Chapter 29 - A Huge Mistake
Submitted May 19, 2007 Updated August 23, 2007 Status Incomplete | The Story: A Mini-Series for my fan char, Ekyt. I'll continue this if people like it. The Game: This is based on the game, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), released for the Xbox360 and Playstaion 3.
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 29 - A Huge Mistake
Chapter 29 - A Huge Mistake
Ekyt and his students stood at attention as Linda, the new Master, walked by. She had to adopt a surname for the occasion. She didn’t remember hers, since she had been orphaned for years. She took on the surname “Ushiro”, which could be derived from Sukuto in terms of origin. It was usually given to a first-born son, but as a surname, it was acceptable.
Ekyt noticed her chosen “retainer” was Hagakure. Immediately, he was the “statue” again, though everyone thought it was out of respect. The Master went to their respective students, offering encouragement and wisdom. Linda looked out of place, Ekyt thought. He didn’t think it with contempt. But he realized how much of a shock it had to be for her, her life suddenly changing out of nowhere. If further shocked him how deep her training had run.
Out of all of them, Ekyt was the only one not wearing a belt, due to his…unconventional training. He had skipped most of the basics, while learning black-belt level work. But he had never gotten the black belt. So his rank couldn’t be determined. He was accepted as a sensei, without question. He watched Linda approach his students, all of whom seemed to sense Ekyt’s problem. That or that big mouth Hagakure told them about our conversation… he thought, his eyes glancing at the sky.
“And how are you?” Linda asked. Ekyt was still looking at the sky. She had seen that look before. She put a hand gently on his shoulder. Ekyt swiftly drew his dagger, forgetting that Linda was there. “Sorry.” He quickly apologized. “I’m fine, thanks.” He added at her worried look. “Uh-huh. So, care to explain why you pulled a knife on me just now?” Ekyt winced inwardly. “Reflex reaction, my nerves are on edge.” Linda put her hands on her hips. “Riiiight. That’s why you’re staring at the sky.” “It’s calming.” He said by way of explanation. Linda agreed. “Let’s talk for a moment, Hagakure can watch your” “No.” he spoke the singe word with more force than he meant. He looked at them over his shoulder. “Chakaro, you’re in charge. Remember what I said.” Linda raised a sardonic eyebrow, but said nothing. “The tournament is for them. He’s been wanting a taste of leadership.” Ekyt muttered. Linda and him walked away.
The warm hug they had shared seemed like years ago. Now there was a cold void between them, it seemed. From Ekyt’s perspective. Linda, it seemed, had taken his words to heart. The “Don’t worry about it, I’m not upset” part had been a lie, utter crap, but Ekyt still had his humanity in him, however hard he tried to rid himself of the stigma of being “just human.” He cared about her. He would shoulder THIS burden alone.
“Hey! That guy wants to fight!” Utsugi snarled, drawing his dagger. “Hey, you know what Ekyt-Sensei said!” Kayla protested, grabbing his wrist. “Oh, come on, he’s not really a sensei. And he HAS to say that. Let’s ask our “fearless leader” what HE thinks.” Chakaro wasn’t one to talk much, but when he did, it had impact! “I think we should do what he said.” Utsugi, always quickest to draw, either didn’t hear him or ignored him, because he took off.
“Ekyt, come on! We’ve talked about this, right? We were both okay with seeing other people!” “As soon as I find that “other person” I’ll agree. I don’t blame you. If the attraction wasn’t there, it wasn’t there. Right now, I’m responsible for these kids.” Ekyt tossed a glance over his shoulder.
“You’re gonna pay!” Utsugi yelled, running incredibly quick toward the “offending” student, who clearly had no idea what the problem was. But he drew his weapon anyway. Suddenly, a knife flew in and landed in Utsugi’s path. He looked to see where it came from.
“You wouldn’t be thinking of attacking, would you Utsugi?” Ekyt’s calm voice reached Utsugi’s ears. “He baited me sensei!” “He did nothing of the kind.” Ekyt strode over, nodding at the offending group’s sensei. When the nod was returned, Ekyt pulled his knife out of the ground. “Now, what made you think that attacking was a good idea? What do you know about your enemy?” “N-Nothing.” Utsugi stammered. Ekyt stood up. “Sensei, look out!” The other sensei and his group had taken the small distraction as a chance to attack.
Chakaro darted ahead of the group. Ekyt mentally noted that he was taking responsibility. Good quality. In a way, we was looking forward to seeing how his kids would do. Utsugi was the youngest, but strongest. Kayla was the smartest, and the middle. Chakaro was the oldest, but least experienced. He and Kayla were both fifteen, and at times showed their frustration with Utsugi and his actions.
Now was one of those times. Ekyt and the other sensei stared at each other. “Let the kids go at it?” the other sensei offered, peace of power sign showing his sincerity. “Why not? Good luck.” Ekyt called back, as he and the sensei stepped away. Their two three-man teams clashed.
Chakaro stepped in front of Kayla, reading the attack. Utsugi had no such premonition; he wanted the action. Kayla didn’t push past, but asked Chakaro to help him. He nodded, leaping ahead, his leg twisting out into a side-kick, which struck another student high on the chest. Using that as momentum, he sprung upwards, dodging a knife attack. The stray attack was heading for the masters.
Ekyt and the other sensei nodded to each other, both taking off. The smaller Phillipino man whose student threw the errant knife drew his own knife. He threw, hitting the metal at precisely the right point, knocking it to the ground. It clattered to one of the master’s feet. He wasn’t a man you wanted to mess with. He quickly took aim with the knife, throwing in a strike that wasn’t going to miss.
Chakaro saw the knife flying toward his enemy. “Hey! Heads up!” he called. The kid turned and had a deer-caught-in-headlights look. Chakaro thrust his hand out, aiming to slow it. To his surprise, he found the knife resting between his fingers.
The Phillipino sensei was having angry words with the master who threw the knife. Ekyt broke up the fight, telling them to “Wait until the tournament starts!”
Kayla and Chakaro threw Utsugi a look of disgust. He returned it with a scowl, muttering “I’m the only one who defends the honor of this school.” That was a mistake. Ekyt turned on his heel and faced him. “Ustugi, as skilled as you are, you should know that you are NOT the only one defending this school. What you did would have done more harm than good, had it not been stopped. An innocent student nearly lost his life because you couldn’t wait an hour until the tournament started.” “What concern of that is mine? They are the enemy.” Ekyt shook his head. Linda walked over at that point. “Utsugi, you are dismissed.” She said, leaving no room for argument. He glared at her, then stalked away.
“Dismissed? Wasn’t that a little…harsh?” Ekyt questioned. “Not when he’s representing my school. Keep them on a tight leash, okay?” Linda asked. She was Hagakure and went off to hold council with him. Ekyt’s fist tightened. They were going to win this tournament. If they didn’t…
“Ekyt-sensei?” Ekyt heard Kayla’s quiet, shy voice calling him. “Yes Kayla?” “Is everything alright? Is Utsugi gone?” “Yes, I’m afraid so. The Master dismissed him because…her own reasons.” Smiling shyly, she giggled “You and Master Ushiro were close, weren’t you?” Ekyt almost allowed a look of shock to penetrate his face. Then he laughed. “You’re sharp Kayla. In a way, we were. We still are, in another way. But, no, we were never dating.” He said, looking at the sky. “Kayla…who would you recommend to replace Utsugi?” he asked suddenly. “Well…I don’t know…” Ekyt knew she was just being shy. “I would pick you.” Ekyt’s brow furrowed. “Me? I’m not eligi-…” Ekyt’s thought was cut short. He WASN’T a sensei on the traditional meaning…he was still, technically, a student… “That’s a good idea, very astute. But it wouldn’t be fair…” Kayla nodded. “I’m sorry sensei. I can’t read your thoughts, but I know this tournament means a lot to you. I-if yo-you need to t-t-talk…” she gestured vaguely and left.
“Okay, we’re down to three of us. That’s not necessarily a disadvantage.” Ekyt told them. “We can move quicker and more stealthily. And our numbers aren’t too far off, so the “strength in numbers” theory is gone. But we still have to be careful, be on our guards…” Ekyt was talking to his team near the entrance of the first test. The ice course. “Put on your jackets, and don’t stay still too long, unless we have a fire or some other means of keeping warm.” Ekyt had pulled his old coat out of storage, thanking God it was a trench coat of the right color. Chakaro and Kayla nodded, both pulling on their silver and white jackets, and white gloves. Boots that matched were added, secured tightly.
“Here we go. Run to the first checkpoint, watch for my signal.” Ekyt told them. They ran inside the frozen wasteland. Ekyt pointed with two fingers to a snowdrift. They ran to it and dove, keeping their heads down. Ekyt pointed to a tree. Chakaro shimmied up it in the blink of an eye. He was barely visible above the snow-topped Pine.
Evidently, someone saw him. Ekyt motioned for Kayla to stay still and watch Chakaro. He crawled around the snow bank, chancing a look around. A throwing star whizzed toward him, forcing him to dodge away. “Kayla, they don’t know where you are. Stay down, for now. Chakaro and I are going to return fire.” Ekyt nodded his head toward Chakaro, who tossed a knife lazily in the air. Just before it hit the ground, he threw another, this one much harder. They heard a cry of pain as it struck home. “Wait for them to make their move, don’t throw just yet. Kayla, watch my back.” “Gladly!” She said, a little too loud. “Huh?” Ekyt turned. “I said “Okay!”” she said, blushing.
Ekyt shrugged. He hadn’t heard what she’d said, and it was likely “Okay.” He saw the wounded warrior down. He was wearing a light blue. “School of Ice…They’re plotting an ambush, it would seem…Clever…but not quite the usual standard…” He was hoping his words would draw the other two into the open.
Chakaro fell down beside Kayla. “Did I just hear you say something about Sensei having a nice back?” he ask, a hint of mischievous tones in his voice. “Isn’t he cu…I mean, of course not! He’s our teacher, get your mind out of the gutter Chakaro!” Chakaro looked over the snow bank again. “Interesting…he’s flushing them out…they’re actually biting…get ready…” Kayla nodded.
“So, a spy. What is your intention with our wounded?” A rough-looking young man asked Ekyt. “I want to bandage his wound. It’s not fatal, if that’s what you’re wondering.” “Was it your group who attacked us?” another demanded. Ekyt raised his eyebrows. “Sorry, you’ll need a little more tact than that if you want info.” The kid raised a dagger. “How’s THIS for tact?” Ekyt punched him in the face, offhand. “Not enough.” “C’mon, let’s just waste him. We know he’s leading SOMEONE…” “How do we know? He could be an older student. He’s not wearing a belt, or a headband…” Ekyt grinned. “Maybe I’m on your side…Mercenaries ARE legal…why would I care about your wounded otherwise?” Ekyt said. “He’s got a point Yori…can you offer us proof of where your loyalties lie?” Ekyt nodded. “Stay here. I’ll bring you a prisoner. I caught one…There’s another on the loose, I saw him…I think he’s called “Utsugi.”
Ekyt ran back over to his team. “I’m going to wave them over. Be ready to attack, blunt weapons.” He said. Chakaro shook his head. “That’s not a good idea sensei. They won’t trust you. We need a way to get their wounded, as leverage.” Ekyt looked thoughtful, the nodded. “Okay. Kayla, what about you?” She had been staring blankly at him. “Kayla?” he asked gently. “I’m fine! I think we should go with your plan!” Ekyt looked over at Chakaro, who raised his eyebrows, laughing silently. “Okay. Chakaro, what do you suggest?” “I say you go bandage their wounded. Then, distract them while Kayla and I sneak up and hit them.” “Good idea, normally.” Ekyt said. “Why not now?” Chakaro wanted to know. “Because they’re coming over. Quick, Kayla, tie me up! Chakaro, be ready to slice me free.” Kayla nodded. “Wait sensei…we have to make it look like a struggle…” Ekyt nodded. “I trust you…hit me.” Ekyt told him. He pulled his gloves off and cut his shirt open, just enough to show the cut across his chest. Kayla made a small sound. Ekyt looked at her again. “I sat on a rock.” She said.
Ekyt made a sound of muffled surprise, as he let a pair of hands drag him down. “They’re coming…” Chakaro muttered. “Ice school? Of course, we WOULD face them on their home field…” Kayla was humming slightly. Sensei is sooo hot! He would melt the snow! She had to suppress another giggle. Chakaro threw her an amused look. “Throw me out there.” Ekyt whispered. They did.
“Yori did you hear…” Ekyt’s apparently unconscious form landed at their feet. “Oh wow! Someone did a number on him, look at that cut!” “Mind your own first.” Chakaro was behind them, a knife at Yori’s throat. “Now put the knife down, gently!” he ordered. Yori’s friend did, looking for an opening. “I wouldn’t do that!” Kayla whispered. She kicked low, knocking his legs out, then dove on top and hit him on the temple. “Okay, we give up! We give up! Don’t kill us!”
Ekyt and his crew stood up as the tournament’s proctor came over. “Two points for victory, One for no injuries, One for speed.” He announced. Four points out of five, not bad. If they hadn’t wounded the other guy, it would have been five out of five.
They walked back outside, peeling off their extra layers. Linda was waiting, with Hagakure. “How did you do?” she asked. “Four out of five.” Ekyt said, almost too fast.
Kayla stared at Ekyt. She sighed. Chakaro walked over. “Funny. You used to do that to me.” When Kayla didn’t smile back, Chakaro shrugged. “You might have a chance with him, you know.” “What do you mean? He’s out of my league!” Chakaro wagged a finger. “Maybe not Kayla. He’s only 18, for starters. Second, I know he’s single. Third…you’re adorable.” It had been a poorly-kept secret that Chakaro had feelings for Kayla. “Thanks Chakaro! You’re so sweet!”
“Ekyt, you sound like you lost!” Linda exclaimed. They had dropped the formality, and were talking as friends now. “My students did well enough…I’m more concerned about my peformance.” “What do you mean?” Ekyt took a deep breath. “I already admitted my feelings for you. I haven’t lost them, no matter what I pretend.” “Ekyt-sensei!” Kayla ran over. “Kayla? Are you okay?” She kissed him. He backed up, looking at Linda. “Kayla? What are you thinking?!” Linda shouted. “Back off, he’s mine now!” she called. Ekyt shook his head, denying that vehemently. She pulled out two daggers, forcing Linda to do the same. “C’mon, this is ridiculous!” Hagaukure ran toward Ekyt and slashed. Ekyt dodged backwards, drawing his own dagger. “What the hell is going on?!” Ekyt shouted.
Linda was taking on Kayla, not a fight Kayla was likely to win. Linda was a warrior, Kayla was too, but more of a perky cheerleader-type. Hagakure attacked Ekyt. “Listen, I don’t blame you! But I didn’t do this!” “You told her you still loved her! You told me it was okay!” “I’m only clearing the air!” “You’re no sensei you fraud!” Hagakure screamed, leaping close and stabbing down. Ekyt blocked upward. “Listen to me! She’s with you! I’m not taking her away! Think about what you’re doing!” Ekyt shouted back.
“You dog, you had your chance with my sensei!” Kayla shouted. “Kayla, I understand, I really do! But you’ve got to calm down and think this through!” Linda told her.
Several knives sailed toward them. “Enough of this!” Chakaro was standing on a tree branch, kneeling. “Look at you. Two of you attacking your sensei’s, when they’ve done nothing wrong! Kayla, when I said you had a chance with him, I didn’t mean to french him! We’ve got at least three more days, let’s hold it together.”
“He’s right.” Linda said. “Ekyt, you were right to talk to me. Hagakure, thank you for defending me, but I assure you, Ekyt is no predator. Kayla, I understand your feelings, but you can’t manifest them by attacking others. Now, let’s form a union, right now.”
Ekyt offered his hand to Hagakure. He took it, shaking gently. Then he clamped down. His knife stabbed down. Ekyt moved his hand away, putting the young man in an armbar. Then he felt a hot pain in his leg, and saw a knife sticking out of it. He pulled it out and threw it away. He tightened the arm bar, wrenching Hagakure, who grunted and tried to fight Ekyt off. Ekyt swept his legs and heel-stomped him on the arm, knocking out the nerve center.
Kayla apologized to Linda. “I’m sorry Linda…I’ve just been so lonely since my parents died…And he was alone too…I can read emotions, and I knew why he was upset…he really loves you.” She said. “Kayla, it’s okay. But let’s not attack each other anymore. We’ll forget this happened. Okay?”
Ekyt motioned Chakaro over. “Chakaro, you’ve been the voice of reason this entire time. You get to lead the next mission, the plains.”
The plains were dangerous, to be sure. But with teammates attacking each other, and shaky alliances being formed, Ekyt realized that things were about to get worse…
Student Name Reference:
Chakaro Takami
Utsugi Pong-ai
Kayla Donalds
Ekyt noticed her chosen “retainer” was Hagakure. Immediately, he was the “statue” again, though everyone thought it was out of respect. The Master went to their respective students, offering encouragement and wisdom. Linda looked out of place, Ekyt thought. He didn’t think it with contempt. But he realized how much of a shock it had to be for her, her life suddenly changing out of nowhere. If further shocked him how deep her training had run.
Out of all of them, Ekyt was the only one not wearing a belt, due to his…unconventional training. He had skipped most of the basics, while learning black-belt level work. But he had never gotten the black belt. So his rank couldn’t be determined. He was accepted as a sensei, without question. He watched Linda approach his students, all of whom seemed to sense Ekyt’s problem. That or that big mouth Hagakure told them about our conversation… he thought, his eyes glancing at the sky.
“And how are you?” Linda asked. Ekyt was still looking at the sky. She had seen that look before. She put a hand gently on his shoulder. Ekyt swiftly drew his dagger, forgetting that Linda was there. “Sorry.” He quickly apologized. “I’m fine, thanks.” He added at her worried look. “Uh-huh. So, care to explain why you pulled a knife on me just now?” Ekyt winced inwardly. “Reflex reaction, my nerves are on edge.” Linda put her hands on her hips. “Riiiight. That’s why you’re staring at the sky.” “It’s calming.” He said by way of explanation. Linda agreed. “Let’s talk for a moment, Hagakure can watch your” “No.” he spoke the singe word with more force than he meant. He looked at them over his shoulder. “Chakaro, you’re in charge. Remember what I said.” Linda raised a sardonic eyebrow, but said nothing. “The tournament is for them. He’s been wanting a taste of leadership.” Ekyt muttered. Linda and him walked away.
The warm hug they had shared seemed like years ago. Now there was a cold void between them, it seemed. From Ekyt’s perspective. Linda, it seemed, had taken his words to heart. The “Don’t worry about it, I’m not upset” part had been a lie, utter crap, but Ekyt still had his humanity in him, however hard he tried to rid himself of the stigma of being “just human.” He cared about her. He would shoulder THIS burden alone.
“Hey! That guy wants to fight!” Utsugi snarled, drawing his dagger. “Hey, you know what Ekyt-Sensei said!” Kayla protested, grabbing his wrist. “Oh, come on, he’s not really a sensei. And he HAS to say that. Let’s ask our “fearless leader” what HE thinks.” Chakaro wasn’t one to talk much, but when he did, it had impact! “I think we should do what he said.” Utsugi, always quickest to draw, either didn’t hear him or ignored him, because he took off.
“Ekyt, come on! We’ve talked about this, right? We were both okay with seeing other people!” “As soon as I find that “other person” I’ll agree. I don’t blame you. If the attraction wasn’t there, it wasn’t there. Right now, I’m responsible for these kids.” Ekyt tossed a glance over his shoulder.
“You’re gonna pay!” Utsugi yelled, running incredibly quick toward the “offending” student, who clearly had no idea what the problem was. But he drew his weapon anyway. Suddenly, a knife flew in and landed in Utsugi’s path. He looked to see where it came from.
“You wouldn’t be thinking of attacking, would you Utsugi?” Ekyt’s calm voice reached Utsugi’s ears. “He baited me sensei!” “He did nothing of the kind.” Ekyt strode over, nodding at the offending group’s sensei. When the nod was returned, Ekyt pulled his knife out of the ground. “Now, what made you think that attacking was a good idea? What do you know about your enemy?” “N-Nothing.” Utsugi stammered. Ekyt stood up. “Sensei, look out!” The other sensei and his group had taken the small distraction as a chance to attack.
Chakaro darted ahead of the group. Ekyt mentally noted that he was taking responsibility. Good quality. In a way, we was looking forward to seeing how his kids would do. Utsugi was the youngest, but strongest. Kayla was the smartest, and the middle. Chakaro was the oldest, but least experienced. He and Kayla were both fifteen, and at times showed their frustration with Utsugi and his actions.
Now was one of those times. Ekyt and the other sensei stared at each other. “Let the kids go at it?” the other sensei offered, peace of power sign showing his sincerity. “Why not? Good luck.” Ekyt called back, as he and the sensei stepped away. Their two three-man teams clashed.
Chakaro stepped in front of Kayla, reading the attack. Utsugi had no such premonition; he wanted the action. Kayla didn’t push past, but asked Chakaro to help him. He nodded, leaping ahead, his leg twisting out into a side-kick, which struck another student high on the chest. Using that as momentum, he sprung upwards, dodging a knife attack. The stray attack was heading for the masters.
Ekyt and the other sensei nodded to each other, both taking off. The smaller Phillipino man whose student threw the errant knife drew his own knife. He threw, hitting the metal at precisely the right point, knocking it to the ground. It clattered to one of the master’s feet. He wasn’t a man you wanted to mess with. He quickly took aim with the knife, throwing in a strike that wasn’t going to miss.
Chakaro saw the knife flying toward his enemy. “Hey! Heads up!” he called. The kid turned and had a deer-caught-in-headlights look. Chakaro thrust his hand out, aiming to slow it. To his surprise, he found the knife resting between his fingers.
The Phillipino sensei was having angry words with the master who threw the knife. Ekyt broke up the fight, telling them to “Wait until the tournament starts!”
Kayla and Chakaro threw Utsugi a look of disgust. He returned it with a scowl, muttering “I’m the only one who defends the honor of this school.” That was a mistake. Ekyt turned on his heel and faced him. “Ustugi, as skilled as you are, you should know that you are NOT the only one defending this school. What you did would have done more harm than good, had it not been stopped. An innocent student nearly lost his life because you couldn’t wait an hour until the tournament started.” “What concern of that is mine? They are the enemy.” Ekyt shook his head. Linda walked over at that point. “Utsugi, you are dismissed.” She said, leaving no room for argument. He glared at her, then stalked away.
“Dismissed? Wasn’t that a little…harsh?” Ekyt questioned. “Not when he’s representing my school. Keep them on a tight leash, okay?” Linda asked. She was Hagakure and went off to hold council with him. Ekyt’s fist tightened. They were going to win this tournament. If they didn’t…
“Ekyt-sensei?” Ekyt heard Kayla’s quiet, shy voice calling him. “Yes Kayla?” “Is everything alright? Is Utsugi gone?” “Yes, I’m afraid so. The Master dismissed him because…her own reasons.” Smiling shyly, she giggled “You and Master Ushiro were close, weren’t you?” Ekyt almost allowed a look of shock to penetrate his face. Then he laughed. “You’re sharp Kayla. In a way, we were. We still are, in another way. But, no, we were never dating.” He said, looking at the sky. “Kayla…who would you recommend to replace Utsugi?” he asked suddenly. “Well…I don’t know…” Ekyt knew she was just being shy. “I would pick you.” Ekyt’s brow furrowed. “Me? I’m not eligi-…” Ekyt’s thought was cut short. He WASN’T a sensei on the traditional meaning…he was still, technically, a student… “That’s a good idea, very astute. But it wouldn’t be fair…” Kayla nodded. “I’m sorry sensei. I can’t read your thoughts, but I know this tournament means a lot to you. I-if yo-you need to t-t-talk…” she gestured vaguely and left.
“Okay, we’re down to three of us. That’s not necessarily a disadvantage.” Ekyt told them. “We can move quicker and more stealthily. And our numbers aren’t too far off, so the “strength in numbers” theory is gone. But we still have to be careful, be on our guards…” Ekyt was talking to his team near the entrance of the first test. The ice course. “Put on your jackets, and don’t stay still too long, unless we have a fire or some other means of keeping warm.” Ekyt had pulled his old coat out of storage, thanking God it was a trench coat of the right color. Chakaro and Kayla nodded, both pulling on their silver and white jackets, and white gloves. Boots that matched were added, secured tightly.
“Here we go. Run to the first checkpoint, watch for my signal.” Ekyt told them. They ran inside the frozen wasteland. Ekyt pointed with two fingers to a snowdrift. They ran to it and dove, keeping their heads down. Ekyt pointed to a tree. Chakaro shimmied up it in the blink of an eye. He was barely visible above the snow-topped Pine.
Evidently, someone saw him. Ekyt motioned for Kayla to stay still and watch Chakaro. He crawled around the snow bank, chancing a look around. A throwing star whizzed toward him, forcing him to dodge away. “Kayla, they don’t know where you are. Stay down, for now. Chakaro and I are going to return fire.” Ekyt nodded his head toward Chakaro, who tossed a knife lazily in the air. Just before it hit the ground, he threw another, this one much harder. They heard a cry of pain as it struck home. “Wait for them to make their move, don’t throw just yet. Kayla, watch my back.” “Gladly!” She said, a little too loud. “Huh?” Ekyt turned. “I said “Okay!”” she said, blushing.
Ekyt shrugged. He hadn’t heard what she’d said, and it was likely “Okay.” He saw the wounded warrior down. He was wearing a light blue. “School of Ice…They’re plotting an ambush, it would seem…Clever…but not quite the usual standard…” He was hoping his words would draw the other two into the open.
Chakaro fell down beside Kayla. “Did I just hear you say something about Sensei having a nice back?” he ask, a hint of mischievous tones in his voice. “Isn’t he cu…I mean, of course not! He’s our teacher, get your mind out of the gutter Chakaro!” Chakaro looked over the snow bank again. “Interesting…he’s flushing them out…they’re actually biting…get ready…” Kayla nodded.
“So, a spy. What is your intention with our wounded?” A rough-looking young man asked Ekyt. “I want to bandage his wound. It’s not fatal, if that’s what you’re wondering.” “Was it your group who attacked us?” another demanded. Ekyt raised his eyebrows. “Sorry, you’ll need a little more tact than that if you want info.” The kid raised a dagger. “How’s THIS for tact?” Ekyt punched him in the face, offhand. “Not enough.” “C’mon, let’s just waste him. We know he’s leading SOMEONE…” “How do we know? He could be an older student. He’s not wearing a belt, or a headband…” Ekyt grinned. “Maybe I’m on your side…Mercenaries ARE legal…why would I care about your wounded otherwise?” Ekyt said. “He’s got a point Yori…can you offer us proof of where your loyalties lie?” Ekyt nodded. “Stay here. I’ll bring you a prisoner. I caught one…There’s another on the loose, I saw him…I think he’s called “Utsugi.”
Ekyt ran back over to his team. “I’m going to wave them over. Be ready to attack, blunt weapons.” He said. Chakaro shook his head. “That’s not a good idea sensei. They won’t trust you. We need a way to get their wounded, as leverage.” Ekyt looked thoughtful, the nodded. “Okay. Kayla, what about you?” She had been staring blankly at him. “Kayla?” he asked gently. “I’m fine! I think we should go with your plan!” Ekyt looked over at Chakaro, who raised his eyebrows, laughing silently. “Okay. Chakaro, what do you suggest?” “I say you go bandage their wounded. Then, distract them while Kayla and I sneak up and hit them.” “Good idea, normally.” Ekyt said. “Why not now?” Chakaro wanted to know. “Because they’re coming over. Quick, Kayla, tie me up! Chakaro, be ready to slice me free.” Kayla nodded. “Wait sensei…we have to make it look like a struggle…” Ekyt nodded. “I trust you…hit me.” Ekyt told him. He pulled his gloves off and cut his shirt open, just enough to show the cut across his chest. Kayla made a small sound. Ekyt looked at her again. “I sat on a rock.” She said.
Ekyt made a sound of muffled surprise, as he let a pair of hands drag him down. “They’re coming…” Chakaro muttered. “Ice school? Of course, we WOULD face them on their home field…” Kayla was humming slightly. Sensei is sooo hot! He would melt the snow! She had to suppress another giggle. Chakaro threw her an amused look. “Throw me out there.” Ekyt whispered. They did.
“Yori did you hear…” Ekyt’s apparently unconscious form landed at their feet. “Oh wow! Someone did a number on him, look at that cut!” “Mind your own first.” Chakaro was behind them, a knife at Yori’s throat. “Now put the knife down, gently!” he ordered. Yori’s friend did, looking for an opening. “I wouldn’t do that!” Kayla whispered. She kicked low, knocking his legs out, then dove on top and hit him on the temple. “Okay, we give up! We give up! Don’t kill us!”
Ekyt and his crew stood up as the tournament’s proctor came over. “Two points for victory, One for no injuries, One for speed.” He announced. Four points out of five, not bad. If they hadn’t wounded the other guy, it would have been five out of five.
They walked back outside, peeling off their extra layers. Linda was waiting, with Hagakure. “How did you do?” she asked. “Four out of five.” Ekyt said, almost too fast.
Kayla stared at Ekyt. She sighed. Chakaro walked over. “Funny. You used to do that to me.” When Kayla didn’t smile back, Chakaro shrugged. “You might have a chance with him, you know.” “What do you mean? He’s out of my league!” Chakaro wagged a finger. “Maybe not Kayla. He’s only 18, for starters. Second, I know he’s single. Third…you’re adorable.” It had been a poorly-kept secret that Chakaro had feelings for Kayla. “Thanks Chakaro! You’re so sweet!”
“Ekyt, you sound like you lost!” Linda exclaimed. They had dropped the formality, and were talking as friends now. “My students did well enough…I’m more concerned about my peformance.” “What do you mean?” Ekyt took a deep breath. “I already admitted my feelings for you. I haven’t lost them, no matter what I pretend.” “Ekyt-sensei!” Kayla ran over. “Kayla? Are you okay?” She kissed him. He backed up, looking at Linda. “Kayla? What are you thinking?!” Linda shouted. “Back off, he’s mine now!” she called. Ekyt shook his head, denying that vehemently. She pulled out two daggers, forcing Linda to do the same. “C’mon, this is ridiculous!” Hagaukure ran toward Ekyt and slashed. Ekyt dodged backwards, drawing his own dagger. “What the hell is going on?!” Ekyt shouted.
Linda was taking on Kayla, not a fight Kayla was likely to win. Linda was a warrior, Kayla was too, but more of a perky cheerleader-type. Hagakure attacked Ekyt. “Listen, I don’t blame you! But I didn’t do this!” “You told her you still loved her! You told me it was okay!” “I’m only clearing the air!” “You’re no sensei you fraud!” Hagakure screamed, leaping close and stabbing down. Ekyt blocked upward. “Listen to me! She’s with you! I’m not taking her away! Think about what you’re doing!” Ekyt shouted back.
“You dog, you had your chance with my sensei!” Kayla shouted. “Kayla, I understand, I really do! But you’ve got to calm down and think this through!” Linda told her.
Several knives sailed toward them. “Enough of this!” Chakaro was standing on a tree branch, kneeling. “Look at you. Two of you attacking your sensei’s, when they’ve done nothing wrong! Kayla, when I said you had a chance with him, I didn’t mean to french him! We’ve got at least three more days, let’s hold it together.”
“He’s right.” Linda said. “Ekyt, you were right to talk to me. Hagakure, thank you for defending me, but I assure you, Ekyt is no predator. Kayla, I understand your feelings, but you can’t manifest them by attacking others. Now, let’s form a union, right now.”
Ekyt offered his hand to Hagakure. He took it, shaking gently. Then he clamped down. His knife stabbed down. Ekyt moved his hand away, putting the young man in an armbar. Then he felt a hot pain in his leg, and saw a knife sticking out of it. He pulled it out and threw it away. He tightened the arm bar, wrenching Hagakure, who grunted and tried to fight Ekyt off. Ekyt swept his legs and heel-stomped him on the arm, knocking out the nerve center.
Kayla apologized to Linda. “I’m sorry Linda…I’ve just been so lonely since my parents died…And he was alone too…I can read emotions, and I knew why he was upset…he really loves you.” She said. “Kayla, it’s okay. But let’s not attack each other anymore. We’ll forget this happened. Okay?”
Ekyt motioned Chakaro over. “Chakaro, you’ve been the voice of reason this entire time. You get to lead the next mission, the plains.”
The plains were dangerous, to be sure. But with teammates attacking each other, and shaky alliances being formed, Ekyt realized that things were about to get worse…
Student Name Reference:
Chakaro Takami
Utsugi Pong-ai
Kayla Donalds
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alchemest1 on August 18, 2007, 4:05:40 PM
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