Chapter 11 - Right Answer
Submitted May 19, 2007 Updated August 23, 2007 Status Incomplete | The Story: A Mini-Series for my fan char, Ekyt. I'll continue this if people like it. The Game: This is based on the game, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), released for the Xbox360 and Playstaion 3.
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 11 - Right Answer
Chapter 11 - Right Answer
“Apparently, that was the wrong answer.” Ekyt muttered. “Don’t take it to heart kiddo, she was surprised. Give her time.” Rouge advised. “Oh, I intend to. I plan to get the hell out of here.” Rouge took out a file, sharpening her fangs. “I’m a vampire bat kid. Once Sonic or Shadow catches you, I’m going to bite you on the neck. We’ll see how far you run with me sucking the life out of you.” She smiled in such a friendly way that Ekyt couldn’t tell if she was serious or not. “I have a better idea; one that will work out for both of us…” “I’m listening, handsome.” Rouge said, floating in a relaxed position. “Alright, here’s my plan…”
“Elise, are you okay?” Sonic asked. “Oh, Sonic, I’m fine. I was just worried about Ekyt and Linda. He kissed her, and I know that’s what she’s been wanting, but she’s so confused…”
Ekyt listened for the right pose. “Ready Rouge?” “Ready kiddo. But be gentle. Don’t scratch my million dollar assets.”
The door burst open. “Hello, your majest!” Ekyt said brightly. He had Rouge around the neck, her arms tied behind her back and her wings tied together. “Ekyt? What is…I.” “I’m leaving. You wouldn’t want me to have to hurt this poor girl would you.” Rouge was looking at Sonic and winking. Sonic winked back and jumped across the table, into Ekyt. Rouge burst free of her “bindings.” “Nice try, but I can’t let you go.” Ekyt cursed. “I have all the respect in the world for you Sonic, but if you try to stop me…” Ekyt suddenly jumped out the window, hitting the pavement running top speed. Sonic jumped after him.
“Why do you want to leave now?! I thought things were settled!” “They are! Linda isn’t interested in me; and she was the only reason to stay. Now, I’m getting out of here!” “Think about it first. Do you really want to leave somewhere so peaceful?” “I like my life insane, not boring as all get-out!” Ekyt yelled to Sonic, who was gaining. “Me too, but even I like Soleanna! With Eggman around, life won’t get dull anytime soon!” “With Elise by your side, your life won’t get dull either. Me, I’m going the route I had always gone before. Like Foreigner so poinently sang: “I’m a loner but I’m never alone! Every night I take one step closer to the danger zone!””
The mirror was in site. So were the two hedgehog’s blocking his path. “For the love of- Will you leave me alone?” Ekyt made a U-Turn, deciding to pick a different mirror. Shadow’s chaos control put him in front of that mirror too. This time, Ekyt kept running. Shadow used his chaos spear attack, which drew three slashed across Ekyt’s chest. Already angry, that pushed Ekyt over the edge. He dove on Shadow, putting an arm across his neck. “Never screw with me. Ultimate Life Form or not, I’ll put you down…” “Is that so? Well then, feel free to bring it on!”
Ekyt was seized by Silver’s telekinesis. He struggled effortlessly, finally giving up. “Fine. You caught me…again. Why don’t you ask the princess to lock me in the dungeon.” Ekyt asked sarcastically. “Well bud, we’d have to find some charges…” “Let me out to do some then!” Ekyt shouted at Sonic. “Let’s see, I’ve done kidnapping (Rouge, even though she was a willing hostage), bribery, since I paid Rouge to go along with that scheme, extortion, from robots, need that gold. So, cuff ‘em in irons?” (That one was for you Flash! Lol!)
“Why would you want to do that? You know I care for your safety.” Ekyt remained stoic. “Well your majesty, if you want to make sure I stay here, the only way to do that is to lock me up. Go for it, I won’t resist. At least I’ll get some peace and solitude.”
SHHHCLING! The heavy iron door slammed in Ekyt’s face. “Good riddance, you bribe-takin’, donut-suckin’ trigger happy, fatass fuzzball, P.I.G.” Ekyt snarled at guard. “What’d you say?” “Are you deaf AND dumb? You play the role very well.” Ekyt shot back. He wouldn’t have said that if he didn’t hate this particular guard. He had gotten in Ekyt’s face a few times. Not something the kid took kindly too.
Linda felt her cheek, where he had kissed her. “I ran off on him? Did I actually do that? He must hate me! I’ve got to find him!”
“He’ll be in there, Ma’am.” Linda walked in to find Ekyt lounging on a cot, not seeming to care about much of anything. “There you are!” she said, with a sigh of relief. “The new place suits me.” Ekyt muttered, looking at the gray cinderblock walls. “Listen, I’ve come to tell you that…well, come here…”
She kissed him on the cheek. “You DID have the right answer.” (Reference to last issue)
“Elise, are you okay?” Sonic asked. “Oh, Sonic, I’m fine. I was just worried about Ekyt and Linda. He kissed her, and I know that’s what she’s been wanting, but she’s so confused…”
Ekyt listened for the right pose. “Ready Rouge?” “Ready kiddo. But be gentle. Don’t scratch my million dollar assets.”
The door burst open. “Hello, your majest!” Ekyt said brightly. He had Rouge around the neck, her arms tied behind her back and her wings tied together. “Ekyt? What is…I.” “I’m leaving. You wouldn’t want me to have to hurt this poor girl would you.” Rouge was looking at Sonic and winking. Sonic winked back and jumped across the table, into Ekyt. Rouge burst free of her “bindings.” “Nice try, but I can’t let you go.” Ekyt cursed. “I have all the respect in the world for you Sonic, but if you try to stop me…” Ekyt suddenly jumped out the window, hitting the pavement running top speed. Sonic jumped after him.
“Why do you want to leave now?! I thought things were settled!” “They are! Linda isn’t interested in me; and she was the only reason to stay. Now, I’m getting out of here!” “Think about it first. Do you really want to leave somewhere so peaceful?” “I like my life insane, not boring as all get-out!” Ekyt yelled to Sonic, who was gaining. “Me too, but even I like Soleanna! With Eggman around, life won’t get dull anytime soon!” “With Elise by your side, your life won’t get dull either. Me, I’m going the route I had always gone before. Like Foreigner so poinently sang: “I’m a loner but I’m never alone! Every night I take one step closer to the danger zone!””
The mirror was in site. So were the two hedgehog’s blocking his path. “For the love of- Will you leave me alone?” Ekyt made a U-Turn, deciding to pick a different mirror. Shadow’s chaos control put him in front of that mirror too. This time, Ekyt kept running. Shadow used his chaos spear attack, which drew three slashed across Ekyt’s chest. Already angry, that pushed Ekyt over the edge. He dove on Shadow, putting an arm across his neck. “Never screw with me. Ultimate Life Form or not, I’ll put you down…” “Is that so? Well then, feel free to bring it on!”
Ekyt was seized by Silver’s telekinesis. He struggled effortlessly, finally giving up. “Fine. You caught me…again. Why don’t you ask the princess to lock me in the dungeon.” Ekyt asked sarcastically. “Well bud, we’d have to find some charges…” “Let me out to do some then!” Ekyt shouted at Sonic. “Let’s see, I’ve done kidnapping (Rouge, even though she was a willing hostage), bribery, since I paid Rouge to go along with that scheme, extortion, from robots, need that gold. So, cuff ‘em in irons?” (That one was for you Flash! Lol!)
“Why would you want to do that? You know I care for your safety.” Ekyt remained stoic. “Well your majesty, if you want to make sure I stay here, the only way to do that is to lock me up. Go for it, I won’t resist. At least I’ll get some peace and solitude.”
SHHHCLING! The heavy iron door slammed in Ekyt’s face. “Good riddance, you bribe-takin’, donut-suckin’ trigger happy, fatass fuzzball, P.I.G.” Ekyt snarled at guard. “What’d you say?” “Are you deaf AND dumb? You play the role very well.” Ekyt shot back. He wouldn’t have said that if he didn’t hate this particular guard. He had gotten in Ekyt’s face a few times. Not something the kid took kindly too.
Linda felt her cheek, where he had kissed her. “I ran off on him? Did I actually do that? He must hate me! I’ve got to find him!”
“He’ll be in there, Ma’am.” Linda walked in to find Ekyt lounging on a cot, not seeming to care about much of anything. “There you are!” she said, with a sigh of relief. “The new place suits me.” Ekyt muttered, looking at the gray cinderblock walls. “Listen, I’ve come to tell you that…well, come here…”
She kissed him on the cheek. “You DID have the right answer.” (Reference to last issue)
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Flashthehedgehog on June 16, 2007, 8:39:19 PM

nextguardian on June 17, 2007, 12:39:32 PM
nextguardian on
alchemest1 on June 16, 2007, 6:56:34 PM
alchemest1 on