Foxx! He’s a nobody now! A person that’s dead in your life!’ Foxx thought to her self.
“Foxx? You okay? You keep zoning in and out!”
“I do that frequently, now a days. It’s….a hobby, I guess.”
“Sure it is. Well, Flirting lessons 101 has ended for the day, tomorrow, meet me at this address, for we’re going out and practicing!”
The ½ demon toke the paper that was held by her blonde friend’s thumb and index finger very gently.
To Be Continued…
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monkey_banana_smoothie on August 25, 2006, 9:26:04 PM