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Sonic&Shadow's plan(To get rid of Amy)

Sonic and Shadow try to get rid of Amy!



Chapter 1 - Die Amy Rose,DIE!
Submitted: June 21, 2004 • Updated: June 21, 2004
Word count: 204 • Size: 1k • Comments: 12 • views: 450

Chapter 2 - The rest of the plan...
Submitted: June 21, 2004 • Updated: June 21, 2004
Word count: 80 • Size: <1k • Comments: 1 • views: 204

Chapter 3 - The rest of the plan...
Submitted: June 21, 2004 • Updated: June 21, 2004
Word count: 80 • Size: <1k • Comments: 0 • views: 191

Chapter 4 - Mwahahaha!
Submitted: June 22, 2004 • Updated: June 22, 2004
Word count: 234 • Size: 1k • Comments: 2 • views: 267

Chapter 5 - Shoame has arrived!
Submitted: June 22, 2004 • Updated: June 22, 2004
Word count: 79 • Size: <1k • Comments: 1 • views: 262

Chapter 6 - POTION!!!
Submitted: June 22, 2004 • Updated: June 22, 2004
Word count: 75 • Size: <1k • Comments: 4 • views: 271

Chapter 7 - Potion magic!
Submitted: June 24, 2004 • Updated: June 24, 2004
Word count: 209 • Size: 1k • Comments: 2 • views: 278

Chapter 8 - Potion magic!
Submitted: June 24, 2004 • Updated: June 24, 2004
Word count: 209 • Size: 1k • Comments: 1 • views: 259

Chapter 9 - Way too weird...
Submitted: June 29, 2004 • Updated: June 29, 2004
Word count: 165 • Size: <1k • Comments: 4 • views: 179

Chapter 10 - Blah blah? char.
Submitted: July 16, 2004 • Updated: July 16, 2004
Word count: 270 • Size: 1k • Comments: 9 • views: 259

Chapter 11 - ????????
Submitted: October 17, 2004 • Updated: October 17, 2004
Word count: 155 • Size: 1k • Comments: 3 • views: 99

Chapter 12 - Review
Submitted: March 16, 2006 • Updated: March 16, 2006
Word count: 1429 • Size: 8k • Comments: 1 • views: 267


Comments (41)

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amy_rose_sweetie on October 18, 2006, 8:40:42 PM

amy_rose_sweetie on (Chapter: 1)
amy_rose_sweetieyou dog

sonamy4evaevaeva on May 24, 2006, 1:52:04 AM

sonamy4evaevaeva on (Chapter: index)

sonamy4evaevaeva on May 24, 2006, 1:49:40 AM

sonamy4evaevaeva on (Chapter: 1)
sonamy4evaevaevacan you add me?
Dislikes:Shadow,people who want to kill Amy,Son-ouge fans,eggman.
Description:Green,has sword,eighth chaos emerald.always tries to get Amy to marry him

Scarlett on April 7, 2006, 1:23:49 PM

Scarlett on (Chapter: 1)
Age:17(or 15, which everone goes better with the story)
Likes:The color black,Shadow the Hedgehog,and The Red chaos emerald.
Dislikes:She would be Sonic's friend but he gets on her nerves(for no apparent reason), her twin sister Jazzmine(Jazz), the color pink, and people who are happy go lucky (or very obnoxious).
Animal: Echidna
Description: She's very quiet but speaks up when she wants to. She has fire powers and is a little mean. She has long black hair.

Name:Jazzmine(or Jazz)
Age:17(or 15)
Likes:The color pink, getting on her sister Scarlett's nerves, bright, cheery,happy things,and Sonic.
Dislikes:Mean people and mean things, her sister's mean attitude,and Shadow.
Description:She's very stupid at times and likes to annoy her sister. She has long pink hair and thunder powers, and likes to talk.

Sunshine_Fox on March 16, 2006, 1:05:13 PM

Sunshine_Fox on (Chapter: 12)
Sunshine_FoxLyke....omg!!!111oneone its ausum

It's so funny :3

zweetboi on March 13, 2006, 5:39:12 AM

zweetboi on (Chapter: 11)
zweetboiName: Dark
Likes: Meeting with his role models, Sonic and Shadow.
Dislikes: EVIL
Gender: Male
Black all over with white jacket.

Shadowthe_hedgehog on February 28, 2006, 8:34:32 AM

Shadowthe_hedgehog on (Chapter: 11)
Shadowthe_hedgehogName: Maranda the Cat
Gender: female
Likes: fighting
Animal type: Cat
Maranda is a tomboy. She likes fighting and the such. AND HATES DRESSES!
Uh. I just added a picture of Maranda in the Games>Sonic the hedgehog series> Original fan characters section

lillyalltheway on March 24, 2005, 5:56:30 AM

lillyalltheway on (Chapter: 11)
lillyallthewayThere are alot of chars aint there. Unfortunately I happen to be the last one (boohoo) anywayz enough about me, great story. Do continue, plz?

lillyalltheway on March 10, 2005, 6:11:51 AM

lillyalltheway on (Chapter: 1)
lillyallthewaygreat story. plz add ma char=P
Loves:sonic, music, freedom and singing!
Hates:all evil
description:absolutely loves sonic(but doesnt annoy him like amy). She plays the electric guitar and can be a wee bit forgetful sometimes. She's always kind to others.

rougethebat666 on December 2, 2004, 12:50:24 PM

rougethebat666 on (Chapter: 7)
rougethebat666Rouge the bat.

ivy_hedgehog on September 15, 2004, 9:45:29 AM

ivy_hedgehog on (Chapter: 10)
ivy_hedgehogHey can I put a char?
If so I want to put May the rabbit.
Name:May Age:17 Likes:guns Dislikes:annoying people
species:rabbit I have a pics of her if you want to know what she look like.

OrochiShadow on August 30, 2004, 7:56:34 AM

OrochiShadow on (Chapter: 10)
OrochiShadowjust in case u was lookin for new ppl
Name:Orochi Shadow
Dislikes:losing at halo;Evil People,even though his name means evil
Description:is NOT related to shadow,lives with his friend bluu(yes bluu from FHOIF),and is stronger and faster than regular shadow
What I Look Like:Same as shadow,but blue fur and a green head stripe,has clothes.

thats about it!!

A_cat on August 26, 2004, 6:44:14 AM

A_cat on (Chapter: 10)
A_catI have a char!
Name:Ci Ci
likes:Twitch(a lynx)good freinds whith Amy and Carey.
Description:dosen't really like shadow for almost destroying her.

sunflower_hedgehog on August 21, 2004, 5:54:09 PM

sunflower_hedgehog on (Chapter: 10)
sunflower_hedgehogif you do need mor charaters go to the first chap. or click on all comments then you`ll see my charater called Sunflower can you + her? you don`t have to if you don`t wanna!

sunflower_hedgehog on August 21, 2004, 5:45:51 PM

sunflower_hedgehog on (Chapter: 4)
sunflower_hedgehogi just asked at the 1st chap. go there to look! ^_^

sunflower_hedgehog on August 21, 2004, 5:43:32 PM

sunflower_hedgehog on (Chapter: 1)
sunflower_hedgehogoh!!! um can i add my fan charater? you don`t have to if you dont wanna well below are her info.
Name: Sunflower
Age: 15
Likes: Shadow [her dream boy]
Dislikes: death
Species/animal: Hedgehog
Description: she is the main singer of Nick and Aarons band and she loves Shadow she basicly runs to shadow when she needs help or Nick got a giant gun to kill her!

Sunshine_Fox on August 19, 2004, 2:31:46 PM

Sunshine_Fox on (Chapter: 10)
Sunshine_FoxMe add uhhhh...






Friends:Sunshine,Kiko,and P.T.3.

Description:She cares about her friends and her self.She was born from the west.Yes where all the cowboys and the other stuff came from.If one thing,just one thing bothers her ur dead meat!(She'll kill you.)

PuNkPoP on August 10, 2004, 7:36:58 AM

PuNkPoP on (Chapter: 10)
PuNkPoPha ha! thanks for add my peeps in your story. If you need mor characters, just tell me!

Tilias on August 8, 2004, 11:26:21 AM

Tilias on (Chapter: 10)
TiliasCan I be in it? Heres my info.
Name: Christy
Likes: Sonic, Music, and Swimming!
Dislikes: AMY!!!!!!!!!!
Animal: Mongoose
Description: She is Sonic's GF. But hasn't came, cuz she WAS on vacation, but will appear.
Warning: Tilias loves Sonic. If you take him you will be:
1) Punched
2) Killed
3) have to eat some nasty stuff
4) Be tied to a train rack...
No really you will.. (And that means you, pinktiger300 and Sunshine fox!)

pinktiger300 on July 22, 2004, 2:14:56 PM

pinktiger300 on (Chapter: 10)

Sunshine_Fox on July 17, 2004, 9:06:29 AM

Sunshine_Fox on (Chapter: 10)
Sunshine_FoxDo you still need more char.?

PuNkPoP on July 15, 2004, 11:20:31 AM

PuNkPoP on (Chapter: 9)
PuNkPoPi put two chars on ch 1

PuNkPoP on July 15, 2004, 11:12:38 AM

PuNkPoP on (Chapter: 1)
PuNkPoPName: Jazzy
Age: 14
Likes: Pie, Penguins, Shadow, Friends with Amy, Marshmellow leaves, and guns!
Dislikes: EVIL PEOPLE!
Animal: Hedgehog
Description: Lives in an apartment with her friend Roxie at Point Point. Loves shadow so dumped her BF Stan cuz she likes Shadow and He threatend to kill Amy.

Name: Stan
Age: 14
Likes: His 'fro, Friends Sonic and Shadow.
Dislikes: Break up with Jazzy, evil people!
Animal: Hedgehog
Description: In love with his afro. Black belt in Judo. Video game junki!

pinktiger300 on July 5, 2004, 3:14:28 PM

pinktiger300 on (Chapter: 9)
pinktiger300Ezer? What's that? I think you mean easier. Right? ...
Something tells me something is wrong... i think I'm off for a while...

Sunshine_Fox on July 3, 2004, 4:00:01 AM

Sunshine_Fox on (Chapter: 9)
Sunshine_FoxI like it,but you have to put a new char. for one chapter I think that'll be ezer

Sunshine_Fox on June 29, 2004, 12:50:21 AM

Sunshine_Fox on (Chapter: 8)
Sunshine_FoxI will put another.
Name:Takafumi (just call her Ora)
Dislikes:Eggman and reading
Descrip:Takafumi is a two tailed fox like tails. She is skillful in rock climbing, she's more of a tomboy.
Habitat:A mansion

pinktiger300 on June 24, 2004, 6:48:21 AM

pinktiger300 on (Chapter: 6)
pinktiger300You can add as much fan characters as you want!

summer_hedgie on June 23, 2004, 3:34:05 PM

summer_hedgie on (Chapter: 6)
summer_hedgieCan I add mine?
I love your story*not kidding*
Name: Summer
Age: 14
Likes: Vincent*a vampire hedgehog* And Adventures*
Dislikes: Sege Eggman-only Likes to play around with Ivo a better nice looking guy
Animal: Hedgehog
Descrip.: She's a vampire and a slayer, likes Ivo not Eggman-clone. Is Shadows young sis'. Can make any fall in love with her. She is a love match-maker. And has a clueless thing for people like when she doesn't use her power. Uses biting skills fighting, Weapons, Whip & Sword!
PLZ don't get mad at me for so many things!

Sunshine_Fox on June 23, 2004, 3:22:38 PM

Sunshine_Fox on (Chapter: 6)
Sunshine_FoxCan I put another char.?

pinktiger300 on June 22, 2004, 7:52:12 AM

pinktiger300 on (Chapter: 6)
pinktiger300Please comment other chaps.!Need more chars.

Sunshine_Fox on June 22, 2004, 7:09:03 AM

Sunshine_Fox on (Chapter: 1)
Sunshine_FoxI'll put Sunshine
Likes:Rocket (he's a hedgehog)
Dilikes:Amy and Knuckles
Description:A 14 year old fox who have a crush on her best friend's brother,

pinktiger300 on June 22, 2004, 7:00:48 AM

pinktiger300 on (Chapter: 4)
pinktiger300SakuraSaffron!I put your fan Character!

SakuraSaffron on June 22, 2004, 2:23:56 AM

SakuraSaffron on (Chapter: 1)
SakuraSaffronThis is cute. I shall want to use my sonic char. <br>Name:Shoame Age:13 <br>Likes:weapons <br>Dislikes:Amy Rose <br>Animal:Hedgehog <br>Description: She lives for weapons and she is in love with Shadow but doesn't show it. She has an older brother who likes Amy.<br> Name:Kiemual <br>Age:17 <br>Likes:Amy <br>Dislikes:Eggman<br> Animal:Hedgehog Description: Have a crush on Amy. He always protect his sisters. Loves to make weapons.

pinktiger300 on June 21, 2004, 2:53:48 PM

pinktiger300 on (Chapter: 1)
pinktiger300Someone please comment!!