Chapter 32 - Hidden Anger Rising
Submitted May 19, 2007 Updated August 23, 2007 Status Incomplete | The Story: A Mini-Series for my fan char, Ekyt. I'll continue this if people like it. The Game: This is based on the game, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), released for the Xbox360 and Playstaion 3.
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 32 - Hidden Anger Rising
Chapter 32 - Hidden Anger Rising
“Chakaro, you ready? How about you Kayla?” They were both looking at Ekyt, not sure what to think. “Yes Sensei.” They said as one. “Good to hear. Let’s go.” Ekyt’s face was still covered, along with a black headband, for reasons neither student was sure off. He was dressed in a formal black gi, disdaining the hakama, saying “That pain in the @$$ skirt is hard enough to get on without a bad leg.” It was true, they had to admit, that hakamas sucked to try to put on. So many freakin’ cords and knots, it got confusing. “Oh, wait, before we go…I’ve always said medals don’t matter, but in this case…” Ekyt handed them each a gold medal. “What’s this for?” Kayla asked, genuinely confused. “You won the tournament. Didn’t anyone tell you?” “No.” Chakaro answered in wonder. How had they won, their sensei had almost been killed!
The three walked out. Well, two walked out, and one gimped out. Ekyt had a crutch propped under his arm, and bandages bulging under his gi, and you couldn’t see his face…or one eye, which had been hurt in the fight. But the eye you COULD see was beaming. Master Linda called the class to attention. “Kiotsuke!” The students all stopped their respective exercises to pay attention. “As you know, one of our instructors suffered a series of horrible injuries at the tournament. And I’m going to ask him to come forward now, and say something about it.” Ekyt, who hadn’t been expecting this, shot Linda a mock-dirty look with his eye, then gimped gamely to the center of the dojo.
“This isn’t about me. It never was. Medals mean nothing, technique is what matters…except in this case. Two students from this school defied the odds, assassination attempts, and being one team member short to win the tournament.” Applause reached Ekyt’s ears; he hoped Kayla and Chakaro had heard it too. “What about you?” one student yelled. Ekyt realized it was Harutomo, an advanced belt (Brown in this case) student who showed incredible promise. “Just a few wounds in the line duty.” Ekyt said modestly. Linda walked out again. “What he means is he nearly died defending the honor of this school…as well as my honor. It was from the brink of death he found an inner strength that enabled his to truly defy the odds and win, using techniques forbidden, save for extreme cases. These techniques carry the risk of potential death, for not only the receiver, but the person executing the move. So, with three stab wounds, a slashed stomach, and a nearly-broken leg, the honor of our school was defended successfully.” Another cheer rose. “But this isn’t about me. It’s about two of your number…well, three, actually. But for now, the first to. Kayla, Chakaro!” The two students came to the center of the dojo, standing front and center. Ekyt stood behind them, studying the class. “It is with immense happiness I present Kayla Donalds and Chakaro Takami with their black belts and promote them to “Senior Students.””
After the cheers died down, Linda spoke again. “One of your number has been chosen to join Ekyt-Sensei’s group. Whenver you’re ready Ekyt.” Ekyt limped toward the students, then pointed his crutch at Harutomo. “Do you accept Harutomo?” The stunned boy nodded. Ekyt tried, somewhat successfully, to bow to him. He returned the gesture. “Then welcome.” Ekyt directed him toward Kayla and Chakaro.
At that point, the dojo doors opened. Ekyt and his group scurried to the front. They weren’t expecting visitors, and everyone knew better than to interrupt class. That left intruders. Chakaro, Kayla, and Harutomo took defensive stances, drawing their weapons. “Hold on.”
Ekyt stepped forward and spoke some words to whoever was outside the door. “May I introduce Sensei Reian Akamatusu of the Wind School Elite, and Master Yukami, the Master of the Wind School.” Linda made her way next to Ekyt. The four bowed to each other. “What are they doing here?” was the common whisper. Juarai, Julyalya, and Kenpo stood near Ekyt’s group. “The Wind School will be participating in a “knowledge exchange” with our school. While they will tend to their duties as instructors, Sensei Akamatsu will show some techniques here, as well as open his school to anyone wishing to attend. Likewise, Sensei Ekyt will be attending the Wind School by the same token.”
Chakaro, Kayla, and now Harutomo, all spoke quietly in the corner. “I’m not letting Ekyt-Sensei go alone in his state. I’m going with him.” Harutomo said. He and Ekyt had always gotten along, but now moreso that he was elite material. “Same here. In his state, he needs us.” Chakaro agreed. “Count me in.” Kayla said brightly. “In the meantime, we have a mission.” Chakaro said, speaking even lower. “Ekyt-Sensei and Linda had something happen between them. We need to know what.” “But it’s none of our business!” Kayla argued. “You saw what happened on that mountain. There was something more there that Ekyt was defending, besides honor…”
Linda and Ekyt were sitting alone near the koi pond. This was where Master Sukuto had died, leaving Linda charge of the school. “Any luck with a cure?” Ekyt asked. Linda shook her head. “No. But you know, being human isn’t so bad. I seem to meet the bastards, yourself included, though.” She joked. It looked like her friend wasn’t in a bantering mood. “I’m sorry things got out of hand on the mountain.” He said suddenly, after a few moments of uncomfortable silence. “You saved me.” “You wouldn’t have needed saving if I hadn’t been in trouble.” Ekyt returned, tossing some shrimp to a turtle swimming around the koi pond. “That reminds me…” She put a gentle arm around his shoulders. “Thanks for the save.” She pulled down his face covering on one side so she could give him a kiss on the cheek. She put the covering back on his face. “Why d’you wear this thing?” she asked, tugging at the covering. “Oh, it’s from an anime series.” Ekyt muttered. “You’re full of crap. Now, how ‘bout you tell Master Linda the truth?” He hesitated. She could read him pretty well, much to his chagrin. “Emotions?” she asked. He nodded, slowly meeting her eyes. “Emotions are what make you who and what you are.” “Exactly. That’s my problem. I either have no emotions, or too many. Until I learn to control them, I’m going to keep them hidden.” “Boy oh boy. You never fail to amaze me.” She said, shaking her head in wonder.
At that moment, Hagakure came in. “Master, I’m here for our…” he trailed off upon seeing Ekyt. “Don’t let me stop you Hagakure, I just needed to ask her a couple questions.” Ekyt said, taking up his crutch. “You were awfully close to her to just be “asking questions.”” He said suspiciously. Ekyt’s visible eye narrowed. “If you’re accusing me of something, get on with it.” “I think you want her back. I’ll sooner slit my wrist than let you have her.” He said. “Don’t let that stop you.” Ekyt snarled. The two were inches away. “Come on, come on!” Linda forced her way between them.
“Hagakure, he was telling the truth. You can’t go leaping down the throat of everyone who comes near me.” she said, exasperated. “Isn’t that what a boyfriend is for?” he asked, a legitimate questioning tone in his voice. “Of course not.” Ekyt said, amazingly calm. “Not JUST that.” “Please, share your endless knowledge!” Hagakure challenged. “Here’s some knowledge: You are pissing me off.” Ekyt muttered. “Don’t make the mistake of threatening me, you talentless piece of crap. You had your chance, it didn’t work. Now bow out gracefully.” Hagakure shot back. “I care about her, as a friend. Who she picks as her boyfriend is her business. If it’s you, congratulations. But keep this in mind: I promised her I would protect her, no matter what. She picked you. I’m not mad about that. But what IS annoying me is the fact that you’re trying to break up my friendship with her. I’m no threat to you, when it comes to Linda anyway.” Ekyt gave him a look with his eye, clearly a warning.
The next week, Ekyt, followed by Chakaro, Harutomo, and Kayla went to the Mountain School’s dojo. When Ekyt went to the door and was negotiating their way in, his students dropped back. “We’ve got to grill him now. I heard…I heard him and Hagakure threatening each other the other day.” Kayla said in an urgent whisper. This was indeed big news. He and Linda’s boyfriend had fought? They had seen no change in their sensei, but to be fair, they could only see one eye. “Welcome!” A pretty girl answered the door, welcoming them in. Ekyt bowed and went inside, the others following his lead.
“Ekyt-Sensei, you have healed well!” Reian came over to greet them. “Reian-Sensei, I’m looking forward to this “knowledge exchange,” as the masters put it.” “I see traces of many martial arts in your style. Your hunger for martial knowledge must be insatiable.” Reian said, a grin spreading across his face. “More or less.” Ekyt said. He might have been grinning back, but his mouth wasn’t visible. “It is a true shame that we did not have a chance to show our skills at the tournament. It would have been…fun…to spar with you.” “Likewise.” “Will you be participating today, or just looking around.” “Well, that’s up to my group.” Ekyt turned around, finding only Chakaro standing behind him. With a quick glance, Ekyt found Kayla talking animatedly with another girl, and Harutomo trying some food a student had offered him. Ekyt momentarily debated on whether to call them back or not, but it clearly wasn’t a disturbance, so he didn’t say anything. “Sensei?” Ekyt turned around to see Chakaro looking stoic, like usual, but nervous at the same time. Ekyt saw why, and had to stifle a laugh.
Chakaro was fifteen. It seemed that every girl within that reasonable age had been staring at him for the last few minutes. “Enjoy it while you can Chakaro.” Ekyt said, raising his visible left eyebrow. “Why are they just…staring?” Ekyt had forgotten how shy Chakaro had been initially. Likely, he had been the same way Ekyt had been. He hadn’t met the special girl that would pull him out of his shell. Thinking about it, Ekyt realized he wasn’t out of his shell either.
“Whoa, what’s with your sensei?” The girl Kayla had been talking to pointed. “Him? Well…I don’t know. He got hurt recently, but the covered face thing came first. His right eye was hurt pretty bad, so I’m guess that’s why it’s hidden.” She answered thoughtfully. “Does he have a girlfriend?” the other girl asked, giggling. “No.” “Does he realize that hiding his face like that makes him more attractive?” “I doubt it. See, Ekyt-Sensei is kind of…clueless when it comes to girls.” She said, shrugging. “Have you kissed him?” the other girl asked. “Yeah. Well, I mean, he didn’t see it coming, actually. His face was priceless!” “Is he your boyfriend?” “No. THAT’S my boyfriend.” She pointed at Chakaro. “You’d better take a number then.” Kayla saw all the girls staring at him. “Why, those thieving doges!” she muttered, laughing, knowing full well Chakaro wouldn’t respond to them.
The Mountain School’s course was grueling. But at the end of the day, there was noticeable improvement. Ekyt grabbed a chin-up bar and propelled himself upward, managing 12 punches before he landed. Chakaro did a flip and 10 punches. “Show off.” Ekyt muttered to him. “Hey, you told me to enjoy the attention while I’ve got it. I’m just keeping it.” Ekyt chuckled, noting that “Chakaro’s Angels” were still staring at him with rapt attention.
“So, Ekyt-Sensei, how is Master Linda?” Chakaro asked, offhand. “Good, as far as I know.” Something about Ekyt’s tone got Chakaro worried. “Look, um, Ekyt-Sensei, I think I understand somewhat. I f you need someone to talk you…” “Thanks Chakaro. You’ve probably noticed most of my face covered. It’s not just injuries. I used to be stoic, much as you are now. Then I met Linda, and she got me to break out of my shell somewhat, so to speak. But we’re not…well, you get the point. So I regret it. I should never have put a love that couldn’t have worked over being a warrior.” Chakaro looked at him questioningly. “You have a chance with Kayla. Linda…is out of my league. Hell, I’m not even playing the same game. She won’t admit it, and maybe she doesn’t honestly believe it, but my guess is” “Sensei, she used to be an echidna, didn’t she?” Ekyt’s left eye narrowed. “THAT,” he said, “Is something you’ll have to take up with her. I can’t say any more about that.”
Ekyt looked out across the rainy landscape. It was a light drizzle, hardly worth the name. Ekyt walked out into it, in the middle of the big grassy field where Sonic had kissed Elise, marking a definite end to his first, incredibly brief romance. His second hadn’t even existed, he realized now. All he had left was his training. He breathed out, exhaling the bad vibes, inhaling the damp new air. He pulled his black, short-sleeved jacked into a more comfortable position. He heard someone coming. He could tell it was someone making an effort to be silent by the long, deliberate steps. His hand reached for the staff laying next to him. A knife hit the clay next to his hand, prompting him to tuck and roll forward while grabbing a knife of his own. He found Hagakure staring at him.
“We need to finish this!” he yelled, throwing another knife. “I already conceded defeat.” Ekyt said flatly. “I don’t accept that! Master Linda won’t truly be mine until YOU are dead!” He pulled out his weapons. Sai. Ekyt’s bo was too far away, so he held two daggers, one tight against his arm for blocking, the other in an attacking grip.
Battle theme: Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park
The two circled, each daring the other to attack. “You brought death upon yourself!” Hagakure called the first time their weapons met. A shower of sparks came up, a metal meeting metal came up. They fought each other, not giving an inch, before Hagakure tried to overpower Ekyt. Ekyt leapt backward, sliding slightly in the wet grass. He faked a low roundhouse, then struck high. His attempt was blocked with a flick of a sai, knocking the knife back. Ekyt’s other knife arced up, with both sai meeting it. The sai slashed forward, forcing him to do a horrible backspring, his mostly-healed wounds pulling at his skin. The sais slashed down again, forcing him to roll away. He flung his leg out, out of the sai’s reach, trying for a leg sweep. It connected. Ekyt heel-kicked the sais into the ground. Hagakure got up, forgetting his weapons. Ekyt put his knives away.
An uppercut rattled Ekyt’s head pretty good, but he blocked the second attempt with a sweeping forearm, which he turned into nose punch, hitting home seconds later. Hagakure turned his leap backwards into a spinning heel kick forward. Ekyt backed up a half-step, then executed a crescent kick, sweeping his opponents guard long enough for a snap-kick to the chest.
“STOP IT!” Linda was zipping across the field, Sonic with her. Ekyt stopped, but didn’t take his eyes of Hagakure. Good thing, because a punch came toward Ekyt’s face. Ekyt leaned back and to the side, snapping his hand across his opponents arm in a block, following through with a side kick, adding a back kick to the combo, spinning again for a roundhouse, a punch, then a front kick. He used his landing as a launch pad for his new agility. He jumped higher than usual, his foot striking Hagakure’s jaw, knocking him down. As he was going down, he struck, hitting Ekyt’s jaw in a “cutting” strike. The impact knocked them both backwards. Sonic zipped between them. “I saw the whole thing.” Ekyt saw something else.
“Look out!” he yelled, hauling Sonic to the ground as knives flew over. “I didn’t know what was worth fighting for…but I do now…” Ekyt’s anger had hit the boiling point. He kicked at Hagakure’s hand, which was reaching for more knives. He heard it break. In the same motion, he stepped hard on Hagakure’s foot, snapping most of the smaller bones. With his motion perfect, he punched him hard in the stomach, then grabbed his headband and rammed his knee into Hagakure’s head.
“Okay. That’s enough. He started it Ekyt. You were right not to trust him.” Hagakure was laying still. He sat up, grinning at Ekyt. “You fool. Have your tramp.” He threw knives at Linda’s back. Ekyt pulled her down, kneeling in front of her, then returned fire with the butt-end of a knife. It sailed in a true trajectory, then it landed hard between Hagakure’s eyes, knocking him out.
“I can’t believe it…” Linda couldn’t believe it, her boyfriend had attacked her, and the boy she had rejected had put his life at risk to save her. She still didn’t feel the same way, but decided her new protector would be her old protector. “Thank you. I’ve been a dog, and I’m really sorry.” She decided to give him a hug. Unfortunately, his back foot slipped in the mud, and she landed on top of him. “Sorry.” He muttered, the area under his visible eye turning red. “S’okay.” She continued her embrace, then pulled his headband off and kissed his forehead.
“Master!” Utsugi was kneeling before Ginn. “What have you to report?” “Ekyt has healed and is training both with Linda and at the Mountain School Elite dojo.” “Very good Utsugi. Very good indeed. It is time to plan our next strike…this time, we can’t have his students interfering…”
The three walked out. Well, two walked out, and one gimped out. Ekyt had a crutch propped under his arm, and bandages bulging under his gi, and you couldn’t see his face…or one eye, which had been hurt in the fight. But the eye you COULD see was beaming. Master Linda called the class to attention. “Kiotsuke!” The students all stopped their respective exercises to pay attention. “As you know, one of our instructors suffered a series of horrible injuries at the tournament. And I’m going to ask him to come forward now, and say something about it.” Ekyt, who hadn’t been expecting this, shot Linda a mock-dirty look with his eye, then gimped gamely to the center of the dojo.
“This isn’t about me. It never was. Medals mean nothing, technique is what matters…except in this case. Two students from this school defied the odds, assassination attempts, and being one team member short to win the tournament.” Applause reached Ekyt’s ears; he hoped Kayla and Chakaro had heard it too. “What about you?” one student yelled. Ekyt realized it was Harutomo, an advanced belt (Brown in this case) student who showed incredible promise. “Just a few wounds in the line duty.” Ekyt said modestly. Linda walked out again. “What he means is he nearly died defending the honor of this school…as well as my honor. It was from the brink of death he found an inner strength that enabled his to truly defy the odds and win, using techniques forbidden, save for extreme cases. These techniques carry the risk of potential death, for not only the receiver, but the person executing the move. So, with three stab wounds, a slashed stomach, and a nearly-broken leg, the honor of our school was defended successfully.” Another cheer rose. “But this isn’t about me. It’s about two of your number…well, three, actually. But for now, the first to. Kayla, Chakaro!” The two students came to the center of the dojo, standing front and center. Ekyt stood behind them, studying the class. “It is with immense happiness I present Kayla Donalds and Chakaro Takami with their black belts and promote them to “Senior Students.””
After the cheers died down, Linda spoke again. “One of your number has been chosen to join Ekyt-Sensei’s group. Whenver you’re ready Ekyt.” Ekyt limped toward the students, then pointed his crutch at Harutomo. “Do you accept Harutomo?” The stunned boy nodded. Ekyt tried, somewhat successfully, to bow to him. He returned the gesture. “Then welcome.” Ekyt directed him toward Kayla and Chakaro.
At that point, the dojo doors opened. Ekyt and his group scurried to the front. They weren’t expecting visitors, and everyone knew better than to interrupt class. That left intruders. Chakaro, Kayla, and Harutomo took defensive stances, drawing their weapons. “Hold on.”
Ekyt stepped forward and spoke some words to whoever was outside the door. “May I introduce Sensei Reian Akamatusu of the Wind School Elite, and Master Yukami, the Master of the Wind School.” Linda made her way next to Ekyt. The four bowed to each other. “What are they doing here?” was the common whisper. Juarai, Julyalya, and Kenpo stood near Ekyt’s group. “The Wind School will be participating in a “knowledge exchange” with our school. While they will tend to their duties as instructors, Sensei Akamatsu will show some techniques here, as well as open his school to anyone wishing to attend. Likewise, Sensei Ekyt will be attending the Wind School by the same token.”
Chakaro, Kayla, and now Harutomo, all spoke quietly in the corner. “I’m not letting Ekyt-Sensei go alone in his state. I’m going with him.” Harutomo said. He and Ekyt had always gotten along, but now moreso that he was elite material. “Same here. In his state, he needs us.” Chakaro agreed. “Count me in.” Kayla said brightly. “In the meantime, we have a mission.” Chakaro said, speaking even lower. “Ekyt-Sensei and Linda had something happen between them. We need to know what.” “But it’s none of our business!” Kayla argued. “You saw what happened on that mountain. There was something more there that Ekyt was defending, besides honor…”
Linda and Ekyt were sitting alone near the koi pond. This was where Master Sukuto had died, leaving Linda charge of the school. “Any luck with a cure?” Ekyt asked. Linda shook her head. “No. But you know, being human isn’t so bad. I seem to meet the bastards, yourself included, though.” She joked. It looked like her friend wasn’t in a bantering mood. “I’m sorry things got out of hand on the mountain.” He said suddenly, after a few moments of uncomfortable silence. “You saved me.” “You wouldn’t have needed saving if I hadn’t been in trouble.” Ekyt returned, tossing some shrimp to a turtle swimming around the koi pond. “That reminds me…” She put a gentle arm around his shoulders. “Thanks for the save.” She pulled down his face covering on one side so she could give him a kiss on the cheek. She put the covering back on his face. “Why d’you wear this thing?” she asked, tugging at the covering. “Oh, it’s from an anime series.” Ekyt muttered. “You’re full of crap. Now, how ‘bout you tell Master Linda the truth?” He hesitated. She could read him pretty well, much to his chagrin. “Emotions?” she asked. He nodded, slowly meeting her eyes. “Emotions are what make you who and what you are.” “Exactly. That’s my problem. I either have no emotions, or too many. Until I learn to control them, I’m going to keep them hidden.” “Boy oh boy. You never fail to amaze me.” She said, shaking her head in wonder.
At that moment, Hagakure came in. “Master, I’m here for our…” he trailed off upon seeing Ekyt. “Don’t let me stop you Hagakure, I just needed to ask her a couple questions.” Ekyt said, taking up his crutch. “You were awfully close to her to just be “asking questions.”” He said suspiciously. Ekyt’s visible eye narrowed. “If you’re accusing me of something, get on with it.” “I think you want her back. I’ll sooner slit my wrist than let you have her.” He said. “Don’t let that stop you.” Ekyt snarled. The two were inches away. “Come on, come on!” Linda forced her way between them.
“Hagakure, he was telling the truth. You can’t go leaping down the throat of everyone who comes near me.” she said, exasperated. “Isn’t that what a boyfriend is for?” he asked, a legitimate questioning tone in his voice. “Of course not.” Ekyt said, amazingly calm. “Not JUST that.” “Please, share your endless knowledge!” Hagakure challenged. “Here’s some knowledge: You are pissing me off.” Ekyt muttered. “Don’t make the mistake of threatening me, you talentless piece of crap. You had your chance, it didn’t work. Now bow out gracefully.” Hagakure shot back. “I care about her, as a friend. Who she picks as her boyfriend is her business. If it’s you, congratulations. But keep this in mind: I promised her I would protect her, no matter what. She picked you. I’m not mad about that. But what IS annoying me is the fact that you’re trying to break up my friendship with her. I’m no threat to you, when it comes to Linda anyway.” Ekyt gave him a look with his eye, clearly a warning.
The next week, Ekyt, followed by Chakaro, Harutomo, and Kayla went to the Mountain School’s dojo. When Ekyt went to the door and was negotiating their way in, his students dropped back. “We’ve got to grill him now. I heard…I heard him and Hagakure threatening each other the other day.” Kayla said in an urgent whisper. This was indeed big news. He and Linda’s boyfriend had fought? They had seen no change in their sensei, but to be fair, they could only see one eye. “Welcome!” A pretty girl answered the door, welcoming them in. Ekyt bowed and went inside, the others following his lead.
“Ekyt-Sensei, you have healed well!” Reian came over to greet them. “Reian-Sensei, I’m looking forward to this “knowledge exchange,” as the masters put it.” “I see traces of many martial arts in your style. Your hunger for martial knowledge must be insatiable.” Reian said, a grin spreading across his face. “More or less.” Ekyt said. He might have been grinning back, but his mouth wasn’t visible. “It is a true shame that we did not have a chance to show our skills at the tournament. It would have been…fun…to spar with you.” “Likewise.” “Will you be participating today, or just looking around.” “Well, that’s up to my group.” Ekyt turned around, finding only Chakaro standing behind him. With a quick glance, Ekyt found Kayla talking animatedly with another girl, and Harutomo trying some food a student had offered him. Ekyt momentarily debated on whether to call them back or not, but it clearly wasn’t a disturbance, so he didn’t say anything. “Sensei?” Ekyt turned around to see Chakaro looking stoic, like usual, but nervous at the same time. Ekyt saw why, and had to stifle a laugh.
Chakaro was fifteen. It seemed that every girl within that reasonable age had been staring at him for the last few minutes. “Enjoy it while you can Chakaro.” Ekyt said, raising his visible left eyebrow. “Why are they just…staring?” Ekyt had forgotten how shy Chakaro had been initially. Likely, he had been the same way Ekyt had been. He hadn’t met the special girl that would pull him out of his shell. Thinking about it, Ekyt realized he wasn’t out of his shell either.
“Whoa, what’s with your sensei?” The girl Kayla had been talking to pointed. “Him? Well…I don’t know. He got hurt recently, but the covered face thing came first. His right eye was hurt pretty bad, so I’m guess that’s why it’s hidden.” She answered thoughtfully. “Does he have a girlfriend?” the other girl asked, giggling. “No.” “Does he realize that hiding his face like that makes him more attractive?” “I doubt it. See, Ekyt-Sensei is kind of…clueless when it comes to girls.” She said, shrugging. “Have you kissed him?” the other girl asked. “Yeah. Well, I mean, he didn’t see it coming, actually. His face was priceless!” “Is he your boyfriend?” “No. THAT’S my boyfriend.” She pointed at Chakaro. “You’d better take a number then.” Kayla saw all the girls staring at him. “Why, those thieving doges!” she muttered, laughing, knowing full well Chakaro wouldn’t respond to them.
The Mountain School’s course was grueling. But at the end of the day, there was noticeable improvement. Ekyt grabbed a chin-up bar and propelled himself upward, managing 12 punches before he landed. Chakaro did a flip and 10 punches. “Show off.” Ekyt muttered to him. “Hey, you told me to enjoy the attention while I’ve got it. I’m just keeping it.” Ekyt chuckled, noting that “Chakaro’s Angels” were still staring at him with rapt attention.
“So, Ekyt-Sensei, how is Master Linda?” Chakaro asked, offhand. “Good, as far as I know.” Something about Ekyt’s tone got Chakaro worried. “Look, um, Ekyt-Sensei, I think I understand somewhat. I f you need someone to talk you…” “Thanks Chakaro. You’ve probably noticed most of my face covered. It’s not just injuries. I used to be stoic, much as you are now. Then I met Linda, and she got me to break out of my shell somewhat, so to speak. But we’re not…well, you get the point. So I regret it. I should never have put a love that couldn’t have worked over being a warrior.” Chakaro looked at him questioningly. “You have a chance with Kayla. Linda…is out of my league. Hell, I’m not even playing the same game. She won’t admit it, and maybe she doesn’t honestly believe it, but my guess is” “Sensei, she used to be an echidna, didn’t she?” Ekyt’s left eye narrowed. “THAT,” he said, “Is something you’ll have to take up with her. I can’t say any more about that.”
Ekyt looked out across the rainy landscape. It was a light drizzle, hardly worth the name. Ekyt walked out into it, in the middle of the big grassy field where Sonic had kissed Elise, marking a definite end to his first, incredibly brief romance. His second hadn’t even existed, he realized now. All he had left was his training. He breathed out, exhaling the bad vibes, inhaling the damp new air. He pulled his black, short-sleeved jacked into a more comfortable position. He heard someone coming. He could tell it was someone making an effort to be silent by the long, deliberate steps. His hand reached for the staff laying next to him. A knife hit the clay next to his hand, prompting him to tuck and roll forward while grabbing a knife of his own. He found Hagakure staring at him.
“We need to finish this!” he yelled, throwing another knife. “I already conceded defeat.” Ekyt said flatly. “I don’t accept that! Master Linda won’t truly be mine until YOU are dead!” He pulled out his weapons. Sai. Ekyt’s bo was too far away, so he held two daggers, one tight against his arm for blocking, the other in an attacking grip.
Battle theme: Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park
The two circled, each daring the other to attack. “You brought death upon yourself!” Hagakure called the first time their weapons met. A shower of sparks came up, a metal meeting metal came up. They fought each other, not giving an inch, before Hagakure tried to overpower Ekyt. Ekyt leapt backward, sliding slightly in the wet grass. He faked a low roundhouse, then struck high. His attempt was blocked with a flick of a sai, knocking the knife back. Ekyt’s other knife arced up, with both sai meeting it. The sai slashed forward, forcing him to do a horrible backspring, his mostly-healed wounds pulling at his skin. The sais slashed down again, forcing him to roll away. He flung his leg out, out of the sai’s reach, trying for a leg sweep. It connected. Ekyt heel-kicked the sais into the ground. Hagakure got up, forgetting his weapons. Ekyt put his knives away.
An uppercut rattled Ekyt’s head pretty good, but he blocked the second attempt with a sweeping forearm, which he turned into nose punch, hitting home seconds later. Hagakure turned his leap backwards into a spinning heel kick forward. Ekyt backed up a half-step, then executed a crescent kick, sweeping his opponents guard long enough for a snap-kick to the chest.
“STOP IT!” Linda was zipping across the field, Sonic with her. Ekyt stopped, but didn’t take his eyes of Hagakure. Good thing, because a punch came toward Ekyt’s face. Ekyt leaned back and to the side, snapping his hand across his opponents arm in a block, following through with a side kick, adding a back kick to the combo, spinning again for a roundhouse, a punch, then a front kick. He used his landing as a launch pad for his new agility. He jumped higher than usual, his foot striking Hagakure’s jaw, knocking him down. As he was going down, he struck, hitting Ekyt’s jaw in a “cutting” strike. The impact knocked them both backwards. Sonic zipped between them. “I saw the whole thing.” Ekyt saw something else.
“Look out!” he yelled, hauling Sonic to the ground as knives flew over. “I didn’t know what was worth fighting for…but I do now…” Ekyt’s anger had hit the boiling point. He kicked at Hagakure’s hand, which was reaching for more knives. He heard it break. In the same motion, he stepped hard on Hagakure’s foot, snapping most of the smaller bones. With his motion perfect, he punched him hard in the stomach, then grabbed his headband and rammed his knee into Hagakure’s head.
“Okay. That’s enough. He started it Ekyt. You were right not to trust him.” Hagakure was laying still. He sat up, grinning at Ekyt. “You fool. Have your tramp.” He threw knives at Linda’s back. Ekyt pulled her down, kneeling in front of her, then returned fire with the butt-end of a knife. It sailed in a true trajectory, then it landed hard between Hagakure’s eyes, knocking him out.
“I can’t believe it…” Linda couldn’t believe it, her boyfriend had attacked her, and the boy she had rejected had put his life at risk to save her. She still didn’t feel the same way, but decided her new protector would be her old protector. “Thank you. I’ve been a dog, and I’m really sorry.” She decided to give him a hug. Unfortunately, his back foot slipped in the mud, and she landed on top of him. “Sorry.” He muttered, the area under his visible eye turning red. “S’okay.” She continued her embrace, then pulled his headband off and kissed his forehead.
“Master!” Utsugi was kneeling before Ginn. “What have you to report?” “Ekyt has healed and is training both with Linda and at the Mountain School Elite dojo.” “Very good Utsugi. Very good indeed. It is time to plan our next strike…this time, we can’t have his students interfering…”
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Flashthehedgehog on August 23, 2007, 1:02:29 AM

alchemest1 on August 21, 2007, 4:07:36 PM
alchemest1 on