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Chapter 1 - Chapter # 1

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Chapter 1 - Chapter # 1

Chapter 1 - Chapter # 1
Written By: Monkey_banana_smoothie[/b]
Story by: Monkey_banana_smoothie[/b]
Characters thought up by: Mo—You’re not going to have me repeat it again, are you?[/b]
Thought up by: Guess who? If you said Monkey_banana_smoothie, you win![/b]
The foot steps stopped at the front of a huge high school. Grant High School.[/i] Foxx had arrived! She walked all that way, but she arrived! She walked in the school, looking for the principal’s office. The burnet was a new student at GHS, and after school, had to find a job that she could handle in the town of Gisity, Moroshi.
She found someone. Not the principal. Not a teacher. Not a coworker. Not a cheerleader. Not a coach. Not a cafeteria lady/guy. No. It just had to be the quarterback for the GHS football team. His name is Justin Dunsliy.
“Hey, you’re new here, aren’t you?” the kid in green asked the burnet in black.
“Naw, I’ve gone here many years, and that’s why I’m looking for the principal to help me to my first class because I’m totally lost,” she said, coldly and sarcastically.
“Hm….I like you. You’ve got spunk. By the way, I’m Justin, and you must be?”
“Foxx Kiba.”
“What school did you go to before Grant?”
“Why is that any of your concern?”
“Just want to know which football team you guys are.”
“Who said they owned[/i] a football team?”
“HAHA! A school without a football team? What school doesn’t? A retarded school?”
“Quite a few, really. Ninja schools, clean[/i] schools, and many others above your academic level of capacity.”
The girl brushed passed the older teen, and headed to the principal’s office to chat with him.
The girl found herself on the football field on a stand. She looked around. Green and white. Those must be the school colors. Or something like that.
‘How’d they let me in? This school is way beyond what a school that doesn’t charge anything for education’s grounds….Forget about that, Foxx! You need to think about what job you want!! Right. I don’t want to be a maid, cause I don’t like to clean other people’s crap, I don’t want to be a waitress, because I know that I’d fail at that…..What about accountant? Too many numbers, plus, I think I’d need a degree for that.’
Her thoughts were interrupted by Justin walking up to her, and lied down on the stand next to her.
“What do you want with me now, Justin?” she said, a cold look as well.
“Just want to ask you something. We’ve known eachother for sometime now, right?”
“If you think about 3 hours is ‘sometime’, I guess so.”
“How about you go on a date with me, let’s say, Saturday?”
“How about…..No? How about…Never, even in a million years?”
“Aw…What? Too foxy to be with the Justin?”
The ½ demon snapped at that. She wanted to make herself clear[/b] about being called ‘foxy.’ She grabbed the green colored collar.
“Never, ever, call me foxy. Never refer to me as ‘foxy.’ Next time that you do, I will personally kill you, understood?” Her eyes didn’t move from Justin’s, nor blink.
“Sure…if[/i] you go out with me, on time?”
“You would just think I’ll do that for your life? Think again.”
She got up and walked off to the school library. There she’d fine peace and quit….Right?
When she walked in, she found a wonderful seat. One where there was a guy that was sorta dressed like her, except for the shirt….it was sorta a turtle neck/T-shirt thing.
She walked up and looked at him. “Sir, do you mind if I sit here?”
“It’s a free country, isn’t it? Why not sit there? Unless…you’re like everyone else and despises the Goth kid.”
“Hey, I’m Goth. Why would I fear my own kind?”
The guy looked up at her. “Huh. A girl. I never thought I’d see the day where a girl would be Goth. Sure, you can have a seat any where at this table….What’s your name?”
“Foxx Kiba. Call me foxy and you die.”
“Heh. You’re funny. I’m Damian. Damian Isaac.” The girl sat down across from the other Goth, so she and he could talk more. “Why did you come in here, anyway? The library isn’t very girl-ish.”
“To escape that duface, Justin….”
“Escape[/i] Justin? So you really are a Goth, not just a wannabe.”
“Why would I wanna be what I am?”
“Tell me this, why did you become Goth? Parents just make you angry or something?”
“To tell the truth, it’s really that I’ve….never mind. It’s weird.”
“Isn’t that how everyone else thinks of us Goths?”
“Do tell, please.”
“I’ve been Goth my whole life, because of my parents.”
“They[/i] were Goth…?” The Goth boy was in disbelief.
“No….It’s just that they’re….ya know….not….”
“Ah! In jail?”
“Oh…I feel stupid. Jail?”
“No, it’s alright; I get it all the time. I’ve gotten used to it!”
“How’d you get here? I know you’re not from around here. Everyone is pretty much either prep, jock, nerd, dork, book worm, geek, emo, punk, or prep.”
“You said prep two times.”
“The more to prove the horrobilities of them. To continue to what I was saying, I’m the only Goth, beside you now. Everyone in town isn’t a Goth besides me and you. Where are you from? How’d you get here if you don’t have parents?”
“Well…..a small village far to the west, that’s all I can tell you about where I’m from. About how I got here, walking is always fun.”
“You didn’t take the bus?”
“No money. That’s why after school I’m going to find a job.”
“I’ve heard of a place, it’s the car wash.”
“Do you work there?”
“No. I just go by it everyday on my way to school. I work at Hot Topic and Spencer.”
“Say, how about I help you find the car wash? You’re still getting used to the town, right?”
“I’m still getting comfortable, if you mean that.”
“Heh-heh…You’re seriously funny. But, I’ll help you as much as I can.”
“Uh….I think you should go looking for some books, Foxx. Your li’l friend is here.”
“Hunh?” She turned to find the military cut brown haired jock entering the library. “Excu—”
“No time, go down the aisle. I’ll slow him down.”
She did what her new friend (that’s right, friend[/i]­) told her to do, and while she hid, listened on the conversation between Damien and Justin.
“Hey, black face, I saw you talking to the new girl. What are you doing with her?” the jock said, raising a fist.
‘A library is a strange place to fight.’
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about, Justin. Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to get back to my book.”
The jock lifted the Goth up, “Tell me what you were doing with the girl.”
“She and I only talked. It wasn’t any of my ambition as to harm, touch, kiss, hug, or any other thing that you people do.”
The eavesdropping stopped once a girl with green hair, glasses, and green sweeter, underneath a yellow business shirt thingy, fell on top of the burnet.
“Seems your clumsy,” the fox joked, trying to get up.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, ma’am,” the mysterious girl answered trying to help Foxx dust off.
“It’s nothing, really. And please, call me Foxx instead of ma’am. Ma’am makes me feel old.”
“You’re name’s Foxx? Like the animal? Whose scientific name is Vulpes?”
“No, it’s different, somewhat. It’s spelled F-O-X-X, not F-O-X. And….um….what should I call you?
“Nice name, though, I’m afraid you’re the first one with the name I’ve meet.”
“Really? Uh, buy your outfit, you look like a Goth. Are you one?”
“Seems I am. You look like a book worm, but I’m not jumping to any conclusion.”
“I am a book worm. I don’t want to be, it’s just that I’ve grown to love books. They’ve taught me so much more then class rooms. Like, I can already tell something about someone before I great them.”
“Like for me, the Goth thing, right?”
“Not only that, that you’re the only one to befriend Damien,” Stacie whispered Foxx, but she didn’t hear what it was, “That’s the most I’ve heard him talk….and laugh. He’s usually quiet.”
“Hm…Well, I’ve brightened someone’s day, eh?”
“Actually, two, I guess. You see, you’re the first one that I ever have talked to.”
“What about your friends?”
‘Sound like someone you know, Foxx?’
“What about me? I’m not a friend?”
“I guess….if you want to be with a book worm.”
“Hey, I’m the new kid, and the new kid’s always weird, aren’t they?”
“Oh, also, I’ve noted that you’re an orphan, right?”
“Uh….how’d you….?”
“I just know. Creepy, huh?”
“Stacie, if you’ve been, seen, touched, and felt what/where I’ve been and touched, that is not scary.”
“Thanks. Oh, and I’m sorry for eavesdropping on your conversation with Damien. I didn’t mean to.”
“I don’t blame you, I eavesdrop all the time. I don’t see why you should be sorry, you should be glad. I had no clue.”
“Uh….by the way, are you a….½ demon? I know most are dead, but are you?”
“Yea, so? It’s weird having a ½ demon at school?”
“No. So, you have a wolf demon self, right?”
“Wow. You know about that fast.”
“Um…does your species name the demon?”
“We name them with the Japanese demon names, like for my demon, Makami. Translated into your language, Wolf Demon.”
“Amazing. You guys are very smart, too. How come your running from Justin?”
“He’s BOFH.”
“Tell me about it.”
“He’s only known me for 3 hours and 36 minutes and he’s already asked me out. We aren’t even friends. I don’t even know if he’s like me. Most likely, he’s not.”
“He should do three things. KISS, and FFS, FOD.”
“Haha! Damian is right, you are funny.”
“I try not to be.”
“Oop, here comes the BOFH.”
The burnet ran off to one side, then just noticed that it was a dead end.
‘Oh noes. Oh, EoL!’
She heard some sneakers stop, “Have you’ve been trying to avoid me for some reason, Foxx?”
She turned her eyes to him, with her normal look for him. Cold. “Why don’t you just stay away from me……dork?”
“Hm….let’s not call each other by names.”
The girl looked to the right and left of him. Stacie on the left, Damian on the right.
“What do you mean ‘call each other by names?’ I wasn’t calling you by a name….I was saying the truth.”
The jock closed in on her and boxed her in. “Then, I can call you foxy, huh?”
“Get out of my face….BOFH. BTW, Damian and I were talking[/i]. Nothing more, nothing less…..and becoming friends. That’s not what me and you are.”
“Aw, so you finally want I have in store for you if we date?”
“You’re thinking of dating when we’re not even acquaintances? Wack-o and Sick-o.”
The girl got out of their, confidence over her head, but she didn’t show it.
To Be Continued…


Comments (2)

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ktp14 on August 29, 2006, 12:23:42 PM

ktp14 on
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monkey_banana_smoothie on August 30, 2006, 10:16:21 AM

monkey_banana_smoothie on
monkey_banana_smoothieYea...but, the reason he's goth is because of parents and that. Foxx is through seeing a massacare made by her friend, Iteco, and that....ITECO A MEANIE!! lol :D
Foxx: must...kill....Iteco....and....squirrels....*takes out giant ax**crazy look*

Foxx: HERE'S FOXX!!! >:D
MBS: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!*jumps out near by window onto Fire who as in backyard*
Fire: Get...the