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Chapter 5 - CH V: A Friendship Forged

My part for MrGimp's colab fic! Please let me know what you think!

Chapter 5 - CH V: A Friendship Forged

Chapter 5 - CH V: A Friendship Forged
They rode quickly throughout the night, the horse’s hoofs making hardly a sound on the dew-covered grass. Just before daybreak, Ekyt and Linda-Su found their path blocked by two stranger, also in black cloaks. “Dark Legion.” Ekyt whispered to Linda, who cursed. “Murder them.” She muttered. Ekyt hoped that wasn’t an order.

“Let us pass!” he called, disguising his voice. “I think not…guardian.” Ekyt dropped the false voice. “We have no need to deal with you.” “Well, WE need to. We want your cargo.” The echinda’s mouth was visible, and it twisted into a sneer. Tossing back his hood, Ekyt dismounted, asking Linda to stay there. “I think not.” He called, drawing his sword, daring either one of them to come forward. The echidna nearest took the challenge, drawing a sword laced with technological bits.

They circled, Ekyt staring him down. They both brought their swords down at the same time, the blades meeting with an angry sound. Ekyt pushed off the sword, swing low. The cloaked echidna jumped. Ekyt stopped in mid swing and brought the butt end of his sword in, hitting the echidna in the jaw with it, then stepping back and thrusting.

Linda looked away. She didn’t want him to kill them. He didn’t seem like the type. As it turns out, he wasn’t. Either by choice or by accident, Ekyt stopped the sword. But it had a mind of it’s own, driving itself into the echidna’s arm. Ekyt, finally understanding why he had to use the sword (Remember, it only works for guardians, and it won’t deliver a fatal blow), swung low, cleaving the echidna’s leg.

The two echidna’s split up. One went for Linda. She had a small, blunt weapon of some kind under her cloak. She cracked the echidna in the face. “I should have killed you like I did your mother!” he shouted.

Everyone stopped. Linda jumped off the horse and onto him, swinging for the fences with the weapon. “I’ll rip your damn head off! She did nothing to deserve death! You, however just signed your own warrant!” In the distraction, Ekyt’s opponent got back on his horse. Ekyt made a quick decision to jump back on his steed, so as not to lose the high ground. While Linda paint-brushed the other echidna, Ekyt and the remaining enemy charged. Ekyt made to draw his sword, but instead swung his staff into the echidna’s mid-section. Rolling it into his other hand (While they’re both riding full speed), he swung the staff around his head and behind his shoulders, cracking the echidna behind the head. He fell of the horse, which stepped on him as if kept running.

Linda had beaten the guy to within an inch of his life. She was about to go for the last inch when she saw Ekyt. For some reason, the sight of him sobered her and stopped her from killing him. She deftly leapt back on the horse. Ekyt got it to gallop.

“We should get as much ground as we can before they report back.” Ekyt said quietly. They rode in silence for a short time. Linda-Su piped up finally: “You know, I saw you watching. I was going to kill that guy, but something stopped me. You didn’t want me to kill him, did you?” Ekyt shook his head. “No, I didn’t. I’d hate to see you become a murderer. Honestly, he’s more likely to get killed because he failed Lien-Da (Dark Legion leader and Linda-Su’s half-sister). I know she doesn’t take failure kindly.”

After about an hour’s ride, they reached the spot in the Great Forest. It was a cabin of sorts, hidden from view by the trees. “We should get supplies from Knothole first.” Linda-Su said. “It’s supposed to be stocked.” Ekyt replied. “How do you know?” Linda questioned. “I own the cabin. When I was banished, I lived here. There’s food and water for a year for two people.” He said, unsmiling.

Linda cocked her head. “Do you ever smile?” Ekyt stopped and turned around. “Not too much anymore.” He returned her look. He had slicked his hair back somewhat, hoping that at first glance he wouldn’t be picked out by an enemy. He had plenty, for the record. He fixed his hair now while he asked “If you don’t mind my asking, what brought that on?” Linda giggled a little. “Well, it’s just…you look kind of cute when you do?” THAT brought a smile to Ekyt’s face. “Well…Thank you. I appreciate the kind words, though I’m surprised.”

Linda’s smile stayed in place as he led the horse to a lean-to with a gate, making sure it had food and water. “Well, you know, I might have to be all serious and stuffy with the Brotherhood, but I’m still a girl! You can’t expect me not to get into the “dashing hero on a horse” bit! I’m SURE that was an accident.” She said the last part with comical sarcasm. Ekyt turned to her. “I never got the chance to be a “boy.” I’ve always been a “freak”, and now a “guardian.” I never had time for a relationship, or even recreational girl watching. I’ve trained my whole life. And for no other reason that it seemed to be the right thing to do. Maybe that’s why I appreciate beauty more on the occasions I see it.” He said, trying to force himself not to look away from her. Linda was trying to interpret what he just said.

Later that night, as she was getting changed to sleep, her thoughts drifted to his words. He never had time? I’m duty-bound too, and I still get to notice guys…I wonder if something happened? He seems to just be a nice, level-headed kid who wants to do his job well…Kinda cute though. The air of mystery…It’s like he can tell me what I want to hear without actually giving anything away. I don’t think he does it intentionally…not with me anyway. I’m not sure, but I think it’s more than “duty” that’s got his attention right now. She leaned back in her bed. He insisted she get some sleep. Instead, she was trying to get used to the fact that her mother was dead and that she’d likely never go home again. At least I’ve got my “servant.” God, he seems so innocent! Was he serious when he said he never even considered a relationship? I hope whatever it is he’s wrestling with in his head is something he’ll come to terms with soon… With that, she turned off the light and tried to sleep. Her last thought before she let sleep consume her was that things could have been worse. She had begun to think of her “servant” and “protector” as more of a friend.

Ekyt locked all the doors, double and triple checking them. I’m duty bound to her…She IS more than a mission to me. She actually cares what’s going to happen to me…That means a lot, more than she could understand. When she told me I was cute…I never got that. I have no idea how to react to this! It’s like she’s not thinking of me as a “guardian” and someone who just has orders to do this…I wonder if she requested me…Athair DID say there were other reasons that I was chosen… Ekyt went out to check on the horse once more before he sat down outside her door. I hope she gets some sleep. She needs her rest…Underneath that beautiful exterior, she’s really a…girl, for want of a better word. She seemed so vulnerable after she heard her mother died…it was almost like she wanted me to do something about it…what could I have done? Given her a hug? Oh, come on! She’s your boss! I doubt she thinks of you as a friend, you’re not even on the same page! Then again, with everything else that’s happed in the last two crazy days, nothing would surprise me.

The next morning, however, he DID get a surprise. He was cooking, planning on letting her sleep as long as possible. Bacon, eggs, sausage, toast. That’s when she ambled into the kitchen. For so early, she looked perky and ready to go. Not a fur out of place. “Can I have some?” she asked pleasantly. “It’s all for you.” He said without missing a step. “Really? Huh…wait, you know, I’ve never seen you eat!” Ekyt shrugged. “I eat when I’m hungry. Besides, guardians are trained to go without food for days at a time. The supply last longer that way.” There was truth in that sentence. But he was also too nervous to eat.

Linda-Su nibbled at some toast thoughtfully. “You remind me of a movie I saw once. You’re like the mysterious martial arts master that tries to hide how deadly he is and shows no emotions.” “I’m hardly a master.” Ekyt said with a snort. “Then you’re a jedi! I was right the first time! I mean, the robe, the attacks, the knowledge!” She was having a ball with this. To her surprise, he was fun to banter with. It became a contest to see if she could get him to break character. It didn’t happen until she caught him completely off-guard. And at that point she was totally serious.

“Thanks again for everything. Don’t give me that crap about doing your job either. NO ONE works THAT hard.” She laughed for a moment, then turned serious. “You know, when I heard my mother was dead, I was really upset. But…you calmed me down…I don’t know how, but when I put my head on your shoulder, I just calmed right down.” She wrapped her arms around him, putting her head into his chest. “So, really, thanks for everything. You’re the most loyal person I know.” She said. He returned the hug awkwardly, he hadn’t had to do it too many times before. “Loyalty is everything to a guardian. It’s nice to hear that.” He said, 100 percent truthful. She gave a hollow smile. “Well, I’m glad it meant something.” Then, not thinking anything of it, she kissed him on the cheek.

She started to walk away, but stopped. He had frozen, too. Did I just…kiss him? What the hell? she thought, her mind racing. “I’m sorry…I just…forgot myself.” She sputtered lamely. “It’s alright, I don’t mind. I mean…” “I know what you mean.” She said quickly. She went to get ready for the day, leaving him to his thoughts.

Did she just kiss me? It was just a kiss on the cheek. That just means she’s grateful, no big deal…right? How the hell do I know? I’ve never been kissed before! Not seriously! he argued with himself. And I still haven’t! She’s emotionally unstable. It’s my job to make sure she’s as comfortable and safe as possible. If that made her feel better, then I’m doing my job... Ekyt had a feeling that their thoughts were similar: Both full of crap. There was a friendship forming between the two, whether either of them realized or not.


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Flashthehedgehog on July 1, 2007, 9:08:57 PM

Flashthehedgehog on
FlashthehedgehogAwesome, this is really amazing story.

MrGimp on June 29, 2007, 10:39:56 PM

MrGimp on
MrGimpHehe, aw... 'Lamour Toujours! >w<

Awesome story going on man, cant wait to read the next chapter!

alchemest1 on June 29, 2007, 6:18:25 PM

alchemest1 on
alchemest1Nextguardian does it again! Wow. I love this story. Its extremly addictive and captivating. I will be looking for this to read and re read for months to come!