Chapter 22 - Typhoon
Submitted September 18, 2008 Updated January 21, 2009 Status Incomplete | This is mainly a story of how Shifu met Oogway when he was a tiny cub. (If you haven't watched Kung Fu Panda then there's no point in even reading this....)
Movies » - Dreamworks Movies |
Chapter 22 - Typhoon
Chapter 22 - Typhoon
(For those of you who love big storms, and Shifu getting in trouble-then this is the chapter for you!)
"Whoaaaa! Master Oogway, you were amazing!" Ming Yang gushed, hugging his leg.
Wu Lian looked up at him, eyes shinning. "You saved Shifu's life!"
Grinning, Oogway patted the two children on the head. "Of course...." He narrowed his eyes. "No one comes and says they're going to take away my student..."
Everyone stopped walking and stared back at Shifu, who was eyeing the great gates, his ears were flat agaist his head in fear and sadness.
Sympatheticlly, Oogway bent down to the cub's level and stroked the fur on his head. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you..?"
Shifu shrugged and smiled through tears. "A little..." He caught the concern in the old tortoise's face. "But I'm fine!" He said quickly.
Oogway smiled, and drew the cub to his side. "Do not one will ever take you from me."
Shifu nodded slowly. "I-I know.." He said sort of cautiously. He peered up at the old tortoise, greatful tears in his eyes. "Th-thank you saved me.."
Oogway ruffled Shifu's fur affectionately. "Any time."
Giggling, the cub followed step with his master and friends.
Shifu slowly walked up to the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. "Master...?" The old tortoise had been acting strange all day, he kept peering up at the sky for some reason. As if expecting....something. "Master?"
"Oh..!" Oogway turned his head towards the young cub. "Were you calling me Shifu?"
Shifu half glared at the old tortoise. "....Yes...about three times." He said rather irritatably.
Oogway chuckled, but it was a tight chuckle. "Sorry little one. I didn't hear you..." He went back to gazing at the sky.
Shifu gazed up to, but he didn't see anything. ".....Ummmmmmm.......what uhh....what are we looking at?"
"....." Once again, the old tortoise was quiet.
Shifu sighed. "Master..!"
"What's going on? Why are you looking at the sky? Is it going to rain...?"
Oogway squinted his eyes and glared slightly at the sky. " more then rain.."
Shifu waited for his master to continue. "......"
Oogway's eyes went wide in a horrible realization. "!"
"What is it?!" Shifu asked, eyes also as wide as saucers.
Oogway turned towards the cub, he looked frantic. "Shifu, we must hurry to the valley at once!"
"Why master?"
"There is no time to explain! We must alert the valley!"
"But master-"
Oogway grabbed the cub's arm and dragged him towards the gates.
An hour later, the whole valley was gathered in the stadium, Shifu was sitting on a bench beside Oogway. The villagers were chattering excitedly amongst themselves, thinking that some great announcement or tournament was being held. Shifu knew better, he could see his master's mouth in a grim line, pacing restlessly. Shifu had never seen his master so paranoid! After a few moments, Oogway walked up to the edge of the wall. "Citizens of the valley of peace, may I please have your attention!" He shouted into the crowd. Immidiately, everyone silenced. "I'm afraid I have some horrible news..." The crowd's eyes went wide and they chatted anxiously. "Are we under attack?" A villager shouted.
Oogway rubbed his temples. "No.."
"Are we out of water?"
"Are we low on food?"
Sigh. "No! Would you all listen for a moment?"
"I'm afraid a terrible storm is coming-a tropical cyclone." He corrected himself. "...A typhoon."
"....." At that everyone became frantic, screaming, crying shouting.
"Everyone please calm down!" Oogway shouted over the noise.
"It's coming soon, within about four hours, that leaves you all plenty of time to get to shelter, get food, and survival supplies. I'm ordering all stores in the valley to dock off their prices by twenty percent. I know some families in the valley cannot aford much."
The crowd continued chattering anxiouisly.
Oogway continued. "I want you all to be in shelter when the storm hits. Therefore, I'm inviting all who wish for a sturdy shelter, to come to the Jade Palace."
One villager stood up. "Doesn't the palace get the worst of the storms around here?"
"That's true, but it's the sturdiest building in the valley. You may also all bring your food to the palace, if we get the worst of this, then we'll all at least be fed for quite a while." The old master decided to make a small joke to break the tension. "We only have a couple bathtubs.........and it takes long enough for me to bathe my little one, so maybe you should bring your own tubs too."
Shifu scowled, and only a few villagers laughed.
Oogway looked over all the frightened citizens. "Alright, you should all start to get ready." With that, he walked away.
Shifu rushed up to his master. "Master Oogway, what's a typhoon?"
Oogway turned towards the cub. "A "typhoon" is a tropical storm......similar to a hurricane. It's a tropical cylone, it's a very dangerous storm, like a tornado with water...almost."
Shifu was alarmed. "Oh! I-is it deadly?!"
Oogway sighed. "I'm not going to lie to you Shifu.....................but it can be." He said gravely.
The cub gave a sharp gasp.
"Therefore, we must be prepared. .........If we want to live."
A young bunny hurried up to them. "Ouuuuu! A storm! No! We're going to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiee!"
Oogway smiled reasuringly at the child. "Calm down Ming one's going to die."
Ying Mi hurried up to them. "Oh Master Oogway! Would it be alright if my little Ming and I stay at the palace?"
Oogway sent her a confused look. "Ying Mi, you do not have to ask." He pointed to a bunch of villagers already filing towards the palace. "See?"
Ying Mi shrugged. "I guess............but it felt better asking." Her eyes sparkled. "Thank you so much Master Oogway, now do you see why you are so loved by everyone?" She asked, planting a kiss on his cheek, and hurrying down to the village.
Oogway rubbed his cheek. "I guess now I do..." He turned towards Shifu. "Shifu, we must-"
"Ahem, Master Oogway?"
The old tortoise turned towards three red pandas.
Mei Lian stepped forward. "Would it be alright if my family stays in the palace?"
"Wu Lian can't..." Shifu muttered under his breath.
Oogway glared at the cub, and rapped him lightly with his cane.
The old tortoise smiled at the red pandas. "Of course, you do not need to ask."
"Thanks!" With that she hurried into the village.
"Master Oogway, sir?"
Oogway turned towards a pig family. "Yes?"
"Can we stay here untill the storm passes?"
Oogway sighed, he was beginning to get extremely irritated. "Yes and you do not need to ask!"
"Thank you!" The pigs hurried off.
Oogway turned towards Shifu. "Shifu, I need to get some supplies in the village. Stay and play with the girls and stay out of trouble, okay?"
Shifu saluted. "Will do master!" With that, he hurried back to the palace.
"So what do we do for fun?" Wu Lian asked, twidling a lily with her thumb and finger.
Ming Yang sighed. "Mmmm....I don't know!"
The bunny perked up her long ears. "Did you hear that?"
Wu Lian and Shifu turned in attention to the forest. "What was that?"
Ming Yang got to her feet. "Let's go!" She rushed into he forest, and pulled back a few branches. She uttered a sharp gasp. "Oh!"
Underneath a tree, was a skeleton of a stray kitten. It was so bony, that only a thin lair of fur and skin was protecting the bones. It was all black, with orange eyes. "It's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!" She hurried up to it, and hugged it tightly. The kitten let out a small "mew" to let her know she was smushing it. "Is it a girl?"
Wu Lian bent over to check. "Oh yeah, she's a girl!"
Shifu stroked the fur on it's back. "Poor thing must be starving!"
"I'm going to call her Li!" Ming Yang said, hugging the kitten.
Li started to pur.
Shifu shuddered. "It looks like a baby Giao Xun!"
Ming Yang glared at him. "How dare you! Giao Xun's ugly like a moooooooose!"
Wu Lian held her nose. "Eww...Li smells!"
"She does not! You take that-Ewwwwwwwwwww!! Yuck! She does smell!" Ming Yang held the kitten away from her, walked towards the pond and dunked the cat in.
"Wu Lian smiled. "Pipsqueak, go get some of your apple shampoo!"
Shifu grinned. "Sure there'e only a bit left, enough for her!" Alright! He thought joyfully. Now Master Oogway can't bathe me tonight! Woooo! Thank you Li!
Ming Yang scratched the kitten's ears. "Li's probably hungry..."
Wu Lian nodded. "I wonder what we should feed her..."
"Hey! I got the shampoo!" Shifu ran up to them, holding the shampoo bottle. "Here you go, Li! Use it aaaaaaaaalll up now so you'll be nice and clean!"
Wu Lian squirted some on the cat's fur. "There!" She said happily. "And there's still a little bit left too!"
Shifu's eyes went wide. "No there isn't!!" He shouted, and squirted the rest on her.
Ming Yang glared at him. "Shifu! You're going to give her shampoo poisoning from over dose!"
Shifu shrugged. "I just wanted her to be clean..." He said, pretending to be hurt.
Wu Lian narrowed her eyes. "No you didn' just didn't want to bathe tonight!"
"Mind your own buisness, snotty!" He snapped back.
"Why you little-" Wu Lian snarled, and lunged for him.
MingYang rolled her eyes, as the two red pandas rolled over the grass, yelling, and tugging at eachother's faces. "Come on Li! Let's get you fed!" With that, she walked towards the bunkhouse.
"So what did you find for her?" Shifu asked dizzliy, as he came into the kitchen. His tunic was ripped, and his fur was a mess. He also had scratches over his face.
"Baloney?!" Wu Lian walked in, her fur was a disaster, she was missing a sandal, and she had a black eye. "You're feeding Li baloney?"
Ming Yang shrugged. "It was all I could find..." She looked up. "My goodness! What on earth did you two do to eachother?!"
Wu Lian sighed. "Meeeh........we're not getting into that now! We should take Li outside to play!
The children set Li down in the flower patch, she rolled around.
"Heeheeheeheehee! Look at her, that's funny!" Ming Yang giggled, pointing to Li.
"Ming Yang dear?"
Ming Yang turned, and saw Ying Mi. "Ma ma!"
"Sweetie, can you help me pitch our tent? Master Oogway said the storm could carry for a while, we might have to stay the night."
"Okay ma ma! Shifu, Wu Lian? Look after Li!"
"Will do!"
Ming Yang followed her mother to the palace.
"Oh Shifu?" Shifu's ears perked up, as he turned towards his master at the top step. "Master!"
"Hey Shifu, I got you a few things at the market. He tossed a small package to the cub.
Oogway smiled. "You're punishment won't be up for three days........but I thought I'd make an exception since we're getting a storm that might wipe out the population of melon buns from the valley..."
The old totoise chuckled, reached into the paper bag and handed Shifu a small bottle. "I also got you more shampoo, since you were almost out."
Shifu fell back on the grass and face palmed. "Uggghhhhh...."
Wu Lian giggled. "Oh! Master Oogway, you'll never guess what we found! A stray-" She was cut off by a loud rumble in the distance. "..!!" Li uttered a frightened mew, and dashed towards the forest. The sky turned a sickly green, and lightning lit the dark clouds. Mothers rushed out into the field to grab their children and head for the safety of the palace. The wind began howling, as the clouds rolled in.
Oogway's eyes were glued to the sky. "It's coming..." He whispered.
Wu Lian looked up. "Huh?"
Shifu uttered a low moan, the clouds suddenly stopped, and the lightning, even the wind had ceased. Shifu knew what it was........the calm before the storm.
Oogway grabbed the two children and hurried towards the palace. "Come! We must hurry..!"
Wu Lian and Shifu tried strugging out of Oogway's grip. "No! Master, wait-! We have to save-" They were cut off as the wind gave a low steady howl, the sound of waves crashing could be heard. But how? They were pretty far from the ocean!
Oogway dragged the children inside and slammed the huge doors behind them. The children hurried up to Ming Yang. She gave a relieved sigh. "Oh thank goodness! I was watching through the window, it's really picking up! I'm glad you two are-" Then she stopped. "..........Wait..where's Li?"
Wu Lian hesitated. "She', taking shelter."
Ming Yang wiped her forehead. "Whew! For a moment I thought-" She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Taking shelter where?"
"...........................Under the trees..."
"What?!!! Wh-you-I WHAT?!!!! I TOLD YOU TO LOOK AFTER HER!!" She yelled, furious beyond all belief.
"W-we did!" They stammered.
"We couldn' t help it!" Shifu wailed. "Master Oogway draged us in before we could get her!"
Ming Yang was frantic, and in tears. "We have to do something!! She's going to diiiiiiiie!!!"
"Sh-she might have a chance..." Shifu whispered.
"She's outside in a typhoon!! One of the worst storms in the history of storms! She has no chance!!"
Shifu sighed. He knew Ming Yang was right, but what could they do..?
Ming Yang shook her head. "I'm going out."
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!!!" The red pandas screamed. "IN THIS WEATHER?!! NO WAY!!"
Ming Yang clenched her tiny fists determinedly. "I have to! Li needs me!" She hurried over to the side of the palace. When the children had been playing around, the discovered a loose tile in the wall, that lead outside. Ming Yang ripped the tile off the wall and started to crawl through. Wu Lian and Shifu grabbed onto her the bottom of her kimono.
"Ming Yang you can't go out! It's to dangerous!! You'll blow away!!" Shifu cried.
"Maybe we can ask Master Oogway to do something!" Wu Lian sugested hopefully.
Ming Yang shook her head. "No! I have to go out, I need to save Li!" She twisted and turned untill they finally let go, and she crawled out the opening.
Tears filled Wu Lian's eyes. "What do we do?!"
Shifu was frantic. "We have to tell Master Oogway!"
Wu Lian hesitated. "I don't know......Ming Yang will be [/i]really[/i] mad-"
"I care more about my best friend's safety then her being mad at me!" Shifu ran up to the enterance of the palace. "Master Oogway! Master Oogway!"
"What is it Shifu? ............! Where's Ming Yang?"
"Liiiiiiiiiii!!" Ming Yang shouted. "....." She cupped her hands over her mouth and screamed. "LIIIIIIIIIII!!!! Where are you?!!"
Gasp. "Li!!" As fast as she could, the young bunny gripped onto a tree and made her way towards the forest. "LIIIIIIIIII!!!" She found Li under a bush, she had been cut to ribbons by the wind. "LIIIIIIII!!!!!!! OH NO!!" The young bunny pulled the barely concious kitten out from under the bush.. "Li! Hold on! Please.....don't die!" She heard a loud creak, as a tree came crashing down on top of them! "NOOOOOO!!"
"Ming Yang's outside?!" Oogway demanded fearfully. "Why on earth is she out in a typhoon?!"
Shifu looked around franticlly. "She went to find Li!"
"Who's Li?"
"A kitten we found!"
Oogway got to his feet. "Then I must go!"
Ying Mi rushed up to him, her face was streaked with tears. "No Master! It's to dangerous! Ming Yang's my daughter! I will go!"
Oogway glared at her. "That I can not allow." He said sternly. "It is my duty to protect the citizens of the valley! ......And Ming Yang is my student, she is one of my kids as well Ying Mi.."
Ying Mi hesitated. "B-but you'll perish out there in the storm!"
Oogway sighed. "That is a risk I will have to take..." He turned towards Shifu. "Shifu!" He said, bending down to the cub's level. "I want you to give me your word that you will not come after me."
Shifu hesitated. "..."
Oogway stared at the cub. "Promise me Shifu..!"
"Good." Oogway got to his feet and burst through the palace doors. The wind raged through the palace, blowing everyone to one side of the room. The doors closed. Everyone gave relieved sighs.
Shifu hurried towards the opening in the wall. He got down on his knees.
Wu Lian's eyes widened in alarm. "What are you doing?!"
Shifu turned towards her. 'I'm going after them!"
Wu Lian was flabigasted. "You gave your word!"
Shifu rolled his eyes. "Obviously, otherwise he wouldn't have left me alone!"
Wu Lian pulled him back. "NO!"
Shifu pushed her off him. "You can't tell me what to do Lian!"
"NO!!" Wu Lian said again. "I'm not losing you too!!" Tears trickled down her cheeks. "Please..." She sobbed.
Shifu stared at her for a moment, before throwing his arms around her. "I'll be back.." He whispered in her ears. "I promise.." With that, he disapeared into the storm. "MING YAAAAAAAAAANGG!!"
".........Shifu..." The voice was barely a whisper, it was coming from the forest.
Shifu struggled through the winds, water picked up from the ocean miles away, drenched him. "MING YAAAAAAAAANNGG!!!" He could barely be heard over the screaming wind and loud rumbles of thunder. "MING YAAAAANNGG!!!"
".......Help me.."
Shifu hurried over to the fallen tree. He gasped. "MING YANG!!"
Ming Yang's eyes weren't even open. Her lips moved slowly. ""
Shifu yanked her out from under the tree, she was hardly concious, with an unconcious kitten in her arms. "MING YANG!! WAKE UP!!" He slapped her cheek.
Ming Yang's eyes fluttered open. "..Mmm..?..Shifu!"
Shifu gave a relieved sigh. "Oh...thank goodness." All of a sudden the wind lifted the children of the ground and blew them the other direction. Shifu and Ming Yang managed to grab a hold of one of the trees, slowly they inched their body up the branch, holding on for dear life.
Tears streamed down Shifu's face as he clung to the bark of the tree. "Mingy hold on tight!" The wind roared like an enraged lion, and tried to suck the children into the vortex.
Ming Yang sobbed. "Shifu! We're going to die! I do not want to die! Save me!"
"I-I don't know how!" The cub wailed tearfully.
"Shifu! I-I'M SLIPPING!!"
"No! Ming Yang you have to hold on!" Shifu screamed back.
"I-I can't!" With that Ming Yang let go of the sturdy bark, and was swept into the wind.
"MING YANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Just Before Ming Yang was swept over the trees (still clutching onto Li) a strong arm grabbed her, and hung onto her shirt collar.
Relieved tears filled Shifu's eyes. "Master!!"
The old tortoise shot him a hard glare, and grabbed Shifu with his free hand, he then poceeded inching down the bark of the tree and trudging back to the palace. Ming Yang sobbed and latched herself around his neck with her free arm. As Oogway opened the palace doors, he walked up towards Ying Mi. and lowered his head. Ming Yang sobbed. "Ma ma!"
"Ming Yang! My baby! I thought I lost you..." She whispered, kissing Ming Yang all over her fury head. Oogway then set Shifu down. He and Ming Yang ran into Wu Lian's embracing arms.
"You idiots!!" She sobbed, hugging them. "You total idiots!"
Once everyone had calmed down, the children went up to Li (who was lying on the floor).
"..Li..?" Ming Yang whispered, sniffling. "Li..!! Please wake up!"
Li was silent, motionless.
".........Mew?" Li raised her head.
Ming Yang gave a happy gasp. "LI!!" Li jumped into Ming Yang's arms, licking her face. Everyone laughed and petted Li.
"Thank goodness, Li!"
"We were so worried!!"
Li turned, and licked their faces with her rough tongue. The chilren laughed, hugging the kitten.
Shifu felt a firm hand on his shoulder, he peered up into the cold glaring eyes of his master.
"Shifu...........I need to talk to you." Grabbing the cub's hand, Oogway pulled him up, as the walked into the other room.
Shifu felt sick. He had gone against diect orders.......[/i]again[/i], and was dreading the talk that was coming up.
Oogway lead the cub into one of the rooms, and closed the door silently.
(Ouuuuuuuuuu!! Shifu's disobeyed again! What's the punishment this time? Oh and don't worry, the typhoon action isn't quite finished yet...)
Shifu sighed. "Yes Master Oogway...?"
"You disobeyed me........"
".......I know.." The cub whispered softly.
Oogway sighed and rubbed his temples. He was tired of having this conversation with his cub. "I almost lost you............ again..."
"...........I I going to be punished?"
".............." All was silent, except for the raging wind outside the window.
"Whoaaaa! Master Oogway, you were amazing!" Ming Yang gushed, hugging his leg.
Wu Lian looked up at him, eyes shinning. "You saved Shifu's life!"
Grinning, Oogway patted the two children on the head. "Of course...." He narrowed his eyes. "No one comes and says they're going to take away my student..."
Everyone stopped walking and stared back at Shifu, who was eyeing the great gates, his ears were flat agaist his head in fear and sadness.
Sympatheticlly, Oogway bent down to the cub's level and stroked the fur on his head. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you..?"
Shifu shrugged and smiled through tears. "A little..." He caught the concern in the old tortoise's face. "But I'm fine!" He said quickly.
Oogway smiled, and drew the cub to his side. "Do not one will ever take you from me."
Shifu nodded slowly. "I-I know.." He said sort of cautiously. He peered up at the old tortoise, greatful tears in his eyes. "Th-thank you saved me.."
Oogway ruffled Shifu's fur affectionately. "Any time."
Giggling, the cub followed step with his master and friends.
Shifu slowly walked up to the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. "Master...?" The old tortoise had been acting strange all day, he kept peering up at the sky for some reason. As if expecting....something. "Master?"
"Oh..!" Oogway turned his head towards the young cub. "Were you calling me Shifu?"
Shifu half glared at the old tortoise. "....Yes...about three times." He said rather irritatably.
Oogway chuckled, but it was a tight chuckle. "Sorry little one. I didn't hear you..." He went back to gazing at the sky.
Shifu gazed up to, but he didn't see anything. ".....Ummmmmmm.......what uhh....what are we looking at?"
"....." Once again, the old tortoise was quiet.
Shifu sighed. "Master..!"
"What's going on? Why are you looking at the sky? Is it going to rain...?"
Oogway squinted his eyes and glared slightly at the sky. " more then rain.."
Shifu waited for his master to continue. "......"
Oogway's eyes went wide in a horrible realization. "!"
"What is it?!" Shifu asked, eyes also as wide as saucers.
Oogway turned towards the cub, he looked frantic. "Shifu, we must hurry to the valley at once!"
"Why master?"
"There is no time to explain! We must alert the valley!"
"But master-"
Oogway grabbed the cub's arm and dragged him towards the gates.
An hour later, the whole valley was gathered in the stadium, Shifu was sitting on a bench beside Oogway. The villagers were chattering excitedly amongst themselves, thinking that some great announcement or tournament was being held. Shifu knew better, he could see his master's mouth in a grim line, pacing restlessly. Shifu had never seen his master so paranoid! After a few moments, Oogway walked up to the edge of the wall. "Citizens of the valley of peace, may I please have your attention!" He shouted into the crowd. Immidiately, everyone silenced. "I'm afraid I have some horrible news..." The crowd's eyes went wide and they chatted anxiously. "Are we under attack?" A villager shouted.
Oogway rubbed his temples. "No.."
"Are we out of water?"
"Are we low on food?"
Sigh. "No! Would you all listen for a moment?"
"I'm afraid a terrible storm is coming-a tropical cyclone." He corrected himself. "...A typhoon."
"....." At that everyone became frantic, screaming, crying shouting.
"Everyone please calm down!" Oogway shouted over the noise.
"It's coming soon, within about four hours, that leaves you all plenty of time to get to shelter, get food, and survival supplies. I'm ordering all stores in the valley to dock off their prices by twenty percent. I know some families in the valley cannot aford much."
The crowd continued chattering anxiouisly.
Oogway continued. "I want you all to be in shelter when the storm hits. Therefore, I'm inviting all who wish for a sturdy shelter, to come to the Jade Palace."
One villager stood up. "Doesn't the palace get the worst of the storms around here?"
"That's true, but it's the sturdiest building in the valley. You may also all bring your food to the palace, if we get the worst of this, then we'll all at least be fed for quite a while." The old master decided to make a small joke to break the tension. "We only have a couple bathtubs.........and it takes long enough for me to bathe my little one, so maybe you should bring your own tubs too."
Shifu scowled, and only a few villagers laughed.
Oogway looked over all the frightened citizens. "Alright, you should all start to get ready." With that, he walked away.
Shifu rushed up to his master. "Master Oogway, what's a typhoon?"
Oogway turned towards the cub. "A "typhoon" is a tropical storm......similar to a hurricane. It's a tropical cylone, it's a very dangerous storm, like a tornado with water...almost."
Shifu was alarmed. "Oh! I-is it deadly?!"
Oogway sighed. "I'm not going to lie to you Shifu.....................but it can be." He said gravely.
The cub gave a sharp gasp.
"Therefore, we must be prepared. .........If we want to live."
A young bunny hurried up to them. "Ouuuuu! A storm! No! We're going to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiee!"
Oogway smiled reasuringly at the child. "Calm down Ming one's going to die."
Ying Mi hurried up to them. "Oh Master Oogway! Would it be alright if my little Ming and I stay at the palace?"
Oogway sent her a confused look. "Ying Mi, you do not have to ask." He pointed to a bunch of villagers already filing towards the palace. "See?"
Ying Mi shrugged. "I guess............but it felt better asking." Her eyes sparkled. "Thank you so much Master Oogway, now do you see why you are so loved by everyone?" She asked, planting a kiss on his cheek, and hurrying down to the village.
Oogway rubbed his cheek. "I guess now I do..." He turned towards Shifu. "Shifu, we must-"
"Ahem, Master Oogway?"
The old tortoise turned towards three red pandas.
Mei Lian stepped forward. "Would it be alright if my family stays in the palace?"
"Wu Lian can't..." Shifu muttered under his breath.
Oogway glared at the cub, and rapped him lightly with his cane.
The old tortoise smiled at the red pandas. "Of course, you do not need to ask."
"Thanks!" With that she hurried into the village.
"Master Oogway, sir?"
Oogway turned towards a pig family. "Yes?"
"Can we stay here untill the storm passes?"
Oogway sighed, he was beginning to get extremely irritated. "Yes and you do not need to ask!"
"Thank you!" The pigs hurried off.
Oogway turned towards Shifu. "Shifu, I need to get some supplies in the village. Stay and play with the girls and stay out of trouble, okay?"
Shifu saluted. "Will do master!" With that, he hurried back to the palace.
"So what do we do for fun?" Wu Lian asked, twidling a lily with her thumb and finger.
Ming Yang sighed. "Mmmm....I don't know!"
The bunny perked up her long ears. "Did you hear that?"
Wu Lian and Shifu turned in attention to the forest. "What was that?"
Ming Yang got to her feet. "Let's go!" She rushed into he forest, and pulled back a few branches. She uttered a sharp gasp. "Oh!"
Underneath a tree, was a skeleton of a stray kitten. It was so bony, that only a thin lair of fur and skin was protecting the bones. It was all black, with orange eyes. "It's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!" She hurried up to it, and hugged it tightly. The kitten let out a small "mew" to let her know she was smushing it. "Is it a girl?"
Wu Lian bent over to check. "Oh yeah, she's a girl!"
Shifu stroked the fur on it's back. "Poor thing must be starving!"
"I'm going to call her Li!" Ming Yang said, hugging the kitten.
Li started to pur.
Shifu shuddered. "It looks like a baby Giao Xun!"
Ming Yang glared at him. "How dare you! Giao Xun's ugly like a moooooooose!"
Wu Lian held her nose. "Eww...Li smells!"
"She does not! You take that-Ewwwwwwwwwww!! Yuck! She does smell!" Ming Yang held the kitten away from her, walked towards the pond and dunked the cat in.
"Wu Lian smiled. "Pipsqueak, go get some of your apple shampoo!"
Shifu grinned. "Sure there'e only a bit left, enough for her!" Alright! He thought joyfully. Now Master Oogway can't bathe me tonight! Woooo! Thank you Li!
Ming Yang scratched the kitten's ears. "Li's probably hungry..."
Wu Lian nodded. "I wonder what we should feed her..."
"Hey! I got the shampoo!" Shifu ran up to them, holding the shampoo bottle. "Here you go, Li! Use it aaaaaaaaalll up now so you'll be nice and clean!"
Wu Lian squirted some on the cat's fur. "There!" She said happily. "And there's still a little bit left too!"
Shifu's eyes went wide. "No there isn't!!" He shouted, and squirted the rest on her.
Ming Yang glared at him. "Shifu! You're going to give her shampoo poisoning from over dose!"
Shifu shrugged. "I just wanted her to be clean..." He said, pretending to be hurt.
Wu Lian narrowed her eyes. "No you didn' just didn't want to bathe tonight!"
"Mind your own buisness, snotty!" He snapped back.
"Why you little-" Wu Lian snarled, and lunged for him.
MingYang rolled her eyes, as the two red pandas rolled over the grass, yelling, and tugging at eachother's faces. "Come on Li! Let's get you fed!" With that, she walked towards the bunkhouse.
"So what did you find for her?" Shifu asked dizzliy, as he came into the kitchen. His tunic was ripped, and his fur was a mess. He also had scratches over his face.
"Baloney?!" Wu Lian walked in, her fur was a disaster, she was missing a sandal, and she had a black eye. "You're feeding Li baloney?"
Ming Yang shrugged. "It was all I could find..." She looked up. "My goodness! What on earth did you two do to eachother?!"
Wu Lian sighed. "Meeeh........we're not getting into that now! We should take Li outside to play!
The children set Li down in the flower patch, she rolled around.
"Heeheeheeheehee! Look at her, that's funny!" Ming Yang giggled, pointing to Li.
"Ming Yang dear?"
Ming Yang turned, and saw Ying Mi. "Ma ma!"
"Sweetie, can you help me pitch our tent? Master Oogway said the storm could carry for a while, we might have to stay the night."
"Okay ma ma! Shifu, Wu Lian? Look after Li!"
"Will do!"
Ming Yang followed her mother to the palace.
"Oh Shifu?" Shifu's ears perked up, as he turned towards his master at the top step. "Master!"
"Hey Shifu, I got you a few things at the market. He tossed a small package to the cub.
Oogway smiled. "You're punishment won't be up for three days........but I thought I'd make an exception since we're getting a storm that might wipe out the population of melon buns from the valley..."
The old totoise chuckled, reached into the paper bag and handed Shifu a small bottle. "I also got you more shampoo, since you were almost out."
Shifu fell back on the grass and face palmed. "Uggghhhhh...."
Wu Lian giggled. "Oh! Master Oogway, you'll never guess what we found! A stray-" She was cut off by a loud rumble in the distance. "..!!" Li uttered a frightened mew, and dashed towards the forest. The sky turned a sickly green, and lightning lit the dark clouds. Mothers rushed out into the field to grab their children and head for the safety of the palace. The wind began howling, as the clouds rolled in.
Oogway's eyes were glued to the sky. "It's coming..." He whispered.
Wu Lian looked up. "Huh?"
Shifu uttered a low moan, the clouds suddenly stopped, and the lightning, even the wind had ceased. Shifu knew what it was........the calm before the storm.
Oogway grabbed the two children and hurried towards the palace. "Come! We must hurry..!"
Wu Lian and Shifu tried strugging out of Oogway's grip. "No! Master, wait-! We have to save-" They were cut off as the wind gave a low steady howl, the sound of waves crashing could be heard. But how? They were pretty far from the ocean!
Oogway dragged the children inside and slammed the huge doors behind them. The children hurried up to Ming Yang. She gave a relieved sigh. "Oh thank goodness! I was watching through the window, it's really picking up! I'm glad you two are-" Then she stopped. "..........Wait..where's Li?"
Wu Lian hesitated. "She', taking shelter."
Ming Yang wiped her forehead. "Whew! For a moment I thought-" She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Taking shelter where?"
"...........................Under the trees..."
"What?!!! Wh-you-I WHAT?!!!! I TOLD YOU TO LOOK AFTER HER!!" She yelled, furious beyond all belief.
"W-we did!" They stammered.
"We couldn' t help it!" Shifu wailed. "Master Oogway draged us in before we could get her!"
Ming Yang was frantic, and in tears. "We have to do something!! She's going to diiiiiiiie!!!"
"Sh-she might have a chance..." Shifu whispered.
"She's outside in a typhoon!! One of the worst storms in the history of storms! She has no chance!!"
Shifu sighed. He knew Ming Yang was right, but what could they do..?
Ming Yang shook her head. "I'm going out."
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!!!" The red pandas screamed. "IN THIS WEATHER?!! NO WAY!!"
Ming Yang clenched her tiny fists determinedly. "I have to! Li needs me!" She hurried over to the side of the palace. When the children had been playing around, the discovered a loose tile in the wall, that lead outside. Ming Yang ripped the tile off the wall and started to crawl through. Wu Lian and Shifu grabbed onto her the bottom of her kimono.
"Ming Yang you can't go out! It's to dangerous!! You'll blow away!!" Shifu cried.
"Maybe we can ask Master Oogway to do something!" Wu Lian sugested hopefully.
Ming Yang shook her head. "No! I have to go out, I need to save Li!" She twisted and turned untill they finally let go, and she crawled out the opening.
Tears filled Wu Lian's eyes. "What do we do?!"
Shifu was frantic. "We have to tell Master Oogway!"
Wu Lian hesitated. "I don't know......Ming Yang will be [/i]really[/i] mad-"
"I care more about my best friend's safety then her being mad at me!" Shifu ran up to the enterance of the palace. "Master Oogway! Master Oogway!"
"What is it Shifu? ............! Where's Ming Yang?"
"Liiiiiiiiiii!!" Ming Yang shouted. "....." She cupped her hands over her mouth and screamed. "LIIIIIIIIIII!!!! Where are you?!!"
Gasp. "Li!!" As fast as she could, the young bunny gripped onto a tree and made her way towards the forest. "LIIIIIIIIII!!!" She found Li under a bush, she had been cut to ribbons by the wind. "LIIIIIIII!!!!!!! OH NO!!" The young bunny pulled the barely concious kitten out from under the bush.. "Li! Hold on! Please.....don't die!" She heard a loud creak, as a tree came crashing down on top of them! "NOOOOOO!!"
"Ming Yang's outside?!" Oogway demanded fearfully. "Why on earth is she out in a typhoon?!"
Shifu looked around franticlly. "She went to find Li!"
"Who's Li?"
"A kitten we found!"
Oogway got to his feet. "Then I must go!"
Ying Mi rushed up to him, her face was streaked with tears. "No Master! It's to dangerous! Ming Yang's my daughter! I will go!"
Oogway glared at her. "That I can not allow." He said sternly. "It is my duty to protect the citizens of the valley! ......And Ming Yang is my student, she is one of my kids as well Ying Mi.."
Ying Mi hesitated. "B-but you'll perish out there in the storm!"
Oogway sighed. "That is a risk I will have to take..." He turned towards Shifu. "Shifu!" He said, bending down to the cub's level. "I want you to give me your word that you will not come after me."
Shifu hesitated. "..."
Oogway stared at the cub. "Promise me Shifu..!"
"Good." Oogway got to his feet and burst through the palace doors. The wind raged through the palace, blowing everyone to one side of the room. The doors closed. Everyone gave relieved sighs.
Shifu hurried towards the opening in the wall. He got down on his knees.
Wu Lian's eyes widened in alarm. "What are you doing?!"
Shifu turned towards her. 'I'm going after them!"
Wu Lian was flabigasted. "You gave your word!"
Shifu rolled his eyes. "Obviously, otherwise he wouldn't have left me alone!"
Wu Lian pulled him back. "NO!"
Shifu pushed her off him. "You can't tell me what to do Lian!"
"NO!!" Wu Lian said again. "I'm not losing you too!!" Tears trickled down her cheeks. "Please..." She sobbed.
Shifu stared at her for a moment, before throwing his arms around her. "I'll be back.." He whispered in her ears. "I promise.." With that, he disapeared into the storm. "MING YAAAAAAAAAANGG!!"
".........Shifu..." The voice was barely a whisper, it was coming from the forest.
Shifu struggled through the winds, water picked up from the ocean miles away, drenched him. "MING YAAAAAAAAANNGG!!!" He could barely be heard over the screaming wind and loud rumbles of thunder. "MING YAAAAANNGG!!!"
".......Help me.."
Shifu hurried over to the fallen tree. He gasped. "MING YANG!!"
Ming Yang's eyes weren't even open. Her lips moved slowly. ""
Shifu yanked her out from under the tree, she was hardly concious, with an unconcious kitten in her arms. "MING YANG!! WAKE UP!!" He slapped her cheek.
Ming Yang's eyes fluttered open. "..Mmm..?..Shifu!"
Shifu gave a relieved sigh. "Oh...thank goodness." All of a sudden the wind lifted the children of the ground and blew them the other direction. Shifu and Ming Yang managed to grab a hold of one of the trees, slowly they inched their body up the branch, holding on for dear life.
Tears streamed down Shifu's face as he clung to the bark of the tree. "Mingy hold on tight!" The wind roared like an enraged lion, and tried to suck the children into the vortex.
Ming Yang sobbed. "Shifu! We're going to die! I do not want to die! Save me!"
"I-I don't know how!" The cub wailed tearfully.
"Shifu! I-I'M SLIPPING!!"
"No! Ming Yang you have to hold on!" Shifu screamed back.
"I-I can't!" With that Ming Yang let go of the sturdy bark, and was swept into the wind.
"MING YANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Just Before Ming Yang was swept over the trees (still clutching onto Li) a strong arm grabbed her, and hung onto her shirt collar.
Relieved tears filled Shifu's eyes. "Master!!"
The old tortoise shot him a hard glare, and grabbed Shifu with his free hand, he then poceeded inching down the bark of the tree and trudging back to the palace. Ming Yang sobbed and latched herself around his neck with her free arm. As Oogway opened the palace doors, he walked up towards Ying Mi. and lowered his head. Ming Yang sobbed. "Ma ma!"
"Ming Yang! My baby! I thought I lost you..." She whispered, kissing Ming Yang all over her fury head. Oogway then set Shifu down. He and Ming Yang ran into Wu Lian's embracing arms.
"You idiots!!" She sobbed, hugging them. "You total idiots!"
Once everyone had calmed down, the children went up to Li (who was lying on the floor).
"..Li..?" Ming Yang whispered, sniffling. "Li..!! Please wake up!"
Li was silent, motionless.
".........Mew?" Li raised her head.
Ming Yang gave a happy gasp. "LI!!" Li jumped into Ming Yang's arms, licking her face. Everyone laughed and petted Li.
"Thank goodness, Li!"
"We were so worried!!"
Li turned, and licked their faces with her rough tongue. The chilren laughed, hugging the kitten.
Shifu felt a firm hand on his shoulder, he peered up into the cold glaring eyes of his master.
"Shifu...........I need to talk to you." Grabbing the cub's hand, Oogway pulled him up, as the walked into the other room.
Shifu felt sick. He had gone against diect orders.......[/i]again[/i], and was dreading the talk that was coming up.
Oogway lead the cub into one of the rooms, and closed the door silently.
(Ouuuuuuuuuu!! Shifu's disobeyed again! What's the punishment this time? Oh and don't worry, the typhoon action isn't quite finished yet...)
Shifu sighed. "Yes Master Oogway...?"
"You disobeyed me........"
".......I know.." The cub whispered softly.
Oogway sighed and rubbed his temples. He was tired of having this conversation with his cub. "I almost lost you............ again..."
"...........I I going to be punished?"
".............." All was silent, except for the raging wind outside the window.
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EscribirZeichnenRever on October 20, 2008, 10:27:35 AM

pixiepumpkin on October 21, 2008, 2:00:48 AM
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pixiebell on October 21, 2008, 1:40:07 AM
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pixiepumpkin on October 21, 2008, 1:51:28 AM
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