Chapter 34 - What The Future Holds
Submitted May 19, 2007 Updated August 23, 2007 Status Incomplete | The Story: A Mini-Series for my fan char, Ekyt. I'll continue this if people like it. The Game: This is based on the game, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), released for the Xbox360 and Playstaion 3.
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 34 - What The Future Holds
Chapter 34 - What The Future Holds
“I’m really sorry to hear that Chakaro.” Ekyt told him solemnly. “It’s just like you and Master Linda.” He muttered. “You and her lasted longer than Master Linda and I did. We were never officially together. Besides, you’ll have something to fall back on.” “What do you mean?” Chakaro didn’t understand. “Have you ever noticed how hard I throw myself into training? It’s not JUST to prove I belong. It’s because this is who I am. You already know I’m not a black belt. But what you might not know is that you are going to surpass me. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but MUCH sooner than you think.” Chakaro gave him a sideways look. “You’re always saying that…tell me WHY.” Ekyt smiled, though he knew it wouldn’t be seen under his covered face. Pulling out a box, Chakaro made a face. “What?” Ekyt asked. “I don’t like smoking.” “Neither do I. These aren’t cigarettes. A sensei from an anime, I forget his name, smoked two packs of cigarettes. I don’t do that. I chew these toothpicks instead. It’s a measure against anxiety.” He poked one through his face covering, resting it in his mouth.
“To answer your question. Why? Why you, right?” Chakaro nodded, tugging at his ear ring. That was his anxious habit. “Because YOU want it. Ancients might have thought that the martial art chooses you, but YOU choose the ART. Something drew you to this school, the same as me. But no matter how much I WANT it, I have limitations that I need to surpass. That will take time. But you…you’ve already surpassed YOUR greatest limitation.” “I can’t have! Look at me! I broke up, I lost it, all over that dog!” Chakaro’s display was rare. Ekyt closed his eyes. “Let me ask you a question: WHY did Kayla break up with you?” The question caught Chakaro off guard. “She said I wasn’t the one, and she was in love with Harutomo.” Ekyt gulped. “Are you upset because you miss her…or because you lost a battle? Think about that. If you need to talk, you know where to find me.”
Harutomo and Kayla stood, gaping at Chakaro. “He took that better than I thought.” Harutomo said, some amusement creeping into his voice. But Kayla shook her head. “No…He was furious…I’ve never seen his eyes like that…” “Well, at least you were honest with him. I think he’ll forgive you for that.” “Pardon me.” Ekyt hobbled through with his crutch. “Ekyt-Sensei! How is he?” Kayla asked. Ekyt shrugged. “Chakaro? Who can tell?” Kayla grinned. “I think YOU can. You might only have one eye right now, but you’re as observant as anyone. More so, actually. So, how is he?” Ekyt shrugged. “He hasn’t really confided in me as to how he feels. Now, if I can get around to the point of interrupting your talk…” “Oh, sure, sorry.” Harutomo said. “Kayla, it’s time for you to take on a student.” Ekyt told her. “A white belt, one you can take all the way up. Harutomo, you are to assist her.” “And what about Chakaro?” Harutomo asked. “Chakaro is taking on another project.” He said mysteriously. The others wanted to ask more questions, but Ekyt spoke too quickly. “Congratulations, both of you. Harutomo, you have earned your black belt, and Kayla, you are now ni-dan (Second degree) black belt. You two will be working with Master Linda as head instructors.” “What about you?” “I’m injured.” Ekyt said shortly, again ending the conversation.
“Chakaro, how about a quick game of Chinese checkers?” Ekyt asked. Let’s see how sharp this guy is… He and Chakaro sat down. In a quick game, Chakaro had Ekyt defeated in an astounding series of moves. But he had looked asleep the whole time, eyes half lidded. Very sharp. Quick as a whip…but he’s lost his motivation…There has to be a way to get it back. Otherwise, he ends up like me…Not good.
A loud gong rang throughout the dojo. All the students stopped what they were doing. Linda looked out. She saw an unruly-looking kid, dressed in all black. “I’ve come for a match, a comparison of techniques!” he called. “And who might you be?” Linda asked. “I’m Jumao Abesuki!” he called. The students exchanged nervous glances. “I can fight Master.” Ekyt started to shed his jacket. “I don’t want to fight someone injured. I want a challenge.” One of Linda’s blue belts jumped forward. “Come and get it!” he called. Jumao darted forward, leaping and rolling in the air to the side of the kick, then sweeping his opponents legs, putting a knee across his throat in the same motion. “Pitiful. I’m sorry, but I came for a real challenge.”
Ekyt pulled of his coat this time, dragging himself in front of the others. But a figure darted in front of him. “I’ll handle this.” Ekyt stepped back, grinning under his mask. “Be my guest Chakaro.” Ekyt said, shrugging. Linda pulled Ekyt aside as the fight began. “You’re letting him do this? In HIS state?” Ekyt nodded toward the battle before continuing.
Note: BOLD indicates Ekyt’s narration.
This might be exactly what he needs…I had a talk with him earlier, and said some things that would have cracked a lesser warrior than Chakaro. But he wants this… Chakaro and Jumao both leapt forward, colliding in mid air, both bouncing backwards, skidding a few steps, then charging again. This time, Chakaro was the one who was sent flying. “You’re stronger than the last one.” Jumao pointed out. “Thanks captain obvious.” The blue belt snarled. Chakaro recovered and punched hard, hitting only the air as Jumao proved to be quicker than he looked. He zipped behind Chakaro. What he didn’t know was that Chakaro’s favorite technique came from this position. Watch this…He’s so focused on this duel, he’s pushed everything else aside. He doesn’t act it, but he’s incredibly smart. I tricked him into a test, playing Chinese Checkers with me. I’ve never been beaten so quickly…Now he’s thinking of this like the board…another move ready to be made…
Chakaro thrust his elbow backward, but only half-way, just enough to make his enemy bite. Then the REAL strike came. Chakaro flung his head back into Jumao’s nose. Jumao’s eyes teared up, giving Chakaro the opening he needed to kick backward to the shin, then throw his elbow into the stomach. He’s got it now…I’ve never seen a combo like this. One side striking, arm and leg in tandem. As his right leg went high, his fist went low. Then his left leg went low, with his left fist aiming high. All four moves struck home in roughly one second. His next move was an arm grab, turning that into a quick shoulder throw. He held onto the arm, grabbing Jumao’s head. Chakaro put his knee into Jumao’s back, making the hold look even more vicious. Apparently, it felt that way too, because Jumao was screaming for the match to end. Chakaro uncoiled himself. Jumao was kneeling in front of him. “I’d be honored to call you teacher.” He said, leaving a stunned Chakaro to think about that. He looked at Ekyt, who nodded. “Sure.” He helped the defeated party up.
So…the last of my first group…surpasses me. I’m proud of them all. Kayla quite the heartbreaker. Harutomo will be fine, if he can just curb his desires. And Chakaro…If he gets his focus back, there’ll be no stopping him.
Good for all of them. But now, I’ve got to face my own biggest limitation.
Ekyt stood at the edge of the koi pond, watching the fish swim aimlessly. Trapped by their limitation…just like me. Am I a fish too, metaphorically speaking? There must be more…more than this. Linda ghosted up next to him. “You okay?” she asked, knowing he wasn’t. “I’m alright.” He said. “Proud of those three.” He said, referring to his students. “They had a good teacher.” “I’ve got to meet this guy.” Ekyt said. “Oh, stop that. You know I meant you.” “Because I’m such a stellar example…I’m so hogtied by myself…” Linda put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Aren’t the cherry blossoms beautiful?” she said out of nowhere. The white and pink petals fluttered to the ground. Ekyt was apparently unimpressed. “I’m ready to take my next set of students.”
“You should really let yourself heal.” Linda said cautiously, her human features showing her worry for her friend. “I doubt I’ll ever completely heal. I’m taking my chances.” Ekyt said. “You know, you don’t have to train so many students, not rapid fire like this. But I admit, I’d like you to work with my elite squad instead. With you taking leadership. Besides, You, Chakaro, Kayla, and Harutomo work well together.” “Chakaro and Kayla in the same group? That’s kind of begging for a problem, isn’t it?” Ekyt asked. “Not if he’s as good as you say. I trust you.” Linda said. “Alright. Do we have an assignment?” “Well, I’d like the four of you to be our “diplomats” to find other willing schools ready to do a knowledge exchange.” Ekyt nodded; it made sense. “Understood.” He said crisply. “Ekyt?” Ekyt looked up. “Don’t give me that military crap, okay? We’re friends of good standing.” “Right, sorry.”
Damnit! It’s always friends with her! And me! I never wanted…never NEEDED anyone before. And yet I’m begging for her attention like a sad little puppy! How many times do I have to be rejected before the fact that there’s no chance in hell of this working sinks into my skull?!
“To answer your question. Why? Why you, right?” Chakaro nodded, tugging at his ear ring. That was his anxious habit. “Because YOU want it. Ancients might have thought that the martial art chooses you, but YOU choose the ART. Something drew you to this school, the same as me. But no matter how much I WANT it, I have limitations that I need to surpass. That will take time. But you…you’ve already surpassed YOUR greatest limitation.” “I can’t have! Look at me! I broke up, I lost it, all over that dog!” Chakaro’s display was rare. Ekyt closed his eyes. “Let me ask you a question: WHY did Kayla break up with you?” The question caught Chakaro off guard. “She said I wasn’t the one, and she was in love with Harutomo.” Ekyt gulped. “Are you upset because you miss her…or because you lost a battle? Think about that. If you need to talk, you know where to find me.”
Harutomo and Kayla stood, gaping at Chakaro. “He took that better than I thought.” Harutomo said, some amusement creeping into his voice. But Kayla shook her head. “No…He was furious…I’ve never seen his eyes like that…” “Well, at least you were honest with him. I think he’ll forgive you for that.” “Pardon me.” Ekyt hobbled through with his crutch. “Ekyt-Sensei! How is he?” Kayla asked. Ekyt shrugged. “Chakaro? Who can tell?” Kayla grinned. “I think YOU can. You might only have one eye right now, but you’re as observant as anyone. More so, actually. So, how is he?” Ekyt shrugged. “He hasn’t really confided in me as to how he feels. Now, if I can get around to the point of interrupting your talk…” “Oh, sure, sorry.” Harutomo said. “Kayla, it’s time for you to take on a student.” Ekyt told her. “A white belt, one you can take all the way up. Harutomo, you are to assist her.” “And what about Chakaro?” Harutomo asked. “Chakaro is taking on another project.” He said mysteriously. The others wanted to ask more questions, but Ekyt spoke too quickly. “Congratulations, both of you. Harutomo, you have earned your black belt, and Kayla, you are now ni-dan (Second degree) black belt. You two will be working with Master Linda as head instructors.” “What about you?” “I’m injured.” Ekyt said shortly, again ending the conversation.
“Chakaro, how about a quick game of Chinese checkers?” Ekyt asked. Let’s see how sharp this guy is… He and Chakaro sat down. In a quick game, Chakaro had Ekyt defeated in an astounding series of moves. But he had looked asleep the whole time, eyes half lidded. Very sharp. Quick as a whip…but he’s lost his motivation…There has to be a way to get it back. Otherwise, he ends up like me…Not good.
A loud gong rang throughout the dojo. All the students stopped what they were doing. Linda looked out. She saw an unruly-looking kid, dressed in all black. “I’ve come for a match, a comparison of techniques!” he called. “And who might you be?” Linda asked. “I’m Jumao Abesuki!” he called. The students exchanged nervous glances. “I can fight Master.” Ekyt started to shed his jacket. “I don’t want to fight someone injured. I want a challenge.” One of Linda’s blue belts jumped forward. “Come and get it!” he called. Jumao darted forward, leaping and rolling in the air to the side of the kick, then sweeping his opponents legs, putting a knee across his throat in the same motion. “Pitiful. I’m sorry, but I came for a real challenge.”
Ekyt pulled of his coat this time, dragging himself in front of the others. But a figure darted in front of him. “I’ll handle this.” Ekyt stepped back, grinning under his mask. “Be my guest Chakaro.” Ekyt said, shrugging. Linda pulled Ekyt aside as the fight began. “You’re letting him do this? In HIS state?” Ekyt nodded toward the battle before continuing.
Note: BOLD indicates Ekyt’s narration.
This might be exactly what he needs…I had a talk with him earlier, and said some things that would have cracked a lesser warrior than Chakaro. But he wants this… Chakaro and Jumao both leapt forward, colliding in mid air, both bouncing backwards, skidding a few steps, then charging again. This time, Chakaro was the one who was sent flying. “You’re stronger than the last one.” Jumao pointed out. “Thanks captain obvious.” The blue belt snarled. Chakaro recovered and punched hard, hitting only the air as Jumao proved to be quicker than he looked. He zipped behind Chakaro. What he didn’t know was that Chakaro’s favorite technique came from this position. Watch this…He’s so focused on this duel, he’s pushed everything else aside. He doesn’t act it, but he’s incredibly smart. I tricked him into a test, playing Chinese Checkers with me. I’ve never been beaten so quickly…Now he’s thinking of this like the board…another move ready to be made…
Chakaro thrust his elbow backward, but only half-way, just enough to make his enemy bite. Then the REAL strike came. Chakaro flung his head back into Jumao’s nose. Jumao’s eyes teared up, giving Chakaro the opening he needed to kick backward to the shin, then throw his elbow into the stomach. He’s got it now…I’ve never seen a combo like this. One side striking, arm and leg in tandem. As his right leg went high, his fist went low. Then his left leg went low, with his left fist aiming high. All four moves struck home in roughly one second. His next move was an arm grab, turning that into a quick shoulder throw. He held onto the arm, grabbing Jumao’s head. Chakaro put his knee into Jumao’s back, making the hold look even more vicious. Apparently, it felt that way too, because Jumao was screaming for the match to end. Chakaro uncoiled himself. Jumao was kneeling in front of him. “I’d be honored to call you teacher.” He said, leaving a stunned Chakaro to think about that. He looked at Ekyt, who nodded. “Sure.” He helped the defeated party up.
So…the last of my first group…surpasses me. I’m proud of them all. Kayla quite the heartbreaker. Harutomo will be fine, if he can just curb his desires. And Chakaro…If he gets his focus back, there’ll be no stopping him.
Good for all of them. But now, I’ve got to face my own biggest limitation.
Ekyt stood at the edge of the koi pond, watching the fish swim aimlessly. Trapped by their limitation…just like me. Am I a fish too, metaphorically speaking? There must be more…more than this. Linda ghosted up next to him. “You okay?” she asked, knowing he wasn’t. “I’m alright.” He said. “Proud of those three.” He said, referring to his students. “They had a good teacher.” “I’ve got to meet this guy.” Ekyt said. “Oh, stop that. You know I meant you.” “Because I’m such a stellar example…I’m so hogtied by myself…” Linda put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Aren’t the cherry blossoms beautiful?” she said out of nowhere. The white and pink petals fluttered to the ground. Ekyt was apparently unimpressed. “I’m ready to take my next set of students.”
“You should really let yourself heal.” Linda said cautiously, her human features showing her worry for her friend. “I doubt I’ll ever completely heal. I’m taking my chances.” Ekyt said. “You know, you don’t have to train so many students, not rapid fire like this. But I admit, I’d like you to work with my elite squad instead. With you taking leadership. Besides, You, Chakaro, Kayla, and Harutomo work well together.” “Chakaro and Kayla in the same group? That’s kind of begging for a problem, isn’t it?” Ekyt asked. “Not if he’s as good as you say. I trust you.” Linda said. “Alright. Do we have an assignment?” “Well, I’d like the four of you to be our “diplomats” to find other willing schools ready to do a knowledge exchange.” Ekyt nodded; it made sense. “Understood.” He said crisply. “Ekyt?” Ekyt looked up. “Don’t give me that military crap, okay? We’re friends of good standing.” “Right, sorry.”
Damnit! It’s always friends with her! And me! I never wanted…never NEEDED anyone before. And yet I’m begging for her attention like a sad little puppy! How many times do I have to be rejected before the fact that there’s no chance in hell of this working sinks into my skull?!
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Flashthehedgehog on August 23, 2007, 9:45:02 PM

alchemest1 on August 23, 2007, 4:43:13 PM
alchemest1 on