Chapter 11 - Disobedience (A Very Impotant Chapter)
Submitted September 18, 2008 Updated January 21, 2009 Status Incomplete | This is mainly a story of how Shifu met Oogway when he was a tiny cub. (If you haven't watched Kung Fu Panda then there's no point in even reading this....)
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Chapter 11 - Disobedience (A Very Impotant Chapter)
Chapter 11 - Disobedience (A Very Impotant Chapter)
(this chapter is very important, Shifu will learn a life lesson, which you can probably tell what it is by the title...)
"Master, where are we going exactly?"
Oogway smiled. "A place I know you'll love Shifu..." He said softly. "Do you know how to climb well..?"
"I am a red panda!" The cub said cherfully.
"How about climbing cliffs?"
"Huh-?!!" Shifu was alarmed. "Master! I cannot climb a cliff!!"
The old tortoise looked thoughtful. "It is not very steep, but if you cannot climb it then I will not make you... and will carry you instead."
Shifu nodded slowly. "I'll see if I can do it..." His confidence returned. "If it's not steep then I know I can do it!"
Oogway chuckled. "Then let us move on."
Shifu punched the air excitedly. "I'm going to conquer that cliff! You'll see master, I can do it!!"
"Whaaaaaaaaat?!! I can't do that!" Shifu stood there staring open mouthed at a steep towering ledge, bits of debree crumbling off the top.
Oogway chuckled lightly. "We will se young one, give your own abilities a chance. you are a red panda, climbing should be very easy for you. I am a Galapagos tortoise, so it will be much more difficult for me."
Shifu glared at his master. "You are the founder, and supreme master of Kung Fu! You'll be much better then me!"
Oogway smiled mysteriously. "Do not asume things my dear student.."
Shrugging, Shifu did a high flip, and clawed at the giant ledge trying to get a grip on it.
Oogway gently placed his long fingernails in the soft dirt, and pulled himself up the first ledge without much trouble at all.
"Much more difficult for you, huh..?" Shifu asked sarcasticlly.
Oogway chuckled. "It is only the first ledge Shifu..."
Shifu grunted and panted shakilly climbing onto their seventeenth ledge.
"Let me know if you need a ride Shifu.." The old master offered with a smile.
"Hey...n-no problem!" Shifu gasped. " the cliffs...Woooo!"
After reaching one of the last ledges, they stopped to take a break.
Oogway smiled. "Shifu, I have something to show you.."
The cub gave an excited gasp. "Are you serious?! We're finally there?!!"
The old tortoise laughed. "Not yet my pupil.."
Shifu burried his head in the dirt, and gave a long frustrated whine.
Oogway chuckled and gently grabbed the cub's hand, pulling him towards a small opening in beween the rocks.
Shifu gasped. "A secret passage?!"
Oogway smiled. "Yes.."
"A SPRING!!" The cub hollered joyfully, as he rushed over towards the small pond of water.
Oogway laughed. "Go ahead and take a swim if you want. I brought towels and your old tunic."
"YESS!!" At that Shifu dove under the water, squealing and giggling happily. "The water's really deep!" He dove under so far Oogway couldn't see him anymore.
The old tortoise dangled his own feet in the water. "Do you want to know why it's so deep..?"
"Uh-huh" Shifu said, as he resurfaced.
"As steep as this cliff is, is as deep as the water is."
"Wow! So is there burried treasure at the bottom?!"
Oogway smiled. "You never know, maybe we can use snorkeling gear, and go to the bottom."
"" He laughed. "Maybe next time we come we'll snorkel down to the bottom. Oogway looked thoughful. "Next time we'll use the bridge to get to the cliff-"
The old tortoise looked at the steaming red panda. "Umm.....yes."
Oogway tried to hide a smile. "I..umm...I forgot..?"
"YOU DID NOT MASTER!!" Shifu hollered angrily.
Oogway laughed and swam for his life as his enraged student chased him through the pond.
Shifu's eyes sparkled. "Whooooaaaa....It-it's beautiful!" Oogway and Shifu had just reached the top of the cliff, and the cub was amazed at what he saw. Bridges everywhere, caves inbeded all through the rocky ledges. seven little huts placed on every seven giant cliff.
"Come Shifu.." Oogway gently took the cub's hand and brought him to the top of the biggest cliff. He removed a few of the boulders around the litle hut, and opened up a seal.
Shifu could see a geen glow reflect off the rocks, and all the other huts. "Master, what is this..?"
Oogway turned around, holding a green stone, it looked like a square donut. It had writting all over it, and looked to be about 100 years old.
"Shifu, this is a sacred relic. They hold all the secrets and mysteries of every Chinese martial art." He placed it in the cub's hands, it hovered and spun over the red panda's palms. " prety."
Oogway glanced around to the beautiful surroundings. "Welcome to the Wudang Temple."
The cub's eyes sparkled. "Amazing.." He whispered, gazing at the enchanting gemstone in his hands.
"If you have any kind of wish, the sarced relics will help you grant it, if the wish is possible and your goal achievable. Whisper the relic your name, and state your wish. Then place it back into it's seal.
Shifu did so, wishing with all his heart.
I want to be a true master of Kung Fu, and make Master Oogway proud of me!
Oogway looked over at the young cub. "Have you made your wish Shifu..?"
Shifu trned to him and nodded.
"Then come, I have more to show you."
"That was really fun master! It was worth the whoooole climb!" Shifu chirped, as they made their way towards the Hall Of Heroes.
Oogway nodded in agreement, smiling. "Sooo..are you goig to tell me what you wished for?"
The cub laughed. "What-? No! Then it won't come true."
Oogway poked Shifu fondly in the nose. "The sacred relics do not work that way my student. Your wish will only come true if you make it come true. The relics are merely green stones to help motivate you of achieving your goal."
"Oh! If that's the case, theeeenn I wished to be a true master of Kung Fu so you'll be proud of me!"
"Shifu you're getting better and better each day." Oogway beamed. "I couldn't be more proud of you! I will always be proud of you!"
They both enter'ed the palace chatting joyfully over the young cub's acopmplishments.
Just then Oogway's smile faded, he looked around the palace worriedly.
"..Master" Shifu asked concerned.
In a split second the old tortoise jumped, pushing Shifu roughly to the ground, Shifu flew, and hit the wall. As Oogway crumpled to the floor.
Shifu's eyes widened in horror as he spotted a large arrow sticking out of the old master's back. He wasn't moving.
"MASTER OOGWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shifu screamed at the top of his lungs, as he rushd over to his wounded master. "MASTER! MASTER?!! WAKE UP! PLEASE!!!!!"
"No...NO!!!" Shifu started to sob uncontrolably. "NO! MASTER OOGWAY!! WAKE UP PLEASE! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME! NOT YOU TO! PLEASE! I CAN'T BEAR TO LOSE YOU TO! I LOVE-"[/b]
"Shifu..." The old tortoise whispered hoarsely. "Stop shouting....I-I am not dead..."
"Master-!!" Shifu gave a sob of relief and colapsed over the old tortoise's shell, sobbing softly.
Oogway stagered to his feet, and tore out the blood drenched arrow head. He gave a pained cry through gritted teeth, and tossed the arrow aside Oogway spun around to the enterance of the hall long enough to see an oddly shaped shadow disapear into the night. He stroked the cub's fury head untill he was calm again.
Shifu gazed up at the old master in wide eyed fear. "Sh-shall I get the first aid kit..?"
Oogway managed a weak smile. "You shall..."
Moments later the old master was bandaged up, as he limped towards the enterance of the palace. "Shifu, I'm going to need you to come with me to Wudang tmeple."
"WHAT?!" The cub was horrified. "Master! Your injuries!!"
Oogway shrugged. "It isn't that serious Shifu, it never hit anything vital.."
"But-but-" Shifu faltered.
"It's to dangerous right now for you to stay in the Palace by yourself. You were almost killed!"
" saved my life master..."
Oogway smiled. "Of course, it is the Master-Godfather's responsibility to protect their student-god child with their life."
Shifu smiled at his master endearingly.
Oogway crossed the bridge, with Shifu on his back, in was very windy at Wudang Temple, and Shifu kept on blowing away. Th old tortoise struggled to move through the harsh wind, as he grasped onto the stone hut. He opened the seal and gave a horrified gasp.
"!" The relic was gone. Oogway and Shifu checked all seven huts and only found four remaining.
The old tortoise shook his head sullenly. "It is just as I feared...that Shadow Lang army, they will not get away with this!"
Shifu became nervous. "Master, what are you talking about..?"
"Shifu, when Kohaii and Shei Lia were my pupils..I sent them to the Wudang Temple to rid us of a powerful and dark army called Shadow Lang. They live in the forest north of here, and had always been trying to steal the sacred relics, just as feared..with your parents deaths they have returned and successfuly stole three of the sacred relics."
Shifu flew into rage. "Those rotten wolves! Where are they master?! I'm going to whoop.Their.-"
"You will do no such thing." Oogway said sharply. "The Shadow Lang wolves have a huge army, and are very powerful, you are no match for such an army. It would be foolish to even attempt to retreive the relics from them." He bent down to Shifu's level "I want you to give me your word that you will not leave the safety of the Jade Palace."
Shifu hesitated. "Alright..."
Oogway gave a relieved sigh. "Good. Now we must return to the Palace, it is late."
That night Shifu tossed and turned in bed, furious with the Shadow Lang wolves. How dare they steal fom Master Oogway!!?? The founder and creator of Kung Fu! I can't stand this, I'm going to make them pay! He slipped out from uner the covers, and crept towards the bunk house exit. I'm sorry Master Oogway, but I need to do this..for you! With that he scammpered off into the night.
"Huh-?! What-?!!!" The wolf sprung up from his matt. "What the hell is it Tai?! you near gave me a friggin heart attack!"
Tai rolled his eyes. "Look what Fen and I managed to sneak from Wudang!" He held up the sacred relics.
Fen sneered. "Easy as pie, since them loser students of Oogway's are dead now!" He squealed joyfully.
Tai snickered. "Even if they were alive we could've taken them down easily."
Gouku gave a greedy toothy grin. "Wicked man! The leader will be impressed!"
Tai was nearly bubbling over with excitement. "I can't wait to see the look on Comedant's face when he sees them!"
Fen looked thoughtful. "Hmm, yeah, where should we put e'm so they'd be safe?"
The wolves stared up at a certain red panda cub standing with his hands on his hips, on a giant log.
Gouku scratched his head. "Yah know man...if ah didn't know any better ah'd say that squirel is talk'n to us!"
"I'M NOT A SQUIREL!!!!" He did a flip in the air and landed on all fours. "GIVE THOSE RELICS BACK!!"
Tai frowned. "Look kid, your to young to join us! Why don't you wait untill you grow to be six feet, rather then one..?"
Fen snickered. "Id'n it past your bed time little man?"
Shifu gave a low growl. "No but it's past your DEAD TIME!!" With that he kicked Gouku backwards, and he spiraled into the bottom of a tree.
Tai and Fen howled with laughter. "Dude! You got your arce kicked by a squirrel!"
Tai and Fen found themselves in Gouku's same position.
"Awwww.....geez, tough little rodent isn't he..?" Tai asked Grogily.
The wolves peeled themselves off the tree trunk, and got into a stance.
Gouku leered at the cub. "So you wana fight? Do you little man?! Well then prepare for the fight of yo LIFE!!"
Oogway's eyes snapped open. Something is not right. He realized with sudden alarm. He walked down the hallway to Shifu's room. The old toroise had to hold himslef up by the doorframe as he peered into the empty bed.
Shifu was taking it rough, he was a strong fighter, but these wolves were even stronger. He delivered a kick to Gouku's gullet, and a strong punch to Tai's head.
Tai groaned. "We're going to need backup!" He blew into a long horn, and a bunch of wolves fell out of the trees.
Shifu's face went pale. The backup was much more fierce looking, big and stronger! He was doomed.
They clawed. They bit. They Thrashed. They kicked. They mauled. They maimed.
Finally Gouku pinned the injured cub to the ground by his throat, and unleased his razor sharp claws, ready to deliver the death blow.
Shifu saw a streak of colors as the old tortoise leapt through the air and kicked Gouku straight to the throat. sending him flying backwards into a pile with the other wolves.
"Master Oogway!!" Shifu exclaimed joyfully.
The old tortoise turned around and sent Shifu a cold, hard glare.
The cub flinched under his master's harsh gaze, and watched in awe as Oogway-with a series of graceful kicks and flips, had the wolves piled up in a corner, unconcious.
Tears flooded into Shifu's eyes. "Master Oogway!" He ran over to the old tortoise clutching onto his shell tightly. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!!"
Oogway's glare softened as he place a gentle hand on the cub's head. Shifu's sobs quieted as he colapsed unconciously against Oogway's side.
"Mmmm..?" Shifu's eyes flickered open as he gazed around at his surroundings. The ground was moving, he could feel himself lying down on something warm, his master's arms! Shifu slowly lifted his head and gazed up at Oogway.
"Oh, you are awake Shifu..." The old tortoise's expression was cold, but calm. Frightening. "You have been out for a while now. We're almost at the Palace, I will tend to your wounds there..."
"You broke your word to me Shifu... You promised you would not leave the Palace, and you broke it."
Shifu lowered his head in shame. Oogway never raised his voice, he wasn't like that, Shifu knew when his master was angry or upset he spoke in a calm tone and Shifu would much prefer his master yelling at him instead.
"Everything has it's consiquences, and your life was almost the price for you disobeying me." Oogway said soberly.
"I....I was trying to get the relics back for you...I know they're very important to you."
Oogway's mouth was set in a grim line. "Shifu, compared to how much you mean to me, those relics are just worthless stones."
Tears filled the cub's eyes. "I-I thought if I could b-beat he wolves and get the'd be proud of me!" He whispered, hardly able to get out the words.
Oogway frowned. "Shifu even if you had succeded in retrieving the relics, do you really think going against my direct orders would make me proud of you?"
"...............I-I guess I didn't think of that.." The cub murmured.
"What were you trying to do? Were you trying to kill yourself? You almost earned a one way ticket to a gruesome bloody death!"
"What makes this hurt, is wondering if I can trust you now.."
Shifu's eyes widened. "Y-you can trust me!!"
"How can I be so sure?"
It broke Shifu's heart to hear him say that, it was obvious his master had been very hurt by his disobedience.
"I'll listen next time master....I'm sorry.."
That is where the founder of Kung Fu broke. He reached out scratching btween his student's ears.
Shifu giggled and smiled up at him.
Oogway returned the smile with a litle one of his own. "Apology accepted my dear student, now you must refrain from training for about three weeks-"
"three weeks??!" Shifu groaned, rubbing his eyes with his tiny paws.
"Yes, three weeks. You can instead, spend the time cleaning. The palace is getting dirty."
Shifu groaned again, colapsing onto his back.
(How was it? gooood and important? XD supposed to be! If I made some spelling mistakes it was because my spelling checked wasn't sue me! The moral of this chapter is "Always listen to your master....or else you DIE!" XD)
Chap Priev!
"Oh wow!" Shifu's eyes sparkled. "A tournament? Really?!
Oogway beamed. "Yes a tournament." His eyes sparkled. "Its for ages seven to twelve." He chuckled. "You'll be seven in a month, so I think I can convince them to let you enter."
Shifu's eyes sparkled. "Wooooowww! Really?! That would we great! Thank you so much master!"
Oogway chuckled and smoothed the cub's fur. "You're welcome my student.
Giggling, Shifu scanned the rest of the flyer. He gasped.
"Oh no-!"
"Master, where are we going exactly?"
Oogway smiled. "A place I know you'll love Shifu..." He said softly. "Do you know how to climb well..?"
"I am a red panda!" The cub said cherfully.
"How about climbing cliffs?"
"Huh-?!!" Shifu was alarmed. "Master! I cannot climb a cliff!!"
The old tortoise looked thoughtful. "It is not very steep, but if you cannot climb it then I will not make you... and will carry you instead."
Shifu nodded slowly. "I'll see if I can do it..." His confidence returned. "If it's not steep then I know I can do it!"
Oogway chuckled. "Then let us move on."
Shifu punched the air excitedly. "I'm going to conquer that cliff! You'll see master, I can do it!!"
"Whaaaaaaaaat?!! I can't do that!" Shifu stood there staring open mouthed at a steep towering ledge, bits of debree crumbling off the top.
Oogway chuckled lightly. "We will se young one, give your own abilities a chance. you are a red panda, climbing should be very easy for you. I am a Galapagos tortoise, so it will be much more difficult for me."
Shifu glared at his master. "You are the founder, and supreme master of Kung Fu! You'll be much better then me!"
Oogway smiled mysteriously. "Do not asume things my dear student.."
Shrugging, Shifu did a high flip, and clawed at the giant ledge trying to get a grip on it.
Oogway gently placed his long fingernails in the soft dirt, and pulled himself up the first ledge without much trouble at all.
"Much more difficult for you, huh..?" Shifu asked sarcasticlly.
Oogway chuckled. "It is only the first ledge Shifu..."
Shifu grunted and panted shakilly climbing onto their seventeenth ledge.
"Let me know if you need a ride Shifu.." The old master offered with a smile.
"Hey...n-no problem!" Shifu gasped. " the cliffs...Woooo!"
After reaching one of the last ledges, they stopped to take a break.
Oogway smiled. "Shifu, I have something to show you.."
The cub gave an excited gasp. "Are you serious?! We're finally there?!!"
The old tortoise laughed. "Not yet my pupil.."
Shifu burried his head in the dirt, and gave a long frustrated whine.
Oogway chuckled and gently grabbed the cub's hand, pulling him towards a small opening in beween the rocks.
Shifu gasped. "A secret passage?!"
Oogway smiled. "Yes.."
"A SPRING!!" The cub hollered joyfully, as he rushed over towards the small pond of water.
Oogway laughed. "Go ahead and take a swim if you want. I brought towels and your old tunic."
"YESS!!" At that Shifu dove under the water, squealing and giggling happily. "The water's really deep!" He dove under so far Oogway couldn't see him anymore.
The old tortoise dangled his own feet in the water. "Do you want to know why it's so deep..?"
"Uh-huh" Shifu said, as he resurfaced.
"As steep as this cliff is, is as deep as the water is."
"Wow! So is there burried treasure at the bottom?!"
Oogway smiled. "You never know, maybe we can use snorkeling gear, and go to the bottom."
"" He laughed. "Maybe next time we come we'll snorkel down to the bottom. Oogway looked thoughful. "Next time we'll use the bridge to get to the cliff-"
The old tortoise looked at the steaming red panda. "Umm.....yes."
Oogway tried to hide a smile. "I..umm...I forgot..?"
"YOU DID NOT MASTER!!" Shifu hollered angrily.
Oogway laughed and swam for his life as his enraged student chased him through the pond.
Shifu's eyes sparkled. "Whooooaaaa....It-it's beautiful!" Oogway and Shifu had just reached the top of the cliff, and the cub was amazed at what he saw. Bridges everywhere, caves inbeded all through the rocky ledges. seven little huts placed on every seven giant cliff.
"Come Shifu.." Oogway gently took the cub's hand and brought him to the top of the biggest cliff. He removed a few of the boulders around the litle hut, and opened up a seal.
Shifu could see a geen glow reflect off the rocks, and all the other huts. "Master, what is this..?"
Oogway turned around, holding a green stone, it looked like a square donut. It had writting all over it, and looked to be about 100 years old.
"Shifu, this is a sacred relic. They hold all the secrets and mysteries of every Chinese martial art." He placed it in the cub's hands, it hovered and spun over the red panda's palms. " prety."
Oogway glanced around to the beautiful surroundings. "Welcome to the Wudang Temple."
The cub's eyes sparkled. "Amazing.." He whispered, gazing at the enchanting gemstone in his hands.
"If you have any kind of wish, the sarced relics will help you grant it, if the wish is possible and your goal achievable. Whisper the relic your name, and state your wish. Then place it back into it's seal.
Shifu did so, wishing with all his heart.
I want to be a true master of Kung Fu, and make Master Oogway proud of me!
Oogway looked over at the young cub. "Have you made your wish Shifu..?"
Shifu trned to him and nodded.
"Then come, I have more to show you."
"That was really fun master! It was worth the whoooole climb!" Shifu chirped, as they made their way towards the Hall Of Heroes.
Oogway nodded in agreement, smiling. "Sooo..are you goig to tell me what you wished for?"
The cub laughed. "What-? No! Then it won't come true."
Oogway poked Shifu fondly in the nose. "The sacred relics do not work that way my student. Your wish will only come true if you make it come true. The relics are merely green stones to help motivate you of achieving your goal."
"Oh! If that's the case, theeeenn I wished to be a true master of Kung Fu so you'll be proud of me!"
"Shifu you're getting better and better each day." Oogway beamed. "I couldn't be more proud of you! I will always be proud of you!"
They both enter'ed the palace chatting joyfully over the young cub's acopmplishments.
Just then Oogway's smile faded, he looked around the palace worriedly.
"..Master" Shifu asked concerned.
In a split second the old tortoise jumped, pushing Shifu roughly to the ground, Shifu flew, and hit the wall. As Oogway crumpled to the floor.
Shifu's eyes widened in horror as he spotted a large arrow sticking out of the old master's back. He wasn't moving.
"MASTER OOGWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shifu screamed at the top of his lungs, as he rushd over to his wounded master. "MASTER! MASTER?!! WAKE UP! PLEASE!!!!!"
"No...NO!!!" Shifu started to sob uncontrolably. "NO! MASTER OOGWAY!! WAKE UP PLEASE! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME! NOT YOU TO! PLEASE! I CAN'T BEAR TO LOSE YOU TO! I LOVE-"[/b]
"Shifu..." The old tortoise whispered hoarsely. "Stop shouting....I-I am not dead..."
"Master-!!" Shifu gave a sob of relief and colapsed over the old tortoise's shell, sobbing softly.
Oogway stagered to his feet, and tore out the blood drenched arrow head. He gave a pained cry through gritted teeth, and tossed the arrow aside Oogway spun around to the enterance of the hall long enough to see an oddly shaped shadow disapear into the night. He stroked the cub's fury head untill he was calm again.
Shifu gazed up at the old master in wide eyed fear. "Sh-shall I get the first aid kit..?"
Oogway managed a weak smile. "You shall..."
Moments later the old master was bandaged up, as he limped towards the enterance of the palace. "Shifu, I'm going to need you to come with me to Wudang tmeple."
"WHAT?!" The cub was horrified. "Master! Your injuries!!"
Oogway shrugged. "It isn't that serious Shifu, it never hit anything vital.."
"But-but-" Shifu faltered.
"It's to dangerous right now for you to stay in the Palace by yourself. You were almost killed!"
" saved my life master..."
Oogway smiled. "Of course, it is the Master-Godfather's responsibility to protect their student-god child with their life."
Shifu smiled at his master endearingly.
Oogway crossed the bridge, with Shifu on his back, in was very windy at Wudang Temple, and Shifu kept on blowing away. Th old tortoise struggled to move through the harsh wind, as he grasped onto the stone hut. He opened the seal and gave a horrified gasp.
"!" The relic was gone. Oogway and Shifu checked all seven huts and only found four remaining.
The old tortoise shook his head sullenly. "It is just as I feared...that Shadow Lang army, they will not get away with this!"
Shifu became nervous. "Master, what are you talking about..?"
"Shifu, when Kohaii and Shei Lia were my pupils..I sent them to the Wudang Temple to rid us of a powerful and dark army called Shadow Lang. They live in the forest north of here, and had always been trying to steal the sacred relics, just as feared..with your parents deaths they have returned and successfuly stole three of the sacred relics."
Shifu flew into rage. "Those rotten wolves! Where are they master?! I'm going to whoop.Their.-"
"You will do no such thing." Oogway said sharply. "The Shadow Lang wolves have a huge army, and are very powerful, you are no match for such an army. It would be foolish to even attempt to retreive the relics from them." He bent down to Shifu's level "I want you to give me your word that you will not leave the safety of the Jade Palace."
Shifu hesitated. "Alright..."
Oogway gave a relieved sigh. "Good. Now we must return to the Palace, it is late."
That night Shifu tossed and turned in bed, furious with the Shadow Lang wolves. How dare they steal fom Master Oogway!!?? The founder and creator of Kung Fu! I can't stand this, I'm going to make them pay! He slipped out from uner the covers, and crept towards the bunk house exit. I'm sorry Master Oogway, but I need to do this..for you! With that he scammpered off into the night.
"Huh-?! What-?!!!" The wolf sprung up from his matt. "What the hell is it Tai?! you near gave me a friggin heart attack!"
Tai rolled his eyes. "Look what Fen and I managed to sneak from Wudang!" He held up the sacred relics.
Fen sneered. "Easy as pie, since them loser students of Oogway's are dead now!" He squealed joyfully.
Tai snickered. "Even if they were alive we could've taken them down easily."
Gouku gave a greedy toothy grin. "Wicked man! The leader will be impressed!"
Tai was nearly bubbling over with excitement. "I can't wait to see the look on Comedant's face when he sees them!"
Fen looked thoughtful. "Hmm, yeah, where should we put e'm so they'd be safe?"
The wolves stared up at a certain red panda cub standing with his hands on his hips, on a giant log.
Gouku scratched his head. "Yah know man...if ah didn't know any better ah'd say that squirel is talk'n to us!"
"I'M NOT A SQUIREL!!!!" He did a flip in the air and landed on all fours. "GIVE THOSE RELICS BACK!!"
Tai frowned. "Look kid, your to young to join us! Why don't you wait untill you grow to be six feet, rather then one..?"
Fen snickered. "Id'n it past your bed time little man?"
Shifu gave a low growl. "No but it's past your DEAD TIME!!" With that he kicked Gouku backwards, and he spiraled into the bottom of a tree.
Tai and Fen howled with laughter. "Dude! You got your arce kicked by a squirrel!"
Tai and Fen found themselves in Gouku's same position.
"Awwww.....geez, tough little rodent isn't he..?" Tai asked Grogily.
The wolves peeled themselves off the tree trunk, and got into a stance.
Gouku leered at the cub. "So you wana fight? Do you little man?! Well then prepare for the fight of yo LIFE!!"
Oogway's eyes snapped open. Something is not right. He realized with sudden alarm. He walked down the hallway to Shifu's room. The old toroise had to hold himslef up by the doorframe as he peered into the empty bed.
Shifu was taking it rough, he was a strong fighter, but these wolves were even stronger. He delivered a kick to Gouku's gullet, and a strong punch to Tai's head.
Tai groaned. "We're going to need backup!" He blew into a long horn, and a bunch of wolves fell out of the trees.
Shifu's face went pale. The backup was much more fierce looking, big and stronger! He was doomed.
They clawed. They bit. They Thrashed. They kicked. They mauled. They maimed.
Finally Gouku pinned the injured cub to the ground by his throat, and unleased his razor sharp claws, ready to deliver the death blow.
Shifu saw a streak of colors as the old tortoise leapt through the air and kicked Gouku straight to the throat. sending him flying backwards into a pile with the other wolves.
"Master Oogway!!" Shifu exclaimed joyfully.
The old tortoise turned around and sent Shifu a cold, hard glare.
The cub flinched under his master's harsh gaze, and watched in awe as Oogway-with a series of graceful kicks and flips, had the wolves piled up in a corner, unconcious.
Tears flooded into Shifu's eyes. "Master Oogway!" He ran over to the old tortoise clutching onto his shell tightly. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!!"
Oogway's glare softened as he place a gentle hand on the cub's head. Shifu's sobs quieted as he colapsed unconciously against Oogway's side.
"Mmmm..?" Shifu's eyes flickered open as he gazed around at his surroundings. The ground was moving, he could feel himself lying down on something warm, his master's arms! Shifu slowly lifted his head and gazed up at Oogway.
"Oh, you are awake Shifu..." The old tortoise's expression was cold, but calm. Frightening. "You have been out for a while now. We're almost at the Palace, I will tend to your wounds there..."
"You broke your word to me Shifu... You promised you would not leave the Palace, and you broke it."
Shifu lowered his head in shame. Oogway never raised his voice, he wasn't like that, Shifu knew when his master was angry or upset he spoke in a calm tone and Shifu would much prefer his master yelling at him instead.
"Everything has it's consiquences, and your life was almost the price for you disobeying me." Oogway said soberly.
"I....I was trying to get the relics back for you...I know they're very important to you."
Oogway's mouth was set in a grim line. "Shifu, compared to how much you mean to me, those relics are just worthless stones."
Tears filled the cub's eyes. "I-I thought if I could b-beat he wolves and get the'd be proud of me!" He whispered, hardly able to get out the words.
Oogway frowned. "Shifu even if you had succeded in retrieving the relics, do you really think going against my direct orders would make me proud of you?"
"...............I-I guess I didn't think of that.." The cub murmured.
"What were you trying to do? Were you trying to kill yourself? You almost earned a one way ticket to a gruesome bloody death!"
"What makes this hurt, is wondering if I can trust you now.."
Shifu's eyes widened. "Y-you can trust me!!"
"How can I be so sure?"
It broke Shifu's heart to hear him say that, it was obvious his master had been very hurt by his disobedience.
"I'll listen next time master....I'm sorry.."
That is where the founder of Kung Fu broke. He reached out scratching btween his student's ears.
Shifu giggled and smiled up at him.
Oogway returned the smile with a litle one of his own. "Apology accepted my dear student, now you must refrain from training for about three weeks-"
"three weeks??!" Shifu groaned, rubbing his eyes with his tiny paws.
"Yes, three weeks. You can instead, spend the time cleaning. The palace is getting dirty."
Shifu groaned again, colapsing onto his back.
(How was it? gooood and important? XD supposed to be! If I made some spelling mistakes it was because my spelling checked wasn't sue me! The moral of this chapter is "Always listen to your master....or else you DIE!" XD)
Chap Priev!
"Oh wow!" Shifu's eyes sparkled. "A tournament? Really?!
Oogway beamed. "Yes a tournament." His eyes sparkled. "Its for ages seven to twelve." He chuckled. "You'll be seven in a month, so I think I can convince them to let you enter."
Shifu's eyes sparkled. "Wooooowww! Really?! That would we great! Thank you so much master!"
Oogway chuckled and smoothed the cub's fur. "You're welcome my student.
Giggling, Shifu scanned the rest of the flyer. He gasped.
"Oh no-!"
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pixiebell on September 27, 2008, 1:08:59 AM
pixiebell on

chaos_kitten8 on September 26, 2008, 7:46:11 AM
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pixiepumpkin on September 26, 2008, 7:57:08 AM
pixiepumpkin on

Yes he's got a shell, but it was a super sharp arrow that went the speed of a gun shot!
Shifu: Of course it was a terrible pun, I was just a child! *blush*
Shifu *proud* I was being taught by the founder of Kung Fu!
i'm planning on keeping it up! I just really want to skip to the best 2 that are coming like 6 chapters from now. Abandonment and Together Again.
Shifu *ears droop* But abandonemts such a sad one...a horrible childhood memory for me!
Me: Then don't read it when I write it!
chaos_kitten8 on September 26, 2008, 8:03:07 AM
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pixiepumpkin on September 26, 2008, 8:38:26 AM
pixiepumpkin on