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Chapter 12 - CH XII: Bowed, Not Broken

My part for MrGimp's colab fic! Please let me know what you think!

Chapter 12 - CH XII: Bowed, Not Broken

Chapter 12 - CH XII: Bowed, Not Broken
Linda-Su was about to test the unbreakable connection between them. “Ekyt…I don’t know how to say this…but…we can’t be together.” Ekyt nodded, as though he understood, when in reality he had no such notion. “I understand. I hope my words haven’t troubled you.” He said, again bowing.

“No, nothing like that! They’re the very words I longed to hear! But I’m betrothed…my second letter…” she was visible upset with it, though both knew there was little they could do. The best, they guessed, was to forget that those words were ever spoken. It would remain their secret, hers throughout her impending marriage. His words, however, were to live inside him, tearing at his soul.

But Linda-Su…his master, as it was…she couldn’t know. He had to act as though it meant nothing to him. However hard. “When is the wedding, I would be honored to be allowed to attend.” He heard himself say. “Once the time of hardship is over…” she answered. “It’s horrible you have to bring about it’s end…I know how hard it must be for you to have to serve me now…” “As hard as it must be to issue orders.” Ekyt returning, showing understanding. “I could always dismiss you, if it would be to your comfort.” Linda-Su offered, clearly displeased with the prospect. Without hesitation, Ekyt answered. “My comfort doesn’t matter! Do what’s comfortable for you. But know that I would serve you to the end. Whatever your orders…” He choked on the last word; he was surprised he had lasted that long.

Ekyt had already made the decision to continue to live by the book. More than ever, the feeling that he didn’t belong was pushed to the fore, though he refused to give it thought.

They were to head back to Angel Island now, having completed the first part of the mission. He had destroyed the ring’s power. He noticed that Linda-Su hadn’t yet removed it from her finger. Suddenly devoid of emotion, he found that he couldn’t care. He had loved her, still did. He knew love was something that you didn’t fall out of in seconds; that it would take time to get over it. He know felt like a slave, a feeling he hadn’t had before. He hated it, and he hated himself for going along with it.

He noticed that hate and love were his only emotions. There was nothing in between. When he was with Linda-Su, he felt both. When he was alone, he felt only hate…a hate so strong he felt as though his very soul was on fire.

One night, as he was on her leave for a short while, he found the waterfall he used to inhabit after practice with Knuckles. He stripped quickly and let the cool water wash over him. “What the hell?” He stepped away. The water had turned to blood. “I never did that before!” he exclaimed.

“Of course not dumbass!” Knuckles was walking over as Ekyt was drying off. “Knux, good to see you’re okay, and the same as before.” Ekyt said with a smile. “Do you know why that happened?” Knuckles asked, pointing at the red waterfall. “No idea…well, lot’s of ideas, all as stupid as the next.” Ekyt said with a dismissive snort. “You’re a full guardian, but you were the host of the ring’s power. All the evil it did, a trace of it remains inside you…” “How do I get rid of it? I don’t want that crap in me!” Ekyt looked down at his body, as though daring it to speak out against him. “This damn body always betrays me…I should have thrown myself off that damn cliff.” Ekyt bit his tongue big time. He didn’t throw swear words around, and narrowly avoided saying worse.

“What would that solve?” a new voice said. “Archimedes…I was wondering when you’d arrive…” Knuckles said, holding a fire ant up to his face in the palm of his hand. “I’ve been watching kid…lemme talk to the new guy for a second…” Archimedes turned his attention to Ekyt. “You’re the human…” “That’s me. Unfortunately.” He spat. “I heard about your dilemma, and I want to wish you luck with it. If you’re ever corned with a problem, just whisper my name and I’ll be summoned to you.” Knuckles laughed. “Aside from breathing fire, you shouldn’t count on his help! He’ll give you a damn riddle to solve instead of talking to you straight.” “Wise @$$.” Archimedes said in amusement.

Ekyt left the two, thanking them for their support, while harboring a vicious desire to rip them both apart. The evil inside the ring…now inside me…that’s a scary thought…as if I needed another reason to hate myself…damnit!

Linda-Su bathed herself. She sat in the water with a washcloth. As she washed neck, her thoughts drifted back to the boy…man…guardian…serving her. It was becoming increasingly obvious to her that he was hiding something. It wasn’t a secret, she guesses, just something that he had to come to terms with. “Must have been my rejection…” If only he had known that when he has confessed his love, she had never had a happier moment. To have to erase that moment hurt her, but she guessed that someone who trained in solitude, with no one there to lick his wounds, would take it harder. His “pawn in a game of chess” theory felt true to her now. “Best to not think of it, and just go back to a master-servant relationship…If I hadn’t kissed him when he returned from the dead…Maybe the emotions wouldn’t have been so strong…

With a sigh, she continued her bath, doing her best not to think of him.

Ekyt had made the decision in his own mind to become the ultimate servant to his training…and to her, until he was dismissed. He found a place for them to hide for the day, as they would have to travel by night. It was an alcove of trees, only one narrow opening, big enough for their horses to squeeze in as well.

He quickly made her bed, feeling like a damn maid. But that was his job, and he was going to see it through. She entered the alcove, refreshed in body from the bath. Her soul was still burdened. “Have a good night master.” He said with a bow, somehow managing to keep the bitterness out of his voice. “And where will you rest?” She asked, looking around. “Let that be the least of your concerns ma’am.” He said, keeping his voice neutral. She said no more, though he could sense she wanted to. He was trying to keep this from being difficult for her. He had to shoulder the burden himself. He was expendable, she was not. A horrible truth, but one he had already faced.

Ekyt kept his broadsword, though the weapon suddenly disgusted him, as if it had betrayed him. His bo he had shouldered, and his dagger in his sash. His sash was white, to match the rest of his robes. He had always worn black, but Linda-Su had kept his robes. He didn’t want them anyway. He had died in them, and it would have been creepy. So she didn’t offer to return them, and he didn’t ask.

He also decided he wouldn’t be so shy about using his chaos powers on the battlefield. In a one on one duel, he would follow the traditions.

He had hit rock bottom. The servant to the object of his affections, an affection she wanted to return but could not. He felt betrayal everywhere. “How much…how much more can they ask of me? I’ve died for their cause, and I’m serving their heiress. After death, what is there to fear, besides failure?” he started a fire to warm himself, and to keep himself awake. Not that he felt like he could sleep now, or ever would again. He took up his dagger and a thick branch, whittling away at it to pass the time. Before he knew it, he had created a spear. He laid it gently over the fire, letting the flames lick it, hardening the point. He tested it, smiling hollowly as it had made a fine weapon. Taking up flint, he sharpened his dagger before sheathing it.

The dagger was from Elias. A true friend… Ekyt thought. He had shown Ekyt loyalty. And that meant a lot. Ekyt heard his voice change slightly. There were no light tones in it when he spoke.

Linda-Su noticed too. She curled up in her bed, thinking how unfair the situation was. Why didn’t SHE decide who she wanted to marry? Why wouldn’t they let her fight her own battles? Of course she could fight, but not like a guardian. In that respect, she was like her sister, Julie-Su. Except she and Knuckles had a mutual respect and disdained formality. Julie-Su wasn’t angry at not being named the heiress, as she didn’t want the responsibility anyway. She could do what she wanted, and could choose who she spent her time with.

Just before sunset, Ekyt gave the horses water. Their journey, if all went well, was to be a short one, but he had grown fond of the beasts, no longer fearing them, instead listening to the story their eyes told, and marking their unquestioning loyalty.

“I trust you slept well?” Ekyt asked, kneeling while handing her a tray of food. “Very well, thank you. It helps when someone talented is guarding you.” She said with a smile. She watched him force himself to return it. “Thank you for the praise. When you are done, we should head out…” he said, looking at the sky and guessing there would be no rain. While it would drown out the sound of their horses, it would make them easier to track.

After they had ridden, Ekyt suddenly dismounted, holding his steed astride him. “If it’s to your favor, stealth may be a good option.” She got down as well. “We should hide the horses…”she said thoughtfully.

After that deed was done, Ekyt paused. “How should this be handled? I’ve been ordered not to leave your side, but I can’t very well drag you into the Dark Legion’s headquarters…” “And why not? I can handle myself!” “Of course, master, I meant no offense…but it would be an unnecessary risk.” Smiling, she said “Allow me to be the judge of that.” Ekyt said no more, instead giving her a slight bow.

“Who’s there?” “The guardian. Lien-Da is prepared to see me.” Ekyt said. I wish I wasn’t duty-bound to Linda-Su. I wish she HAD dismissed me…maybe the Dark Legion would have shown me loyalty… He immediately rescinded that thought, hating himself for allowing such a “dirty” thought to pass through his head.

Lien-Da was sitting with two guards. She was an attractive, but incredibly vicious, echidna. With her long red dreadlocks and black leather outfit, she looked as ruthless as her position commanded. The exact opposite of Linda-Su. Lien-Da had overthrown her own brother, to whom she should have been loyal, and usurped his power. “Guardian, it is great to meet again at last! I trust your trip was well?” “Would have been better had I not been dead a day before. But that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to make you aware of the current events…or, more accurately, SHE is to make you aware.” “You never DID enjoy serving under others, did you? Perhaps that’s why you rejected me.” Ekyt didn’t care to banter any longer, however angry he was.

Linda-Su and Lien-Da exchanged bitter glances. “It’s my duty as your sister to tell you this: Our half-brother, Kragok, is preparing an army to attack you. His attack will come within the week. And, however distasteful I find the order, we are to offer our services to your side.” She indicated a kneeling Ekyt, his head bowed in submission. He hated himself for this. Linda-Su looked down at him. Lien-Da smiled. “So, my sister found herself a hot little servant? Good for you sis! Though I’m not sure what he sees in you…” “I’m betrothed Lien-Da, you would know that if you hadn’t betrayed the family.” Lien-Da laughed, ignoring the crack. “And just who are you betrothed to little sister?” Lien-Da was fifteen years older than Linda-Su, who was fifteen. “Your son.” She spat in hatred.

Ekyt’s head snapped up. “Master…He’s evil! He’ll mistreat you horribly!” Linda-Su nodded. “I know…” Ekyt indicated with his head. “If I may…” “Certainly.” Linda-Su said, wondering what he was up to. Ekyt got up to his feet. “If I might dispense with customs, I’d sooner slit my wrists that let that little bastard hurt you. Even if there’s nothing between us but my loyalty anymore…” Linda-Su was touched. “I’d rather be marrying you! But customs are customs…If there was only a way around this…”

One of Lien-Da’s guards removed his hood. “Sorry sweetie, you’re mine! Enjoy having a slave now, because when I get you, you’re going to be mine! And we’re going to have fun…Well, I will.” Linda-Su looked too surprised to defend herself when he slapped her.

Ekyt jumped in front of her immediately. “Touch her again and I’ll kill you! I will NOT have you insult my master!” he said warningly. “You’ve lost you bastard! Give up! She will be my wife! And I hope you’ll allow me to watch when you slit your wrists.” “You’re an asshole! You will NOT touch my master again!” Ekyt snarled. He had somehow gotten customs hand hatred mixed into a volatile concoction. All the anger he had felt was now boiling out.

“Don’t make a mistake guardian. If you value your life, back down! I’ve killed many creatures, one more won’t hurt! I’ll have killed you and wiped my sword clean before you’ve even hit the ground!” He held his sword out as proof. Ekyt spun his bo around, knocking the sword down, stepping in and hitting him with an uppercut.

The other guard attack. Ekyt punched him straight out, knocking him down, his head splitting open on the marble floor. Lien-Da tackled Linda-Su and the two wrestled around, Linda-Su started to get the better of the fight.

Ekyt and Mikhail were now fully engaged. Weapons were thrown aside as they exchanged fists, elbows, knees, and forearms. Ekyt wasn’t sure why he was fighting. Win or lose, Linda-Su would have to marry him…unless he was dead.

But Ekyt was no killer. He planned on breaking the cocky echidna in half, but at no point did he mean to kill him.

Ekyt spun around the echidna’s back and grabbed his head, ramming it onto Lien-Da’s desk, then bringing his knee up for a critical strike. Mikhail made a feeble attempt to punch. Ekyt caught his arm and snapped it with an arm bar. Mikhail made no more attempts to attack, instead sobbing on the ground holding the arm Ekyt had broken.

The fight was over almost as soon as it began. Ekyt and Linda-Su had won. “I hope you’re stronger against Kragok sister.” She taunted. “I’ll see you at the wedding!” she snarled back.


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alchemest1 on July 2, 2007, 2:31:36 PM

alchemest1 on
alchemest1(Growls angrily and snaps jaws) That's not fair! He always gets the short end of the stick. (throws phone across room in annoyence) Grrr! You weren't kidding when you said it would be maddening!