Chapter 11 - Episode 11
Submitted March 16, 2007 Updated May 9, 2007 Status Incomplete | A new fic based on the old cartoon. With the new box set, I had to do something, and I've been wanting to do it anyway. So, no Floating Island, just the Freedom Fighters vs. Doctor R. Classic!
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 11 - Episode 11
Chapter 11 - Episode 11
Sonic’s family was re-united. Sally was genuinely happy for them, it gave her hope that she’d find her father some day. Antoine was happy with Linda. Rotor and Bunnie had taken to keeping Ekyt company, because he was always alone otherwise. Linda still took shots at him. He didn’t respond anymore.
“Hey, c’mon, it’s just a dumb girl!” Rotor told Ekyt. “Uh, present company an exception.” He added hastily to Bunnie. “No offense taken Sugah, ah know what ya’ll meant.” She turned to Ekyt. “Ya’ll should talk to Sally. She’s a really nice girl, easy to talk to. She always has her hair in a bunch over Sonic, ah do declah, that girl…” “The last thing she needs is my problems on her mind.” Ekyt said. He had a way of ending conversations like that. It wasn’t always intentional. “She’d want to know man.” Rotor assured him.
Knock knock. “Come in.” Sally answered. “Princess, do you have a moment?” Ekyt asked. “Sure.” Sally said amiably. “What, you want to ruin her life now too?” Linda snarled. “You know the story as well as I do Linda. I’m not going to apologize again, you already know how I feel about it.” Ekyt said flatly. “Please, just give us a few minutes.” Turning to Ekyt, Sally spoke again. “What’s up?”
Ekyt: Princess, I know I haven’t earned any trust yet…
Sally: I think you have. I don’t have guards escorting you around. You can always come to me.
Ekyt: Thank you. I’d like your permission to go on a solo mission to Robotropolis. A recon mission.
Sally: It’s dangerous…
Ekyt: I know. But it’s something I have to do. Besides, I’m not affected by robotication. I’m out best chance to learn more, at the least risk. It’s a safe bet that she wouldn’t miss me… (Refering to Linda)
Sally: (Putting her hand on his shoulder) Just give her time. Bunnie, Rotor, Tails, and Sonic all seem to like you. You have friends here. But if this is really what you feel you need to do…
Ekyt: (bows his head) I do Princess…
Sally: Please, call me Sally. The only royalty out here is Mother Nature. You have my permission…on ONE condition…
Ekyt: Name it, your maje- Sally.
Sally: Take Nicole (Her computer, roughly the size of a pocket calculator) and use her to help.
Ekyt: Agreed. Sally…Is there any way I could…be something else?
Sally: What do you mean?
Ekyt: I don’t want to be human…
Sally: Put that out of your mind. If you weren’t human, you’d have been roboticized.
Ekyt: Maybe it’s a better fate that MY curse…
Sally: I’ll have Rotor and Uncle Chuck look into it…But think about it first…
Ekyt: I will. Thank you. I’ll leave right now, and I’ll be back tomorrow, at 0600.
Sally: Best of luck.
Ekyt met a swatbot on the way to Robotropolis. With the past events weighing on his mind, Ekyt walked up to the swatbot. “Scrap.” He muttered. His newly reinforced staff bashed the robot. A surveillance bot flew by. Ekyt dove into a pile of scrap until it flew over. “Nicole?” “Yes?” “Please display Robotropolis map, sector Alpha-10.” “Processing…I’m sorry, no data exists.” “Hmm…Nicole, can you take in the surroundings, create a map? Sally could use this…” Nicole did just that. “Map of Robotropolis estimated completed: 40%.” “Thank you.”
“Yo Sal!” The telltale sonicboom told of Sonic’s arrival. “Yes Sonic?” “What’s this I hear about him getting a solo mission?” “Sonic…you’re jealous!” she said, smiling. “Moui? Jealous? No way! Jealousy is was past uncool, and if there’s one thing I’m not, it uncool. What’s he up to?” “Reconnaisance.” “Reconi-what?” Sally sighed. “Looking around, finding stuff.” “Okay, just say so!” Sally put a hand to her head.
“Nicole, show sewer line to the control center please.” “Map displayed.” A holographic, 3D map popped out in front of Ekyt. He traced a path. “Nicole, please display command center.” A red dot flashed. “What’s the quickest Route?” Ekyt asked. A blue line showed the way. “Thanks Nicole.” Ekyt climbed up a maintenance shaft and made his way to the command center.
“Snively!” Robotnik boomed. “Yes, sir?” “Are the plans for the “master race” ready? “Yes sir! I have the working prototype here!” Ekyt lay in the duct. “Nicole, tape this!” he hissed to her. “It’s an autonomous, portable roboticizer. In other words, it will act on it’s own, roboticizing as it moves.” “Excellent. Snively, I think we have our first test subject.” The duct suddenly gave way. Ekyt crashed to the floor.
“Sally-girl, ah think Ah’m the reason he all but bolted!” Bunnie started. “Bunnie, he…” “Ah told him Ah wasn’t in love with him! Ah broke his little-ole’ heart!” “Bunnie, please, just…” “Ah’m going after him, taint nothin’ that’ll stop me!” “BUNNIE! HE’S ON A MISSION!” Sally yelled. “Mah stahs…and I just said…” Sally sat down next to her. “Even it if isn’t love, you’re a friend to him. He was in here earlier, and that means more to him than you can understand.”
“It’s him again! You’re almost as annoying as that hedgehog!” “Blow it out your ear `Buttnik!” Ekyt retorted. “Amusing…Get him!” The roboticizer looked like a TV monitor (From the old Sonic games- NG). It formed a gun at one end. Ekyt ran for it. “ALL SWATBOTS, PURSUE INTRUDER, SECTOR ALPHA-1!”
Sonic walked toward Tails. “Okay little bro, where am I?” A blindfolded Tails pointed at Sonic. “Great job little guy!” “Will I be a Freedom Fighter soon Sonic?” Tails asked hopefully. “At this rate, you’ll be one in no time!” “Wow! I can’t wait! I gonna get mean old Robotnik!” He jumped in the air, his Tails spinning. “I think you’re ready to go on a mission with me. Tell ya what, I’ll talk to Sal. You go get to bed, okay?” “Okay Sonic.”
It was 5:00 am. Ekyt ran for it, knowing he had an hour left to get back to Knothole. CLANG! He hit a swatbot. Another took it’s place. Then another. Then another. And so on. Ekyt was surrounded. He sized up the situation. The portable roboticizer jumped and landed in the center. Ekyt dug his staff into the ground and vaulted over the swatbots. “Fire!” Snively commanded. The beam from the Roboticizer hit Ekyt in the back, turning his gracefully leap into a fall. He landed hard. He held out his hand. It weird. It looked okay. He felt under his mask. What he felt made his blood run cold. He got up and turned, furious. He batted the roboticizer with his staff, sending it flying into three of the swatbots. He jumped forward, kicking one swatbot with a dropkick. He rolled over once he hit the ground and swept his staff out. That knocked down the last swatbot. He grabbed Snively. Picking him up by his shirt, Ekyt snarled “I’ll make you pay for what that did to me.” He lifted up his mask. Snively gasped with horror. Ekyt threw him backwards. “If you ever cross my path again, I’d suggest you run. Or beg for mercy, you might get lucky.” Ekyt tugged his mask (It’s a hard plastic mask, not a ski mask –NG) back down over his face, his rage burning inside him.
“Halt! Who is to be going thair?” Antoine called. He was on guard duty. “Me.” Ekyt answered. Antoine, still smarting over their duel, called back. “I am being so sorry. I cannot let you pass, you are not welcome heeere.” “I’d move Antoine.” Ekyt said, his voice carrying anger that made Antoine shiver. “We ‘ave move-ed. Eef you were really part of zee Freedom Fighters, you would ‘ave known of zee plans, mes amis!” Ekyt, his fuse short after the roboticizer, shoved Antoine into the pond. “Next time, move!” He marched toward Sally’s hut.
“Come in!” Sally called. It was six am sharp. “Ekyt! Did it go well?” “Yes Sally.” Ekyt answered stiffly. Too stiffly. “Nicole, display events for the last twenty minutes. “Princess, that isn’t…” Sally’s eyes grew with horror. “I’m so sorry Ekyt.” She said. “It’s my own fault. I got information on what got me, and mapped out part of Robotropolis.” “Let me see the wound.” “You don’t want too…” “Bunnie, if you please.” “Ah’m sorry about this sugah…” Bunnie held his arms behind his back as Sally lifted his mask. “My God…I’ve never seen anything like this.” Ekyt stopped struggling. Bunnie sat down hard, shocked. Ekyt felt his face. A burn under his right eye. He didn’t get the fuss. He was just mad that he was burned. It mattered to Bunnie and Sally apparently. Sally looked okay. “I never should have let you go on that mission…” “For the gain, it was worth it.” Ekyt told her firmly. “I doesn’t matter what I look like.” He looked at his other hand. A cut in the center of the back of his hand dripped blood. Ekyt made a big move (well, for him). He hugged Bunnie. “Are you okay?” “Sugah, it’s YOU that should be upset…” “I’m fine. I’ll heal.” Bunnie wiped a tear away. “Ah’m sorry. It’ just, ya’ll have such a raw deal…” “Then that makes two of us.” Ekyt stated. “Someday, you’ll be deroboticized. The burn will heal…” “Ekyt…” “You’re beautiful, even roboticized!” Ekyt said hastily, and it was the truth. “No…I mean, the burn is gone!”
“Hey, c’mon, it’s just a dumb girl!” Rotor told Ekyt. “Uh, present company an exception.” He added hastily to Bunnie. “No offense taken Sugah, ah know what ya’ll meant.” She turned to Ekyt. “Ya’ll should talk to Sally. She’s a really nice girl, easy to talk to. She always has her hair in a bunch over Sonic, ah do declah, that girl…” “The last thing she needs is my problems on her mind.” Ekyt said. He had a way of ending conversations like that. It wasn’t always intentional. “She’d want to know man.” Rotor assured him.
Knock knock. “Come in.” Sally answered. “Princess, do you have a moment?” Ekyt asked. “Sure.” Sally said amiably. “What, you want to ruin her life now too?” Linda snarled. “You know the story as well as I do Linda. I’m not going to apologize again, you already know how I feel about it.” Ekyt said flatly. “Please, just give us a few minutes.” Turning to Ekyt, Sally spoke again. “What’s up?”
Ekyt: Princess, I know I haven’t earned any trust yet…
Sally: I think you have. I don’t have guards escorting you around. You can always come to me.
Ekyt: Thank you. I’d like your permission to go on a solo mission to Robotropolis. A recon mission.
Sally: It’s dangerous…
Ekyt: I know. But it’s something I have to do. Besides, I’m not affected by robotication. I’m out best chance to learn more, at the least risk. It’s a safe bet that she wouldn’t miss me… (Refering to Linda)
Sally: (Putting her hand on his shoulder) Just give her time. Bunnie, Rotor, Tails, and Sonic all seem to like you. You have friends here. But if this is really what you feel you need to do…
Ekyt: (bows his head) I do Princess…
Sally: Please, call me Sally. The only royalty out here is Mother Nature. You have my permission…on ONE condition…
Ekyt: Name it, your maje- Sally.
Sally: Take Nicole (Her computer, roughly the size of a pocket calculator) and use her to help.
Ekyt: Agreed. Sally…Is there any way I could…be something else?
Sally: What do you mean?
Ekyt: I don’t want to be human…
Sally: Put that out of your mind. If you weren’t human, you’d have been roboticized.
Ekyt: Maybe it’s a better fate that MY curse…
Sally: I’ll have Rotor and Uncle Chuck look into it…But think about it first…
Ekyt: I will. Thank you. I’ll leave right now, and I’ll be back tomorrow, at 0600.
Sally: Best of luck.
Ekyt met a swatbot on the way to Robotropolis. With the past events weighing on his mind, Ekyt walked up to the swatbot. “Scrap.” He muttered. His newly reinforced staff bashed the robot. A surveillance bot flew by. Ekyt dove into a pile of scrap until it flew over. “Nicole?” “Yes?” “Please display Robotropolis map, sector Alpha-10.” “Processing…I’m sorry, no data exists.” “Hmm…Nicole, can you take in the surroundings, create a map? Sally could use this…” Nicole did just that. “Map of Robotropolis estimated completed: 40%.” “Thank you.”
“Yo Sal!” The telltale sonicboom told of Sonic’s arrival. “Yes Sonic?” “What’s this I hear about him getting a solo mission?” “Sonic…you’re jealous!” she said, smiling. “Moui? Jealous? No way! Jealousy is was past uncool, and if there’s one thing I’m not, it uncool. What’s he up to?” “Reconnaisance.” “Reconi-what?” Sally sighed. “Looking around, finding stuff.” “Okay, just say so!” Sally put a hand to her head.
“Nicole, show sewer line to the control center please.” “Map displayed.” A holographic, 3D map popped out in front of Ekyt. He traced a path. “Nicole, please display command center.” A red dot flashed. “What’s the quickest Route?” Ekyt asked. A blue line showed the way. “Thanks Nicole.” Ekyt climbed up a maintenance shaft and made his way to the command center.
“Snively!” Robotnik boomed. “Yes, sir?” “Are the plans for the “master race” ready? “Yes sir! I have the working prototype here!” Ekyt lay in the duct. “Nicole, tape this!” he hissed to her. “It’s an autonomous, portable roboticizer. In other words, it will act on it’s own, roboticizing as it moves.” “Excellent. Snively, I think we have our first test subject.” The duct suddenly gave way. Ekyt crashed to the floor.
“Sally-girl, ah think Ah’m the reason he all but bolted!” Bunnie started. “Bunnie, he…” “Ah told him Ah wasn’t in love with him! Ah broke his little-ole’ heart!” “Bunnie, please, just…” “Ah’m going after him, taint nothin’ that’ll stop me!” “BUNNIE! HE’S ON A MISSION!” Sally yelled. “Mah stahs…and I just said…” Sally sat down next to her. “Even it if isn’t love, you’re a friend to him. He was in here earlier, and that means more to him than you can understand.”
“It’s him again! You’re almost as annoying as that hedgehog!” “Blow it out your ear `Buttnik!” Ekyt retorted. “Amusing…Get him!” The roboticizer looked like a TV monitor (From the old Sonic games- NG). It formed a gun at one end. Ekyt ran for it. “ALL SWATBOTS, PURSUE INTRUDER, SECTOR ALPHA-1!”
Sonic walked toward Tails. “Okay little bro, where am I?” A blindfolded Tails pointed at Sonic. “Great job little guy!” “Will I be a Freedom Fighter soon Sonic?” Tails asked hopefully. “At this rate, you’ll be one in no time!” “Wow! I can’t wait! I gonna get mean old Robotnik!” He jumped in the air, his Tails spinning. “I think you’re ready to go on a mission with me. Tell ya what, I’ll talk to Sal. You go get to bed, okay?” “Okay Sonic.”
It was 5:00 am. Ekyt ran for it, knowing he had an hour left to get back to Knothole. CLANG! He hit a swatbot. Another took it’s place. Then another. Then another. And so on. Ekyt was surrounded. He sized up the situation. The portable roboticizer jumped and landed in the center. Ekyt dug his staff into the ground and vaulted over the swatbots. “Fire!” Snively commanded. The beam from the Roboticizer hit Ekyt in the back, turning his gracefully leap into a fall. He landed hard. He held out his hand. It weird. It looked okay. He felt under his mask. What he felt made his blood run cold. He got up and turned, furious. He batted the roboticizer with his staff, sending it flying into three of the swatbots. He jumped forward, kicking one swatbot with a dropkick. He rolled over once he hit the ground and swept his staff out. That knocked down the last swatbot. He grabbed Snively. Picking him up by his shirt, Ekyt snarled “I’ll make you pay for what that did to me.” He lifted up his mask. Snively gasped with horror. Ekyt threw him backwards. “If you ever cross my path again, I’d suggest you run. Or beg for mercy, you might get lucky.” Ekyt tugged his mask (It’s a hard plastic mask, not a ski mask –NG) back down over his face, his rage burning inside him.
“Halt! Who is to be going thair?” Antoine called. He was on guard duty. “Me.” Ekyt answered. Antoine, still smarting over their duel, called back. “I am being so sorry. I cannot let you pass, you are not welcome heeere.” “I’d move Antoine.” Ekyt said, his voice carrying anger that made Antoine shiver. “We ‘ave move-ed. Eef you were really part of zee Freedom Fighters, you would ‘ave known of zee plans, mes amis!” Ekyt, his fuse short after the roboticizer, shoved Antoine into the pond. “Next time, move!” He marched toward Sally’s hut.
“Come in!” Sally called. It was six am sharp. “Ekyt! Did it go well?” “Yes Sally.” Ekyt answered stiffly. Too stiffly. “Nicole, display events for the last twenty minutes. “Princess, that isn’t…” Sally’s eyes grew with horror. “I’m so sorry Ekyt.” She said. “It’s my own fault. I got information on what got me, and mapped out part of Robotropolis.” “Let me see the wound.” “You don’t want too…” “Bunnie, if you please.” “Ah’m sorry about this sugah…” Bunnie held his arms behind his back as Sally lifted his mask. “My God…I’ve never seen anything like this.” Ekyt stopped struggling. Bunnie sat down hard, shocked. Ekyt felt his face. A burn under his right eye. He didn’t get the fuss. He was just mad that he was burned. It mattered to Bunnie and Sally apparently. Sally looked okay. “I never should have let you go on that mission…” “For the gain, it was worth it.” Ekyt told her firmly. “I doesn’t matter what I look like.” He looked at his other hand. A cut in the center of the back of his hand dripped blood. Ekyt made a big move (well, for him). He hugged Bunnie. “Are you okay?” “Sugah, it’s YOU that should be upset…” “I’m fine. I’ll heal.” Bunnie wiped a tear away. “Ah’m sorry. It’ just, ya’ll have such a raw deal…” “Then that makes two of us.” Ekyt stated. “Someday, you’ll be deroboticized. The burn will heal…” “Ekyt…” “You’re beautiful, even roboticized!” Ekyt said hastily, and it was the truth. “No…I mean, the burn is gone!”
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alchemest1 on August 10, 2007, 8:30:57 PM
alchemest1 on