Chapter 2 - Guardian
Submitted September 18, 2008 Updated January 21, 2009 Status Incomplete | This is mainly a story of how Shifu met Oogway when he was a tiny cub. (If you haven't watched Kung Fu Panda then there's no point in even reading this....)
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Chapter 2 - Guardian
Chapter 2 - Guardian
(Author's note this chapter is REALLY sad, don't flame me if you burst into tears XD Shifu is six years old in this chapter......and probably all the other ones that are comming up. Su Lin Rai,Kai,Raisou,and Hikonai are mine)
Shifu lay there in his cousin's arms, his face and jacket soaked with tears.
" ma....." That unleashed another round of sobbing.
"Shhh..shh, it's okay Shifu, sweetie, don't cry." Su Lin whispered, kissing his forehead in a friendly protective gesture. She rocked him in her arms gently shushing and smoothing his fur, trying to soothe him as best as she could.
"Little thing's certainly crying there." Rai called from the front seat of the wagon.
Su Lin felt anger surge through her heart. "What the hell do you expect?! The baby's just lost his mother two weeks ago, and his father two hours ago!
Rai rolled his eyes. "Well sorr-E!" He growled angrily.
Su Lin gave a glare of disgust up at her stepbrother, "You are so insensitive!" She snapped. "How would you feel if you became an orphan-" She snapped her fingers, "Just like that?! With dangerous malicious warriors on your tail, having no idea where you are, or where you're going! I highly doubt he remembers the Jade Palace, he was only there when he was a two month old baby!!"
Rai sighed and rubbed his temples. "Alright, alright! No need for a lecture sis...we get enough of that in high school you know!" He snapped back.
Shifu's sobbing became louder and his whole body shook.
Rai looked back at him with sympathy. "Poor kid..." He murmured sadly. Then Rai's face lit up, he reached into his pocket and pulled something out. "You want a lollipop little man?"
Shifu stopped crying for a brief moment, looked up at Rai then burried his face in Su Lin's shirt and sobbed hysterically.
Kai threw up his hands glaring at his brother. "Now look what you did! Poor thing, scared him..."
"Probably by looking at your face Rai!" Hikonai quipped laughing.
The whole wagon filled with jeering laughter from the male teenagers.
All of a sudden, the wagon was shook violently.
Su Lin uttered a shrill scream as she went flying at the window, still holding Shifu in her arms.
The wagon swayed back and forth and toppled over to the side.
" Rai! Kai! Hikonai!!" Su Lin screamed into the wagon. "Are you guys alright?!!"
Agonizing silence was all that was heard...
".....Ohhhh...oh.. my leg I-I think it's broken!"
"My head..."
" M-my chest!"
"Rai! Kai! Hikonai!...Are you alright?" Su Lin demanded fearfully.
" head..!"
Relieved tears filled Su Lin's eyes. "My dear brothers...thank goodness you're safe!"
"Not for long..." A voice rasped in the distance.
Su Lin gave a horrified gasp, her voice quavered. "Wh-who's there?"
"Who's there?" She asked again, this time more forcefully and with more courage.
Su Lin heard a small snicker, which turned into a jeering maniacal laugh.
" Your worst nightmare princess!"
A black silhouette spiraled through the air and stood underneath a tree branch.
"........Who are you?!" She snarled going into a fighting stance.
"....." The creature emerged from under the brush, smirking.
Su Lin's mouth gaped open like a fish "R-Raisou?!! What are you doing here?! Get away from here! From me...this instant! BEFORE I TEAR YOU TO SHREDS!"
The red fox smirked. "Tempting, but we'll pass...we'd rather take the cub first. Before, we rip you to shreds!"
Su Lin's vision blurred with tears, she gritted her teeth. "Are you the one who tipped the wagon?!!"
Raisou scoffed. "Obviously..."
Su Lin's fur stood on end, her eyes went wild with rage. "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY BROTHERS!!" She screamed. "AND YOU'LL NEVER GET SHIFU!!"
Raisou sneered. "We'll see about that..." With that, he jumped high into the air, landing hard on the ground, cracking the earth.
Su Lin gave a grimace, it was nearly impossible to fight someone with one arm occupied in holding on to a child.
Raisou was fast-to fast, he spiraled into the air landing a perfect kick right into Su Lin's gullet. She gagged and staggered backwards, giving Raisou a perfect opportunity to land in a few hard punches. Su Lin jumped on top of a branch, and gave a low kick, swiping the fox off his feet. Su Lin used this opportunity to zip behind him, jump high into the air and kick him straight down his head. She heard a sickening crack as his head cracked open, warm blood pouring out of the open wound. Raisou howled with pain and staggered backwards into the thick tree trunk. Su Lin heard something in the distance...battle cries? Yes! Battle cries! Her fellow warriors were coming to help her. One of them charged towards Raisou and did a high jump kick. Su Lin grinned, fifteen against one? He had no chance! Su Lin's grin faded as she listened to something in the distance.
"No..." She whispered, eyes wide with fear. "No! No, I did not just hear that!" Male battle cries? ......And...and tons of them! It sounded like there was at least twenty some other men coming to assist Raisou!
Raisou opened his eyes a slit. "Th-they're coming..." He informed them weakly.
Su Lin didn't get half a second, as she felt a strong pare of arms rip Shifu from her arms. She spun around to see one of Raisou's warriors carry a certain screaming cub away.
"SU LIN!!!!!!"
Su Lin jumped high into the air, her leg shot forward and went deep within the warrior back a fountain of blood spurt out.
"HURK-!" And with that he collapsed. Dead.
Su Lin gave a horrified cry as Shifu slammed hard into a rock, the impact knocked him unconscious.
As soon as Su Lin bent down to pick him up, she felt a warm and wet sensation go down her back, and then she felt it. The searing pain. Someone had stabbed her.
The knife had gone in deep, and black-red blood poured from the wound, seeping into a huge puddle under her feet. Su Lin needed to act quickly, the other warriors were much to absorbed in the battle to notice her, so she got to feet and ran. Ignoring the pain. Ignoring the pained screams from her fellow warriors. Ignoring all her comrades falling to the ground. Su Lin knew she wasn't far from the palace so she just kept going, sucking in air through her teeth as she ran. That's when she saw him. His black silhouette underneath the tree,calm,quiet. Su Lin gave a gasp of pain, as she attempted to drag herself to the silhouette under the trees. She was relieved when Oogway turned around towards her, his eyes wide as he just stared at her... Su Lin opened her mouth to speak, but all that could be heard was a soft hissing bubble of blood trickling down her chin. She crawled over to Oogway on one knee and one hand, cradling the small bundle in her arms. She extended her hand towards the old tortoise, who opened his arms, as she plopped the small creature safely in his arms.
Oogway was quiet as he just stood there, gazing at the still form. Realization setting in.
No! couldn't be!........Could it?
It was! It really was! After all these was!
Oogway caressed the tiny creature, gazing down at Su Lin.
Su Lin's mouth creased, she crawled over to Oogway and Shifu, leaving a trail of dark crimson blood behind. She got up high on her knees and with trembling lips, she planted a small kiss on his forehead. Su Lin then smiled up at Oogway before colapsing lifelessly in a pool of her blood.
Oogway gave a shaky breath, thankful Shifu was unconscious, and not awake to witness the disturbing sight.
The old tortoise laid sympathetic eyes on Su Lin's body, he had known her. Only for a short time, but he had known her. Shaking his head sadly, he gazed down at the young cub in his arms, then made his way back to the safety of the Jade Palace.
(What did you think? *cry* sad eh? I tried to make it as long as I could. I wasn't to morbid, was I? XD)
Preview of the next chappie!
Shifu cringed back into his pillow, tears in his eyes as the old tortoise moved towards him.
"Shifu, relax..." Oogway placed a cold cloth on his forehead. "You are feverish, and I'm trying to get your teperature down."
Tears flooded into the young cub's eyes. "Pl-please! Don't hurt me!" He sobbed.
The old tortoise smiled gently down at the red panda. "I would never hurt you, don't you know who I am?" Even if Shifu didn't recognize his as his guardian, his parents most likely told him about Grand Master Oogway, the founder of Kung Fu, and Kohai and Shei Lia's old mentor.
Oogway gave a shuddering sigh, when he brought Shifu back to the palace he noticed a ruby amulet around the cub's neck, and Oogway recognized it as Shei Lia's old necklace. Su Lin comming to him, silently asking him to fufill his task as Shifu's guardian, the horrible visions of deaths of his beloved students, and the Ruby amulet were puzzle pieces that all fell into place.
Kohaii and Shei Lia were dead.
Oogway sighed, closed his eyes, as a small tear went down his cheek.
Shifu lay there in his cousin's arms, his face and jacket soaked with tears.
" ma....." That unleashed another round of sobbing.
"Shhh..shh, it's okay Shifu, sweetie, don't cry." Su Lin whispered, kissing his forehead in a friendly protective gesture. She rocked him in her arms gently shushing and smoothing his fur, trying to soothe him as best as she could.
"Little thing's certainly crying there." Rai called from the front seat of the wagon.
Su Lin felt anger surge through her heart. "What the hell do you expect?! The baby's just lost his mother two weeks ago, and his father two hours ago!
Rai rolled his eyes. "Well sorr-E!" He growled angrily.
Su Lin gave a glare of disgust up at her stepbrother, "You are so insensitive!" She snapped. "How would you feel if you became an orphan-" She snapped her fingers, "Just like that?! With dangerous malicious warriors on your tail, having no idea where you are, or where you're going! I highly doubt he remembers the Jade Palace, he was only there when he was a two month old baby!!"
Rai sighed and rubbed his temples. "Alright, alright! No need for a lecture sis...we get enough of that in high school you know!" He snapped back.
Shifu's sobbing became louder and his whole body shook.
Rai looked back at him with sympathy. "Poor kid..." He murmured sadly. Then Rai's face lit up, he reached into his pocket and pulled something out. "You want a lollipop little man?"
Shifu stopped crying for a brief moment, looked up at Rai then burried his face in Su Lin's shirt and sobbed hysterically.
Kai threw up his hands glaring at his brother. "Now look what you did! Poor thing, scared him..."
"Probably by looking at your face Rai!" Hikonai quipped laughing.
The whole wagon filled with jeering laughter from the male teenagers.
All of a sudden, the wagon was shook violently.
Su Lin uttered a shrill scream as she went flying at the window, still holding Shifu in her arms.
The wagon swayed back and forth and toppled over to the side.
" Rai! Kai! Hikonai!!" Su Lin screamed into the wagon. "Are you guys alright?!!"
Agonizing silence was all that was heard...
".....Ohhhh...oh.. my leg I-I think it's broken!"
"My head..."
" M-my chest!"
"Rai! Kai! Hikonai!...Are you alright?" Su Lin demanded fearfully.
" head..!"
Relieved tears filled Su Lin's eyes. "My dear brothers...thank goodness you're safe!"
"Not for long..." A voice rasped in the distance.
Su Lin gave a horrified gasp, her voice quavered. "Wh-who's there?"
"Who's there?" She asked again, this time more forcefully and with more courage.
Su Lin heard a small snicker, which turned into a jeering maniacal laugh.
" Your worst nightmare princess!"
A black silhouette spiraled through the air and stood underneath a tree branch.
"........Who are you?!" She snarled going into a fighting stance.
"....." The creature emerged from under the brush, smirking.
Su Lin's mouth gaped open like a fish "R-Raisou?!! What are you doing here?! Get away from here! From me...this instant! BEFORE I TEAR YOU TO SHREDS!"
The red fox smirked. "Tempting, but we'll pass...we'd rather take the cub first. Before, we rip you to shreds!"
Su Lin's vision blurred with tears, she gritted her teeth. "Are you the one who tipped the wagon?!!"
Raisou scoffed. "Obviously..."
Su Lin's fur stood on end, her eyes went wild with rage. "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY BROTHERS!!" She screamed. "AND YOU'LL NEVER GET SHIFU!!"
Raisou sneered. "We'll see about that..." With that, he jumped high into the air, landing hard on the ground, cracking the earth.
Su Lin gave a grimace, it was nearly impossible to fight someone with one arm occupied in holding on to a child.
Raisou was fast-to fast, he spiraled into the air landing a perfect kick right into Su Lin's gullet. She gagged and staggered backwards, giving Raisou a perfect opportunity to land in a few hard punches. Su Lin jumped on top of a branch, and gave a low kick, swiping the fox off his feet. Su Lin used this opportunity to zip behind him, jump high into the air and kick him straight down his head. She heard a sickening crack as his head cracked open, warm blood pouring out of the open wound. Raisou howled with pain and staggered backwards into the thick tree trunk. Su Lin heard something in the distance...battle cries? Yes! Battle cries! Her fellow warriors were coming to help her. One of them charged towards Raisou and did a high jump kick. Su Lin grinned, fifteen against one? He had no chance! Su Lin's grin faded as she listened to something in the distance.
"No..." She whispered, eyes wide with fear. "No! No, I did not just hear that!" Male battle cries? ......And...and tons of them! It sounded like there was at least twenty some other men coming to assist Raisou!
Raisou opened his eyes a slit. "Th-they're coming..." He informed them weakly.
Su Lin didn't get half a second, as she felt a strong pare of arms rip Shifu from her arms. She spun around to see one of Raisou's warriors carry a certain screaming cub away.
"SU LIN!!!!!!"
Su Lin jumped high into the air, her leg shot forward and went deep within the warrior back a fountain of blood spurt out.
"HURK-!" And with that he collapsed. Dead.
Su Lin gave a horrified cry as Shifu slammed hard into a rock, the impact knocked him unconscious.
As soon as Su Lin bent down to pick him up, she felt a warm and wet sensation go down her back, and then she felt it. The searing pain. Someone had stabbed her.
The knife had gone in deep, and black-red blood poured from the wound, seeping into a huge puddle under her feet. Su Lin needed to act quickly, the other warriors were much to absorbed in the battle to notice her, so she got to feet and ran. Ignoring the pain. Ignoring the pained screams from her fellow warriors. Ignoring all her comrades falling to the ground. Su Lin knew she wasn't far from the palace so she just kept going, sucking in air through her teeth as she ran. That's when she saw him. His black silhouette underneath the tree,calm,quiet. Su Lin gave a gasp of pain, as she attempted to drag herself to the silhouette under the trees. She was relieved when Oogway turned around towards her, his eyes wide as he just stared at her... Su Lin opened her mouth to speak, but all that could be heard was a soft hissing bubble of blood trickling down her chin. She crawled over to Oogway on one knee and one hand, cradling the small bundle in her arms. She extended her hand towards the old tortoise, who opened his arms, as she plopped the small creature safely in his arms.
Oogway was quiet as he just stood there, gazing at the still form. Realization setting in.
No! couldn't be!........Could it?
It was! It really was! After all these was!
Oogway caressed the tiny creature, gazing down at Su Lin.
Su Lin's mouth creased, she crawled over to Oogway and Shifu, leaving a trail of dark crimson blood behind. She got up high on her knees and with trembling lips, she planted a small kiss on his forehead. Su Lin then smiled up at Oogway before colapsing lifelessly in a pool of her blood.
Oogway gave a shaky breath, thankful Shifu was unconscious, and not awake to witness the disturbing sight.
The old tortoise laid sympathetic eyes on Su Lin's body, he had known her. Only for a short time, but he had known her. Shaking his head sadly, he gazed down at the young cub in his arms, then made his way back to the safety of the Jade Palace.
(What did you think? *cry* sad eh? I tried to make it as long as I could. I wasn't to morbid, was I? XD)
Preview of the next chappie!
Shifu cringed back into his pillow, tears in his eyes as the old tortoise moved towards him.
"Shifu, relax..." Oogway placed a cold cloth on his forehead. "You are feverish, and I'm trying to get your teperature down."
Tears flooded into the young cub's eyes. "Pl-please! Don't hurt me!" He sobbed.
The old tortoise smiled gently down at the red panda. "I would never hurt you, don't you know who I am?" Even if Shifu didn't recognize his as his guardian, his parents most likely told him about Grand Master Oogway, the founder of Kung Fu, and Kohai and Shei Lia's old mentor.
Oogway gave a shuddering sigh, when he brought Shifu back to the palace he noticed a ruby amulet around the cub's neck, and Oogway recognized it as Shei Lia's old necklace. Su Lin comming to him, silently asking him to fufill his task as Shifu's guardian, the horrible visions of deaths of his beloved students, and the Ruby amulet were puzzle pieces that all fell into place.
Kohaii and Shei Lia were dead.
Oogway sighed, closed his eyes, as a small tear went down his cheek.
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pixiebell on September 27, 2008, 1:07:28 AM
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BlackPhoenixHighlord on September 19, 2008, 5:34:16 AM
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chaos_kitten8 on September 19, 2008, 5:08:10 AM
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pixiepumpkin on September 19, 2008, 5:09:18 AM
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