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Chapter 9 - Burning Out the Dead Wood

A Naruto fic. Yep, that''s my speech, lol. Enjoy!

Chapter 9 - Burning Out the Dead Wood

Chapter 9 - Burning Out the Dead Wood
Ekyt, after listening to Sakura, had to sit down. It was too unbelievable. He had been told by one girl that she wished “You were more like my boyfriend”. So, if I’m so desirable…Ah, this thought process never gets me anywhere! I’ve got to get back to training!

“You are getting better at this, Ekyt.” Lee said, grunting as Ekyt threw a hard elbow at the target Lee was holding. They both stopped for a moment, sweat pouring down their brows.
They were sparring at the bottom of Lone Pine hill, in an area shaded by Japanese Maple trees. The area was well maintained by a friend of Gai’s, so Lee was free to train there at any time. He and Ekyt had sought the place out after the two of them had destroyed an entire dojo during a “friendly sparring match.” The owner was not part of the match, and therefore was not amused by impressive displays of taijutsu.
“Thanks Lee, but your girlfriend knows the same style I do…and you know how she tends to…bring out the worst in me…” Ekyt couldn’t keep the apprehension out of his voice. He hadn’t seen Linda in a long time, and hadn’t talked to her in an even longer time. Where once they had been the best of friends (though never quite attaining “couple” status), they were now bitter enemies. Ekyt would have been content to be left alone, but Linda kept trying to cripple him. She claimed that it was to save him from getting killed. It was a sort of backhanded caring, but not one that Ekyt cared to nurture. It was a wonder Lee was still his friend, after some of the awful insults he and Linda had exchanged.
“Linda…she is a difficult girl to handle at times. But her love for taijutsu has brought her and I together. You have become very good, very fast, a success Linda has not seen as a kunoichi. From what you and her have said, she was the more naturally skilled at your other arts.” Lee’s voice held a tone of questioning.
“That’s right. That’s why Master Sukuto chose her to run the school after he died.” Ekyt nodded in agreement, sparing a quick smile for the old man.
“I know you are not at fault, because it is not in your nature to disrespect women. (aside from being the “pervy samurai”, I mean).” Lee couldn’t resist adding the ‘pervy samurai’ part.
Ekyt shook his head, but didn’t continue the banter. “I wonder how Sakura’s doing?” Ekyt quickly explained what had happened. Lee shook his head, then clapped his friend on the shoulder.
“You were right to listen to her. However, if there was EVER a time to admit a certain attraction (do not deny it!), THAT was it…If she is really in love with Naruto, we will know soon.”
“You know, I think I’d date if kunoichi didn’t simultaneously scare the hell out of me and garner my attention. I mean, they’re the ultimate hybrid. Impossible to understand girl, charmer, and deadly warrior. If I said the wrong thing, I’d have a kunai in me before I could even retract my statement!”
Lee was surprisingly sage for someone so high-strung.
“Ekyt…if there is truly something between you two, it will manifest itself. You yourself will know love when you see it. You know that you are hungry for the acceptance of a kunoichi, as I was before Linda. But, for now, I think that you should focus on impressing the exam proctors, rather than a certain female.”

Sakura couldn’t help but wonder about how she felt about Naruto. It was driving her insane. As she was making a difficult healing solution, she added too much of one ingredient, prompting Lady Tsunade to take cover under her desk as it blew up. Even the newly-charred Sakura didn’t seem to notice. She absently swept the remains of the bowl and ingredients she had been using into a garbage can. She then bowed and excused herself to get cleaned up.
Tsunade and Shizune exchanged glances.
“How long has she been like this?” Shizune questioned, clearly worried.
“Two days, at least. I guess she’s just brooding about breaking up with Sasuke. She’s deep in thought about something.” Tsunade went back to her books and scrolls. Shizune stood in an uncomfortable silence for a few moments, then spoke up, carefully, so as not to anger Lady Tsunade.
“Shouldn’t you talk to her, Lady Tsunade? She IS your apprentice and all…and you’ll be angry if she blows up your office…” Shizune hoped the last part would drive her point home. The office was newly re-done to Tsunade’s liking, and Shizune KNEW it would annoy her if it was blown to smithereens by a careless mistake.
Tsunade rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed. “Shizune, I can’t offer her any advice. You know how well my love life went…my love, your uncle…(sigh)I wouldn’t know what to say to her. This might be one of those things she has to sort out on her own. Or, at least, fine someone who CAN help her…”
Shizune couldn’t argue those points. She decided, however, when Sakura came back, she would talk to her. Someone has to be there for her. Lady Tsunade wasn’t the best choice…so I’ll have to do it. Not that I have much of an idea of what to say, either…But I’ve got to try. She’s at the age where, if something goes wrong, she might never heal completely…look what it did to Lady Tsunade. She had to be near Sakura’s age when her brother was killed…It affected her for all those years, and losing her lover…she hasn’t loved another man since…

Neji and Hiashi were close to evenly matched, with advantages both ways. Hiashi was the family matriarch and enjoyed incredible power, all of which favored his style. Neji had trained by himself and disregarded the family jutsus, so he was an unknown commodity. Hiashi spent the first few attacks trying to get a feel for Neji’s style. Neji had predicted this and showed Hiashi nothing he had never seen before.
In unison, they shouted the same jutsu: “Eight Triagrams, Sixty-Four Palms!”
It became a battle of speed, each trying to block the other’s tenketsu before the other could do the same. Neji, the younger of the two, had more raw speed. But Hiashi was the more experienced, and could get more mileage in his attacks out of doing less and moving less. He wasn’t incredibly old, either, meaning that he and Neji, while not evenly matched, neither would they be carbon copies of each other.
The sounds of palms smacking against flesh echoed throughout the warehouse. Neither played defense, they both aimed to win as quickly as possible. With the amount of chakra both had, they could battle for a long time at a stalemate. Without speaking, they decided to end the fight quickly.
Suddenly, Hiashi used his rotation jutsu. Neji, in surprise, didn’t stop his palm attack in time. When he hit the ‘cocoon’ of charka, he was thrown backward. He hit the steel wall of the warehouse hard back-first, then slid down, blood coming from his mouth.
He predicted what I would do…I’m not ready to admit defeat just yet! He hasn’t seen the benefits of training alone for those months…I think the time has come to reveal my new jutsu…

Sasuke wondered why he hadn’t been thinking clearly. The pain from the curse mark? Or did the sealing have an effect on him? He didn’t know WHAT it was, but now Sasuke’s head was more clear. At that moment, he got a visitor.
“How ya feeling…loser?” Naruto asked with a smirk, plopping down in a chair near Sasuke’s bed, adjusting it to face his friend.
“Better…” Sasuke managed. He was surprised to see Naruto, especially after he had tried to kill him. Did he…really forgive me? I would NEVER have forgiven myself… Sasuke thought back to the Chidori attack. Had he consciously decided to kill Naruto, or was it just the heat of the battle?
“Good. I mean, you’re holding us up, ya know?! If you don’t get out of the hospital soon, they’re gonna stick a replacement on our team until you do.”
“Uh? (sound of surprise) A replacement? Who?” Sasuke sat upright, then put a hand to his head. He had sat up too fast and upset his equilibrium in the process.
“I don’t know…I really don’t WANT to know either. Just get well soon, alright?” Naruto got up and started to leave.
“Hey, loser…”
Naruto turned around.
Sasuke laid down, facing away from Naruto. “Why did you come? I tried to kill you…You had the chance to finish me. You didn’t put everything you had into that Rasengan…Why?”
Naruto sat down again. “I came because…well, I guess, when I’m with you, it’s almost like I have a brother…and why I didn’t kill you…Hey, Sakura would kill ME if I did! Besides, I just wanted to stop you from leaving the Village. That would include breaking all your bones, but not killing you.”
Sasuke was surprised. A brother? That’s how he thinks of me? I always thought he hated me…maybe he used to. Naruto…I hate to admit it, but you’ve taught me something. Hopefully, we’ll get our rematch soon. For now, being on the same team…that suits me just fine…

“C’mon Shikamaru, it’s called taking one for the team!” Choji urged.
“I SAID no, Choji.”
Choji’s mouth spread into a mischievous grin. “C’mon Shikamaru. Maybe she’s ‘troublesome’, but you care about Ino…”
“She’s on my team, I HAVE to care,” Shikamaru replied. “And besides that, she doesn’t like me, and she hasn’t listened to me yet. Why would she start now?”
Choji burst into laughter; he couldn’t help it! “Because you’re going to be dating her, instead of talking to her like a team mate!”
Shikamaru shot Choji a glance with his eyes half-lidded.
“You’re as troublesome as she is. You know that, don’t you?” Shikamaru intoned.
“Aw, c’mon, you don’t want to see Ino smoking any more than I do. Face it, you’re the only realistic option. She won’t go out with me because I’m a fatass. I won’t go out with her because she’s a dog.”
“She doesn’t like me because I’m lazy. I don’t like her because she reminds me of my mother.”
Choji winced. “Okay, you got me there. We’ve got to find someone to take her out, and get her to kick that habit. Asuma-sensei smoking is one thing, Ino doing it is another. It’s not like she’s ugly, anyway, SOMEONE will go out with her.”
“Yeah. Someone. Not me. We have to find someone who doesn’t know her very well. Although, even I’ll admit, she’s less troublesome than she was a couple years ago. And better looking, now that she’s not borderline anorexic,” Shikamaru added.
At that point, the two stopped talking. Sasuke had walked up to them.
“Hey, you seen Ino? I need to thank her for talking some sense into me…”
Choji grinned. Shikamaru nodded, understanding Choji’s plan.
“Sure, come with us…in fact, Ino could stand to talk to you, too…”

Ekyt and Naruto were called to Tsunade’s office. They took turns speculating what it could be. Ekyt had a feeling that the news wouldn’t be good, at least in his case. It sucks that I’m usually right when I think about this…
They arrived, bowed to the guards, then walked in. Tsunade got straight to the point with Ekyt.
“Ekyt, I don’t want you sparring with Lee. At least not as often.” Tsunade got right to the point.
“Alright.” Ekyt clearly didn’t understand what was going on, but he didn’t question it. Tsunade knew all to well the kid WANTED to know why, but he wasn’t talking. She had to offer the answers.
“He needs to spar with other jonin, to hone his skills. If you’ve never beaten him, chances are he’s not taking much away from his matches with you. I’m sure there’s some genin around the village you could spar with…” Tsunade said with a shrug.
“Yeah, but I’d be beating up on kids ten years younger than me,” Ekyt pointed out with a grin. Inside, he wasn’t grinning, but no point in heaping more pressure on Lady Tsunade.
“Good point. If push comes to shove, I’ll find someone,” Tsunade offered. This kid is hard to read…I THINK he’s pissed, but I’m not sure…
Beside her, Sakura looked at Ekyt, giving a small nod and smile of reassurance. But Ekyt didn’t have the usual fighting spirit, not for this. Instead, in a falsely chipper voice, he told a complete lie:
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ve got some ideas on what to do, let me see how those work out first. I don’t want to have to trouble you anymore than I already have.”
Ekyt gave a bow, then leapt out of the windows, timing himself. It took him seconds to reach the desired rooftop. There, as he had done so many times before, he took out his scroll and studied it’s contents. Without Lee as my sparring partner, my chances of doing well in the chunin exams without a team is slim to none! Even WITH my kekkaigenkai, it’s still a stretch. I’d better master those new jutsus, or I’m really screwed! Damn it, perfect timing Tsunade! Of course, Linda’s going to be there, and I’m going to be alone…She’ll be training with Lee, but she can get away with it, since they’re dating…S***! I’m last genin anywhere NEAR my age group…
Temari and Kimimaro landed next to him on the roof.
“If you’re done moping, kid, we’re short on time. You’ve got training to do, and you’ve got us to help you. Or did you forget about us?” Temari ruffled his hitai-ate, smiling in that charming-but-it-annoys-the-hell-out-of-you way of hers.

Beside her, Kimimaro reached back and pulled a bone out of his shoulder. It was similar to the one he had used on Lee, but blunted, so he wouldn’t kill Ekyt by mistake. Kimimaro hadn’t really sparred before, he was just naturally talented.
“We never had our match…now would be an appropriate time.” Kimimaro flipped the bone to a reverse grip.
“Yeah, we heard what Tsunade said. Nothing worth doing is ever easy, kid,” Temari spoke to Ekyt like that, even though she was older by a month, tops.

Tsunade looked at Ekyt go for a minute, KNOWING for sure that he was pissed. Damn…miscalculated. I could have waited until AFTER the chunin exams to spring that one on him. I hope his team steps up and fills the gap. Hey…I wonder…if he and Kimimaro are related…does he have…Wait, are they blood related? If they are, Ekyt might have the same kekkaigenkai! But it would have manifested itself by now…IF Ekyt knew about it…Time for some tests, just to satisfy my own curiosity. Hey, I’m the Hokage, I can do that.
“Naruto…Master Jiraiya has been in contact. The Akatsuki are on the move again, and chances are they’ll be targeting you sooner rather than later. Iruka has agreed to escort you at night, and you’ll be with your team, plus an additional member, the rest of the time. Before you tell me what you think; I KNOW you can handle this by yourself. I didn’t make these decisions, I just have to enforce them.”
Naruto had opened his mouth to protest, but snapped it shut almost as quickly.
“A new member? Who is it gonna be? I mean, he’d better not hold me back, believe it!”

Sakura blushed as she realized Naruto was in the room. Oh no! I’m not ready to talk to him yet!
“Sakura? Could I talk to you for a minute?” Shizune had poked her head in the door and beckoned Sakura out to the hallway.
Sakura had never been happier to hear Shizune-sensei’s voice in her life!
“Coming sensei! See you later, Naruto!” Sakura bolted from the room, her face bright red. She breathed a sigh of relief in the hallway.
“Is there- is there anything bothering you, Sakura? You seem distracted lately, and, well, Lady Tsunade and I want to make sure you’re alright. Is there anything I can help with?”
Sakura looked at the ceiling for a minute. “Well, I, um…after I broke up with Sasuke…”
Sakura broke down and told Shizune everything, even her conversation with Ekyt. Shizune knew, right there, what was going on. Sakura didn’t WANT to be in love with Naruto, at least not yet. But she hadn’t sorted through her feelings yet, so whether the love was there or not was a question mark.
Shizune comforted her. “It’s alright, Sakura. This is normal. And, you know, once word gets out, I don’t think you’ll lack for suitors. I can think of at least five boys that have an interest in you…right now, though, take your time and sort through your feelings. Don’t rush into anything.”

Kurenai, Shino, Kiba, Hinata, and Akamaru ran through the streets. Akamaru ran in front of a stranger, barked once, then lifted his leg.
“What the hell? You crazy mutt!” The man aimed a swift kick at Akamaru.
“YOU BASTARD!” Kiba tore after the man, his claw-like nails at the ready. He tackled the nameless spy and threw him to the ground, landing punch after punch. Shino pulled him off and restrained him.
“You kick at my dog again, and I SWEAR, I will rip your face off! Let GO, Shino!”
From behind, Kurenai used the back end of a kunai to knock the spy out.
“Mission accomplished. Let’s get him to Lady Tsunade.”

For the next two weeks, Kimimaro and Temari trained Ekyt. Ekyt was worried he wouldn’t make it to the chunin exams. Kimimaro’s Larch Dance had nearly torn his shoulder, and Temari’s merciless wind attacks had cut Ekyt over 100 times. But eventually, he worked out strategies against their various attacks.

On the night before the chunin exams, Ekyt sought out advice from Iruka-sensei. They met in Ichiraku, where the young genin proceeded to not touch the ramen he had ordered simply out of habit. He drank a single cup of rice wine, then told Iruka his problem.
“You’ve had her in your class, sensei. Linda Mawashi. She…I can’t fight her.” Ekyt said suddenly.
Iruka slurped a noodle the rest of the way into his mouth.
“Why not? Do you still have feelings for her?” he asked, suspecting that was it.
“No, not at all. I hate her! But…we were friends once, and she’s a girl…I mean, nothing against kunoichi, I know they’re deadly skilled, and I’d have no problem taking one out if they were my enemy and trying to kill me. But…even though I despise her with every fiber of my being, I just can’t…hit her. I’d be the biggest heel in the world if I did. Beating up a girl? And if she beats me, I look just as stupid. And, even though she’s a complete dog, I really don’t want to humiliate her…” Ekyt stared down into his empty cup, a thoughtful look on his unmasked face.
Iruka could understand all this. But phrasing his reply wasn’t as easy.
“It’s going to happen…someday, you’re going to have to face this girl. And, it might come to blows…in our world, it’s acceptable. You might have to compromise your own ideals a little bit. I know that sounds wrong, but it might happen that way. It’s kill or be killed, and I KNOW Linda…she won’t hesitate to humiliate you. You need to respect her as an opponent…Does that make sense?”
Ekyt pondered the words, wondering if there was a ‘meaning within a meaning’ here. He couldn’t find one if there was. But the meaning was clear.
“It does, sensei. Thank you. Hopefully, next time we talk, I won’t have to add the sensei,” Ekyt replied, grinning.
Iruka shrugged. “You might…My jonin appointment is two days after your chunin exams.”
Ekyt congratulated Iruka. Before he could protest, Ekyt had paid for the food. That was the way it was with him; everything was on the ‘Dragon Boy’.


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musicismylife on December 30, 2007, 5:14:17 AM

musicismylife on
musicismylife'Dragon Boy' lol.