Chapter 33 - What's Worth Fighting For?
Submitted May 19, 2007 Updated August 23, 2007 Status Incomplete | The Story: A Mini-Series for my fan char, Ekyt. I'll continue this if people like it. The Game: This is based on the game, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), released for the Xbox360 and Playstaion 3.
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 33 - What's Worth Fighting For?
Chapter 33 - What's Worth Fighting For?
“Focus is the key to winning at most everything. Chess, checkers, cards, sports…and duels. There’s going to come a time when it won’t be sparring watched by a sensei. It will be a very real battle, for your life, or someone elses. What I’m about to show you is ONLY TO BE USED IN A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION OR TO PROTECT SOMEONE YOU REALLY LOVE.” Ekyt had his three students, along with Reian and his three. “Reian, what we discussed?” Ekyt asked. “Ready.” Ekyt struck, fingers curled in so that his knuckles were protruding. At the range he was at, and how much power was concentrated into four very small outlets of energy, there was no doubt this was a killing strike, or at the very least, an incapacitating strike.
They all watched in horror as Ekyt’s knuckles struck the throat of Reian. “My God…” “THIS is a killing move. I’d rather my students didn’t kill, but…then again, you aren’t my students anymore, save for this circumstance. After this…troubling time has passed, you all need to take on a student, save for you Harutomo. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.” “Now, you all saw what happened on that mountain. THAT was a case of defending your life, and the life of someone you…care about…care about very much.” Ekyt said, his visible eye showing a little sign of emotion.
“Something’s wrong Chakaro. Something is seriously wrong with Ekyt-sensei.” Kayla muttered. “Yeah…but what?” Chakaro asked. Harutomo, who was a keen observer, said “Ever since last night, he seems more…ill…than usual.” “But what happened last night?” Kayla wondered aloud.
Ekyt’s jacket blew a little, annoying him. Thanks to another day of training at the Mountain School, he could now scale trees in an incredibly short amount of time. He was standing on top of one right now, concealed high up in it’s branches. “They know…” he said, thinking of the look his “students” had given him. “They know something is wrong…but they don’t know what. They’re a sharp bunch, somehow they’ll found out about that fight the other night…” Ekyt felt under his face covering. There was a gash he could fit the tip of his pinky in to. And he didn’t even want to feel his eye. He hadn’t checked it sense the battle, worried that there wouldn’t be anything TO feel.
“Ekyt-sensei?” Ekyt heard Chakaro calling him. He dashed down the tree, landing next to his student. “Look, something’s wrong, and I’m going to ask what. I don’t expect you to tell me, but I’m going to hope you trust me enough.” “I trust you Chakaro. Things have been hazy for me since Linda more or less rejected me. Then the duel with Hagakure…it should never have happened. It didn’t NEED to. I hope he’s not seriously hurt.” “What about you sensei?” he asked, pointing at Ekyt’s face coverings. “Well, my face is fine. I can’t explain why I wear THAT, but my headband…” He pulled it down, giving Chakaro a look at his eye. “Oh…Wow…” Ekyt’s eye looked mutilated. “Doctor says it’ll heal in it’s own time.”
Suddenly, they both heard the sound of something heavy landing in the grass. Or, somethings. People. “Get them! The student is the priority!” the leader yelled. Ekyt saw these weren’t the skilled assassins he was used to. But if Chakaro’s the target, why wouldn’t they send their best? And why would the student be the priority? Why not just kill me? Ekyt decided to ponder that later. These might not be high-class warriors, but they were still a threat.
“They’ll be getting in close.” Chakaro whispered. “They don’t have a place for throwing weapons. If we keep them at a distance, they won’t be effective.” Ekyt nodded. He ran towards a tree, leaping for a branch. He succeded in grabbing it; he followed that up by breaking the branch off, cutting it in two with his dagger before he hit the ground. Two bo’s now at their disposal to keep the enemies away.
A few swings of the bo later, the fight was over. If they’re targeting the students, the others are in danger…but why target them? And who? Wait, wait. Utsugi…he left without a word. The power-hungry kid is likely to…oh no! “Chakaro, we’ve got to get back to the dojo. The others are in danger, if I’m right. But we might be walking into a trap. Maybe it’s better if you” “Forget it Ekyt. I’m a sensei now too, no matter how young I am. I can’t preserve my own precious butt over everyone else. You yourself taught me that.” Ekyt didn’t like it, but couldn’t argue. “Alright, if you’re sure.”
Thirty men poured into the room, the first few grabbing Kayla and Harutomo, despite their efforts to fight. There were simply too many. “Let them go!” Linda called, not happy with this turn of events. She leapt into the fray, trying to fight against the rising tide of enemies to reach her students. That was when she heard the sound of glass shattering.
“Oof! Damnit!” Ekyt cursed. mental note: bad idea to use body to break glass. an voice told him. Chakaro had leapt in uninjured beside him and had attacked, drawing some attention away from Linda. Ekyt got up quickly, leaping in front of Linda. To his left, Chakaro had been knocked unconscious, blood spurting from his head. He was alive, and would probably be fine, if the goons didn’t get him. Ekyt looked again to find a knife striking Linda. The sudden pain forced her to drop her guard. Ekyt saw what was going to happen next, and could only think of one thing.
More knives flew towards Linda. She was doubled over in pain. She heard the knives coming, but found her legs unwilling to cooperate with her mind in an effort to move. She heard running and looked up to see Ekyt leap in front of her, his back toward the knives.
It was one of those moments where everything turned black and white, and time seemed to move in slow motion. Ekyt leapt, a look of determination in his visible eye. That turned to a wince of pain as three knives struck the flesh on his back. He hit the gym floor hard, the blue protective mats cushioning his head as he fell. Linda looked to see her other students rushing away from their exercises to fight. Little Terrence, a white belt, took out two enemies before he was unceremoniously backhanded and sent sprawling. Julie and Sue, two orange belts leapt after his attackers. Her intstructors were fighting, trying to give her a chance to escape. Instead, she would share their fate. “RUN IF YOU CAN!” Linda called, taking up a guard, driving her elbow into the nose of a black-clad goon. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chakaro stir, then get to his knees, flinging a set of well-aimed knives at his opponents. But a more amazing sight was happening at her feet.
If you want something bad enough…if it’s important enough to you…you find the strength to continue…by whatever means necessary.
Linda watched in amazement as the gym stopped. The boy, man, warrior, was getting up, three knives sticking out of his back. They all watched as he pulled them out, one at a time, then pulled his jacket over the wound. No one moved or breathed. Until he returned the knives to their owners by virtue of a good throwing arm.
The injury seemed to give him a boost of adrenaline, as he tackled three enemies, bashing two heads together, and throwing the third into the wall. When a fourth charged him, he stood still, until the man was in range. Then he swung for the fences with a backhand strike. Or so everyone thought. He turned that into an open-hand strike to the temple, then launching into a jumping spin kick, and, upon a perfect landing, threw an uppercut. “That son of a dog isn’t human!” one enemy yelled. One made a move for Linda. She cut him down without taking her eyes off Ekyt. Three rushed him at once, all slashing down with their knives. She couldn’t believe that he used a forearm block, and couldn’t believe it worked, for that matter. She saw him draw his own dagger and slash across three arms, then three stomachs, then three thighs, then three knees. Somehow, his blows had evaded killing. “Don’t scream, no one cares. Besides, you’ll live. I wouldn’t stain my blades with your death. Unless you force me.” Ekyt had been holding the man close to him, letting him drink in the sight of one, somewhat bloodshot eye, showing him his future. One that held death.
“Tactical retreat!” The leader barked. “Cowardly retreat!” Ekyt yelled back. When the leader hesitated, a knife hit him in the ribs, breaking two. “Go coward.” Ekyt spat. The dojo cleared of all but the students, who were looking at their sensei with a mix of admiration and fear.
Linda and Chakaro ran over to his side. Eventually, he crumpled to one knee, a slight shaking mass. “I’m fine.” He managed, his voice shaking like his body did. Finally, he fell down to his stomach. “He’ll live.” Linda announced as she knelt near him. “I’m still awake, I’m okay.” Ekyt whispered. Then he tried getting up again. “Where are you going?” “To get my students.” He said, pulling himself up, sweating from the effort. “I can’t let you do that.” Linda told him. “I have to. I’m not letting those kids die.” “You don’t have the strength, you can barely stand!” “If it’s important enough, you find the strength.” He quipped, dragging himself over the door. “Fine, but I’m going.” Linda said. “Me too.” Chakaro added. “Count me in!” “Yeah, me to!” “I’m down with that!”
“No. Black belts, I can’t stop you from coming. Anyone below, I ask you respectfully to stay here.” There was no protest this time. Someone handed Ekyt a crutch, which he took, leaning heavily on it, making his way out the door. “Man, I thought I was tough for taking a punch from Haruchika-sensei, but that guy is THE toughest son of a dog I’ve ever seen.” The others looked on in awe, nodding. “Three knives in the back? How many years of training does THAT take?”
Ekyt found one of the men he had wounded laying on the ground. “Hey dirtbag. You’re gonna tell me right now where my students are!” he snarled, lifting the semi-concious man up. “The Master will kill me.” “I’LL kill you. Now talk.” Ekyt held a knife to his throat, putting the smallest bit of pressure on his neck.
Ekyt walked into the building alone. One eye, face covered, and holding a crutch tight to his body. “I thought we’d see you here Ekyt.” Ginn grinned at him. “Did I introduce my latest pupil?” Utsugi stepped out from the shadows. “What a power play! Are you trying to laugh me to death?” Ekyt asked in a bored voice. “If you want your students back, I’d suggest being nicer.” Ginn threatened. “If you’ve hurt one hair on their heads, I’ll forget I’m a good guy.” Ekyt shot back. “Utsugi, show him.” Utsugi showed a very beaten-up Kayla and Harutomo tied back to back. Both were hardly conscious. “You can go over to them. Go on, play the hero.”
Ekyt limped over to Kayla and Harutomo. He felt for a pulse, finding two, much to his relief. Kayla had a black eye and a cut lip, along with a nice cut on her skull, just beneath her hair. The blood from the cut turned her hair from blond to red. It was sickening, but Ekyt moved on to check Harutomo. “That one, he fought bravely to protect the girl. If he’s alive, I’ll be surprised.” Ginn’s voice made Ekyt want to kill him, but he couldn’t risk the two of them.
“Alright Ginn, fine. I’ll give myself up if you let them go.” Ekyt leaned on his crutch, not taking his eyes off them, as if sheer will was keeping them alive. “I have a special request. As soon as you’ve done it, I’ll let them go.” “What.” “Commit Seppuku. No Kaishaku-nin. But you die, right there. That is, IF you want to save them.”
Kayla woke up and heard what was happening. “Ekyt-Sensei! You can’t!” she yelled. “It’s the only choice Kayla.” He answered. “Untie them and let them to the door, and I’ll make the first cut.” Ekyt said. Ginn agreed to the terms.
Ekyt’s shaking, sweaty hand grasped the dagger. He slowly raised his other hand to the handle, holding it in both hands. “Please sensei, don’t do it!” Kayla was sobbing. Ekyt stared straight ahead. He moved the dagger toward his stomach…
“GET THEM!” Linda shouted. Ten instructors joined her in the rush, fighting off Ginn’s men. Two peeled off to help Kayla and Harutomo, checking their vitals, and nodding, much to Linda’s relief. They would both be okay. She darted into the middle of the battle. A downward hammerfist aimed for her nose. She blocked it with an upthrust forearm, then turned her hand and bashed her opponent’s nose. She kicked backward, feeling her leg hit her target. She helped Ekyt up. He was panting and shaking. She knew something inside his head had just taken a beating. He held the knife to his chest, like it was his sole salvation. “Fight or flee?” Ekyt’s voice answered in a whisper. “Both. You, however, flee right now.” “I’m not leaving you.” Ekyt said, his voice matching his body and shaking.
The battle was short, but fierce. It is remembered for one odd detail.
“Ekyt! You were no sensei of mine!” Utsugi called, challenging him. Ekyt was staring straight ahead, back to back with Linda, unmoving. It was only when Utsugi threw a knife at him did he bring his crutch up to knock the knife away. His shaking body didn’t want to cooperate, but this was personal.
“You were no student of mine.” Ekyt spoke in a whisper, though it had the same effect as if he had shouted. Utsugi threw away his knife pouch. “You’ve already lost Utsugi. Would a winner throw away his weapon like a spoiled brat? You’ve lost your focus.” Utsugi ran at Ekyt full-speed, showing all the potential Ekyt had seen before. In his state, though, Ekyt could only do one thing for defense. He turned around and let Utsugi run. “Hah! Gotcha!” Ustugi yelled, getting ready to slash Ekyt to ribbons.
Ekyt spun back around, bracing his crutch under his forearm and stabbing. He hid the stunned Utsugi in the stomach, knocking him backward. Utsugi’s own knife came down and pierced his hand, going through to the floor. Ekyt tapped the knife with his crutch, turning the knife into a restraint.
Ginn cursed. He had been defeated again. This time by a lame human whose mind had been affected in an attack, by 10 instructors, some barely pubescent, and by a newly inducted master. “You haven’t seen the last of me! My clan will rise to fame again!” he yelled, picking up Utsugi’s unconscious form and running for it. No one gave chase.
Ekyt’s visible eye was half-lidded. “Ekyt…you’ve been through so much…I hate to ask…but as your friend, I know I need to. What happened in the fight? When you froze up?” Linda asked. They were outside talking, titles not being wanted or needed. “Old anxiety. Probably fatigue settling in.” Ekyt answered, closing his eyes. Linda followed suit, but laid her head on his shoulder. “I don’t know if I was ever meant to be human, but I’m enjoying myself. Aside from the assassination attempts, anyway.” Ekyt didn’t move, not wanting to disturb her. “I don’t know if I was ever meant to be anything MORE than a human. But I’m going to try.” “You took three knives in the back, rescued your students, and dueled with a crutch. You’re only borderline human Ekyt.” She gave him a fond (but gentle, avoiding all the wounds) hug. She felt for his hand and found the bandaged appendage. She gave it a quick squeeze, warming it against the chilling air, before leaving Ekyt to collect his thoughts.
Kayla and Harutomo joined Chakaro and talked animatedly about everything. Until the end. Chakaro nodded stiffly, then left the group to talk to Ekyt.
Ekyt was looking at the moon through the trees, trying mediation. “Ekyt-Sensei?” “Chakaro, how are you feeling?” “Physically? I’m great.” “What happened?” Ekyt asked, having a suspicious feeling he knew the answer, while praying he didn’t. Unfortunately, he was right.
“Kayla broke up with me.”
They all watched in horror as Ekyt’s knuckles struck the throat of Reian. “My God…” “THIS is a killing move. I’d rather my students didn’t kill, but…then again, you aren’t my students anymore, save for this circumstance. After this…troubling time has passed, you all need to take on a student, save for you Harutomo. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.” “Now, you all saw what happened on that mountain. THAT was a case of defending your life, and the life of someone you…care about…care about very much.” Ekyt said, his visible eye showing a little sign of emotion.
“Something’s wrong Chakaro. Something is seriously wrong with Ekyt-sensei.” Kayla muttered. “Yeah…but what?” Chakaro asked. Harutomo, who was a keen observer, said “Ever since last night, he seems more…ill…than usual.” “But what happened last night?” Kayla wondered aloud.
Ekyt’s jacket blew a little, annoying him. Thanks to another day of training at the Mountain School, he could now scale trees in an incredibly short amount of time. He was standing on top of one right now, concealed high up in it’s branches. “They know…” he said, thinking of the look his “students” had given him. “They know something is wrong…but they don’t know what. They’re a sharp bunch, somehow they’ll found out about that fight the other night…” Ekyt felt under his face covering. There was a gash he could fit the tip of his pinky in to. And he didn’t even want to feel his eye. He hadn’t checked it sense the battle, worried that there wouldn’t be anything TO feel.
“Ekyt-sensei?” Ekyt heard Chakaro calling him. He dashed down the tree, landing next to his student. “Look, something’s wrong, and I’m going to ask what. I don’t expect you to tell me, but I’m going to hope you trust me enough.” “I trust you Chakaro. Things have been hazy for me since Linda more or less rejected me. Then the duel with Hagakure…it should never have happened. It didn’t NEED to. I hope he’s not seriously hurt.” “What about you sensei?” he asked, pointing at Ekyt’s face coverings. “Well, my face is fine. I can’t explain why I wear THAT, but my headband…” He pulled it down, giving Chakaro a look at his eye. “Oh…Wow…” Ekyt’s eye looked mutilated. “Doctor says it’ll heal in it’s own time.”
Suddenly, they both heard the sound of something heavy landing in the grass. Or, somethings. People. “Get them! The student is the priority!” the leader yelled. Ekyt saw these weren’t the skilled assassins he was used to. But if Chakaro’s the target, why wouldn’t they send their best? And why would the student be the priority? Why not just kill me? Ekyt decided to ponder that later. These might not be high-class warriors, but they were still a threat.
“They’ll be getting in close.” Chakaro whispered. “They don’t have a place for throwing weapons. If we keep them at a distance, they won’t be effective.” Ekyt nodded. He ran towards a tree, leaping for a branch. He succeded in grabbing it; he followed that up by breaking the branch off, cutting it in two with his dagger before he hit the ground. Two bo’s now at their disposal to keep the enemies away.
A few swings of the bo later, the fight was over. If they’re targeting the students, the others are in danger…but why target them? And who? Wait, wait. Utsugi…he left without a word. The power-hungry kid is likely to…oh no! “Chakaro, we’ve got to get back to the dojo. The others are in danger, if I’m right. But we might be walking into a trap. Maybe it’s better if you” “Forget it Ekyt. I’m a sensei now too, no matter how young I am. I can’t preserve my own precious butt over everyone else. You yourself taught me that.” Ekyt didn’t like it, but couldn’t argue. “Alright, if you’re sure.”
Thirty men poured into the room, the first few grabbing Kayla and Harutomo, despite their efforts to fight. There were simply too many. “Let them go!” Linda called, not happy with this turn of events. She leapt into the fray, trying to fight against the rising tide of enemies to reach her students. That was when she heard the sound of glass shattering.
“Oof! Damnit!” Ekyt cursed. mental note: bad idea to use body to break glass. an voice told him. Chakaro had leapt in uninjured beside him and had attacked, drawing some attention away from Linda. Ekyt got up quickly, leaping in front of Linda. To his left, Chakaro had been knocked unconscious, blood spurting from his head. He was alive, and would probably be fine, if the goons didn’t get him. Ekyt looked again to find a knife striking Linda. The sudden pain forced her to drop her guard. Ekyt saw what was going to happen next, and could only think of one thing.
More knives flew towards Linda. She was doubled over in pain. She heard the knives coming, but found her legs unwilling to cooperate with her mind in an effort to move. She heard running and looked up to see Ekyt leap in front of her, his back toward the knives.
It was one of those moments where everything turned black and white, and time seemed to move in slow motion. Ekyt leapt, a look of determination in his visible eye. That turned to a wince of pain as three knives struck the flesh on his back. He hit the gym floor hard, the blue protective mats cushioning his head as he fell. Linda looked to see her other students rushing away from their exercises to fight. Little Terrence, a white belt, took out two enemies before he was unceremoniously backhanded and sent sprawling. Julie and Sue, two orange belts leapt after his attackers. Her intstructors were fighting, trying to give her a chance to escape. Instead, she would share their fate. “RUN IF YOU CAN!” Linda called, taking up a guard, driving her elbow into the nose of a black-clad goon. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chakaro stir, then get to his knees, flinging a set of well-aimed knives at his opponents. But a more amazing sight was happening at her feet.
If you want something bad enough…if it’s important enough to you…you find the strength to continue…by whatever means necessary.
Linda watched in amazement as the gym stopped. The boy, man, warrior, was getting up, three knives sticking out of his back. They all watched as he pulled them out, one at a time, then pulled his jacket over the wound. No one moved or breathed. Until he returned the knives to their owners by virtue of a good throwing arm.
The injury seemed to give him a boost of adrenaline, as he tackled three enemies, bashing two heads together, and throwing the third into the wall. When a fourth charged him, he stood still, until the man was in range. Then he swung for the fences with a backhand strike. Or so everyone thought. He turned that into an open-hand strike to the temple, then launching into a jumping spin kick, and, upon a perfect landing, threw an uppercut. “That son of a dog isn’t human!” one enemy yelled. One made a move for Linda. She cut him down without taking her eyes off Ekyt. Three rushed him at once, all slashing down with their knives. She couldn’t believe that he used a forearm block, and couldn’t believe it worked, for that matter. She saw him draw his own dagger and slash across three arms, then three stomachs, then three thighs, then three knees. Somehow, his blows had evaded killing. “Don’t scream, no one cares. Besides, you’ll live. I wouldn’t stain my blades with your death. Unless you force me.” Ekyt had been holding the man close to him, letting him drink in the sight of one, somewhat bloodshot eye, showing him his future. One that held death.
“Tactical retreat!” The leader barked. “Cowardly retreat!” Ekyt yelled back. When the leader hesitated, a knife hit him in the ribs, breaking two. “Go coward.” Ekyt spat. The dojo cleared of all but the students, who were looking at their sensei with a mix of admiration and fear.
Linda and Chakaro ran over to his side. Eventually, he crumpled to one knee, a slight shaking mass. “I’m fine.” He managed, his voice shaking like his body did. Finally, he fell down to his stomach. “He’ll live.” Linda announced as she knelt near him. “I’m still awake, I’m okay.” Ekyt whispered. Then he tried getting up again. “Where are you going?” “To get my students.” He said, pulling himself up, sweating from the effort. “I can’t let you do that.” Linda told him. “I have to. I’m not letting those kids die.” “You don’t have the strength, you can barely stand!” “If it’s important enough, you find the strength.” He quipped, dragging himself over the door. “Fine, but I’m going.” Linda said. “Me too.” Chakaro added. “Count me in!” “Yeah, me to!” “I’m down with that!”
“No. Black belts, I can’t stop you from coming. Anyone below, I ask you respectfully to stay here.” There was no protest this time. Someone handed Ekyt a crutch, which he took, leaning heavily on it, making his way out the door. “Man, I thought I was tough for taking a punch from Haruchika-sensei, but that guy is THE toughest son of a dog I’ve ever seen.” The others looked on in awe, nodding. “Three knives in the back? How many years of training does THAT take?”
Ekyt found one of the men he had wounded laying on the ground. “Hey dirtbag. You’re gonna tell me right now where my students are!” he snarled, lifting the semi-concious man up. “The Master will kill me.” “I’LL kill you. Now talk.” Ekyt held a knife to his throat, putting the smallest bit of pressure on his neck.
Ekyt walked into the building alone. One eye, face covered, and holding a crutch tight to his body. “I thought we’d see you here Ekyt.” Ginn grinned at him. “Did I introduce my latest pupil?” Utsugi stepped out from the shadows. “What a power play! Are you trying to laugh me to death?” Ekyt asked in a bored voice. “If you want your students back, I’d suggest being nicer.” Ginn threatened. “If you’ve hurt one hair on their heads, I’ll forget I’m a good guy.” Ekyt shot back. “Utsugi, show him.” Utsugi showed a very beaten-up Kayla and Harutomo tied back to back. Both were hardly conscious. “You can go over to them. Go on, play the hero.”
Ekyt limped over to Kayla and Harutomo. He felt for a pulse, finding two, much to his relief. Kayla had a black eye and a cut lip, along with a nice cut on her skull, just beneath her hair. The blood from the cut turned her hair from blond to red. It was sickening, but Ekyt moved on to check Harutomo. “That one, he fought bravely to protect the girl. If he’s alive, I’ll be surprised.” Ginn’s voice made Ekyt want to kill him, but he couldn’t risk the two of them.
“Alright Ginn, fine. I’ll give myself up if you let them go.” Ekyt leaned on his crutch, not taking his eyes off them, as if sheer will was keeping them alive. “I have a special request. As soon as you’ve done it, I’ll let them go.” “What.” “Commit Seppuku. No Kaishaku-nin. But you die, right there. That is, IF you want to save them.”
Kayla woke up and heard what was happening. “Ekyt-Sensei! You can’t!” she yelled. “It’s the only choice Kayla.” He answered. “Untie them and let them to the door, and I’ll make the first cut.” Ekyt said. Ginn agreed to the terms.
Ekyt’s shaking, sweaty hand grasped the dagger. He slowly raised his other hand to the handle, holding it in both hands. “Please sensei, don’t do it!” Kayla was sobbing. Ekyt stared straight ahead. He moved the dagger toward his stomach…
“GET THEM!” Linda shouted. Ten instructors joined her in the rush, fighting off Ginn’s men. Two peeled off to help Kayla and Harutomo, checking their vitals, and nodding, much to Linda’s relief. They would both be okay. She darted into the middle of the battle. A downward hammerfist aimed for her nose. She blocked it with an upthrust forearm, then turned her hand and bashed her opponent’s nose. She kicked backward, feeling her leg hit her target. She helped Ekyt up. He was panting and shaking. She knew something inside his head had just taken a beating. He held the knife to his chest, like it was his sole salvation. “Fight or flee?” Ekyt’s voice answered in a whisper. “Both. You, however, flee right now.” “I’m not leaving you.” Ekyt said, his voice matching his body and shaking.
The battle was short, but fierce. It is remembered for one odd detail.
“Ekyt! You were no sensei of mine!” Utsugi called, challenging him. Ekyt was staring straight ahead, back to back with Linda, unmoving. It was only when Utsugi threw a knife at him did he bring his crutch up to knock the knife away. His shaking body didn’t want to cooperate, but this was personal.
“You were no student of mine.” Ekyt spoke in a whisper, though it had the same effect as if he had shouted. Utsugi threw away his knife pouch. “You’ve already lost Utsugi. Would a winner throw away his weapon like a spoiled brat? You’ve lost your focus.” Utsugi ran at Ekyt full-speed, showing all the potential Ekyt had seen before. In his state, though, Ekyt could only do one thing for defense. He turned around and let Utsugi run. “Hah! Gotcha!” Ustugi yelled, getting ready to slash Ekyt to ribbons.
Ekyt spun back around, bracing his crutch under his forearm and stabbing. He hid the stunned Utsugi in the stomach, knocking him backward. Utsugi’s own knife came down and pierced his hand, going through to the floor. Ekyt tapped the knife with his crutch, turning the knife into a restraint.
Ginn cursed. He had been defeated again. This time by a lame human whose mind had been affected in an attack, by 10 instructors, some barely pubescent, and by a newly inducted master. “You haven’t seen the last of me! My clan will rise to fame again!” he yelled, picking up Utsugi’s unconscious form and running for it. No one gave chase.
Ekyt’s visible eye was half-lidded. “Ekyt…you’ve been through so much…I hate to ask…but as your friend, I know I need to. What happened in the fight? When you froze up?” Linda asked. They were outside talking, titles not being wanted or needed. “Old anxiety. Probably fatigue settling in.” Ekyt answered, closing his eyes. Linda followed suit, but laid her head on his shoulder. “I don’t know if I was ever meant to be human, but I’m enjoying myself. Aside from the assassination attempts, anyway.” Ekyt didn’t move, not wanting to disturb her. “I don’t know if I was ever meant to be anything MORE than a human. But I’m going to try.” “You took three knives in the back, rescued your students, and dueled with a crutch. You’re only borderline human Ekyt.” She gave him a fond (but gentle, avoiding all the wounds) hug. She felt for his hand and found the bandaged appendage. She gave it a quick squeeze, warming it against the chilling air, before leaving Ekyt to collect his thoughts.
Kayla and Harutomo joined Chakaro and talked animatedly about everything. Until the end. Chakaro nodded stiffly, then left the group to talk to Ekyt.
Ekyt was looking at the moon through the trees, trying mediation. “Ekyt-Sensei?” “Chakaro, how are you feeling?” “Physically? I’m great.” “What happened?” Ekyt asked, having a suspicious feeling he knew the answer, while praying he didn’t. Unfortunately, he was right.
“Kayla broke up with me.”
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alchemest1 on August 22, 2007, 6:37:37 PM
alchemest1 on