Chapter 17 - Together Again
Submitted September 18, 2008 Updated January 21, 2009 Status Incomplete | This is mainly a story of how Shifu met Oogway when he was a tiny cub. (If you haven't watched Kung Fu Panda then there's no point in even reading this....)
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Chapter 17 - Together Again
Chapter 17 - Together Again
(Here we go, with one of the chapters I've been waiting for........yaaaayz!)
The usually calm and peaceful "Lotus Lake" was now filled with pain, agonizing sobbing, and sadness.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Shifu just stood there, sobbing hysterically, not caring who witnessed it. His heart was more then broken, shattered was more like it. Consumed in an overwhelming pain and sadness he feared would not end. The young cub never felt such a pain. Neglect, abandonment.
Peach Blossom just stood there, her hands on his shoulders, trying to soothe him but he was inconsolable at this point "Now, now Cutie cub...don't cry....sssshhh.." She smoothed his fur untill he was calm again.
Shifu just sort of stood there hiccuping and sobbing, but his cries had calmed down.
"Shifu, do you love Master Oogway..?"
Shifu managed a shaky nod through his tears.
Peach Blossom smiled. "Then you should go back to him.."
Shifu's sobs quieted. "Wh....what?"
Peach Blossom smiled at the young cub. "As much as I object's where you want to be, at your home, with your master."
Shifu just stared at the female tortoise, now completely silent.
Peach Blossom reached over and grabbed the cub's suitcase. "Go to him now Shifu....while it's still light out, but promise me one will come back!"
Shifu gazed at Peach Blossom, before smiling and nodding. "I-I will! I'll come back to see you Peach Blossom!" He threw his arms around her neck. "I promise!"
Peach Blossom returned his hug, and kissed his forehead. "Be careful..." She whispered, tears shinning in her eyes. "Please..!"
The red panda gave a firm nod, before scampering off over the hill.
Peach Blossom smiled and wiped her eyes. "You'll be great..."
Oogway just sat on the steps, sighing and rubbing his eyes. Every breath he took was painful, his heart was aching.
I did the right thing.....didn't I? He wasn't even sure anymore. It seemed right in the beginning.......but now it just seemed..........wrong. He closed his eyes calmly. The peacefulness of the wing blowing through his reptile skin completely faded. The air felt negative. Cold. Bitter. Slowly, the old tortoise opened his eyes to see a black shadow coming out from the doorway. Orange eyes flashed from the distance. Oogway blinked once and the tall black jaguar stood in front of him.
He sneered. "Oogway.."
Oogway got up, his expression firm and grim. "Giao Xun.........I have been waiting."
"Waaaaaa! The palace seems so far away!" Shifu moaned as he walked through the valley, exhausted. He strode quickly up to a stand, it was full of bow and arrows. "Hello...?" He peaked over the tall counter. "Hello, excuse me..?" No one was there. The cub's hopes fell instantly. He really needed those to help fight Giao Xun. The cub looked around, he looked right, he looked left. Then he snatched the arrows and hurried up the palace steps.
Lotti clipped the last clothespin over the few towels, and went inside. "Peach Blossom, where's Shifu?"
Peach Blossom was quiet for a moment, before she replied. ".....He went home, I sent him back to Oogway."
You told him to go back?!" Lotti was livid. "Wat were you thinking Peach Blossom?!"
Peach Blossom smiled at her mother. "You know as well as I know that Giao Xun wants both Oogway and Shifu dead. Mom, you and I may be strong warriors....but we're no match for Giao Xun, .....and you know it mother."
Lotti opened her mouth in a reply but Peach Blossom stopped her.
"He's already chosen his fate long ago....if he's to die, he wants it to be beside the one he loves..protecting his home. He doesn't want to die in complete anguish, being somewhere he doesn't feel comfotable.
Lotti sighed. "You want to know something...?" She chuckled. I hate to admit it, but you're right!" She wagged her finger at Peach Blossom. "I just hope Master Oogway thinks you're right too..."
Peach Blossom peered up into the sky thoughtfully. "I hope so too..."
Shifu's tiny feet thudded hard across the steps as he hurried up to the Hall Of Heroes. He pressed his tiny face to the door. "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaasttteeeerrrrr!!!!!" He listened. "....." he took a deep breath. "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!" All that could be heard was the sound of metal clanging together. Were they sword fighting..? Shifu started to walk to the other side, then he stopped. "....?" His big furry ears perked up, he sniffed in. ".......!!!" Smoke? Was that smoke he smelt? Quickly, the young cub hurried towards the scent. Smoke was rising from the bunkhouse, and he smelled something burning. "No! The bunkhouse! It's-" He was cut off as the flames roared through the windows, licking their way across the rooftops. Shifu dropped his sack of arrows and rushed to the back of the bunkhouse and dragged a long house out from around the back. The young cub yanked on the handles of the doors. They were shut tight. The door, it had been locked and bolted from inside! Shifu shook his head and desperately searched for another way in, his eyes fell over a tall tree that lead directly to one of the closed windows. In a rare moment of bravery the red panda charged over the long tree branch, still clutching tightly onto the hose, as he struck out his leg and the glass shattered everywhere. Sharp deadly shards dug in deep to the cub's skin, a searing pain coursing through his body. Shifu ignored the pain and flicked the nozel of the hose on. A huge fast jet of water shot out of the hose an doused all the flames in mere moments. The young cub gave a sigh of relief. He had saved the bunkhouse! The young cub quickly unlocked the doors and pushed them open. Running out into the fresh air. He searched desperately for his arrows, but only found a trail of broken arrow heads, one single unharmed arrow, and a bent bow. Snatching up the bent bow, the young cub hurried towards the Hall Of Heroes. Shifu opened the door a crack, enough to see what was going on. One of Giao Xun's men "Raissou" had a knife pressed to the wounded tortoise's throat.
"Master Oogway!" Shifu stretched his arrow back as far as it could go, he aimed carefully. He only had one shot, if he missed him and Oogway would both perish at the hands of Giao Xun. He let go. The arrow made a high whizzing sound as it flew through the air.
Oogway felt the pair of hands go limp, as the knife clattered to the ground. He pushed the lifeless body off him and stared in absolute shock at they young battered and torn, panting red panda. Eyes wide with disbelief, he walked slowly up to the young cub, shaking his head.
"Shifu.." He whispered hoarsely. "What in the name of the great golden dragon.....are you doing here...?"
Shifu vigorously shook his head, tears pooling in his eyes. "I can't do it! I can't! I can't live with Lotti and Peach Blossom.....I live with you! You! My master.......I don't want to be anywhere else.........I don't want to live anywhere else! I-I can't! Th-the-the Jade Palace is my home! You.....are my famliy! I-I-I love my my master! I don't want to be anywhere else! If I am to die...I want it to be with you! Protecting our home! We're family master........................right..?"
Oogway shook his head slowly smiling. "I have never known anyone so dedicated to their home and master. Never have I had a pupil so loyal." He gave a soft laugh. "I have never known anyone to go to all this to be with their family." He got on his knees and opened his arms. "Come big dummy."
Shifu felt his feet move faster and faster untill he dove into the old tortoise's arms bursting into tears. Sobbing, and soaking the aged turtle's chest. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" Oogway just knelt there, hugging the red panda tightly as he cried. They remained like that for three minutes and then Oogway felt a warm sensation on his body. He pulled away, and stared at his chest, eyes wide. It was covered with blood!
"Shifu...!" He held up the cub's arm and looked over the glass wounds. "Your'e hurt!" He turned the cub around. "What happened to you?"
Shifu gave a little forced laugh. "Oh, I'm fine master!......Oww!!" He cried out as he felt a sharp jab of pain in his right arm.
Oogway twirled a large piece of glass in between his fingers. "You're fine huh..?" He asked, his face stern.
Shifu sighed and bowed his head. "Well, I had to put out a fire in the bunkhouse, but the doors were locked, so I jumped through the window..."
Oogway's eyes widened more and more as Shifu told him the story of the fire. "You are so brave...." He said softly. "I'm so proud of you..." With that, he pulled the cub into another hug.
Shifu beamed, tears in his eyes. This is my home, my master is my family! .............And we will always be together..........always.
(daaaaawwwww, what did you think? Cute huh? Squee! The next chapter is going to be funny though, XD!)
Oogway shot his eyes open. A small fountain was in front of him, water trickled over the jaged rocks and puddled into the tub of the fountain. ..........Was he in the Astral Plains?
A mist clouded the sky, Oogway could ear distant whispers and he could make out a couple odd shapes in the distance.
"I tell you...there may be no pain there, but there is certainly a great amount of fatique you can gain from long distance travel!"
"Yes....who knew?"
The shapes emerged from the fog.
Oogway couldn't believe his eyes as he gazed at them. They were wearing satin luminous white gowns, and smelled of flowers. Their eyes were bright and sparkling like the sun bouncing on the ocean's reflection.
".....................................................Sh-Shei Lia...? K-K-Kohaii..?"
The usually calm and peaceful "Lotus Lake" was now filled with pain, agonizing sobbing, and sadness.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Shifu just stood there, sobbing hysterically, not caring who witnessed it. His heart was more then broken, shattered was more like it. Consumed in an overwhelming pain and sadness he feared would not end. The young cub never felt such a pain. Neglect, abandonment.
Peach Blossom just stood there, her hands on his shoulders, trying to soothe him but he was inconsolable at this point "Now, now Cutie cub...don't cry....sssshhh.." She smoothed his fur untill he was calm again.
Shifu just sort of stood there hiccuping and sobbing, but his cries had calmed down.
"Shifu, do you love Master Oogway..?"
Shifu managed a shaky nod through his tears.
Peach Blossom smiled. "Then you should go back to him.."
Shifu's sobs quieted. "Wh....what?"
Peach Blossom smiled at the young cub. "As much as I object's where you want to be, at your home, with your master."
Shifu just stared at the female tortoise, now completely silent.
Peach Blossom reached over and grabbed the cub's suitcase. "Go to him now Shifu....while it's still light out, but promise me one will come back!"
Shifu gazed at Peach Blossom, before smiling and nodding. "I-I will! I'll come back to see you Peach Blossom!" He threw his arms around her neck. "I promise!"
Peach Blossom returned his hug, and kissed his forehead. "Be careful..." She whispered, tears shinning in her eyes. "Please..!"
The red panda gave a firm nod, before scampering off over the hill.
Peach Blossom smiled and wiped her eyes. "You'll be great..."
Oogway just sat on the steps, sighing and rubbing his eyes. Every breath he took was painful, his heart was aching.
I did the right thing.....didn't I? He wasn't even sure anymore. It seemed right in the beginning.......but now it just seemed..........wrong. He closed his eyes calmly. The peacefulness of the wing blowing through his reptile skin completely faded. The air felt negative. Cold. Bitter. Slowly, the old tortoise opened his eyes to see a black shadow coming out from the doorway. Orange eyes flashed from the distance. Oogway blinked once and the tall black jaguar stood in front of him.
He sneered. "Oogway.."
Oogway got up, his expression firm and grim. "Giao Xun.........I have been waiting."
"Waaaaaa! The palace seems so far away!" Shifu moaned as he walked through the valley, exhausted. He strode quickly up to a stand, it was full of bow and arrows. "Hello...?" He peaked over the tall counter. "Hello, excuse me..?" No one was there. The cub's hopes fell instantly. He really needed those to help fight Giao Xun. The cub looked around, he looked right, he looked left. Then he snatched the arrows and hurried up the palace steps.
Lotti clipped the last clothespin over the few towels, and went inside. "Peach Blossom, where's Shifu?"
Peach Blossom was quiet for a moment, before she replied. ".....He went home, I sent him back to Oogway."
You told him to go back?!" Lotti was livid. "Wat were you thinking Peach Blossom?!"
Peach Blossom smiled at her mother. "You know as well as I know that Giao Xun wants both Oogway and Shifu dead. Mom, you and I may be strong warriors....but we're no match for Giao Xun, .....and you know it mother."
Lotti opened her mouth in a reply but Peach Blossom stopped her.
"He's already chosen his fate long ago....if he's to die, he wants it to be beside the one he loves..protecting his home. He doesn't want to die in complete anguish, being somewhere he doesn't feel comfotable.
Lotti sighed. "You want to know something...?" She chuckled. I hate to admit it, but you're right!" She wagged her finger at Peach Blossom. "I just hope Master Oogway thinks you're right too..."
Peach Blossom peered up into the sky thoughtfully. "I hope so too..."
Shifu's tiny feet thudded hard across the steps as he hurried up to the Hall Of Heroes. He pressed his tiny face to the door. "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaasttteeeerrrrr!!!!!" He listened. "....." he took a deep breath. "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!" All that could be heard was the sound of metal clanging together. Were they sword fighting..? Shifu started to walk to the other side, then he stopped. "....?" His big furry ears perked up, he sniffed in. ".......!!!" Smoke? Was that smoke he smelt? Quickly, the young cub hurried towards the scent. Smoke was rising from the bunkhouse, and he smelled something burning. "No! The bunkhouse! It's-" He was cut off as the flames roared through the windows, licking their way across the rooftops. Shifu dropped his sack of arrows and rushed to the back of the bunkhouse and dragged a long house out from around the back. The young cub yanked on the handles of the doors. They were shut tight. The door, it had been locked and bolted from inside! Shifu shook his head and desperately searched for another way in, his eyes fell over a tall tree that lead directly to one of the closed windows. In a rare moment of bravery the red panda charged over the long tree branch, still clutching tightly onto the hose, as he struck out his leg and the glass shattered everywhere. Sharp deadly shards dug in deep to the cub's skin, a searing pain coursing through his body. Shifu ignored the pain and flicked the nozel of the hose on. A huge fast jet of water shot out of the hose an doused all the flames in mere moments. The young cub gave a sigh of relief. He had saved the bunkhouse! The young cub quickly unlocked the doors and pushed them open. Running out into the fresh air. He searched desperately for his arrows, but only found a trail of broken arrow heads, one single unharmed arrow, and a bent bow. Snatching up the bent bow, the young cub hurried towards the Hall Of Heroes. Shifu opened the door a crack, enough to see what was going on. One of Giao Xun's men "Raissou" had a knife pressed to the wounded tortoise's throat.
"Master Oogway!" Shifu stretched his arrow back as far as it could go, he aimed carefully. He only had one shot, if he missed him and Oogway would both perish at the hands of Giao Xun. He let go. The arrow made a high whizzing sound as it flew through the air.
Oogway felt the pair of hands go limp, as the knife clattered to the ground. He pushed the lifeless body off him and stared in absolute shock at they young battered and torn, panting red panda. Eyes wide with disbelief, he walked slowly up to the young cub, shaking his head.
"Shifu.." He whispered hoarsely. "What in the name of the great golden dragon.....are you doing here...?"
Shifu vigorously shook his head, tears pooling in his eyes. "I can't do it! I can't! I can't live with Lotti and Peach Blossom.....I live with you! You! My master.......I don't want to be anywhere else.........I don't want to live anywhere else! I-I can't! Th-the-the Jade Palace is my home! You.....are my famliy! I-I-I love my my master! I don't want to be anywhere else! If I am to die...I want it to be with you! Protecting our home! We're family master........................right..?"
Oogway shook his head slowly smiling. "I have never known anyone so dedicated to their home and master. Never have I had a pupil so loyal." He gave a soft laugh. "I have never known anyone to go to all this to be with their family." He got on his knees and opened his arms. "Come big dummy."
Shifu felt his feet move faster and faster untill he dove into the old tortoise's arms bursting into tears. Sobbing, and soaking the aged turtle's chest. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" Oogway just knelt there, hugging the red panda tightly as he cried. They remained like that for three minutes and then Oogway felt a warm sensation on his body. He pulled away, and stared at his chest, eyes wide. It was covered with blood!
"Shifu...!" He held up the cub's arm and looked over the glass wounds. "Your'e hurt!" He turned the cub around. "What happened to you?"
Shifu gave a little forced laugh. "Oh, I'm fine master!......Oww!!" He cried out as he felt a sharp jab of pain in his right arm.
Oogway twirled a large piece of glass in between his fingers. "You're fine huh..?" He asked, his face stern.
Shifu sighed and bowed his head. "Well, I had to put out a fire in the bunkhouse, but the doors were locked, so I jumped through the window..."
Oogway's eyes widened more and more as Shifu told him the story of the fire. "You are so brave...." He said softly. "I'm so proud of you..." With that, he pulled the cub into another hug.
Shifu beamed, tears in his eyes. This is my home, my master is my family! .............And we will always be together..........always.
(daaaaawwwww, what did you think? Cute huh? Squee! The next chapter is going to be funny though, XD!)
Oogway shot his eyes open. A small fountain was in front of him, water trickled over the jaged rocks and puddled into the tub of the fountain. ..........Was he in the Astral Plains?
A mist clouded the sky, Oogway could ear distant whispers and he could make out a couple odd shapes in the distance.
"I tell you...there may be no pain there, but there is certainly a great amount of fatique you can gain from long distance travel!"
"Yes....who knew?"
The shapes emerged from the fog.
Oogway couldn't believe his eyes as he gazed at them. They were wearing satin luminous white gowns, and smelled of flowers. Their eyes were bright and sparkling like the sun bouncing on the ocean's reflection.
".....................................................Sh-Shei Lia...? K-K-Kohaii..?"
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chaos_kitten8 on September 30, 2008, 9:27:25 AM
Comment Deleted
EscribirZeichnenRever on September 30, 2008, 11:56:47 AM
EscribirZeichnenRever on September 30, 2008, 11:56:21 AM
kaptainkitty on September 30, 2008, 11:42:21 AM
kaptainkitty on

Anywho... excellent story thus far. You have a real knack for putting emotion into your work, especially within the moments shared between Oogway and Shifu.
Also, you are really good with cliff-hangers. I can not wait to read the upcoming chapters! :D