Chapter 3 - The Game Begins...
Submitted May 19, 2007 Updated August 23, 2007 Status Incomplete | The Story: A Mini-Series for my fan char, Ekyt. I'll continue this if people like it. The Game: This is based on the game, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), released for the Xbox360 and Playstaion 3.
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 3 - The Game Begins...
Chapter 3 - The Game Begins...
“The fortune teller? I met her…your fortune sounds exactly like mine.” “Yes, it does…please, there is something you aren’t telling me…I need to know…why are you here?” Elise asked Ekyt. Ekyt sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I mentioned that I’m an outcast in my world. I could never be a hero there. I came here to clear my head. It just happened that whackbag attacked you that same day.” Elise nodded. Ekyt had admitted to himself that she was beautiful. No one would say otherwise. She seemed to have a fascination with him. “Ekyt…What pain is she talking about? I…don’t want to see any of my subjects in pain.” She said hastily. “The fortune told all. I have a high tolerance for pain. It probably means that I’m going to do something risky to be the good guy.” Ekyt admitted. “It involves me…I know it does…and our fortunes…they’re exactly alike…that’s not coincidence. It said that we…like each other.” Ekyt nodded. Elise hugged him suddenly. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to see you in pain, especially if it means that you and I won’t be…” Elise restrained herself. “I’m sorry. It’s all this stress…” Ekyt nodded. “Elise…I don’t know what to think. Except for…you could do better than me…” Elise couldn’t believe he had just said that.
“That doesn’t mean that I’m not in love with you.” Ekyt gave her a shy smile, and blushed heavily. He had never had to say that before. Elise gave him a strange look, before breaking into one of her tell-tale smiles. “If it’s okay…if only once…before whatever this is happens…” Ekyt wasn’t sure where she was coming from. She leaned toward him. Huh? I can’t be reading this right…What girl could want me? And did I really say I was in love with her? And what is going to cause me pain? Elise leaned forward and kissed him. Eventually, word reached his shock-numbed brain and he managed to kiss back. She wrapped her arms around him amazed at how thin he was. He managed to make his arms work and hug her back. It was such a nice change, having someone want him…no matter how cool the movies made being a loner seem…that all seemed to vanish as their lips met.
The kiss lasted longer than either one expected. There was a good reason for that: As the kiss ended, Elise seemed a little light-headed. Ekyt gently took hold of her gloved hand and led her to a bench. “Are you alright?” he asked her. “Yes…I’m sorry…that…was…my first kiss…” “Mine too.” Ekyt admitted. Elise suddenly became very interested in the grass. “Tomorrow is…the ceremony…the Soleanna New Years day…C-Could you come with me?” “I’d be honored Princess.” It had gotten dark. “Would you mind escorting me home?” Elise asked shyly. “No problem.” “So, where do you live?” Ekyt laughed. “I’m sorry…it’s just really different…look below you.” Elise looked down to see a sewer grate. “You poor thing! I can’t believe that!” “I chose it Princess. I’ve always had to be secretive and alone…so I naturally picked the one place no one would go…”
“Miss Elise?” She looked up and shook her head. “Sorry, I’m fine.” She held the torch to the center of a pedestal. It went ablaze, as the crowd cheered. A hand was on Elise’s shoulder. “Congratulation, my Princess.” Ekyt said, smiling at her. One of the “Soleanna boys” gave him a look. Ekyt shrugged. Elise smiled to the crowd.
All of a sudden, robots appeared on all sides. People screamed and ran, some stood frozen to the spot, staring. A huge air ship descended. “Greeting Princess…My name is Doctor Eggman. You have something I need…” Ekyt’s staff swung out, cracking robots aside. He stepped in front of Elise. “A Doctor? You? Of what? Do you research diets? You need one fat boy. Leave the Princess alone. She has nothing you need.” Eggman titled his head toward Ekyt. CRACK! “Ugh!” Ekyt fell to the ground, his shoulder bleeding heavily. A bullet was lodged in his collarbone. Elise knelt next to him and pulled it out. “You evil monster!”
A blue wind raced through, destroying the robots. “No! It’s that blasted hedgehog again!” Sonic the Hedgehog ran up. He scooped up Elise. “We’ve gotta get out of here!” “Wait, what about him?” Elise pointed. Thanks for everything Ekyt. Please take care of yourself. I’ll never forget you. She knew that this was the pain and the end of her first love. It might sound cruel, but she wasn’t sad. At least she had time to admit how she felt. Somehow, the blue hedgehog holding her was THE one… “Linda can take care of him. I hope he’s alright…”
Linda, a pretty deep-pink echidna saw the human struggling to his knees using his staff. “Hold on.” Ekyt looked over at her. His heart skipped a beat. So this is what the fortune teller meant…Elise met that hedgehog…and now I’m meeting this girl…she was right. Best of luck Elise…and thank you…for everything… “I’m alright.” Ekyt assured the girl. “You could’ve fooled me! You’ve got a hole in you, and you’re gushing blood…I hate to ask this, but please let me have your shirt. If that keeps bleeding, you’re in trouble. From the way you fought, we might need you.” The echidna girl smiled kindly as Ekyt shrugged out his shirt with great difficulty. She tied it around his shoulder. The echidna girl was deep-pink in color, and she had purple bangs. With her black vest, white shirt, and black boots, she looked like a tough girl. She grabbed his hand to help him up. Right there, Ekyt could tell she could be feminine when she needed to be. “You were in love with her, weren’t you.” The girl echidna asked him. “I was. But it wasn’t supposed to last.” Ekyt told her everything. He couldn’t believe it. At the end, Linda hugged him. “I figured out what the fortune means.” “I think I have too.” Ekyt said, a small smile crossing his face. “Thanks for saving me. I would’ve bled to death if you hadn’t fixed my arm.”
Elise and Sonic collapsed in a field, exhausted from the run. Elise looked worried. Sonic put a hand on her chin. “Elise…smile.” She did. The two kissed.
Linda stared at his muscular chest for a moment. That was out of character for her. She never had time for boys. But this boy seemed…special. And physical attributes weren’t the first things she had noticed about him. But it didn’t hurt either…
Ekyt couldn’t believe that he had loved, lost, and loved again all in a matter of days. Linda was beautiful, but that wasn’t the first thing he noticed about her. But it didn’t hurt either…
“I-I…” Linda sat him down gently. “Can I kiss you?” she asked, shyly. “Huh?” “I’m sorry, it just sounded right…Please, forget I said…” “No. It’s not that. I’d- I’d like that very much…” She ran a hand down his chest before she slid her arms around his back. He mimicked her movement, with one arm, his left arm hanging by his side. When the kiss happened, the pain dulled. Linda looked at him, surprised to see his reaction. “Even though I was told about you ahead of time…I’m just shocked that you could care about me…I know you could do better than me…”
Ekyt: Elise, can I kiss you?
Elise: Uh, I don’t know, You live in a sewer…
Ekyt: TAKE 2!
Ekyt: Elise, can I kiss you?
Ekyt: 0_0 Um, no, I didn’t.
Ekyt: Take your downers spunky!
Ekyt: Elise, can I kiss you?
Elise: (Leans forward)
Ekyt: Hey, a dollar!
Elise: (Falls down)
Ekyt: Sorry, but I can buy awesome stuff with a dollar!
Elise: Buy a brain, you dumb @$$!
Ekyt: Elise, can I kiss you?
Elise: (Leans forward) Oh, come one man! Heard of mints?!
Sonic: We’ve gotta get out of here (drops Elise into the water)
Sonic: Crap…
Sonic: Hang on Elise, we’ve gotta get out of here!
Elise: Alright, you hunk o’ hedgehog! (Hits his butt)
Sonic: Huh?
Elise: What, it’s just an ad-lib. You gotta try new stuff.
Sonic: (Drops her in water)
“That doesn’t mean that I’m not in love with you.” Ekyt gave her a shy smile, and blushed heavily. He had never had to say that before. Elise gave him a strange look, before breaking into one of her tell-tale smiles. “If it’s okay…if only once…before whatever this is happens…” Ekyt wasn’t sure where she was coming from. She leaned toward him. Huh? I can’t be reading this right…What girl could want me? And did I really say I was in love with her? And what is going to cause me pain? Elise leaned forward and kissed him. Eventually, word reached his shock-numbed brain and he managed to kiss back. She wrapped her arms around him amazed at how thin he was. He managed to make his arms work and hug her back. It was such a nice change, having someone want him…no matter how cool the movies made being a loner seem…that all seemed to vanish as their lips met.
The kiss lasted longer than either one expected. There was a good reason for that: As the kiss ended, Elise seemed a little light-headed. Ekyt gently took hold of her gloved hand and led her to a bench. “Are you alright?” he asked her. “Yes…I’m sorry…that…was…my first kiss…” “Mine too.” Ekyt admitted. Elise suddenly became very interested in the grass. “Tomorrow is…the ceremony…the Soleanna New Years day…C-Could you come with me?” “I’d be honored Princess.” It had gotten dark. “Would you mind escorting me home?” Elise asked shyly. “No problem.” “So, where do you live?” Ekyt laughed. “I’m sorry…it’s just really different…look below you.” Elise looked down to see a sewer grate. “You poor thing! I can’t believe that!” “I chose it Princess. I’ve always had to be secretive and alone…so I naturally picked the one place no one would go…”
“Miss Elise?” She looked up and shook her head. “Sorry, I’m fine.” She held the torch to the center of a pedestal. It went ablaze, as the crowd cheered. A hand was on Elise’s shoulder. “Congratulation, my Princess.” Ekyt said, smiling at her. One of the “Soleanna boys” gave him a look. Ekyt shrugged. Elise smiled to the crowd.
All of a sudden, robots appeared on all sides. People screamed and ran, some stood frozen to the spot, staring. A huge air ship descended. “Greeting Princess…My name is Doctor Eggman. You have something I need…” Ekyt’s staff swung out, cracking robots aside. He stepped in front of Elise. “A Doctor? You? Of what? Do you research diets? You need one fat boy. Leave the Princess alone. She has nothing you need.” Eggman titled his head toward Ekyt. CRACK! “Ugh!” Ekyt fell to the ground, his shoulder bleeding heavily. A bullet was lodged in his collarbone. Elise knelt next to him and pulled it out. “You evil monster!”
A blue wind raced through, destroying the robots. “No! It’s that blasted hedgehog again!” Sonic the Hedgehog ran up. He scooped up Elise. “We’ve gotta get out of here!” “Wait, what about him?” Elise pointed. Thanks for everything Ekyt. Please take care of yourself. I’ll never forget you. She knew that this was the pain and the end of her first love. It might sound cruel, but she wasn’t sad. At least she had time to admit how she felt. Somehow, the blue hedgehog holding her was THE one… “Linda can take care of him. I hope he’s alright…”
Linda, a pretty deep-pink echidna saw the human struggling to his knees using his staff. “Hold on.” Ekyt looked over at her. His heart skipped a beat. So this is what the fortune teller meant…Elise met that hedgehog…and now I’m meeting this girl…she was right. Best of luck Elise…and thank you…for everything… “I’m alright.” Ekyt assured the girl. “You could’ve fooled me! You’ve got a hole in you, and you’re gushing blood…I hate to ask this, but please let me have your shirt. If that keeps bleeding, you’re in trouble. From the way you fought, we might need you.” The echidna girl smiled kindly as Ekyt shrugged out his shirt with great difficulty. She tied it around his shoulder. The echidna girl was deep-pink in color, and she had purple bangs. With her black vest, white shirt, and black boots, she looked like a tough girl. She grabbed his hand to help him up. Right there, Ekyt could tell she could be feminine when she needed to be. “You were in love with her, weren’t you.” The girl echidna asked him. “I was. But it wasn’t supposed to last.” Ekyt told her everything. He couldn’t believe it. At the end, Linda hugged him. “I figured out what the fortune means.” “I think I have too.” Ekyt said, a small smile crossing his face. “Thanks for saving me. I would’ve bled to death if you hadn’t fixed my arm.”
Elise and Sonic collapsed in a field, exhausted from the run. Elise looked worried. Sonic put a hand on her chin. “Elise…smile.” She did. The two kissed.
Linda stared at his muscular chest for a moment. That was out of character for her. She never had time for boys. But this boy seemed…special. And physical attributes weren’t the first things she had noticed about him. But it didn’t hurt either…
Ekyt couldn’t believe that he had loved, lost, and loved again all in a matter of days. Linda was beautiful, but that wasn’t the first thing he noticed about her. But it didn’t hurt either…
“I-I…” Linda sat him down gently. “Can I kiss you?” she asked, shyly. “Huh?” “I’m sorry, it just sounded right…Please, forget I said…” “No. It’s not that. I’d- I’d like that very much…” She ran a hand down his chest before she slid her arms around his back. He mimicked her movement, with one arm, his left arm hanging by his side. When the kiss happened, the pain dulled. Linda looked at him, surprised to see his reaction. “Even though I was told about you ahead of time…I’m just shocked that you could care about me…I know you could do better than me…”
Ekyt: Elise, can I kiss you?
Elise: Uh, I don’t know, You live in a sewer…
Ekyt: TAKE 2!
Ekyt: Elise, can I kiss you?
Ekyt: 0_0 Um, no, I didn’t.
Ekyt: Take your downers spunky!
Ekyt: Elise, can I kiss you?
Elise: (Leans forward)
Ekyt: Hey, a dollar!
Elise: (Falls down)
Ekyt: Sorry, but I can buy awesome stuff with a dollar!
Elise: Buy a brain, you dumb @$$!
Ekyt: Elise, can I kiss you?
Elise: (Leans forward) Oh, come one man! Heard of mints?!
Sonic: We’ve gotta get out of here (drops Elise into the water)
Sonic: Crap…
Sonic: Hang on Elise, we’ve gotta get out of here!
Elise: Alright, you hunk o’ hedgehog! (Hits his butt)
Sonic: Huh?
Elise: What, it’s just an ad-lib. You gotta try new stuff.
Sonic: (Drops her in water)
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Flashthehedgehog on May 21, 2007, 12:20:46 AM

alchemest1 on May 20, 2007, 8:15:30 AM
alchemest1 on
Orelin on May 20, 2007, 6:34:59 AM
Orelin on