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Chapter 1 - Five years ago

This is a story about Nagase and I'm still thinking for the rest of the story.

Chapter 1 - Five years ago

Chapter 1 - Five years ago
It was a bright and sunny day at the Kasakori Villiage. There was a seven year old girl named Nagase who was in her house helping her mother, Nagasaki, with the dishes. After they were done, Nagase was getting excited for her first day of training at the navy base tomorrow. Later, she went outside to get some freash air. Then, she saw a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes and with her was a man behind her. The people in village said with happiness, “Hello, Miss Kaya.”
She smiled and knode her. Then she looked at Nagase and she looked at her. “Go on. You just mite make a friend.” the man said in her ear. So she did. She held out her hand and said, “I’m Kaya.” Nagase smiled and shook Kaya’s hand and said, “I’m Alba Nagase.” Few moments later Kaya said, “Well, I told you about myself, what about you?”
“I’m gonna be a marine tomorrow.”
“That’s fascinating.”
“I know. I can’t believe I’m gonna be a murine like my family. My whole life, I wanted to see what was it like to be a marine.”
“I’m really happy for you.”
“Kaya, can I promise you something?”
“Sure. What is it?”
“If you’re in any trouble, I’ll be there to protect you. Even if it means sacrificing my life.”
“Thank you, Nagase.”
“Oh, I forgot to tell you, accidently ate the Ryuu-Ryuu Devil Fruit.”
“When did that happend?”
“When I was a month old. I thought it was a perfectly, peeled, designed pineapple. But it certainly didn't taste like it though.”
They both laughed. Nagase was happy to make friends with Kaya. The day passed and then that special day came. Nagase got ready and waited for her father, Samaru, to come. And he did. Later, it was a crescent moon that night. And then, pirates came.
“Pirates! The Black Cat Pirates are here!!”
“The Black Cat Pirates? Kuro!”
“We shall defend our village, whatever the cost!”
Then there was a man with dark green hair, moccasins, gloves that had katana blades lengthed on the tip of each finger, and glasses comming towards the village. He stopped walking, aggusted his glasses with the palm of his hand and said, “I heard there were two female marines that lives here.”
"What do you want from them?”
“What do I want from them,” he asked while he laughed. “I want to kill them. What would you expect from me? Now, if you don’t move out of my way, I’ll kill each and everyone of you here!” he continued while adjusting his glasses.
The villagers were paralized. He began to be vary angry and said, “Fine then. If all of you won’t move out of my way, then I’ll just kill you all.”
He slouched and swayed side to side as his swords clanged into each other and said, “Out-of-the-bag attack!” There was purple smoke that came at there feet. All of a sudden a person got slashed by Captain Kuro. Nagasaki looked outside. "NAGASAKI!!! WHAT EVER YOU DO, DON'T GET OUT OF THE HOU--" a villager said. The last word that he said was when Kuro killed him. She gasped and covered her mouth. One by one, all of them died. Kuro stopped and said aggusting his glasses, “Nineteen down,” he turned around at Nagase’s house and continued, “One to go.” Kuro took his glove off, opened the door, and put his glove back on. Nagasaki was on the opposite side of the wall with a loaded rifle aggenst her chest and two swords on both sides of her her belt. She waited for the perfect moment to attack. And she did. Insead of shooting him she hit him on the side of his head and said, “GO BACK TO HELL!!” Blood started to spert out of his mouth. He took the rifle away from her and kicked her head on the ground. He kicked her over on her back and asked, “How weak can you possbly be, Nagasaki?”
When she tried to get up to punch him, Kuro placed his swords into Nagasaki’s chest. She let out a bloody murderous scream and banged her fist onto the ground. Kuro kneeled down with his left arm across his leg and the swords still inside Nagasaki’s chest and said, “I’m undefeatable, Nagasaki. You can’t surpass me. And do you know what else? You’ll never will.”
“You... bastard.”
Kuro chuckled and smiled while adjusting his glasses with the palm of his hand and put both of his swords deeper into her. She looked at him furiously, kicked his chest as hard as she could, and he flew across the room. She got up and hold the same spot were it was wounded. Kuro got up and used stealth-walk. He came behind her and tried to attack her, but she dogged his attack by doing a somersault (I know it sounds stupid but I had nothing else to think of) and unsheathed her swords.
"I won't lose to you, Kuro! You'll pay for what you've done!!"
He did stealth-walk again and this time he did not miss. She coughed up blood, landed on the floor, and died. Kuro chuckled while adjusting his glasses and said looking at Nagasaki's body, "Foolish Nagasaki. Simply foolish."
Then minutes later Nagase returned from her training and was about to tell her mother and the villagers the good news. She stopped running and saw that their lights were not on. "That's weird. Everyones lights are off. I can't be that late." she said to herself. She continued running and and said in her head, "Something's not right here."
She saw everyone dead. But then, she saw a man almost dead. He said, "Nagase, come here."
"Kamaru, what happened? Who did this to you?"
"Captain... Kuro. He did this to us."
"Ka-Kamaru. Please don't leave me!"
He pat her head and said, "I'm sorry."
"Kamaru. I made it. I'm a marine now."
"Oh, that's good news. I'm so proud of you. I bet your mother will be, too."
Kamaru groaned as the pain grew through him. Nagase gasped in terror.
"Kuro's still here."
"He's... in... your... house."
Then, slowly, he died.
She got up, made a fist, snarled, looked at her house behind her, and said snarling, "Kuro!"


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